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Baby Deilvery Cost Bangkok Pattaya Hospital


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We paid something like 50k bath 3 years ago, cesarean and 5 days in a private room with awesome views.

Excellent service I have to admit, if we get another child it will there again.

That's great thanks, I noticed there were vast differences between prices of superior rooms depending on the ward, any idea why? My insurance will be paying all birth charges but only a certain amount for the room so I will have to pay the difference, I see some superior rooms are around 7000 per night and others as much as 15000. Any ideas? Did you get a choice?
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That's great thanks, I noticed there were vast differences between prices of superior rooms depending on the ward, any idea why? My insurance will be paying all birth charges but only a certain amount for the room so I will have to pay the difference, I see some superior rooms are around 7000 per night and others as much as 15000. Any ideas? Did you get a choice?

No it was a "package" deal and my wife stayed in the new building where the rooms are more expensive than the old smaller building.

15.000 pr night for a room, man that's expensive, I think it's about 7000 bath for a room in the new building and 3000 in the old one, but are not sure.

If I was you I go talk to them and see what options you have, my wife was checked at the same hospital when she was pregnant and they gave us this deal during a visit.

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Our Daughter was born 2 months premature and they wanted 1 million Baht up front before they would even look at my wife who was in a bad way.

Then they said they couldn't care for a prem baby and through the Aust Embassy who organised a medivac to Bummungrad my wife delivered and the team there saved our daughter and not once in the first week of their 5 week stay did Bummungrad ask for any payment etc.

We have good insurance but could not get maternity insurance as we lost our previous son at birth, but payment was not an issue it was how they demanded it before looking at my wife.

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That's great thanks, I noticed there were vast differences between prices of superior rooms depending on the ward, any idea why? My insurance will be paying all birth charges but only a certain amount for the room so I will have to pay the difference, I see some superior rooms are around 7000 per night and others as much as 15000. Any ideas? Did you get a choice?

No it was a "package" deal and my wife stayed in the new building where the rooms are more expensive than the old smaller building.

15.000 pr night for a room, man that's expensive, I think it's about 7000 bath for a room in the new building and 3000 in the old one, but are not sure.

If I was you I go talk to them and see what options you have, my wife was checked at the same hospital when she was pregnant and they gave us this deal during a visit.

That's encouraging, I'll get the Mrs to ask them at her next appointment, or I will ask if I am home by then. 7K sounds much better than 15K for sure, after all as long as it is a single room we wil be happy. Anyway it is nice to know straight from the horses mouth how much people ended up paying. Not that I am calling anyone a horse of course :-)
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Our Daughter was born 2 months premature and they wanted 1 million Baht up front before they would even look at my wife who was in a bad way.

Then they said they couldn't care for a prem baby and through the Aust Embassy who organised a medivac to Bummungrad my wife delivered and the team there saved our daughter and not once in the first week of their 5 week stay did Bummungrad ask for any payment etc.

We have good insurance but could not get maternity insurance as we lost our previous son at birth, but payment was not an issue it was how they demanded it before looking at my wife.

1MIllion in advance?? dam_n that's a bit extreme, I have heard horror stories of ICU prices etc. hence getting the maternity cover in advance but that's shocking. I know price is no object when someone is in a bad way but it can really hurt when it comes. Glad you got it all sorted though.
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I also heard horror stories about the private hospitals ICU, you don't want to end there.

Also if you need an operation (any operation) first check around, I know a guy here in

Patt. that had to have a heart by-pass operation and he got it over 50% cheaper in BKK,

and he is still alive and well today by the way.

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@jayman & @gmac you are most likely right, if complications had happened it would had cost a fortune and yes BHP is all about the money, but okay we had a positive experience regarding our son's birth there.

I didn't know you can have a private room at Banlamung hospital, so if my wife gets pregnant again I will check more about it, thanks.

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I just had my baby delivered last month in BPH. Here is some info:

1. In the last month before delivery, we were sent to a dept (maybe the Finance dept, can't remember clearly now) for price estimation. The lady told me, for a standardC-session delivery is 130K Baht (with 4 days 3 nights stay in hospital)

2. Then, we went to the International Service Dept, asking the staff to contact our insurance company for a direct cost settlement between them. (During my stay in hospital, my hub sent there again for reconfirmation and he was told everything was OK)

3. Our baby was born 2 weeks earlier due to emergency situation. And I stayed in hospital for 7 days and 7 nights because I requested to stay longer.

4. My ward was on 12 F of building E (guess is the new building?). Nice room with good view and good service. I wish I could stay there longer!

5. When I checked out, I was led to another dept and sign on the invoices. The total amount is 170K. I did not check for the details on invoices, because anyway insurance company will fully pay.

.... Yes, I also know one horrible story there. Once one supervisor of my hub had serious accident. BPH refused to do operation on him because his Thai insurance could not cover the full operation cost. So the company had to do guarantee etc.

Later when he wanted to be transferred to another hospital, BPH did not allow him to leave until company solved the inpatient cost which was higher than expected.

So, always good to do preparation early in advance ... Good Luck!

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@susanschwaiger congratulations with your baby, I hope she/he will give you many times as our son does (when he is not naughty, he-he).

The private hospitals are known to "go full throttle" when the insurance covers 100% but I am surprised they initially charged you 130K bath

when others have been paying 50k bath.

I know you can sometimes haggle about the price but it's odd to do, especially when concerning a birth.

I wonder how much they charge in Sri Racha private hospital (can't remember the name) for a birth, they are very well respected.

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@susanschwaiger congratulations with your baby, I hope she/he will give you many times as our son does (when he is not naughty, he-he).

The private hospitals are known to "go full throttle" when the insurance covers 100% but I am surprised they initially charged you 130K bath

when others have been paying 50k bath.

I know you can sometimes haggle about the price but it's odd to do, especially when concerning a birth.

I wonder how much they charge in Sri Racha private hospital (can't remember the name) for a birth, they are very well respected.

You have to remember that PBH has multi tier pricing and since I assume neither susan nor her husband are Thais they are probably rated in the top tier pricing level.

I would also like to add that the whole idea of haggling at a hospital just disgusts me. That this is common practice at PBH makes me never want to set foot in there again.

Edited by Jayman
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It is indeed shocking that there is such a big price gap.... As this was our first born, we fully trusted BPH and did not give any doubt about anything with BPH.

Now I've joined a mama group in pattaya, I will try to find out more. Quite some non-thai mamas did delivery in BPH.

Really odd, hmmmm

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It is indeed shocking that there is such a big price gap.... As this was our first born, we fully trusted BPH and did not give any doubt about anything with BPH.

Now I've joined a mama group in pattaya, I will try to find out more. Quite some non-thai mamas did delivery in BPH.

Really odd, hmmmm

I was in the same position. It was out first born and we wanted the best care possible. It was only after we had the 2nd we truly understood how bad BPH is. That and the fact that they have given us much dramas for the past 5 years.

In fact, the same butch OBGYN that delivered our first born at BPH (she's surgeon as well), later diagnosed my wife with chocolate cysts and wanted to remove her ovary's. She had her scheduled for surgery just 2 days after the diagnosis was given. On the morning the surgurgy was to take place I tried to have more words with the doctor on the procedure and what not and was not at all happy with what I heard so canceled it. I immediately drove my wife up to Bumrungrad to see a specialist who took one look and said it was normal inflammation in the ovary due to one of the eggs filling with blood and the time in her monthly cycle. She gave my wife some mild pills to help the body reabsorb blood and told us to come back in 2 weeks for a checkup. We did and all was completely normal. We have since had our second healthy child.

To think, that BPH wanted to pull the ovaries out of my 20-something year old wife and then charge us (well, like 80% the insurance would have paid for ) like 100k for the operation. We had trusted that doctor. My wife had been seeing her as her OBGYN since our first child.

I might also add that this very same doctor diagnosed my wife with early stages of cervical cancer and was telling her to come back in for pap smears like every few months. We moved to the US and every subsequent pap smear my wife had in the US came up completely normal. I know that BPH is big on selling that HPV vaccine as well as pap smears which don't run cheap.

Beware of this hospital. They are not looking out for the patients but rather the $$.

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My born at Banglamung a month ago, mothers choice as work insurance paid, i wanted upgrade to private room but she did not want room alone, to many pee apparantly. Eitherway c section and could not fault the final result or the recovery. The doctors were great and sorted out a breast that was not prodcucing milk.

Pattaya Bangkok would be last choice.

Edited by Rimmer
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My born at Banglamung a month ago, mothers choice as work insurance paid, i wanted upgrade to private room but she did not want room alone, to many pee apparantly. Eitherway c section and could not fault the final result or the recovery. The doctors were great and sorted out a breast that was not prodcucing milk.

Pattaya Bangkok would be last choice.

Honestly, I couldn't imagine the women not having a pvt room. The standard room a huge room full of beds and babies. Lots of noise 24/7 and no privacy. Since it's free you can't expect much but for the 1200thb we paid per day for the pvt room is was sooo very much worth it. My MIL came down and stayed with the wife the whole time anyways so no need for her to worry about all the spirits hanging about. The staff was very kind and helpful and we just felt so much better there than when we stayed at BPH for the first born.

the entire thing would have been free had we not opted for the pvt room and also we had made an arrangement with the doctor before hand to pay him 4000thb. Was totally worth it for my wife to be able to go to his clinic for checkups rather than have to wait for the free service at the hospital. It funny but in another thread on "tipping" it was brought up, would you tip your doctor? Well yes, we would and did. And we'd do it again. Would I tip a doctor at BPH that is getting paid huge sums to rip you off..? Hell no. I'd sooner try to sue them than tip them.

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Conflicting stories here with what I went through.

When the baby was born he was taken to an incubator he was born 2-3 weeks early, prior to that we only ever had ultrasounds to check on the baby, no stinking fingers up my missus. After the baby left the incubator which was just a few hours he was given to my wife and they helped her with the breast feeding and was encouraged to breast feed rather than use formula. We had to use formula at the start because milk was not coming out and obviously the baby needs to eat!

After 3 nights the doctor came around and gave the all clear to go home. I was asked to pay just under 50,000 baht before the operation, once we checked out I didnt need to pay anything else and we were given lots of freebies that came in handy also. The doctor dealing with us throughout the pregnancy and birth was great and I dont have 1 bad word to say about him or any of the staff that dealt with us throughout.

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It's sounds like you paid 50,000 got natural child birth? Also if you had a male doctor then it wasn't the same female obgyn my wife had. Does sound like your experience was better than ours but how do you consider anything to be free when you paid 50000thb? Free is when you have the baby at banglamung and they never give you a bill or discuss money.

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From a personal experience of hospitals in the UK (working as Hearing Consultant) and here I would steer well clear of private hospitals unless the Insurance Company is paying. I have seen cases such as 'Jayman' was saying , that this test/procedure/treatment was necessary when it clearly was not. Private hospitals ae all about making money and not health care.

Two weeks ago I had an operation to repair an Inguinal (groin) hernia. I contacted Bangkok Pattaya hospital and was quoted 70 to 80,000B which was similar in cost to a reply to a post I did on this forum. As I live in the province of Buriram I decided to go for a consultation at Buriram Private hospital. Saw the doctor/surgeon on Saturday morning, said he could do the operation next day under local anesthesia. Cost between 15 to 20,000B. Went back the next morning at 8am. Had blood taken ECG (test for the heart) and chest x-ray. Booked the highest value private room,air conditioned and which had 3 piece suite, separate area with table and chairs for eating, large fridge and flat screen TV (No English programs) toilet and shower and a balcony. Did not really need the room as I was told I could go home after 3pm but it did mean that rather than spend 4 hours or more in the recovery ward by myself, the wife and family had somewhere to stay and be with me.The total cost including the room (1,800B) was 16,000B. Follow up consultation, removal of sutures and some anti inflamatory drugs came to 280B.

Having been in the medical field for over 30 years did not think the ECG or the chest x-ray was really needed for a relatively minor operation under local anesthetic but as I had not had any of these done for over 20 years it was worth checking.

So I think the lesson here is: need to go to a private hospital then check around for prices.

All the very best to 'Texas Ranger' and his wife with their newborn.

I will add that one can not put a value on one's health but we don't want to be ripped off.

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Thank you everyone for your input. This is why I joined Thaivisa, apart from all the joking and trolling you can really get some usefull info when you need it. There is definately some food for thought here now. So far our experiences at BPH have been good, no Dr shoving fingers where they shouldn't be and helpful enough so far. What I will do now is take the negative experiences here and pose those questions directly to the Doc to make things clear in advance. I know being told one thing doesn't make it so but it will give me more ammunition if I do have problems. My insurance will pay probably all the childbirth, it is only the private room that is limited to 250USD per day but I will have to see what packages they come up with.

Thanks again for the responses and for the good wishes. Feel free to add any more potential problems. Thanks.

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Suggest you get a quote from Bunrungrad.

Used BPH for various over the years after some overpricing this year & a problem caused by their Surgeon NEVER again to BPH

Just 2 experiences for our family & the price jumps were incredible.

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Today I met some mama who also use BPH for delivery.

One had c-cession 1 year ago, and paid 50K. She did not use insurance.

The other will have the natural birth in this month end. She uses insurance and the quote for her is 80K.

PS: Before I asked for cost estimation, I had already contacted my insurance company and they confirmed all necessary medical cost will be covered. Thus I started the following steps....

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My born at Banglamung a month ago, mothers choice as work insurance paid, i wanted upgrade to private room but she did not want room alone, to many pee apparantly. Eitherway c section and could not fault the final result or the recovery. The doctors were great and sorted out a breast that was not prodcucing milk.

Pattaya Bangkok would be last choice.

Honestly, I couldn't imagine the women not having a pvt room. The standard room a huge room full of beds and babies. Lots of noise 24/7 and no privacy. Since it's free you can't expect much but for the 1200thb we paid per day for the pvt room is was sooo very much worth it. My MIL came down and stayed with the wife the whole time anyways so no need for her to worry about all the spirits hanging about. The staff was very kind and helpful and we just felt so much better there than when we stayed at BPH for the first born.

the entire thing would have been free had we not opted for the pvt room and also we had made an arrangement with the doctor before hand to pay him 4000thb. Was totally worth it for my wife to be able to go to his clinic for checkups rather than have to wait for the free service at the hospital. It funny but in another thread on "tipping" it was brought up, would you tip your doctor? Well yes, we would and did. And we'd do it again. Would I tip a doctor at BPH that is getting paid huge sums to rip you off..? Hell no. I'd sooner try to sue them than tip them.

Totally agree first thing i wanted was a private room but no she scared of being alone. One of the educated ones with a degree, but scared of all the ghosts in a hospital at night. Yes no privacy, no closing of curtains for treatment etc but nobody seemed bothered, apart from me. Still theres a healthy mum and baby now 7 weeks later so hard to argue against it, but obviously her choice had to take preference over mine. There does seem to be a high level of c sections here. Edited by marstons
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It's sounds like you paid 50,000 got natural child birth? Also if you had a male doctor then it wasn't the same female obgyn my wife had. Does sound like your experience was better than ours but how do you consider anything to be free when you paid 50000thb? Free is when you have the baby at banglamung and they never give you a bill or discuss money.

Its free as its not priced into the bill :) it was a c-section premature by a good few weeks.

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It's sounds like you paid 50,000 got natural child birth? Also if you had a male doctor then it wasn't the same female obgyn my wife had. Does sound like your experience was better than ours but how do you consider anything to be free when you paid 50000thb? Free is when you have the baby at banglamung and they never give you a bill or discuss money.

Its free as its not priced into the bill smile.png it was a c-section premature by a good few weeks.

I'm glad it all worked out well for mom and child.

You better believe it most certainly was priced into the package they quoted you. Just like every other supply they expected to use on mom and child.

If they truly gave you an accurate itemized bill then it would not have come out the miraculous sum of 50,000 on the nose. You paid for a package. That package included all the items and services you received.

Edited by Jayman
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