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Caught With Weed


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...now you want help to somehow turn the time back to the point before he did this mistake...

I missed that part. Can you show me?

All I saw was how he wants input about what to do, or what to expect, now that crime has been committed/mistake has been made.

Yes, this was my input;

I suggest that you should contact his family or friends to send bail money.
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...now you want help to somehow turn the time back to the point before he did this mistake...

I missed that part. Can you show me?

All I saw was how he wants input about what to do, or what to expect, now that crime has been committed/mistake has been made.

Yes, this was my input;

I suggest that you should contact his family or friends to send bail money.

Right. So where was the part where he wanted help "to somehow turn the time back to the point before he did this mistake"?

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Ok, I admit it. I'm a masochist - I must be to keep returning to this thread to read the rants of the moral policemen - but they are so entertaining I can't resist. (And I do want to know if the OPs friend is ok).

Thank Allah that masochism is not illegal, otherwise the TV Morality Squad would criticize me too. But since its not illegal, I know they will just smile indulgently while I put on my rubber suit and handcuffs, and wait for Madam and more TV posts.....

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Guys we are talking weed here not heroin or crack

I don't know if any of you even live in Thailand by some of your comments,once you get out off Bangkok weed is everywhere in Thailand a high percent of lOcals smoke it everyday.

As long as the ops friend is not an asshol_e and shows respect to the people dealing with this he could walk with just a fine no deportation,however if he thinks he is a cocky jack the lad type then yes anything could happen.

My advise get a lawyer asap and start negotiations to avoid a court hearing

Everywhere? The only place i have ever seen it is sukhumvit in 20 years of living here, mostly up country.

Now other stuff, that us everywhere.

Loads upcountry. Always has been.

Perhaps the fact that you've never seen it has more to do with your choice in lifestyle and that of those around you (and/or the discretion of those around you).

It certainly ins't necessarily reliable evidence of the actual prevalence of the drug, is it?

Exactly! It's a choice! Deal with the concequences!

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Ok, I admit it. I'm a masochist - I must be to keep returning to this thread to read the rants of the moral policemen - but they are so entertaining I can't resist. (And I do want to know if the OPs friend is ok).

Thank Allah that masochism is not illegal, otherwise the TV Morality Squad would criticize me too. But since its not illegal, I know they will just smile indulgently while I put on my rubber suit and handcuffs, and wait for Madam and more TV posts.....

Tell us more, rubber suits are not illegal. thumbsup.gif
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Ok, I admit it. I'm a masochist - I must be to keep returning to this thread to read the rants of the moral policemen - but they are so entertaining I can't resist. (And I do want to know if the OPs friend is ok).

Thank Allah that masochism is not illegal, otherwise the TV Morality Squad would criticize me too. But since its not illegal, I know they will just smile indulgently while I put on my rubber suit and handcuffs, and wait for Madam and more TV posts.....

Tell us more, rubber suits are not illegal. thumbsup.gif

sorry reply to wrong person.

Edited by harrry
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Charges for Possession of marijuana in Thailand can entail the following punishments:

For possession of up to 10kg, the maximum sentence is 5 years in prison and/or a fine of 50,000 baht

For possession of 10kg or more, this is considered as possession with intent to sell. The sentence can range from 2 - 15 years in prison, and/or include a fine of 20,000 to 150,000 baht. Charges can also be levied for amounts of 10kg or more for the intent to produce, import or export cannabis. The sentence is the same.


As for the death penalty I mentioned earlier, that`s just wishful thinking on my part.

You shouldn`t think so much coffee1.gif ..................

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Some 40 years ago grass was everywhere here but they had ocasional DEA bustgs to show they were fighting the good fight. One of my friends who had a thai wife was caught in one with one joint. No buying your way out with those busts so he ended up doing one week jail and deported. About 5 weeks in the IDC. Most of the time grass was about 10 baht for a big bag....a couple of ounces in the vbilages. Most of the time consequences were not serious but with his experiencwe I never smoked another joint here.

I hope the consequences are not so bad for your friend but I fear they will be.

Others may or may not take a lesson from it. Up to them.

Edited by harrry
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Guys we are talking weed here not heroin or crack

I don't know if any of you even live in Thailand by some of your comments,once you get out off Bangkok weed is everywhere in Thailand a high percent of lOcals smoke it everyday.

As long as the ops friend is not an asshol_e and shows respect to the people dealing with this he could walk with just a fine no deportation,however if he thinks he is a cocky jack the lad type then yes anything could happen.

My advise get a lawyer asap and start negotiations to avoid a court hearing

Everywhere? The only place i have ever seen it is sukhumvit in 20 years of living here, mostly up country.

Now other stuff, that us everywhere.

Loads upcountry. Always has been.

Perhaps the fact that you've never seen it has more to do with your choice in lifestyle and that of those around you (and/or the discretion of those around you).

It certainly ins't necessarily reliable evidence of the actual prevalence of the drug, is it?

Exactly! It's a choice! Deal with the concequences!

Of course it is. What an odd thing to say -- who ever implied that he was forced to buy, use, or possess marijuana?

And the whole point of the OP was dealing with the consequences (and what they might be).

But I like your enthusiasm! Or vehemence! or whatever that was!

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Steele Joe

"Of course it is. What an odd thing to say -- who ever implied that he was forced to buy, use, or possess marijuana?

And the whole point of the OP was dealing with the consequences (and what they might be).

But I like your enthusiasm! Or vehemence! or whatever that was!"

Maybe vehement? your impression of what i stated. I replied to three opinions not just you. I have just seen so many replies supporting and giving excuses about using/having on ones person drugs that are illegal in this country. What else does anyone need to know?

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Steele Joe

"Of course it is. What an odd thing to say -- who ever implied that he was forced to buy, use, or possess marijuana?

And the whole point of the OP was dealing with the consequences (and what they might be).

But I like your enthusiasm! Or vehemence! or whatever that was!"

Maybe vehement? your impression of what i stated. I replied to three opinions not just you. I have just seen so many replies supporting and giving excuses about using/having on ones person drugs that are illegal in this country. What else does anyone need to know?

My impression? Well I noted all the exclamation points...

In the my post, which was among those quoted, I spoke of a choice. You said in response to the quoted posts 'exactly, it's a choice'. Forgive me for thinking that was a response to me.

I've not seen any support or excuses made for using or having on one's person drugs that are illegal. None.

I don't understand what you mean when you ask, 'what else does anyone need to know' -- know about what?

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Signs when entering Thailand tell you what the maximum penalty that can be applied is.

Do they tell what the maximum penalty for 35 grams of marijuana? Really? Tell us what it says.

Even if they did (they don't), so what? Does anyone here claim that he shouldn't be punished becasuehe didn't know it was illegal and therefore isn't to be blamed?

It says drugs it does not differentiate. You may disagree, but it is the law of this land.

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Signs when entering Thailand tell you what the maximum penalty that can be applied is.

Do they tell what the maximum penalty for 35 grams of marijuana? Really? Tell us what it says.

Even if they did (they don't), so what? Does anyone here claim that he shouldn't be punished becasuehe didn't know it was illegal and therefore isn't to be blamed?

It says drugs it does not differentiate. You may disagree, but it is the law of this land.

I see. Thanks for clarifying.

It has nothing to do with whether I disagree or not (nor have I opined at all on the appropriateness of said laws). The law of the land most certainly does differentiate (signs allegedly to the contrary notwithstanding).

Other qustions still stand: So what (if there is a sign)? Does anyone here claim that he shouldn't be punished because he didn't know it was illegal and therefore isn't to be blamed?

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Bit of a lot that! ph34r.png

Nah, just a bit of personal, heavy smoker would burn his way through it in a couple of days.

When will these people ever learn?

Bob Marley couldn't smoke that much in two days.

certainly not,.he has been dead for how long..3 days + easy depending on quality hit-the-fan.gif ,pay up quickly biggrin.png
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Please keep this in mind:

In Thailand it`s easy to live, but also extremely easy to die here.

To me the case of the OPs friend is just another poison peddler put out of action, and personally I couldn`t give a rat`s behind what they do with him. And for those who don`t believe and are willing to stake they’re lives on it, then good luck to all who sail in her.

Abide by the laws of Thailand and stay well away from drugs, that’s my advice, otherwise it`s your funeral buddy.

Yes I have always appreciated the joy and understanding that radiates from your posts, what a privilege it is to know you, even behind the anonymous protection of internet. Personally I couldn't give a rat's arse if you yourself died tomorrow tough guy. You obviously know nothing about the subject but that doesn't stop you making offending comments here. Do some reading.

Offending Who? Drug dealers, pushers and users?

They are the people breaking the law, not me and that`s all I need to know on the subject.

So all you need to know about any subject is what the authorities tell you to think? I guess not being able to think for yourself is not a crime so the fact that you are not able to won't bother you in the slightest.
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Why people do not learn Dont do drugs it is illegal in Thailand how many times do people have to be told there is more to life than drugs

last i checked prostitution was illegal too, doesnt deter many on here though does it.

This is what really annoys me about many of the self righteous posters on this board, They bang on about how awful people are who overstay their visa and how anybody that breaks the law taking drugs deserves everything they get but we all know where many of them met their wives so it seems they are very selective about the laws they respect and those they feel they can ignore.

Obviously, the penalty for breaking the laws regarding marijuana are more severe, so it may be justifiable to point out how stupid somebody is to get themselves into such a situation but in no way can anybody claim the moral high ground if they have ever consorted with a lady of the night during their time in this country.

Whether this person was stupid or not is besides the point as far as I'm concerned. Nobody deserves to be locked up for smoking weed and if I was able to help in any way, I would.

@ Scully - Bob Marley smoked more than that in one day I believe, let alone two.

Strange comment! Why not just obey the laws of the country you are in? Tell me ? Do you think anyone who travels to another country has the right to demand that country change their laws to suit the individual?

It's not a strange comment at all, If you are going to obey the drug laws then obey all the other laws too. How many people on this board have never broken the law in Thailand, not even a speeding offence? I'm not demanding that Thailand change its laws, I'm merely pointing out that if you have ever slept with a prostitute or exceeded the speed limit then you have no business posting on here about how this guy deserves everything he gets.

Personally, I have never met anybody that has never broken a single law and I wouldn't want to meet somebody who was that dull.

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Why people do not learn Dont do drugs it is illegal in Thailand how many times do people have to be told there is more to life than drugs

last i checked prostitution was illegal too, doesnt deter many on here though does it.

This is what really annoys me about many of the self righteous posters on this board, They bang on about how awful people are who overstay their visa and how anybody that breaks the law taking drugs deserves everything they get but we all know where many of them met their wives so it seems they are very selective about the laws they respect and those they feel they can ignore.

Obviously, the penalty for breaking the laws regarding marijuana are more severe, so it may be justifiable to point out how stupid somebody is to get themselves into such a situation but in no way can anybody claim the moral high ground if they have ever consorted with a lady of the night during their time in this country.

Whether this person was stupid or not is besides the point as far as I'm concerned. Nobody deserves to be locked up for smoking weed and if I was able to help in any way, I would.

@ Scully - Bob Marley smoked more than that in one day I believe, let alone two.

<but in no way can anybody claim the moral high ground >

I doubt anyone on here can claim not to have sinned or broken some pointless law, but breaking a law that can have serious consequences for one's future, as opposed to one that has no practical penalty, is just plain daft, and nothing to do with morality.

Yes, that's exactly what I said. "it may be justifiable to point out how stupid somebody is to get themselves into such a situation but in no way can anybody claim the moral high ground" - did you miss that bit?
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Some times "the law is an ass". As foreigners, we can't change the law in Thailand. In about 40 years Thailand may change the law. Let's face it, Thailand is about 40 years behind most "western" thinking regards environmental & driving laws / behaviour. In previous times, the UK was supplying opium to the Chinese. It's all about taxation. Cigarettes & Alcohol are currently the legal drugs of relaxation. In the future that might all change, & home beers brewers will face the wrath of TV's most upstanding members thumbsup.gif

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I do not claim any moral high ground for myself. I don't believe that obeying the law to save my own skin is a moral issue.

My dad who is 95 and a veteran of the Normandy Invasion, was born in 1917. He swears that during the Prohibition in the US in the 1930's when alcohol was made illegal for a time, that MJ was legal. It always had been. So law abiding people used MJ. He didn't drink alcohol because he didn't want the consequences.

He believes that alcohol is legal because of huge tax revenues to the government, and for the same reason it is illegal to make your own distilled spirits. He believes that MJ is illegal because people can easily grow their own and it can't be taxed. In states which are trying to make MJ legal, it is legal as far as the state is concerned but don't forget that those states fixed it so that they can tax it. It is a federal (national) crime to have MJ so the state law isn't safe for anyone. The feds can't tax it, or don't know how to tax it. The feds tax the alcohol and so do some states.

It is up to the individual to know the laws and decide the risk, even if the laws change abruptly and turn 90 degrees. I choose to obey the law. I have too much to lose and the most valuable thing is my freedom. This doesn't equate to a thread on morality about MJ. It is about someone who took a risk and lost, and then what might happen to him next.

I think I read a short post above from the OP saying that his friend is out on bail. I hope the final outcome is that bail and time served and no deportation, especially if the accused has a business in LOS. But regardless of the outcome, it should be a lesson to us all about the risk of losing our freedom including the privilege of being in LOS. We have no right to be in LOS. It is a privilege granted by the Thai government.

I hope for the best for the OP and his friend, but think the friend was dumb. Whatever happens to him, he asked for it.

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Isnt it sad whenever there is a thread like this that there are so many posters ready to put the boot in. Comments like 'Serves you right' , 'it is the law of the land', 'what an idiot' etc.

It seems these posters get some sort of peverse pleasure out of others misfortunes.

Remember we are fallible human beings and all of us at some time or another has made stupid decisions and/or done stupid things but luckily many of us have not had to pay the price for these slipups.

Not necessarily so, at least not for me. With all due respect, it's about my need to follow the law so that I retain my freedom, even to be in LOS. It is a practical matter. I get no pleasure at all from this and if you read my posts you'll see that I don't. I just warn about the consequences of getting caught committing a crime. There is no judgment of others in that. I can wish the best for the offender, and still think what he did wasn't too smart.

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A friend got caught with 23.5 grams for personal use, and the cops would not take a bribe (a considerable amount). He was sentenced to 7 years, then after 2.5 years in prison he was released on parol on the King's birthday, and deported out of the country. It cost him about bt3000 a month to stay healthy in prison.

I believe more than 20 grams means intend to sell, that is a whole different category then possesion. That means jail, deportation and blacklisting.

The big factor in my friend's case was the fact he knew the limits, so had the 23.5 grams in 3 different bags. He took one bag out with him, and got caught in a club raid during Thaksin's drug campaign era. they then searched his room, found the other bags, and charged him with intent to sell, and at that point would not accept a bribe. If he had kept it all in one bag he would not have went to jail, his attorney told him.

The anti-drug campaign going on now is just as harsh. The big difference now though is less people are being shot first, then questioned.

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Some times "the law is an ass". As foreigners, we can't change the law in Thailand. In about 40 years Thailand may change the law. Let's face it, Thailand is about 40 years behind most "western" thinking regards environmental & driving laws / behaviour. In previous times, the UK was supplying opium to the Chinese. It's all about taxation. Cigarettes & Alcohol are currently the legal drugs of relaxation. In the future that might all change, & home beers brewers will face the wrath of TV's most upstanding members thumbsup.gif

I do not claim any moral high ground for myself. I don't believe that obeying the law to save my own skin is a moral issue.

My dad who is 95 and a veteran of the Normandy Invasion, was born in 1917. He swears that during the Prohibition in the US in the 1930's when alcohol was made illegal for a time, that MJ was legal. It always had been. So law abiding people used MJ. He didn't drink alcohol because he didn't want the consequences.

He believes that alcohol is legal because of huge tax revenues to the government, and for the same reason it is illegal to make your own distilled spirits. He believes that MJ is illegal because people can easily grow their own and it can't be taxed. In states which are trying to make MJ legal, it is legal as far as the state is concerned but don't forget that those states fixed it so that they can tax it. It is a federal (national) crime to have MJ so the state law isn't safe for anyone. The feds can't tax it, or don't know how to tax it. The feds tax the alcohol and so do some states.

It is up to the individual to know the laws and decide the risk, even if the laws change abruptly and turn 90 degrees. I choose to obey the law. I have too much to lose and the most valuable thing is my freedom. This doesn't equate to a thread on morality about MJ. It is about someone who took a risk and lost, and then what might happen to him next.

I think I read a short post above from the OP saying that his friend is out on bail. I hope the final outcome is that bail and time served and no deportation, especially if the accused has a business in LOS. But regardless of the outcome, it should be a lesson to us all about the risk of losing our freedom including the privilege of being in LOS. We have no right to be in LOS. It is a privilege granted by the Thai government.

I hope for the best for the OP and his friend, but think the friend was dumb. Whatever happens to him, he asked for it.

Thats nonsense ......... MJ is taxed just fine in places that make it legal. It's like saying that since you can grow corn it's impossible for the feds to figure out how to tax it. The feds could easily just say that the tax is X percent of the tax the state is collecting. If it were legal and sold at 7-11 most people would not bother to grow it because the corporations would be able to sell it cheaper at 7-11 than you could grow your own. The feds can't tax it only because you can't tax an illegal product making it legal would solve that. Why do people think taxing a pack of weed cigs would be harder than a pack of normal cigs ? Or a bottle of soda ?
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Isnt it sad whenever there is a thread like this that there are so many posters ready to put the boot in. Comments like 'Serves you right' , 'it is the law of the land', 'what an idiot' etc.

It seems these posters get some sort of peverse pleasure out of others misfortunes.

Remember we are fallible human beings and all of us at some time or another has made stupid decisions and/or done stupid things but luckily many of us have not had to pay the price for these slipups.

Not necessarily so, at least not for me. With all due respect, it's about my need to follow the law so that I retain my freedom, even to be in LOS. It is a practical matter. I get no pleasure at all from this and if you read my posts you'll see that I don't. I just warn about the consequences of getting caught committing a crime. There is no judgment of others in that. I can wish the best for the offender, and still think what he did wasn't too smart.

Fair enough you are excused well.

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The big factor i my friend's case was the fact he knew the limits, so had the 23.5 grams in 3 different bags. He took one bag out with him, and got caught in a club raid during Thaksin's drug campaign era. they then searched his room, found the other bags, and charged him with intent to sell, and at that point would not accept a bribe. If he had kept it all in one bag he would not have went to jail, his attorney told him.

The anti-drug campaign going on now is just as harsh. The big difference now though is less people are being shot first, then questioned.

The 20 gram cut off point is only applicable to class-I drugs such as ice, Yaba and coke.

Getting caught with more than 20 gram of any of the above means an automatic life sentence while from 1.5g - 20g the sentence might vary from 4 yrs to life. In both cases there will be a fine as well.

Weed is considered a class-V drug, together with kratom and strangely enough they don't count grams. It' s either above or below 10 kilo.

If below 10 kilo the penalty might vary from 2-10 yrs jail or a fine of 40 thou - 200 thou baht or a combination of both.

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Thats nonsense ......... MJ is taxed just fine in places that make it legal. It's like saying that since you can grow corn it's impossible for the feds to figure out how to tax it. The feds could easily just say that the tax is X percent of the tax the state is collecting. If it were legal and sold at 7-11 most people would not bother to grow it because the corporations would be able to sell it cheaper at 7-11 than you could grow your own. The feds can't tax it only because you can't tax an illegal product making it legal would solve that. Why do people think taxing a pack of weed cigs would be harder than a pack of normal cigs ? Or a bottle of soda ?

What your saying is the nonsense. Why don't you go an lookup the word weed in a dictionary.

I'd be interested to know where these seeds are available that you can drop in the ground and a bottle of soda or packet of cigarettes pops out.

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. Whatever happens to him, he asked for it.

What do you mean, he asked for it?

He bought enough to last him a little while the same way I used to always used to buy a wine I happened to like a couple of cases at a time.

He might have lived fifteen lifetimes without getting busted in BKK. He just had bad luck.

Your comments are not so bad but some posters are appalling, in fact murderous.

I would love to know where posters come from to look for a link in attitudes to geography.

How about you Beetlejuice?

Edited by cheeryble
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