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Opposition Sleuths: Outrageous Thai Govt Graft Uncovered


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MP sleuths: outrageous graft uncovered

Kittipong Thavevong

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Opposition Democrat MPs yesterday backed their allegations against the government with findings from their own investigations - something new for a censure debate, as the Opposition is often accused of relying too much on information from the mass media.

Democrat MP Rangsima Rodrasamee from Samut Songkhram accused the prime minister of failing to effectively tackle corruption involving certain government agencies. She pointed to a project to repair and rebuild public artesian wells in areas affected by last year's floods.

Rangsima produced video recordings of interviews with local community leaders in some provinces that she visited as part of her investigation. Several clips of her conversations with the local leaders were displayed during yesterday's live broadcast on the final day of the censure debate against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and three other Cabinet members.

The Democrat MP said her probe found cases of irregularities. The cost of repairing and rebuilding wells was much higher than normal, some repairs were done on privately owned wells, and on wells that did not require any repair - because the area was not affected by last year's flood.

She noted that the prime minister was absent at the time she took the floor. Rangsima said if Yingluck had been in the meeting chamber, she would have asked her to swear by her promise to fight corruption. She also wished harm on corrupt politicians.

Democrat MP Vilas Chanpitak from Bangkok, during yesterday's Opposition grilling of the prime minister, said that Yingluck was insincere in tackling the corruption problem although she repeatedly announced her government would suppress graft as part of its "Stop Corruption" campaign.

He said the prime minister failed to pay attention while certain government agencies were involved in "outrageous corruption".

Vilas said that a small group of people managed to win bids to supply products to certain state agencies at inflated prices - more than 10 times the original prices in some cases - through companies with questionable histories.

The Democrat MP said he investigated the matter by himself, going to the addresses in many Northeastern provinces that were registered as offices of the companies mentioned. He met some people registered as partners or board members of the companies, as well as their relatives. Still shots of the houses - most of them in dilapidated condition - and of the MP with those people were also shown during the broadcast of the debate.

Vilas said he found many of the persons registered as top executives of the companies lived in houses in poor condition, although the products their firms supplied to state agencies were worth between Bt100 million and Bt500 million. He also found that those people were in their 20s and, according to their relatives he met, actually earned their living as handymen, mechanics, or product presenters (known as "pretties").

The MP said some of the people he met told him they were unaware their names were used as company executives or partners. They merely rented their houses to some individuals who later registered their addresses as the companies' head offices.

Some government MPs rose to protest against the Democrat MPs. Rangsima was accused of asking the community leaders "leading questions", and Vilas was accused of one-sidedly defaming those companies he mentioned by name.


-- The Nation 2012-11- 28

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Do people really expect them to put there family and friends in jail for graft?

and therein lies the problem.

Will the PTP members who KNOW that there is massive corruption vote against their party? Never/

Will the Red Police take action? Extremely doubtful

So it's either off to the courts - cue red shirt sycophants crying about courts once more

Or further street protests - cue red shirt sycophants further mutterings

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Outrageous graft uncovered. Indeed, nothing original here.

The last two ABAC polls on the subject of graft have - roughly put - confirmed that around 65% of Thai people accept corruption if they benefit.

Graft in Thailand has always been and will continue to be universal and the norm, so not just confined to this or that government. It's a business.

Politics is simply another part of the business, as are the cronies and family members linked to the phu yai's and those others with power and influence.

Now we have these facts, what next?

Not much, I opine.

Edited by arthurboy
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Sorry, but any alternative will be more of the same.

Just choose who you'd prefer to be reaping the benefits and get on with it.

While I agree that corruption will always exist, I would much rather see an administration other than one with a proven track record of corruption excellence.

Is it foolish of me to think there are some people in Thailand with integrity and a grasp of the concept of public duty?

There are people, but they would never get near the top of any political party if there was a chance they might be tough on corruption.

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Sorry, but any alternative will be more of the same.

Just choose who you'd prefer to be reaping the benefits and get on with it.

While I agree that corruption will always exist, I would much rather see an administration other than one with a proven track record of corruption excellence.

Is it foolish of me to think there are some people in Thailand with integrity and a grasp of the concept of public duty?

Not at all, they exist but are not drawn to a career in politics and if they are they don't stay uncorrupted for long...

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Sorry, but any alternative will be more of the same.

Just choose who you'd prefer to be reaping the benefits and get on with it.

While I agree that corruption will always exist, I would much rather see an administration other than one with a proven track record of corruption excellence.

Is it foolish of me to think there are some people in Thailand with integrity and a grasp of the concept of public duty?

Not at all, they exist but are not drawn to a career in politics and if they are they don't stay uncorrupted for long...

So you believe that this government is corrupt?

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Sorry, but any alternative will be more of the same.

Just choose who you'd prefer to be reaping the benefits and get on with it.

While I agree that corruption will always exist, I would much rather see an administration other than one with a proven track record of corruption excellence.

Is it foolish of me to think there are some people in Thailand with integrity and a grasp of the concept of public duty?

Which fictitious administration would that be?

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Sorry, but any alternative will be more of the same.

Just choose who you'd prefer to be reaping the benefits and get on with it.

Corrupt politicians love your attitude, it makes their lives so much easier and their bank accounts so much fuller.

To be fair I don't think it's FarangTalk's responsibility to combat corruption in the Thai Government... I believe they have a National Anti Corruption Commission that get paid to do just that.

While I understand the viewpoint that it is everyone's job to fight corruption wherever they find it, the reality is that corruption is so rampant here, pervading virtually every aspect of business and day to day life, that people are rightly scared to stand up to it. If you can't address corruption in day to day life, effecting each and every Thai citizen daily, how do you tackle corruption within the Government itself?

When it's common knowledge that some police here operate protection rackets and control many of the black market sectors, who exactly are Thai citizens expected to turn to for protection and help?

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While I agree that corruption will always exist, I would much rather see an administration other than one with a proven track record of corruption excellence.

Is it foolish of me to think there are some people in Thailand with integrity and a grasp of the concept of public duty?

Not at all, they exist but are not drawn to a career in politics and if they are they don't stay uncorrupted for long...

So you believe that this government is corrupt?

I believe that corruption has been evident in virtually every Government the world over since the dawn of time. Show me an incorruptible politician and I'll show you a flying pig...

Ohh, then it is ok. Let them rob the country. Let them steal billions from the tax-payers.

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I believe that corruption has been evident in virtually every Government the world over since the dawn of time. Show me an incorruptible politician and I'll show you a flying pig...

Ohh, then it is ok. Let them rob the country. Let them steal billions from the tax-payers.

Hi Ho Silver... bit early to be getting on your rather large equestrian friend isn't it Nicky?

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Outrageous graft uncovered. Indeed, nothing original here.

The last two ABAC polls on the subject of graft have - roughly put - confirmed that around 65% of Thai people accept corruption if they benefit.

Graft in Thailand has always been and will continue to be universal and the norm, so not just confined to this or that government. It's a business.

Politics is simply another part of the business, as are the cronies and family members linked to the phu yai's and those others with power and influence.

Now we have these facts, what next?

Not much, I opine.

Most people don't mind a bit of corruption...... a backhander here and there........ but don't rob the people blind and then pretend you are pure as the driven snow.

When did you last see snow in Thailand?

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Do people really expect them to put there family and friends in jail for graft?

This is a very critical point, and the answer is NO, they will investigate their own, and NO they will NOT ever introduce strong legislation to counter corruption, collusion, etc.

Which is why nothing will happen until the public at large, with a structured appraoch, stands up, reveals all with details and with names and demands change.

Plus hopefully strong credible comparisons of what the stolen taxpayers funds could have bought. e.g. 1). 20 schools for 200 children with modern facilities, 2). Additional teacher training programs for 500 teachers. 3). 20 new / upgraded hospitals, etc etc. 4). Modern instrastructure to support decentralization of say 5,000 jobs, etc etc.

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I believe that corruption has been evident in virtually every Government the world over since the dawn of time. Show me an incorruptible politician and I'll show you a flying pig...

Ohh, then it is ok. Let them rob the country. Let them steal billions from the tax-payers.

Hi Ho Silver... bit early to be getting on your rather large equestrian friend isn't it Nicky?

Nicky has a very valid point. But again we see you answer by being sarcastic rather than answer with some logic.

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Sorry, but any alternative will be more of the same.

Just choose who you'd prefer to be reaping the benefits and get on with it.

While I agree that corruption will always exist, I would much rather see an administration other than one with a proven track record of corruption excellence.

Is it foolish of me to think there are some people in Thailand with integrity and a grasp of the concept of public duty?

Which fictitious administration would that be?

No need to answer.

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Sorry, but any alternative will be more of the same.

Just choose who you'd prefer to be reaping the benefits and get on with it.

While I agree that corruption will always exist, I would much rather see an administration other than one with a proven track record of corruption excellence.

Is it foolish of me to think there are some people in Thailand with integrity and a grasp of the concept of public duty?

Well you may be right.

But in all fairness Abhist and the Dems were never given a chance. To many parties to please and terrorism to put down.

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I believe that corruption has been evident in virtually every Government the world over since the dawn of time. Show me an incorruptible politician and I'll show you a flying pig...

Ohh, then it is ok. Let them rob the country. Let them steal billions from the tax-payers.

Hi Ho Silver... bit early to be getting on your rather large equestrian friend isn't it Nicky?

Nicky has a very valid point. But again we see you answer by being sarcastic rather than answer with some logic.

Each to their own, personally I thought Nicky was applying a ridiculously speculative assertion to my post.

Valid point? In what way was that a valid response to what I wrote? If you read my other post on this thread, no.17, it's pretty clear where I stand on the issue and obvious that Nicky's post was just a cheap shot, a bit of preverbial mudslinging, taking my reply to another member's question out of context as a statement and deliberately ignoring what I'd wrote only minutes earlier, which I think adequately defined my position on corruption.

You can take that logic, put it in your pipe and smoke it.

Edited by Ferangled
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THe reality is that its not suprising that a convicted criminal controlled cabinet is corrupt to the core, what is staggering is how blatant and widespread that corruption really is.

And how it is accepted without a bat of the eye.
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