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Thai Man Dies Playing Video Game


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Might find some kind of stimulant went alongside these mammoth sessions. No matter how much you like video games its pretty hard to kill yerself on them without help. Still its not all bad at least he got to go out doing something he loved, my biggest fear would be to go out doing something I hated. 10 minutes before an end of a shift at work on a Friday is worst case scenario for me.

Maybe you should get a job you like instead of one you hate.

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I have a friend who is worried about her teenage son, he stays up late at night playing computer games and often sleeps in class, I wonder if this young man's family had also been worried about his habit of playing games? When will governments begin to see that some people are addicted to these games just as others are addicted to gambling, alcohol, tobacco and drugs? How many other people are locked away in an artificial world?

Sent from my GT-I9003

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Meth is running rampant amongst youths in bangkok like it was in Nazi germany with hitlers soldiers..

What a weird post.

I do not know about the 'Meth' problem with youth in Bangkok.

But you do know, that Hilters soldiers , at the front, had to take 'meth', to stay alerted?

Yabaa was developed by Hitler.
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What a way to go. I think some TV members should take note of this... there's a whole 'nother world out there.


You said it, right!

Nearly 7.000 Posts, 900 in the last 2 years, not Top, but on the way.

Nice try, but your reply would be better served on those with several thousand posts in under a year who perhaps remain on-screen all day. 6,000-odd posts over 8-9 years (something like 2 a day) is hardly 'on the way' to top. I spend roughly 20-30 minutes a day on this site, mostly reading the news... and oftentimes weeks or months can go by without looking in. Note: I removed the smilies for clarity and server's sake. wink.png

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The key is addiction!

Addicted people have lost control and often all reason and they just CAN'T stop.

The brain is being controlled by chemicals whether ingested or made in the body.

What ever the actual cause of death, what a waste of a life, being addicted I mean.

Manufacturers of Games, Food and Drink etc. know what to do/add to make their products addictive and therefore more profit.

It's really about money and the big companies couldn't care less about your health.

It's all very sad.

RIP young man.

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I do enjoy video games especially pin ball ones.

Some times I play a game or two on a tablet/pad when I'm depositing a BabyRuth on the throne. I don't hurry or worry about scurrying off to work or worry about anything. I deposit my business and enjoy the game I'm playing

If I die while on the throne, so be it.

I only hope I had a good time and can continue to say the same about my life which is fine for me.

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Might find some kind of stimulant went alongside these mammoth sessions. No matter how much you like video games its pretty hard to kill yerself on them without help. Still its not all bad at least he got to go out doing something he loved, my biggest fear would be to go out doing something I hated. 10 minutes before an end of a shift at work on a Friday is worst case scenario for me.

This you can simply avoid..... Fire your boss and start working for yourself ! it's NEVER too late.... coffee1.gif

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Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) is a serious health risk for those who spend long periods of time on the computer or playing video games.

It's important to have the right posture, monitor set to the right height, a good quality chair with some ergonomic lower back support and arm rests, an ergonomic keyboard and a joystick or upright mouse so that your arm / wrist is not pronated. Here is a proper set-up that can be used as a referral until your work habits are corrected.

Remember to have a 5 min break every hour or so to give your eyes a rest and some blood circulation through your legs and shoulders.


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I have a friend who is worried about her teenage son, he stays up late at night playing computer games and often sleeps in class, I wonder if this young man's family had also been worried about his habit of playing games? When will governments begin to see that some people are addicted to these games just as others are addicted to gambling, alcohol, tobacco and drugs? How many other people are locked away in an artificial world?

Sent from my GT-I9003

And your idea is ? Banning it ? Just curious because mostly when people tell goverments to do stuff it means that people who have no problems with the drugs or games loose out because to protect a few they cant play it anymore or use it anymore.

Good counceling would help but there are almost no drug or alcohol programs here. Banning seems to be the only thing they can do.

Actually i don't find it wrong to play games and live in a world like that, if your not harming anymone.. why not. Who am i to tell him to go out and play football or whatever or go to a gym.

Next time the ban beer.. fat food.. girls what ever.

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BREAKING NEWS : Thai Visa member does from prolific posting.

Assuming you mean't "dies".

RIP, this would never have happened if they allowed multiple user names. sad.png

BREAKING NEWS : Thai Visa member does from prolific posting.

Breaking News: Thai Visa Champion Was Drowned By Posts On His Facebook Page. -----w00t.gif

Edited by sirchai
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if your not harming anymone.. why not. Who am i to tell him to go out and play football or whatever or go to a gym.

Next time the ban beer.. fat food.. girls what ever.

Yes. In a world where children are killed and maimed for the Noble Cause of Automotive Manufacturers' Increased Revenue (cars are speed limited to 180-300+ kph rather than [the variable speed limit]), when the government suddenly begins to take an interest in your welfare you should be disturbed.

Very disturbed.


I dare say the Correlation coefficient in Australia / US / UK would be even more damning; if for no other reason than Thailand cares to keep an eye on it and in the West everyone is firmly entrenched on the wrong side of the genocide, frantically and desperately fighting to prolong the continuance of the bloodshed. To be fair, we're talking about a lot of $$.

It's important to understand the mitigating circumstances which justify the murders of innocents. Without knowing how much $$, you might imagine they didn't have a good reason.

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I have a friend who is worried about her teenage son, he stays up late at night playing computer games and often sleeps in class, I wonder if this young man's family had also been worried about his habit of playing games? When will governments begin to see that some people are addicted to these games just as others are addicted to gambling, alcohol, tobacco and drugs? How many other people are locked away in an artificial world?

Sent from my GT-I9003

And your idea is ? Banning it ? Just curious because mostly when people tell goverments to do stuff it means that people who have no problems with the drugs or games loose out because to protect a few they cant play it anymore or use it anymore.

Good counceling would help but there are almost no drug or alcohol programs here. Banning seems to be the only thing they can do.

Actually i don't find it wrong to play games and live in a world like that, if your not harming anymone.. why not. Who am i to tell him to go out and play football or whatever or go to a gym.

Next time the ban beer.. fat food.. girls what ever.

No not banning it, I'm sure some members would have some ideas how to reduce young people's time in front of a game instead of interacting with real people, any ideas or just more criticism?

Sent from my GT-I9003

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I have a friend who is worried about her teenage son, he stays up late at night playing computer games and often sleeps in class, I wonder if this young man's family had also been worried about his habit of playing games? When will governments begin to see that some people are addicted to these games just as others are addicted to gambling, alcohol, tobacco and drugs? How many other people are locked away in an artificial world?

Sent from my GT-I9003

And your idea is ? Banning it ? Just curious because mostly when people tell goverments to do stuff it means that people who have no problems with the drugs or games loose out because to protect a few they cant play it anymore or use it anymore.

Good counceling would help but there are almost no drug or alcohol programs here. Banning seems to be the only thing they can do.

Actually i don't find it wrong to play games and live in a world like that, if your not harming anymone.. why not. Who am i to tell him to go out and play football or whatever or go to a gym.

Next time the ban beer.. fat food.. girls what ever.

No not banning it, I'm sure some members would have some ideas how to reduce young people's time in front of a game instead of interacting with real people, any ideas or just more criticism?

Sent from my GT-I9003

I don't pretend i know an answer, i just hate the ban it all because of an incident brigade. I also doubt games are real harmful. Now they are saying games make people kill, movies too ect ect.

Anyway if they want people to go out and have more fun make sure its interesting outside. Some free sport clubs or something like that. But in the end its a changing time and computers are part of it. You cant expect things to stay the same. They never do in this changing world.

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