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...It seems to be mainly semi-reformed drug addicts and criminals who a belittling my success and attempts to be positive. THAT says a lot. I am have a little saying: ONCE A JUNKIE ALWAYS A JUNKIE. I am sure the immigration and other authorities monitor this forum. I am sure they will be interested to see what scum has washed up in THEIR country and take action to remedy the situation. :o

That was uncalled for.

I originally only contributed my version of a success story in the spirit of the topic, until you started laying into other posters. :D

You don't seem too happy with yourself... :D

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haha: In your own way yes! thanks for contributing something positive.

chuchok: Britain's drive sapping "welfare state" is known about and decried the world over! I wouldn't give 60% of MY income to ANY government. And hey I live and work in Pattaya hard liquor sodden Brits from 'up north" are notorious to all.

You are a complete moron :o

If you are going to insult another culture at least get your facts straight before doing so, idiots like you arent tolerated on this board, all you will get from any of your posts is ridicule and abuse.

All you have managed to do is get peoples back up with your self centred,self important, pompous drivel. From your posts i think you may be lacking in other departments, to feel the need to tell all of us just how rich and successful you are, when really from what i have read you are a dirty old man that sold everything he owns in America and moved to Pattaya, because your so called success in America didnt leave you enough money to live there.

You then try to Westernize your wifes children, who believe me really will resent you for that. I can see it now your wife sitting with her friends talking about you and how you force your beliefs on her children, all the while you are sat there smiling because you havent got a clue that your wife only married you because you are old and in a few years she will have a nice settlement from yor life insurance, and then she can go back to her husband in the country.

I suggest you crawl back under your rock and play with your other troll mates. :D

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You- the junkie criminal, Steven Prowler- the pedophile boy abuser and Bangkok Phil the Brummie.

What a teaching team it must have been :o

I'll stick to my own calling thanks friend.

To be a good Troll, you have got to stick to your story or way of writing.All scrotes usually cock up after a while...you just didn't take so long.

Your orig story was at best a stretch..using all the little things that you know will push a few buttons.Well done so far.The trick is to not let people know that you understand pommie culture...cause you being a yank :D , wouldn't know about brummies or Council Houses etc.

So congratulations so far.You are a real winner.Nice touch with Budd though..gave me quite a giggle. :D

chuchok: Britain's drive sapping "welfare state" is known about and decried the world over! I wouldn't give 60% of MY income to ANY government. And hey I live and work in Pattaya hard liquor sodden Brits from 'up north" are notorious to all.

Nice try, but no cigar.You story is about as believable as rocking horse <deleted>.How is budd? Is he talking yet? You have obviously educated the other two young'uns in an International School.

Now Pattaya is not that big of a place, so i'm sure that a 68 year old yank that owns Hotels etc and has done so well...will stand out like a spare prick at a wedding....hmmmmmm... :D

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...It seems to be mainly semi-reformed drug addicts and criminals who a belittling my success and attempts to be positive. THAT says a lot. I am have a little saying: ONCE A JUNKIE ALWAYS A JUNKIE. I am sure the immigration and other authorities monitor this forum. I am sure they will be interested to see what scum has washed up in THEIR country and take action to remedy the situation. :o

That was uncalled for.

I originally only contributed my version of a success story in the spirit of the topic, until you started laying into other posters. :D

You don't seem too happy with yourself... :D

I flagged up that the op might be a troll in my first post. However, even if he started as a troll, I'm afraid he's gone beyond the pale with his atrocious recent posts regarding people with a history of difficulty with drink or drugs. It's not funny any more and I stand by what I said in an earlier post: there are several on this thread who are more successful than the op could ever hope to be.

OP, if you are a troll, IMHO you have gone too far and should knock it on the head. If you are not a troll, you should be knocked on the head.

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...It seems to be mainly semi-reformed drug addicts and criminals who a belittling my success and attempts to be positive. THAT says a lot. I am have a little saying: ONCE A JUNKIE ALWAYS A JUNKIE. I am sure the immigration and other authorities monitor this forum. I am sure they will be interested to see what scum has washed up in THEIR country and take action to remedy the situation. :o

That was uncalled for.

I originally only contributed my version of a success story in the spirit of the topic, until you started laying into other posters. :D

You don't seem too happy with yourself... :D

I flagged up that the op might be a troll in my first post. However, even if he started as a troll, I'm afraid he's gone beyond the pale with his atrocious recent posts regarding people with a history of difficulty with drink or drugs. It's not funny any more and I stand by what I said in an earlier post: there are several on this thread who are more successful than the op could ever hope to be.

OP, if you are a troll, IMHO you have gone too far and should knock it on the head. If you are not a troll, you should be knocked on the head.

In my post #36 I said that I would 'rest my case here".

Why are you guys 'feeding' this topic any further? :D

Let it die out, I would recommend.

Just my opinion.


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What song is that your singing? Maybe "are you lonesome tonight"

Or maybe you are talking about trolls.

(a Troll's language)

ARRAT-NORR is an ancient language spoken by Trolls in the northern mountains of Franconia. Because of the great influences of humans on the trollisch culture, human languages replaced Arrat-Norr in most Troll communities. Nowadays, Arrat-Norr is rarly spoken, except during traditional rituals or in a state of rage. The only exception to this are the Gutachrr k' Donochrr, who often use this ancient language while communicating among each other.

For humans who wish to talk to Trolls in their ancient tounge, or just want to understand a Troll's swearing, the following table lists the most common words, still used today, in arrat-norr and their meaning in human language.

Taken from http://www.students.uni-mainz.de/bernp007/arratnorr.html

Edited by daleyboy
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Kudos to those who keep up the good fight, despite less than friendly immigration / property ownership laws and the natural difficulties that go hand in hand with trying to get ahead in a foreign culture.


Thanks Heng "kup khun to you :o

I have also recieved PM's of support:

I have not read all the posts on this topic but I salute you. If, indeed, you are making a few bucks in LOS my congrats. I am an ****** from the US******** and am currently looking for business opportunities for a client in the US. I have a fair amount of experience in Thailand and throughout SE Asia. I might even be down near your city in the near future. Happy to buy you a beer/coffee.

(edited to protect sender, although I am sure he wont mind)

If you have nothing productive to say. PLEASE DON'T POST.

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I didn't start any negativity here. If your not interested in what I have got to say DON'T POST.

Letters with caps are considered shouting and is frightfully rude old chum. I would have thought that any spare time you had would be teaching three month old Budd calculus.

I just posted batman...still in a huff? :o

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nah, it was a ditty from the mid west coast...

'I'm a used car salesman with an ego to boot, Here I sit in Pattaya countin me loot'

hahaha Well at least that is funny :o:D Less insults about my family and we will get along fine!

What's the matter buddy, still trolling?

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