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Gangnam Style Star Psy's Embarrassing Anti-American Past Comes Out


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Embarrassing only because NOW that he is a big star he is more than happy to milk the "evil" Yankee dollar machine, so he is apologizing. He has/had every right to his political views of course but now they are ... inconvenient.

Then and now:



Before Gangnam Style:

Kill those _#(*%^ Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives

Kill those _#(*%^ Yankees who ordered them to torture

Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers

Kill them all slowly and painfully

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Embarrassing only because NOW that he is a big star he is more than happy to milk the "evil" Yankee dollar machine, so he is apologizing. He has/had every right to his political views of course but now they are ... inconvenient.

Then and now:



Before Gangnam Style:

Kill those _#(*%^ Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives

Kill those _#(*%^ Yankees who ordered them to torture

Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers

Kill them all slowly and painfully

I believe torture is illegal so what he asks for is not so strange. With exception to the last part.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Dear Santa,

Ive started being a good boy now.

All I want for christmas is to become a mod so I can close topics like this.

Dear Krisb,

Are you really that gullible that you believe in a fat man riding in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer? This topic is just right for you.




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Here's some thoughtful cultural context about South Korean anti-Americanism:


Americans don’t hear much about these anti-American protests in South Korea. It’s a strong American ally, after all; a liberal free market democracy; home to tens of thousands of American troops; and a partner, ever since so many Americans fought and died in the Korean War, in containing North Korea’s threat to the world. Shouldn’t they love us?

This is all true, but the Korean-American alliance can sometimes look a bit different from the other end of the Pacific. Some crucial events inform – though do not, on their own, fully explain – why Psy and other Korean performers would show such animosity toward the United States.

It is interesting that Obama is planning to attend a charity event with Psy and I reckon he wouldn't be going now if he ever had to face another election. But he doesn't.

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Dear Santa,

Ive started being a good boy now.

All I want for christmas is to become a mod so I can close topics like this.

Dear Krisb,

Are you really that gullible that you believe in a fat man riding in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer? This topic is just right for you.




You feeling okay Payboy?

You have used 4 lines and several sentences.

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We expect too much from our entertainers. They are there to perform, act, sing, entertain. They are not intellectual giants whose opinion needs to be taken seriously

He writes a few anti american lines (always in vogue) hams it up at a music gig, not a big deal I say.

Looks like main stream media has avoided focusing on it so far, and so they should. It is not important and it should not be validated.

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Dear Santa,

Ive started being a good boy now.

All I want for christmas is to become a mod so I can close topics like this.

Dear Krisb,

Are you really that gullible that you believe in a fat man riding in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer? This topic is just right for you.




You feeling okay Payboy?

You have used 4 lines and several sentences.

Santa made me do it, honest. :(

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He is most likely a one hit wonder and we will never hear about him again.

Agree, but he is an interesting person.

He has achieved fairly well in his short life and career.

Reading about him on Wiki, whether it is true or not, made me really smile.

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Embarrassing only because NOW that he is a big star he is more than happy to milk the "evil" Yankee dollar machine, so he is apologizing. He has/had every right to his political views of course but now they are ... inconvenient.

Then and now:



Before Gangnam Style:

Kill those _#(*%^ Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives

Kill those _#(*%^ Yankees who ordered them to torture

Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers

Kill them all slowly and painfully

I believe torture is illegal so what he asks for is not so strange. With exception to the last part.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

What an odd post. Something is illegal so it's "not so strange" for this guy to call for the murder of people who do it and their families as well?!

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This is not surprising...if one has spent time in S. Korea and had discussions with locals who came of age during/just after the Korean War, and those who came of age well after the Korean War, you will notice a distinct polarization in views between these two groups re: their attitudes/opinions of the US.

The older group underwent nothing short of a Herculean task of re-building S. Korea that was in complete shambles after the war, which was a result of the "carving up the world" exercise perpetrated by Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin at the end of WWII; S. Korea essentially got the shaft since the demarcation along the 38th parallel left the vast majority of electricity generation, heavy industry, infrastructure and technology in the North, while the South remained mostly an agrarian society.

With the largesse of the Marshall Plan, which was funded mostly by the US + the Superman-like efforts of the S. Korean people, S. Korea developed into one the most modern, educated and prosperous nations in the world. The sins committed by military-style virtual S. Korean dictorships while the US looked the other way, is mostly forgiven by this older S. Korean generation.

However the younger post-S.Korean war and re-building effort generation only knows first-hand the atrocities committed by various military dictatorships with the backing of the US.

So the angst expressed by "Mr. Gangnam Style" are at least somewhat understandable. But, the one thing many young S. Koreans just don't comprehend is how N. Korea has to a limited extent, influenced and inflamed this thinking via propaganda they've managed to infuse into some S. Korean universities and lead the young S. Koreans to believe the inability to reunite the Korean peninsula is due to US hegemony and the "threat" of an always-impending invasion from the South...which is a bunch rotten kimchi.

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This is not surprising...if one has spent time in S. Korea and had discussions with locals who came of age during/just after the Korean War, and those who came of age well after the Korean War, you will notice a distinct polarization in views between these two groups re: their attitudes/opinions of the US.

The older group underwent nothing short of a Herculean task of re-building S. Korea that was in complete shambles after the war, which was a result of the "carving up the world" exercise perpetrated by Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin at the end of WWII; S. Korea essentially got the shaft since the demarcation along the 38th parallel left the vast majority of electricity generation, heavy industry, infrastructure and technology in the North, while the South remained mostly an agrarian society.

With the largesse of the Marshall Plan, which was funded mostly by the US + the Superman-like efforts of the S. Korean people, S. Korea developed into one the most modern, educated and prosperous nations in the world. The sins committed by military-style virtual S. Korean dictorships while the US looked the other way, is mostly forgiven by this older S. Korean generation.

However the younger post-S.Korean war and re-building effort generation only knows first-hand the atrocities committed by various military dictatorships with the backing of the US.

So the angst expressed by "Mr. Gangnam Style" are at least somewhat understandable. But, the one thing many young S. Koreans just don't comprehend is how N. Korea has to a limited extent, influenced and inflamed this thinking via propaganda they've managed to infuse into some S. Korean universities and lead the young S. Koreans to believe the inability to reunite the Korean peninsula is due to US hegemony and the "threat" of an always-impending invasion from the South...which is a bunch rotten kimchi.

This is not surprising...if one has spent time in S. Korea and had discussions with locals who came of age during/just after the Korean War, and those who came of age well after the Korean War, you will notice a distinct polarization in views between these two groups re: their attitudes/opinions of the US.

The older group underwent nothing short of a Herculean task of re-building S. Korea that was in complete shambles after the war, which was a result of the "carving up the world" exercise perpetrated by Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin at the end of WWII; S. Korea essentially got the shaft since the demarcation along the 38th parallel left the vast majority of electricity generation, heavy industry, infrastructure and technology in the North, while the South remained mostly an agrarian society.

With the largesse of the Marshall Plan, which was funded mostly by the US + the Superman-like efforts of the S. Korean people, S. Korea developed into one the most modern, educated and prosperous nations in the world. The sins committed by military-style virtual S. Korean dictorships while the US looked the other way, is mostly forgiven by this older S. Korean generation.

However the younger post-S.Korean war and re-building effort generation only knows first-hand the atrocities committed by various military dictatorships with the backing of the US.

So the angst expressed by "Mr. Gangnam Style" are at least somewhat understandable. But, the one thing many young S. Koreans just don't comprehend is how N. Korea has to a limited extent, influenced and inflamed this thinking via propaganda they've managed to infuse into some S. Korean universities and lead the young S. Koreans to believe the inability to reunite the Korean peninsula is due to US hegemony and the "threat" of an always-impending invasion from the South...which is a bunch rotten kimchi.

Just a moment to say that was a good post but:

With the largesse of the Marshall Plan, which was funded mostly by the US...

1) The Marshall Plan was funded entirely by the US.

2) It had nothing to do with Korea.

And I'd also point out that, paradoxically and somewhat hypocritically, the US troop presence (ad the ocasional and inevitable misdeed by US troops) is another source of S. Korean antagonism

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Embarrassing only because NOW that he is a big star he is more than happy to milk the "evil" Yankee dollar machine, so he is apologizing. He has/had every right to his political views of course but now they are ... inconvenient.

Then and now:



Before Gangnam Style:

Kill those _#(*%^ Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives

Kill those _#(*%^ Yankees who ordered them to torture

Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers

Kill them all slowly and painfully

I believe torture is illegal so what he asks for is not so strange. With exception to the last part.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

What an odd post. Something is illegal so it's "not so strange" for this guy to call for the murder of people who do it and their families as well?!

Im saying that killing their families goes to far. But torture is against the geneva convention and inhumane so killing people who torture is ok in my book. Bet you think the same about the guys torturing Americans. But most seem to think its ok for their side to do it. I dont think so i think al people who torture are wrong.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Dear Santa,

Ive started being a good boy now.

All I want for christmas is to become a mod so I can close topics like this.

Dear Krisb,

Are you really that gullible that you believe in a fat man riding in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer? This topic is just right for you.




Your asking me that when you signed off with regards Santa.

At least I dont believe Im actually Santa like you do.

Regards, Krisb


Edited by krisb
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Dear Santa,

Ive started being a good boy now.

All I want for christmas is to become a mod so I can close topics like this.

Dear Krisb,

Are you really that gullible that you believe in a fat man riding in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer? This topic is just right for you.




Your asking me that when you signed off with regards Santa.

At least I dont believe Im actually Santa like you do.

Regards, Krisb


That one was obviously wasted. I must try harder next time. :)

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Im saying that killing their families goes to far. But torture is against the geneva convention and inhumane so killing people who torture is ok in my book. Bet you think the same about the guys torturing Americans. But most seem to think its ok for their side to do it. I dont think so i think al people who torture are wrong.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

First of all, your first post excluded only "the last part" -- which I took to be the last line ("Kill them all slowly and painfully") and thus you seemed to condone the killing of families. You've clarified now but your justification in that first post was the illegality of torture -- which I found very odd. Something is illegal so people who do it should be murdered?!

Now you cite the inhumanity and, again, the law. The inhumanity of the action is a more sound and defensible motive I suppose (though an entirely emotional one). But to cite a violation of the Geneva Convention a a reason to murder? Rather bizarre since the convention certainly doesn't allow for that. Hypocrisy at its finest, no?

And you'd lose your bet and your apparent presumption of moral superiority (despite your calling for murder) is unfounded and fallacious, I'm afraid: I too (like most people -- among them many or most Americans) think that the immorality of torture is not based on who does or doesn't do it -- but I don't necessarily think murdering people responsible for it is "OK in my book". Your assumption of egregious hypocrisy and a total failure of ethics and integrity is not only ignorant, it's extremely offensive.

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Dear Santa,

Ive started being a good boy now.

All I want for christmas is to become a mod so I can close topics like this.

Dear Krisb,

Are you really that gullible that you believe in a fat man riding in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer? This topic is just right for you.




Your asking me that when you signed off with regards Santa.

At least I dont believe Im actually Santa like you do.

Regards, Krisb


That one was obviously wasted. I must try harder next time. smile.png

Thats fine, and although Im 37 I do believe in keeping the Christmas spirit alive and if that means believing Santas real, then yes I do.
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Im saying that killing their families goes to far. But torture is against the geneva convention and inhumane so killing people who torture is ok in my book. Bet you think the same about the guys torturing Americans. But most seem to think its ok for their side to do it. I dont think so i think al people who torture are wrong.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

First of all, your first post excluded only "the last part" -- which I took to be the last line ("Kill them all slowly and painfully") and thus you seemed to condone the killing of families. You've clarified now but your justification in that first post was the illegality of torture -- which I found very odd. Something is illegal so people who do it should be murdered?!

Now you cite the inhumanity and, again, the law. The inhumanity of the action is a more sound and defensible motive I suppose (though an entirely emotional one). But to cite a violation of the Geneva Convention a a reason to murder? Rather bizarre since the convention certainly doesn't allow for that. Hypocrisy at its finest, no?

And you'd lose your bet and your apparent presumption of moral superiority (despite your calling for murder) is unfounded and fallacious, I'm afraid: I too (like most people -- among them many or most Americans) think that the immorality of torture is not based on who does or doesn't do it -- but I don't necessarily think murdering people responsible for it is "OK in my book". Your assumption of egregious hypocrisy and a total failure of ethics and integrity is not only ignorant, it's extremely offensive.

Now just tell me why torturors should not be killed. The USA is doing it and it goes against all laws and conventions.

Obviously its condoned even though most civilized people are against it and the USA pretends to be more civilised as the ones they fight.

Now tell me why they should not be killed for their actions. The US government wont punish them might even encourage it. So basically they can torure without consequence.

Its not so strange people are ok with killing them. They are comitting war crimes.

I would feel more ashamed that im a citizen of such a government. Then the comment i made.

Just one more thing the fact im talking about the law and not the morality of is that i thought that every one understood torture is wrong. Obviously not. Killing is not good either but its better as letting them get away with it.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

Edited by robblok
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A reminder that the topic was intended to be MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT related, not to inspire a discussion about whether Psy's previously expressed radical anti-American views were "correct" or not (we have already established they were understandable for a young South Korean). Now that he is internationally famous, he has greatly distanced himself from those views. Its funny how people's views change when great riches are involved.

Edited by Jingthing
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A reminder that the topic was intended to be MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT related, not to inspire a discussion about whether Psy's previously expressed radical anti-American views were "correct" or not (we have already established they were understandable for a young South Korean). Now that he is internationally famous, he has greatly distanced himself from those views. Its funny how people's views change when great riches are involved.

Often people choose money over ideals and truth be told im not sure i keep to ideals if the amount was high enough.

Just commenting here that i don't think its that radical. Except the part about the families.

Its radical to believe the USA is always right and has no ulterior motives. War is not black and white, and even good guys can do bad things like torture.

So id rather have they get killed then to get away with it. Same goes for enemies who do the same. I might be really naive in my thinking because war is a dirty business, but when a country that is supposed to be civilized and an example does stuff like that and condones it i think its wrong.

I prefer the USA to win the current conflicts but not at all costs then they are no better as those they fight.

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A reminder that the topic was intended to be MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT related, not to inspire a discussion about whether Psy's previously expressed radical anti-American views were "correct" or not (we have already established they were understandable for a young South Korean). Now that he is internationally famous, he has greatly distanced himself from those views. Its funny how people's views change when great riches are involved.

Very few rich revolutionaries, unless their wealth is threatened, IMHO completely understandable.

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