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Caught With Weed


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A friend got caught with 23.5 grams for personal use, and the cops would not take a bribe (a considerable amount). He was sentenced to 7 years, then after 2.5 years in prison he was released on parol on the King's birthday, and deported out of the country. It cost him about bt3000 a month to stay healthy in prison.

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A friend got caught with 23.5 grams for personal use, and the cops would not take a bribe (a considerable amount). He was sentenced to 7 years, then after 2.5 years in prison he was released on parol on the King's birthday, and deported out of the country. It cost him about bt3000 a month to stay healthy in prison.

7 years for a small bag of weed. That is really harsh. Very bad luck for him especially considering all the things that many people get away with here.

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A friend got caught with 23.5 grams for personal use, and the cops would not take a bribe (a considerable amount). He was sentenced to 7 years, then after 2.5 years in prison he was released on parol on the King's birthday, and deported out of the country. It cost him about bt3000 a month to stay healthy in prison.

7 years for a small bag of weed. That is really harsh. Very bad luck for him especially considering all the things that many people get away with here.

23.5g is more than a tickle.

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people doing drugs deserve what they get

Perhaps you should hop off to the US and begin to persecute the inhabitants of Colorado and Washington who have just voted to legalise the use of marijuana for recreational purposes.

Just think, you could punish them all!

Unfortunately the guy who got caught wasn't in either Colorado or Washington. He was in Thailand, a country well known for its severe stance on drugs.

Yes quite...unfortunately the post didn't say "people in Thailand doing drugs deserve what they get". It seemed to refer to all people everywhere, and be an expression of generalised disapproval, hence my response.

Of course people breaking the law anywhere deserve what they get: smoking cigarettes in Bhutan can get you 3 years in prison. Good!

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You need to learn a skill most Thais learn.. how to bribe.

Now your friends at the police station your chances are low. Maybe your friend can write a book about it. "I went to Thailand and got deported."

I would go find a lawyer for your friend..

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What's the saying?

Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

Why is it people seem to lose their humanity on arrival in Thailand?I personally wouldn't use drugs here because of the consequences but I wouldn't wish 10 years in The Bangkok Hilton on anyone,that could be a death sentence in itself!

I think you've just answered your own question. It's not as if he wouldn't have known the congruences of being caught with drugs in Thailand. He ought to think himself lucky he didn't get caught in Singapore or Malaysia.


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What's the saying?

Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

Why is it people seem to lose their humanity on arrival in Thailand?I personally wouldn't use drugs here because of the consequences but I wouldn't wish 10 years in The Bangkok Hilton on anyone,that could be a death sentence in itself!

I think you've just answered your own question. It's not as if he wouldn't have known the congruences of being caught with drugs in Thailand. He ought to think himself lucky he didn't get caught in Singapore or Malaysia.


Sorry - my spell checker's obviously had a toke or two. Should be 'consequences' tongue.png

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Why is it people seem to lose their humanity on arrival in Thailand?I personally wouldn't use drugs here because of the consequences but I wouldn't wish 10 years in The Bangkok Hilton on anyone,that could be a death sentence in itself!

I think you've just answered your own question. It's not as if he wouldn't have known the congruences of being caught with drugs in Thailand. He ought to think himself lucky he didn't get caught in Singapore or Malaysia.


Sorry - my spell checker's obviously had a toke or two. Should be 'consequences' tongue.png

same same but different?

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People don't normally go to jail for small amounts of marijuana. Usually probation, small fine, and drug counseling. The judge does have the discretion to impose a jail sentence however. 35g is a bit more than just a joint, really stupid to have that much at once.

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It's not a 'little bit of harmless weed.' Cannabis is a dangerous drug; medical research has proven that there is a link between cannabis use and mental health problems. I personally know three people who have developed paranoia and/or schizophrenia following cannabis use; well actually it's only two now, the third killed himself.

It was his death that finally convinced me to stop using it.

Can you give us your medical credentials?

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If your friend is being held by the BiB, you'll need to get a quote for bail and ask your friend, yourself or your friend’s family to pay bail. Once he's out on bail you'll need your friend to meet with the prosecutor with a lawyer to arrange a settlement. If you can do all this within 48 days and have a less then greedy prosecutor, your friend should walk with no charge. Bail and settlement will be forfeited. A reasonable outcome could be 200k B. Do all you can for your friend prevent him/her appearing in front of a judge.

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