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Caught With Weed


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Your not the brightest bulb on the tree Frank

Trees grow bulbs now too do they? You could plant one next to ya soda bottle and Marlboro patches.

Try taxing something that people can grow in their back yards and usually use at home. What an excellent idea.

If it was legal mass production would make it so people would'nt bother to grow it at home because it wouldnt save them much money ...... I am not saying that every single plant would get taxed any more than every single ear of corn gets taxed , I grow corn in my backyard but that doesnt mean corn can't be taxed on comercial growers. I think what you are missing is that once it is legal and easily available most people would not chose to grow their own they would simply buy it at a store , and that small percentage that didn't would be akin to people with vegetable gardens , the fact that not all of it would be taxed doesn't mean that some or most of it can't be. I'm not sure why that seems so hard for you to understand.
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Let me make it a little more simple for you.

Assuming I was a home only drinker as most smokers usually only do it at their own home or a friends.

If I could legally put a plant in my yard that grew bottles of beer and whiskey with almost no cost, maintenance or effort. How much heavily taxed beer and whiskey would I go to buy at the local store?

Edited by frankold
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Let me make it a little more simple for you.

Assuming I was a home only drinker as most smokers usually only do it at their own home or a friends.

If I could legally put a plant in my yard that grew bottles of beer and whiskey with almost no cost, maintenance or effort. How much heavily taxed beer and whiskey would I go to buy at the local store?

You can make beer at home for very cheap but people still go to the store dont they ? YOU might not buy any , but most people prefer to save themselves the trouble and just buy things at a store. the reality of what would happen is the exact opposite of what you see ..... the stores would be cheaper and easier and LESS home MJ gardening would be done , the commercial growers would put the small growers out of bisness eventually just like other types of farming. People are way more lazy and less interested in growing than you think. We live in a world where people want things quick and easy they don't want to wait around for 3 months for a plant to grow when they can get it right now at the store ..... I would agree in a perfect world with sensible people everyone would simply grow their own , but thats not the world we live in anymore.

Thats of course my opinion and remains to be seen but basicly the difference in why I disagree with your opinion.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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This is a death penalty case, without a doubt and one sure way to give up the habit I suppose.

I sentence him to five years on Thai Visa General Forum...twelve hours a day.

Objection, your honour... disproportionated form of cruelty and in contradiction with the ban of torture.

He can smoke as much as he likes while reading....I know I do! tongue.png

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Save the loooong intoxicant debate moral or otherwise for another time.

I want to hear facts from the OP. Hopefully things have worked out not too bad for this guy, in spite of him having what I consider at least a week's supply of weed.

Even in the UK that would be a fair amount....although in one bag wouldn't present a significant problem.

If it was bagged up differently however, could be a stretch even in the UK.


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It's not a 'little bit of harmless weed.' Cannabis is a dangerous drug; medical research has proven that there is a link between cannabis use and mental health problems. I personally know three people who have developed paranoia and/or schizophrenia following cannabis use; well actually it's only two now, the third killed himself.

It was his death that finally convinced me to stop using it.

Can you give us your medical credentials?

I have none; but I can read!

There are many papers published on this subject by people who do have medical qualifications and who have researched the subject thoroughly; proving the links between cannabis use and mental illness.

Maybe you should read some of them.

.Before anyone asks; yes I do drink alcohol and I do smoke tobacco. I am aware of the risks of both to my health.................

It was his death that finally convinced me to stop using it (cannabis)

So one person's death stopped you using cannabis, yet millions die through tobacco use and still you continue to smoke?

If I had known when I was 14 and started smoking what I know now; I never would have started.

I have tried many times to stop smoking; and will continue to try. But nicotine is very addictive; some say as, or even more, addictive than heroin.

Feeble excuse, I know, but it's the only one I've got!



Wrote this before seeing your post above; apols for going off topic.

2nd edit:

Sorry, cdnvic, but reading further through this I have seen posts from people who don't believe that my friend killed himself because of his schizophrenia and that his schizophrenia was caused by his cannabis use.

Tell that to the mother whose fit, stable, healthy son after he started using turned into a shambling wreck who was in and out of psychiatric hospitals before finally killing himself.

Edited by 7by7
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What's the saying?

Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

Send him/her down for a 10 Year Stretch followed by deportation. Only way to stamp out this behaviour. Any non prescribed drug you are caught with without a prescription and you do a Ten Stretch...........

Hit em hard. And before anyone starting preaching I have done Jail Term and it works (18 months)

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What's the saying?

Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

Send him/her down for a 10 Year Stretch followed by deportation. Only way to stamp out this behaviour. Any non prescribed drug you are caught with without a prescription and you do a Ten Stretch...........

Hit em hard. And before anyone starting preaching I have done Jail Term and it works (18 months)

yet another stupid post in this topic. For Christ sake, the Op's friend had 1½ ounces of grass and you support a ten year sentence, that's more than a Thai court would impose! Just look at the USA with it's huge prison population for street drug offenses - it's achieved nothing

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Hit em hard. And before anyone starting preaching I have done Jail Term and it works (18 months)

Worked for what? Depriving you of any humanity? The guy was engaged in a past-time that will do no harm to anyone but himself. Stupid, maybe. But if we jailed everyone for stupidity then this forum would be lacking its absurd responses from the hang-'em-high brigade of wowsers. Would take the fun out of TV altogether. (Sorry I didn't reply to earlier poster about legality of rubber, but I've been tied up).

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Let me make it a little more simple for you.

Assuming I was a home only drinker as most smokers usually only do it at their own home or a friends.

If I could legally put a plant in my yard that grew bottles of beer and whiskey with almost no cost, maintenance or effort. How much heavily taxed beer and whiskey would I go to buy at the local store?

You can make beer at home for very cheap but people still go to the store dont they ? YOU might not buy any , but most people prefer to save themselves the trouble and just buy things at a store. the reality of what would happen is the exact opposite of what you see ..... the stores would be cheaper and easier and LESS home MJ gardening would be done , the commercial growers would put the small growers out of bisness eventually just like other types of farming. People are way more lazy and less interested in growing than you think. We live in a world where people want things quick and easy they don't want to wait around for 3 months for a plant to grow when they can get it right now at the store ..... I would agree in a perfect world with sensible people everyone would simply grow their own , but thats not the world we live in anymore.

Thats of course my opinion and remains to be seen but basicly the difference in why I disagree with your opinion.

Your still missing the point. You cannot just 'grow' bottles of beer or vodka. If it really was as simple as popping a few seeds in the ground or in a pot and giving them a water every few days then people would.

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If it really was as simple as popping a few seeds in the ground or in a pot and giving them a water every few days then people would.

It is and people do. (And a lot more would -- and do it better -- if it was legal and they didn't have to hide it.)

I'm not taking sides on your argument -- I can't even figure out what it is and haven't any interest in trying -- but the fact is that there's nothing especially difficult about cultivating it and people do do it.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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I'm glad your friend made bail.

The court will be holding his passport, so to travel he will need to get necessary documentation and pay a bond to the court to get his passport back and travel. Fail to come back on the agreed dates and a warrant will be issued for his arrest. Means he won't be coming back to Thailand.

His bail is quite small, so it looks like he has been charged with personal use. Distribution would have been much higher.

The key now is to make sure he has a very good lawyer to "work" on his behalf.

It will all come down to the day in court and how the judge feels. Hopefully the Judge doesn't hate farang or want to make an example in court that day. It could be anything from a fine, a fine and deportation or a few years inside. A good lawyer will likely know the outcome before you step in court.

But I cant stress how important that lawyer is. Research. Research. Research. They will all tell you what you want to hear, but they just want the money. Find the right one.

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I'm glad your friend made bail.

The court will be holding his passport, so to travel he will need to get necessary documentation and pay a bond to the court to get his passport back and travel. Fail to come back on the agreed dates and a warrant will be issued for his arrest. Means he won't be coming back to Thailand.

His bail is quite small, so it looks like he has been charged with personal use. Distribution would have been much higher.

The key now is to make sure he has a very good lawyer to "work" on his behalf.

It will all come down to the day in court and how the judge feels. Hopefully the Judge doesn't hate farang or want to make an example in court that day. It could be anything from a fine, a fine and deportation or a few years inside. A good lawyer will likely know the outcome before you step in court.

But I cant stress how important that lawyer is. Research. Research. Research. They will all tell you what you want to hear, but they just want the money. Find the right one.

I would be bolting if i was in his shoes. Who in the right mind would risk a couple of years in a thai jail ?

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What's the saying?

Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

Send him/her down for a 10 Year Stretch followed by deportation. Only way to stamp out this behaviour. Any non prescribed drug you are caught with without a prescription and you do a Ten Stretch...........

Hit em hard. And before anyone starting preaching I have done Jail Term and it works (18 months)

in a cushy western jail, no doubt.

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What's the saying?

Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

Send him/her down for a 10 Year Stretch followed by deportation. Only way to stamp out this behaviour. Any non prescribed drug you are caught with without a prescription and you do a Ten Stretch...........

Hit em hard. And before anyone starting preaching I have done Jail Term and it works (18 months)

in a cushy western jail, no doubt.

I presume you do not live in Thailand AdmiralNelson as you will be ineligle for a visa here due to your prison record.

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What's the saying?

Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

Send him/her down for a 10 Year Stretch followed by deportation. Only way to stamp out this behaviour. Any non prescribed drug you are caught with without a prescription and you do a Ten Stretch...........

Hit em hard. And before anyone starting preaching I have done Jail Term and it works (18 months)

in a cushy western jail, no doubt.

How long have you done in a B cat Prison please..................??

Or do you believe everything you read........??

My point of hanging em high earlier and a straight ten stretch was meant to be the sentence the World over. An amnesty for 12 months for people to get clean and then hit em where it hurts.

Within 3 months people EVERYWHERE would not be dealing or possessing (in the nightclubs of Europe America UK etc ) for complete and utter fear of the Mandatory Ten Stretch............

You build the Jails and after the huge initial expense the Cost savings to Goverments worldwide would be beyond the realms of thought.

Jail Term works when its long enough to hurt and make people realise what they lose. 18 months did it but a mandatory ten stretch for possession of a single E or whatever would blow the trade away within 24 months completely.

Tin hat on but remember I did the Crime and Time.......

Edited by AdmiralNelson
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Right. Being an ex con doesn't make you an expert. Apparently it doesn't even make you a rational human being. We are going way of topic here....smoking grass harms nobody apart from the guy smoking, he doesn't go out on the streets and rob people, he just stays at home with a stupid grin on his face. An ounce is nothing, it is not like an ounce of big H.

The OP wanted to know what might happen, not what you want to happen.

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Within 3 months people EVERYWHERE would not be dealing or possessing (in the nightclubs of Europe America UK etc ) for complete and utter fear of the Mandatory Ten Stretch............

No doubt! In the same way that complete and utter fear of life imprisonment or execution have stopped people from committing murder.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Right. Being an ex con doesn't make you an expert. Apparently it doesn't even make you a rational human being. We are going way of topic here....smoking grass harms nobody apart from the guy smoking, he doesn't go out on the streets and rob people, he just stays at home with a stupid grin on his face. An ounce is nothing, it is not like an ounce of big H.

The OP wanted to know what might happen, not what you want to happen.

Your view. My view and in direct response to the OP then is that he'll get decent jail time to remind him of his stupidity.

And your view that sitting at home with a stupid grin on his face is sadly completely naive. 95% of guys I came across started on Cannabis and progressed thereafter.

Edited by AdmiralNelson
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95% of guys I came across started on Cannabis and progressed thereafter.

That's extraordinary, given how unusual it is. You won't find a single credible study anywhere that comes even close to that. (95% of how many?) Indeed, I'd like to see a credible study that shows even use of marijuana is a verified as a factor in whether someone goes on to harder drugs (ie the "Gateway Drug" theory).

Moreover, the poster you are responding to spoke of the immediate results of using marijuana and how the reults would not be harmful to others. You apparently want to disregard that and blame the person in the OP for something that you are convinced (with nothing to substantiate it) he will do in the future.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Recommending 10 years for an ounce of a relatively harmless weed, which is non-habit forming.is unbelievable.

America also had a stupid law back a few years ago - 2 ounces of ganja would get you 15 years to life. (Rockefeller Drug Law)

Didn't see the link but I believe that was 2 oz for sales. For possession it was 4 oz.

Still absurd -- and even many conservatives and law enforcement people thought so.

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Right. Being an ex con doesn't make you an expert. Apparently it doesn't even make you a rational human being. We are going way of topic here....smoking grass harms nobody apart from the guy smoking, he doesn't go out on the streets and rob people, he just stays at home with a stupid grin on his face. An ounce is nothing, it is not like an ounce of big H.

The OP wanted to know what might happen, not what you want to happen.

Your view. My view and in direct response to the OP then is that he'll get decent jail time to remind him of his stupidity.

And your view that sitting at home with a stupid grin on his face is sadly completely naive. 95% of guys I came across started on Cannabis and progressed thereafter.

100% of the guys you met in jail drank milk as babies. 100% of them were going to finish up there anyway, even if they started on bath tub gin and finished up on aftershave.

95% of the guys that I used to know that toked in '67 are still toking 50 years later and that's it. The others were on a downhill path from the start, which was obvious from the beginning.

I know that saying that someone feels sorry for someone is considered as an insult, but in this case... I do feel sorry for you, sorry sorry.

The Op won't get jail time but he is in trouble. The immediate threat of jail is effective enough as a deterrent, putting him there might make him like you, and who would want that? Being stupid isn't a crime, although in your case I am beginning to wonder if we couldn't do something about that.

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Right. Being an ex con doesn't make you an expert. Apparently it doesn't even make you a rational human being. We are going way of topic here....smoking grass harms nobody apart from the guy smoking, he doesn't go out on the streets and rob people, he just stays at home with a stupid grin on his face. An ounce is nothing, it is not like an ounce of big H.

The OP wanted to know what might happen, not what you want to happen.

Your view. My view and in direct response to the OP then is that he'll get decent jail time to remind him of his stupidity.

And your view that sitting at home with a stupid grin on his face is sadly completely naive. 95% of guys I came across started on Cannabis and progressed thereafter.

100% of the guys you met in jail drank milk as babies. 100% of them were going to finish up there anyway, even if they started on bath tub gin and finished up on aftershave.

95% of the guys that I used to know that toked in '67 are still toking 50 years later and that's it. The others were on a downhill path from the start, which was obvious from the beginning.

I know that saying that someone feels sorry for someone is considered as an insult, but in this case... I do feel sorry for you, sorry sorry.

The Op won't get jail time but he is in trouble. The immediate threat of jail is effective enough as a deterrent, putting him there might make him like you, and who would want that? Being stupid isn't a crime, although in your case I am beginning to wonder if we couldn't do something about that.

Am sure you are correct...........!! And likewise can you tell me how much time you served yourself..........?? No I thought not.....

Anyway I'm out of the debate. Hang em high is my preferred choice and remember I was there. Out....

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Right. Being an ex con doesn't make you an expert. Apparently it doesn't even make you a rational human being. We are going way of topic here....smoking grass harms nobody apart from the guy smoking, he doesn't go out on the streets and rob people, he just stays at home with a stupid grin on his face. An ounce is nothing, it is not like an ounce of big H.

The OP wanted to know what might happen, not what you want to happen.

Your view. My view and in direct response to the OP then is that he'll get decent jail time to remind him of his stupidity.

And your view that sitting at home with a stupid grin on his face is sadly completely naive. 95% of guys I came across started on Cannabis and progressed thereafter.

100% of the guys you met in jail drank milk as babies. 100% of them were going to finish up there anyway, even if they started on bath tub gin and finished up on aftershave.

95% of the guys that I used to know that toked in '67 are still toking 50 years later and that's it. The others were on a downhill path from the start, which was obvious from the beginning.

I know that saying that someone feels sorry for someone is considered as an insult, but in this case... I do feel sorry for you, sorry sorry.

The Op won't get jail time but he is in trouble. The immediate threat of jail is effective enough as a deterrent, putting him there might make him like you, and who would want that? Being stupid isn't a crime, although in your case I am beginning to wonder if we couldn't do something about that.

Am sure you are correct...........!! And likewise can you tell me how much time you served yourself..........?? No I thought not.....

Anyway I'm out of the debate. Hang em high is my preferred choice and remember I was there. Out....

So to recap:

You claim that a mandatory harsh sentence will be 100% effective in stopping use or sales of drugs. Despite both logic and facts contradicting such a claim.

You claim that 95% of people you know that used marijuana went on to use harder drugs despite many studies that show absolutely nothing similar.

Then when challenged, you ignore the posts you can't refute and announce your departure.

OK, then.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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