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Tensions Flare As Protesters Urge Yingluck To Quit: Thailand


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The government has managed the protests better than expected, and the mayhem seen is far less than the savagery of western countries during G8/G20 meetings. Yes, there has been teargas, some light injuries and the expected seizures of weapons and arrests. However, there have been no deaths, and the management of the situation has allowed the protest to be contained. Not bad for a government and police force often labeled as bungling.

The protestors are finding that there is a different national mood that prevails: The people do not want a coup, and do not want violent protests, whether it is by yellows or reds. The international community has its own problems now and little time or patience for disruptions in Thailand's economic stability. Another large blow to the foreign manufacturing sector and compaies will stop investing and seek a way to divest. As much as I wuld like to blame some elites for the crisis, I appreciate that they need peace for their personal propserity. That's why I do not think the majority of the elite class supports the protestors. Some may want to send a message to show their displeasure about the slow erosion of their special status, but the majority do not want conflict because they udnerstand the consequences. For better or for worse, Yingluck is the PM and she hasn't hurt the super elites.

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but pretty logic one isnt it? bet who burn central world and why they still didnt made it to catch any of the black shirts even with 80.000 army in BKK ?

or why not one of the burning people got catched, or why there is still inseen videos of central world show the people burn it......

its so clear you only have to open your sleepy eyes and see !

80,000 army?

Fantasy, more like it.

60.000 sorry.......search by yourselve in the webi i am too lazzy for that,

and so what.........doesent change the point does it ?

More like 20,000 with 4,000 doing the final cleanup. Troops need space to maneuver wink.png

Anyway the torching of WTC is not part of this topic. Here we have 17,000 police people, counted by the current government to withstand 10,000 - 20,000 people who wanted to protest. Now pray tell, how much police to supervise the regular red-shirt / UDD rallies? Those started again under the previous government around August 2010, Unopposed as far as I remember. no razorblade wire fenching them in. Royal Plaza was really fenced in, protesters herded like cattle. In a pure democratic fashion of course ermm.gif

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but pretty logic one isnt it? bet who burn central world and why they still didnt made it to catch any of the black shirts even with 80.000 army in BKK ?

or why not one of the burning people got catched, or why there is still inseen videos of central world show the people burn it......

its so clear you only have to open your sleepy eyes and see !

80,000 army?

Fantasy, more like it.

60.000 sorry.......search by yourselve in the webi i am too lazzy for that,

and so what.........doesent change the point does it ?

There were 10,000 protesters there. Individuals weren't caught lighting fires. That doesn't mean the yellow shirts did it.

i talked about 60.000 army forceses in 2010 not demonstrators of yellow shirts today,see my post aboth :)

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but pretty logic one isnt it? bet who burn central world and why they still didnt made it to catch any of the black shirts even with 80.000 army in BKK ?

or why not one of the burning people got catched, or why there is still inseen videos of central world show the people burn it......

its so clear you only have to open your sleepy eyes and see !

80,000 army?

Fantasy, more like it.

60.000 sorry.......search by yourselve in the webi i am too lazzy for that,

and so what.........doesent change the point does it ?

More like 20,000 with 4,000 doing the final cleanup. Troops need space to maneuver wink.png

Anyway the torching of WTC is not part of this topic. Here we have 17,000 police people, counted by the current government to withstand 10,000 - 20,000 people who wanted to protest. Now pray tell, how much police to supervise the regular red-shirt / UDD rallies? Those started again under the previous government around August 2010, Unopposed as far as I remember. no razorblade wire fenching them in. Royal Plaza was really fenced in, protesters herded like cattle. In a pure democratic fashion of course ermm.gif

That was then, this is now. Times change.

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i talked about 60.000 army forceses in 2010 not demonstrators of yellow shirts today,see my post aboth smile.png

Above you were blaming all the trouble on yellow shirts/fake red shirts.

You were saying that no one was caught lighting CW. I suggested with so many protesters there, it would make it difficult to identify individuals that lit fires. They did charge and try a couple of red shirts for CW, but they were found not guilty.

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but pretty logic one isnt it? bet who burn central world and why they still didnt made it to catch any of the black shirts even with 80.000 army in BKK ?

or why not one of the burning people got catched, or why there is still inseen videos of central world show the people burn it......

its so clear you only have to open your sleepy eyes and see !

80,000 army?

Fantasy, more like it.

60.000 sorry.......search by yourselve in the webi i am too lazzy for that,

and so what.........doesent change the point does it ?

More like 20,000 with 4,000 doing the final cleanup. Troops need space to maneuver wink.png

Anyway the torching of WTC is not part of this topic. Here we have 17,000 police people, counted by the current government to withstand 10,000 - 20,000 people who wanted to protest. Now pray tell, how much police to supervise the regular red-shirt / UDD rallies? Those started again under the previous government around August 2010, Unopposed as far as I remember. no razorblade wire fenching them in. Royal Plaza was really fenced in, protesters herded like cattle. In a pure democratic fashion of course ermm.gif

to fight a mob with police use teagas is far more democratic than use the army and guns yes you are right ! everone could ask for everything in a mob, human right, right for gays and lesbian.........to ask for a overthrow

of a gov. and a following leadership by "professionals" for5years.........all backed up by some fairy tales about the devil in person is the reason for all bad in thailand (thaksin).

this is not occupy wallstreet this are retarded fashist people with strange ideologies face this!

you know what german police do to nazi demonstrators in germany ? should watch them after the police finish everyone in a corner :)

how should you handle such a undemocratic mob has no real democratic wish to offer but only want make trouble ?

Shoot them? tear gas them? ...........what would you do? :)

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to fight a mob with police use teagas is far more democratic than use the army and guns yes you are right ! everone could ask for everything in a mob, human right, right for gays and lesbian.........to ask for a overthrow

of a gov. and a following leadership by "professionals" for5years.........all backed up by some fairy tales about the devil in person is the reason for all bad in thailand (thaksin).

this is not occupy wallstreet this are retarded fashist people with strange ideologies face this!

you know what german police do to nazi demonstrators in germany ? should watch them after the police finish everyone in a corner smile.png

how should you handle such a undemocratic mob has no real democratic wish to offer but only want make trouble ?

Shoot them? tear gas them? ...........what would you do? smile.png

The army used shields, tear gas and water cannons in 2010. It wasn't until after they were hit with molotov cocktails on April 9 that the army got a bit more serious.

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i talked about 60.000 army forceses in 2010 not demonstrators of yellow shirts today,see my post aboth smile.png

Above you were blaming all the trouble on yellow shirts/fake red shirts.

You were saying that no one was caught lighting CW. I suggested with so many protesters there, it would make it difficult to identify individuals that lit fires. They did charge and try a couple of red shirts for CW, but they were found not guilty.

if you would know the timeline you would understand that 99% of all protestors was away and the rest in the SIAM temple, and CW got burned after that..........you know that the whole area was under army control dont you?

please remember by urselve :) and i claimed nothing.............scrolle up and read.

if you would read you would see i did not blame anyone anywhere.........

i only say its wierd that so many armys cannot make it to shoot or catch at least one of the black shirts

especialy in last 48 houres where whole siam and cw was clear of demonstrators. and that in the end

ohhh wonder CW got burned down wich totaly helped only one side...........yes the democrats :)

i not blamed anyone at all :)

by the way............you not know that in the year we had the trouble with the airport there was agressive blackshirts

as well as 2010 there was some?

oh wonder oh wonder both times non of the shooters claimed to be armed (and in 2010 get used as reason to make life amunition legal to use in bangkok)

got catched..........isnt that wierd? :)

whats your opinion on that case?


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to fight a mob with police use teagas is far more democratic than use the army and guns yes you are right ! everone could ask for everything in a mob, human right, right for gays and lesbian.........to ask for a overthrow

of a gov. and a following leadership by "professionals" for5years.........all backed up by some fairy tales about the devil in person is the reason for all bad in thailand (thaksin).

this is not occupy wallstreet this are retarded fashist people with strange ideologies face this!

you know what german police do to nazi demonstrators in germany ? should watch them after the police finish everyone in a corner smile.png

how should you handle such a undemocratic mob has no real democratic wish to offer but only want make trouble ?

Shoot them? tear gas them? ...........what would you do? smile.png

The army used shields, tear gas and water cannons in 2010. It wasn't until after they were hit with molotov cocktails on April 9 that the army got a bit more serious.

ah yes? a) it wasnt a molotov it was a small bomb (not clear of who since the only one who gain from it is the one can use this as reason to shoot)

B) if you want proof how about you open youtube and search all the videos of life ammo usage, on DEMOCRACY MONUMENT....youtube is full of this shit.

they was armed all the time, i dont see any shields in any armys hand........... you share here untruth withouth knowlege of the whole picture sir !

no water cannon, no tear gas......M16 and TAR get used only......

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if you would know the timeline you would understand that 99% of all protestors was away and the rest in the SIAM temple, and CW got burned after that..........you know that the whole area was under army control dont you?

please remember by urselve smile.png and i claimed nothing.............scrolle up and read.

if you would read you would see i did not blame anyone anywhere.........

i only say its wierd that so many armys cannot make it to shoot or catch at least one of the black shirts

especialy in last 48 houres where whole siam and cw was clear of demonstrators. and that in the end

ohhh wonder CW got burned down wich totaly helped only one side...........yes the democrats smile.png

i not blamed anyone at all smile.png

by the way............you not know that in the year we had the trouble with the airport there was agressive blackshirts

as well as 2010 there was some?

oh wonder oh wonder both times non of the shooters claimed to be armed (and in 2010 get used as reason to make life amunition legal to use in bangkok)

got catched..........isnt that wierd? smile.png

whats your opinion on that case?


The protest area in front of CW had protesters there until early afternoon on May 19 when the leaders surrendered and told everyone to leave.

There were a number of buildings that were lit on fire on the afternoon/evening of May 19, some of them with red shirts admitting that they were there (Channel 3 and SET).

The army didn't have full control of the area when the fires were lit. There were still on going gun battles late into the afternoon.

I wasn't aware of "black shirts" being involved in the yellow shirt protests in 2008, certainly not heavily armed ones like the those during the red shirt protests.

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ah yes? a) it wasnt a molotov it was a small bomb (not clear of who since the only one who gain from it is the one can use this as reason to shoot)

cool.png if you want proof how about you open youtube and search all the videos of life ammo usage, on DEMOCRACY MONUMENT....youtube is full of this shit.

they was armed all the time, i dont see any shields in any armys hand........... you share here untruth withouth knowlege of the whole picture sir !

no water cannon, no tear gas......M16 and TAR get used only......

It was molotov cocktails. Water cannons and tear gas were used. Check youtube for the protests at Thaicom.

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if you would know the timeline you would understand that 99% of all protestors was away and the rest in the SIAM temple, and CW got burned after that..........you know that the whole area was under army control dont you?

please remember by urselve smile.png and i claimed nothing.............scrolle up and read.

if you would read you would see i did not blame anyone anywhere.........

i only say its wierd that so many armys cannot make it to shoot or catch at least one of the black shirts

especialy in last 48 houres where whole siam and cw was clear of demonstrators. and that in the end

ohhh wonder CW got burned down wich totaly helped only one side...........yes the democrats smile.png

i not blamed anyone at all smile.png

by the way............you not know that in the year we had the trouble with the airport there was agressive blackshirts

as well as 2010 there was some?

oh wonder oh wonder both times non of the shooters claimed to be armed (and in 2010 get used as reason to make life amunition legal to use in bangkok)

got catched..........isnt that wierd? smile.png

whats your opinion on that case?


The protest area in front of CW had protesters there until early afternoon on May 19 when the leaders surrendered and told everyone to leave.

There were a number of buildings that were lit on fire on the afternoon/evening of May 19, some of them with red shirts admitting that they were there (Channel 3 and SET).

The army didn't have full control of the area when the fires were lit. There were still on going gun battles late into the afternoon.

I wasn't aware of "black shirts" being involved in the yellow shirt protests in 2008, certainly not heavily armed ones like the those during the red shirt protests.

What you say is true also the people trying to burn Bangkok down were doing it under the wishes of the red shirt leaders. Lots of videos of that.

Why were there no black shirts arrested.

Because they took them off and put blue ones on.

A better question is what kind of a bozo would expect them to stick around when it was obvious they had no more job. They simply put on blue or red or pink or any color other than black and blended in to the crowd. Actually I don't know but it just occurred to me were they spotted on the final day?

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An estimate of 20,000 as opposed to the anticipated 100K plus would seem to be a major vote for the government.

Violence begets violence so better avoided but it appears that there were those out to cause it in the opposition and itchy trigger fingers on the government side.

Hopefully we will see little more from this lot and just let the elected gov get on with it's job whatever it may be.

Those that are not satisfied with whatever will have an opportunity to vote them out in a couple of years time.

Actually, according to the BBC, there was only around 10,000 demonstrators

Furthermore, according to the latest poll, a majority of people backed the use of the Internal Security Act.

It should be obvious for all, the Thai people are clearly opposed to the violent method of Siam. They do not want a coup, They're tired of street violence.

The people who here support Pitak Siam, the PAD and all similar terrorist organizations are

clearly out of touch with the feeling of the Thai


I'm assuming you include people who storm hospitals, launch grenade attacks on civilians and try to burn down the capital in your list of terrorists.

Edited by Bluespunk
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The rally is illegitimate says Thida, she would certainly know about such things.

can I ask any of you so called fuc_k wits, how long as any government stayed in power in thailand before there was a military coup?

There has been approximately 14 coup d’état since 1932 to 2006, which is an average of one Coup d’état , every 5.7 years or so.

It is reasonable to assume at least one such bloodless coup event is likely to occur in Thailand once every 10 years. However, there has been a period in Thailand, from 1991 to 2006, which spanned 15 years before the last known event occur. In terms of politically stability, although fragile, history suggest that Thailand democratically is still developing and improving , despite what pessimists may say.

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An estimate of 20,000 as opposed to the anticipated 100K plus would seem to be a major vote for the government.

Violence begets violence so better avoided but it appears that there were those out to cause it in the opposition and itchy trigger fingers on the government side.

Hopefully we will see little more from this lot and just let the elected gov get on with it's job whatever it may be.

Those that are not satisfied with whatever will have an opportunity to vote them out in a couple of years time.

Perhaps lot's of would be protesters succumbed to the threat of violence, road blocks where you had to provide id and "persuasive" skills of local government - all tasked with keeping the numbers down. Hardly a major vote for the government who seem intimidated and nervous at the thought of free speech.

Presumably you think the Red shirts are peaceful and open to dialogue? Hope you don't have to run their illegal stop and search barricades as many had to in 2010.

Of course violence is not the answer, but waiting a couple of years? The government will have emptied the coffers by then!

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An estimate of 20,000 as opposed to the anticipated 100K plus would seem to be a major vote for the government.

Violence begets violence so better avoided but it appears that there were those out to cause it in the opposition and itchy trigger fingers on the government side.

Hopefully we will see little more from this lot and just let the elected gov get on with it's job whatever it may be.

Those that are not satisfied with whatever will have an opportunity to vote them out in a couple of years time.

Actually, according to the BBC, there was only around 10,000 demonstrators

Furthermore, according to the latest poll, a majority of people backed the use of the Internal Security Act.

It should be obvious for all, the Thai people are clearly opposed to the violent method of Siam. They do not want a coup, They're tired of street violence.

The people who here support Pitak Siam, the PAD and all similar terrorist organizations are

clearly out of touch with the feeling of the Thai


I'm assuming you include people who storm hospitals, launch grenade attacks on civilians and try to burn down the capital in your list of terrorists.

He probably thinks the people who storm hospitals etc are freedom fighters!

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An estimate of 20,000 as opposed to the anticipated 100K plus would seem to be a major vote for the government.

Violence begets violence so better avoided but it appears that there were those out to cause it in the opposition and itchy trigger fingers on the government side.

Hopefully we will see little more from this lot and just let the elected gov get on with it's job whatever it may be.

Those that are not satisfied with whatever will have an opportunity to vote them out in a couple of years time.

Agree completely. This is a democratically elected government that won the recent elections by a wide margin. Those who do not respect this election and try to thwart the will of the people by extra-parliamentary means are a disgrace to their country and should be ashamed to call themselves "patriots". As the American writer Ambrose Bierce wrote," Patriotism is the first refuge of the scoundrel.":)

I have complete faith in the Thai people and their democratically elected representatives, whoever they may be. wai2.gif

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Actually, according to the BBC, there was only around 10,000 demonstrators

Furthermore, according to the latest poll, a majority of people backed the use of the Internal Security Act.

It should be obvious for all, the Thai people are clearly opposed to the violent method of Pitak Siam. They do not want a coup, They're tired of street violence.

The people who here support Pitak Siam, the PAD and all similar terrorist organizations are clearly out of touch with the feeling of the Thai population.

Casual lies again? Could you specify "violent method of Pitak Siam." before the ISa was enacted which led people to support it?

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As far as I can see, the Thai people have the government they deserve.

The same is true for all other countries.The French statesman and philosopher Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821) said it: "Every nation gets the government it deserves"

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The police estimate that 20,000 objectors attended the rally.

However they called upon 17,000 police for crowd control & boosted that number by another 5,700 thus making 22,700 in total, but they had to use tear gas when things started to turn ugly ???

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