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Bought a pile of food from there yesterday...my presence even forced the electricity to blow.

Anyway, the boss asked for feedback on the food and shall do here as it is consumed.

but first cab off the rank this morning was the specially prepared 'Crumpets'

And they were well received by myself and my son, we polished of 2 bags between us, smothered in butter and honey.

My only complaint is the middle bit seems a little soft and floury by comparison to what we get back home, not sure if the 2 countries differ crumpet wise.

I toasted one lot somewhat longer and the crunchy taste is better, but middle still soft. Perhaps making them a little wider, but thinner might fix this or if it is in the mix, maybe experiment.

I usually like them with a little more texture.

But having said that, they were delicious and even if they do not change, i will buy them again.

They beat previous purchased crumpets made here, not imported, by 10 times easily, in fact the other ones were eventually thrown out as nobody wanted to eat them.

So, crumpets thus far 8.5/10

As a side note....how do you cook the bacon wrapped meatloaf ?


Hi Humbugged,

That was our second attempt at making crumpets so we haven't perfected them yet. We need to buy a large griddle for cooking them which if there's enough interest we will do.

Glad you still liked them.

The bacon wrapped meatloaf should be cooked in the oven. I've added a link to our site as most of the products we make have cooking instructions.


Any problems let us know and we'll try to help.

Korat Chef

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