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Flying Back To Uk With Valium


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This may sound a stupid question but normally I find it so hard to sleep on planes.

I'm flying back to England soon and I was going to get some Valium for the flight, is that an ok thing to do? Like going through the Thai customs it wont be a problem will it?

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I've done that, for flying, can't see it would be a problem.... I think they would be concerned catching other types of drugs whistling.gif .... (which sniffer dogs would detect) ...

I would not take a "ton" of them with you.... just in case they check you at the UK end... not sure if legal there or not!!! wink.png

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Not sure about here but isn't it a prescription only drug in the UK. Both my parents were prescribed it, and it's side effects were not pleasant for us to live with. It can block REM sleep.

From wiki

UK: classified as a controlled drug, listed under Schedule IV, Part I (CD Benz POM) of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001, allowing possession with a valid prescription. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 makes it illegal to possess the drug without a prescription, and for such purposes it is classified as a Class C drug

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Here's a link regarding bringing drugs into Thailand:


I've read about issues in Dubai, but not sure what they are.

I take Ambien CR. It's great for a long flight, like what I usually do from the US to Tokyo. Around 10-11 hours or so. Take it when I get on the plane and usually awake just in time for the meal service before landing. CR stands for controlled release. Helps keep you asleep, unlike the regular Ambien which just helps you get to sleep.

As for customs, as long as you have a prescription for it, and a "normal" amount of the drug, you'll be fine. But make sure it's in a properly labelled bottle. I just returned with my mother and many, many bottles of prescription drugs.

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Thanks for the advice, To be honest I would only take a couple for just the flight, its a direct flight, I would just take them when I get onto the plane so I wouldnt have them on me when I get to the UK. Just want to makes sure at the airport in Thailand will be ok

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I travel all the time long haul and depending on the time of day I will pop a gravol if I know I need sleep, they are over the counter and work like a charm for me, most airline staff use them for layovers. It is mainly used to prevent dizziness and nausea/motion sickness they wont help you fall asleep but will help you stay asleep. Thailand as ไดเมนนีน (Dị men nīn)

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I travel all the time long haul and depending on the time of day I will pop a gravol if I know I need sleep, they are over the counter and work like a charm for me, most airline staff use them for layovers. It is mainly used to prevent dizziness and nausea/motion sickness they wont help you fall asleep but will help you stay asleep. Thailand as ไดเมนนีน (Dị men nīn)

Thanks, so if I ask at a pharmacy for Gravol they should know what I'm talking about?

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I travel all the time long haul and depending on the time of day I will pop a gravol if I know I need sleep, they are over the counter and work like a charm for me, most airline staff use them for layovers. It is mainly used to prevent dizziness and nausea/motion sickness they wont help you fall asleep but will help you stay asleep. Thailand as ไดเมนนีน (Dị men nīn)

Thanks, so if I ask at a pharmacy for Gravol they should know what I'm talking about?

Use the Thai name (ไดเมนนีน (Dị men nīn)) or Gravol or the US name dramamine. The chemical name is dimenhydrinate, they are 50mg and I take the entire tablet when I'm settling in for the flight, I eat some food have some wine and by the time I'm ready to snooze I'm mellow.

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Whilst you require a prescription for it in the UK, you are not likely to ave any bother from customs if you only have a few on you. It would be different if you were bringing in hundreds. Thai airport will not be interested at all.

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Do not under any circumstances take valium with you if you are transitting through Dubai airport.

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Ive been transitting through Dubai for years and often. I always have val with me as I have a massive fear of flying and take 3 before boarding, along with a skin full.

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I travel all the time long haul and depending on the time of day I will pop a gravol if I know I need sleep, they are over the counter and work like a charm for me, most airline staff use them for layovers. It is mainly used to prevent dizziness and nausea/motion sickness they wont help you fall asleep but will help you stay asleep. Thailand as ไดเมนนีน (Dị men nīn)

Thanks, so if I ask at a pharmacy for Gravol they should know what I'm talking about?

Use the Thai name (ไดเมนนีน (Dị men nīn)) or Gravol or the US name dramamine. The chemical name is dimenhydrinate, they are 50mg and I take the entire tablet when I'm settling in for the flight, I eat some food have some wine and by the time I'm ready to snooze I'm mellow.

My wife take dramamine. I use to, but prefer Ambien CR. I sleep like a baby. Dramamine takes about an hour to take effect. If you can, take it before you take off. It's not really strong, just settles you down. You can easily wake up....which was my problem. I just can't sleep with I fly!!!!sad.png

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Thai doctors do not give prescriptions. Do not exist in the country. They only phone down to the pharmacy and you pick up your pills after paying your bill.

If you feel you must have documentation... you will have to get a letter from your doctor stating you are taking these meds as part of treatment... etc.

Unless you have a boatload of drugs, don't bother.

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Thai doctors do not give prescriptions. Do not exist in the country. They only phone down to the pharmacy and you pick up your pills after paying your bill.

If you feel you must have documentation... you will have to get a letter from your doctor stating you are taking these meds as part of treatment... etc.

Unless you have a boatload of drugs, don't bother.

They do if you ask for it !!!!!

Yermanee wai.gif

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Thai doctors do not give prescriptions. Do not exist in the country. They only phone down to the pharmacy and you pick up your pills after paying your bill.

If you feel you must have documentation... you will have to get a letter from your doctor stating you are taking these meds as part of treatment... etc.

Unless you have a boatload of drugs, don't bother.

They do if you ask for it !!!!!

Yermanee wai.gif

Well, in 15 years in country, spanning back to 1991, I have never seen one.

I did ask for one from my doctor recently, to avoid their pharmacy. It was for a class 4 drug - a benzodiapine, similar to the valium. He said they do not have prescriptions in Thailand. He did offer to write it on a random piece of white paper. Sounds like he is doing what the hospital wants him to do and not serving me honestly. Hmmmm.

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Well, in 15 years in country, spanning back to 1991, I have never seen one.

I did ask for one from my doctor recently, to avoid their pharmacy. It was for a class 4 drug - a benzodiapine, similar to the valium. He said they do not have prescriptions in Thailand. He did offer to write it on a random piece of white paper. Sounds like he is doing what the hospital wants him to do and not serving me honestly. Hmmmm.

If you say you need it for international air travel they will give you one.

I've had them from PIC and BPH in Pattaya, and yes they do try to make you buy the medicine from the hospital. You just have to be firm about it.

Yermanee wai.gif

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Legally, without a script its illegal to have (I know, they are sold like candy here) so technically leaving with it and no script is illegal (though I have never been searched leaving Thailand. However, entering the UK could be a problem so make sure you only take what you can consume before you land.

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try l'arginine 500mg about half hour before you're ready for bed.

it was recommended by jenson button and confirmed by yours truly.

as for travelling through dubai with valium or xanax...only do it if you fancy a mandatory four years in a UAE monkey house.

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Do not under any circumstances take valium with you if you are transitting through Dubai airport.

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Ive been transitting through Dubai for years and often. I always have val with me as I have a massive fear of flying and take 3 before boarding, along with a skin full.

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Do not under any circumstances take valium with you if you are transitting through Dubai airport.

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Ive been transitting through Dubai for years and often. I always have val with me as I have a massive fear of flying and take 3 before boarding, along with a skin full.


Thanks! I'll pin that one!!

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Do not under any circumstances take valium with you if you are transitting through Dubai airport.

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Ive been transitting through Dubai for years and often. I always have val with me as I have a massive fear of flying and take 3 before boarding, along with a skin full.

A lot of Scaremongering quite frankly because when I actually asked my own Doctor about Diazapam and Tramadol and being in my possession through any of the Emirates, the question didn't take him by surprise and quite the opposite in that its advisable to retain the tear off Prescription slips provided from the Uk, and naturally retain drugs in their original bottles/foils............

This apparently had come up at the Medical Council previously with said body to provide confirmation to any Professional Body in the Emirates who wanted proof of Precription..........

There is a thread at the top of this sub forum where the list of "prohibited" drugs are listed. In short unless its Paracetamol or Aspirin its on the list !!

Obviously then dont carry unprescribed drugs through the Emirates as that clearly IS asking for trouble.....

Edited..........We'll now get the Banged up for 4 years for Burger Bun seed quote.....!!

Edited by Chivas
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Thai doctors do not give prescriptions. Do not exist in the country. They only phone down to the pharmacy and you pick up your pills after paying your bill.

If you feel you must have documentation... you will have to get a letter from your doctor stating you are taking these meds as part of treatment... etc.

Unless you have a boatload of drugs, don't bother.

I will disagree with you, that doctors in Thailand do not write prescriptions.

In some circumstances I use medication that, in some countries, requires a doctors authorization to purchase. When in Thailand I have had doctors write a prescription that I take to a pharmacy. I keep that written prescription with me as proof that I posses the drug legally.

The prescription is not just a blank piece of paper the doctor writes on. It is on paperwork provided by the hospital the doctor is working at.

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