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Russians In Pattaya


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Could someone estimate the size of the Russian community living -not holidaying- in pattaya or direct me to where I can find the relevant info. A friend is claiming there are more than 10,000 Russians living in Pattaya/Jomtien but I have no idea personally.


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Some of the lady Russians living in my area are 'tres,tres attractive' !!

I'm thinking of learning a few Russian phrases like......

'do you come here often ?'

'Is this the way to Pattaya ?'

'Can I help you with that ?'

'Would you like a lift to ..........anywhere ?'

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Are you sure they are all Russians,? i ve heard a lot are mistaken for other eastern European countries who s accents sound similar, in ans to one above post, there s now a dating site called something like date russian women in Thailand and Pattaya. All this is going to cause some trouble with Thai girls you know as tourists are supposed to date Thai s when they come to Thailand, Hmmm isn t that often the idea lols. I can see its all going to end in tears for Pattaya, fights, particularly between Russian girls and Thai girls and a whole new meaning to crime in Pattaya. Too be honest I can t see any race of girls prettier than Thai girls.

Numbers? dunno but as said they may not all be Russians, tell you what though, if they could they d all be here given the conditions they live and work under in Russia.

I ve written a lot of comments under the heading Russians in Pattaya, mostly derisory as from what I can gather they are aggressive loud mouthed yobs, properbly all true. One thing is for sure I m glad I didn t buy property in Pattaya as I nearly did some years ago and was planning on doing so next year, I ve been warned against it, anyway borred with slagging them off so i will quietly go forth and buy one somewhere else and hope the bubble bursts in cheap cut price lower than cost Russian airline seats as somebody is subsidising them.

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There was a similar problem in Goa so they local government changed the property laws in response & stopped the problem in it's tracks



http://news.bbc.co.u...ess/7507766.stm (the BBC are to PC to deal with the issue directly)

I'm .....shocked! w00t.gif

One article said 75% of chartered flights arriving in Goa originate from Russian Federation ( not other eastern European countries).

Another article quotes a local government official as saying " all other tourists flee when an area is predominantly Russian populated" or words very similar.

I've been too busy ogling the Russian hotties whistling.gif to get alarmed.

I spent several magic winters in Goa as a young man, so a bit sad to think that I might feel out of place if I was to visit Goa now. And that one day in the not too distant future it might be so here.

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I can see this thread getting locked ...soon...but in the mean time....As already stated not all Russians are Russians. They can now be Kazakhs, Tajiki, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Polish in fact.

Some that settled here have already gone home...the 2 week package holiday to the dream destination made them pack up and come here but the reality of trying to eke a paltry living selling Condos, or running a Borsht Soup kitchen soon makes them change their minds.

The one's that stay all the time I think are the one's that are making a living off the the normal 2 week fully inclusive families that come here.

WiKi lists Russia to have a population of 140 million...I know it feels like they are all here except for the caretaker looking after the lights back in Kiev, but this cannot be the case because a lot of them go to Goa, Spain, Florida and they used to go to Egypt. But who in their right mind would go there now? ...better to go to Pattaya. Hence the increase in numbers.They are also are heading for Vietnam, Laos and are all over Sihanoukville in Cambodia.

They are starting to turn up in Brazil....

If there is a beach, even if it is covered in all manner of rubbish, they will be there.

Head for Roi Et, Sakhon Nakhon (Gin Maa) or Buriram and I very much doubt if you will meet one.....But I have seen them in Arunyaphatet Market on the Cambodian border so I guess it is just a matter of time before they are bussed out to the sticks to photograph rural Thailand...Hey what a great business idea - anyone out there want to go 60 / 40 ???

Edited by lonewolf99
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