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Americans Fight For Right To Bear Arms - At Work


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Not only is it strange that this woman appeared to think that she needed to keep a Sig, Glock, Bushmaster and apparently various other rifles in her house but they were obviously accessible, plus the ammunition, to her son.

The only good news in this appalling tragedy is that the toerag seemed to have left the Bushmaster in the car, god knows how many more people he would have killed if he had that as well as the 2 pistols.

My personal opinion is that civilians should never have direct, unlimited access to weaponry, especially automatic, semi-automatic or military grade items. But then heaven forbid that might get in the way of selling such items to Mexican narco gangs or terrorists such as the IRA. Can't get in the way of the blessed Second Amendment fan club, clinging to their guns and religion, the odd school massacre is but a small price to pay for the ability to defy/bring down an overbearing central government.

I love the USA but this pathetic obsession with gun ownership comes at a terrible price. Do nothing and we will see another school massacre, and another, and another....Simple isn't it?

One of the Medical examiners just gave statement. He autopsies 7. All were first graders. All shot by .223 between 3 and 11 times. He said none of the wounds he examined were pistol wounds.

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There are some really dumb Yanks out there !

Agreed and most of them have guns!

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

Unfortunately, this is very true. I bet there is a huge IQ gap between the average gun owner and those that see no need to own a gun. I cannot think of any of my doctor, lawyer or CPA buddies that have a pistol or an assault rifle. None, and I am one of those professions and spend a lot of social time with these groups.

I have a buddy that builds custom Harleys with an auto AK, a contractor buddy with some guns, a buddy that sells windows and siding that is broke, but has high end assault weapons, another guy that is smart and an engineer but took so much acid he cannot work. He actually has a full arsenal in a walkin safe and us stock piled for end of the world. Come to think of it, all of my friends that own like lawn cutting serices or do contesting type work have pistols or multiple guns.

Edited by F430murci
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Not only is it strange that this woman appeared to think that she needed to keep a Sig, Glock, Bushmaster and apparently various other rifles in her house but they were obviously accessible, plus the ammunition, to her son.

The only good news in this appalling tragedy is that the toerag seemed to have left the Bushmaster in the car, god knows how many more people he would have killed if he had that as well as the 2 pistols.

My personal opinion is that civilians should never have direct, unlimited access to weaponry, especially automatic, semi-automatic or military grade items. But then heaven forbid that might get in the way of selling such items to Mexican narco gangs or terrorists such as the IRA. Can't get in the way of the blessed Second Amendment fan club, clinging to their guns and religion, the odd school massacre is but a small price to pay for the ability to defy/bring down an overbearing central government.

I love the USA but this pathetic obsession with gun ownership comes at a terrible price. Do nothing and we will see another school massacre, and another, and another....Simple isn't it?

One of the Medical examiners just gave statement. He autopsies 7. All were first graders. All shot by .223 between 3 and 11 times. He said none of the wounds he examined were pistol wounds.

I stand corrected, seems that reports of the Bushmater being left in the car were incorrect.

Why does any civilian need a piece of near military-grade hardware?

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There are some really dumb Yanks out there !

Agreed and most of them have guns!

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

Unfortunately, this is very true. I bet there is a huge IQ gap between the average gun owner and those that see no need to own a gun. I cannot think of any of my doctor, lawyer or CPA buddies that have a pistol or an assault rifle. None, and I am one of those professions and spend a lot of social time with these groups.

I have a buddy that builds custom Harleys with an auto AK, a contractor buddy with some guns, a buddy that sells windows and siding that is broke, but has high end assault weapons, another guy that is smart and an engineer but took so much acid he cannot work. He actually has a full arsenal in a walkin safe and us stock piled for end of the world. Come to think of it, all of my friends that own like lawn cutting serices or do contesting type work have pistols or multiple guns.

"You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps"

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As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

  • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
  • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
  • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
  • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
  • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

I'm not sure people outside the USA really know what a deer is anymore as they've hunted them to near extinction in many places. I read in the USA there are something like 1,000,000 car accidents each year involving deer, and about 5,000 fatalities to humans. In recent trips to the Eastern USA, the deer are all over the place on roads outside the cities. Down south they get them off the road fast, but when I was up near Newark, NJ last week, dead ones were a common sight on the side of the road.

Edited by koheesti
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There are some really dumb Yanks out there !

Agreed and most of them have guns!

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

Unfortunately, this is very true. I bet there is a huge IQ gap between the average gun owner and those that see no need to own a gun. I cannot think of any of my doctor, lawyer or CPA buddies that have a pistol or an assault rifle. None, and I am one of those professions and spend a lot of social time with these groups.

I have a buddy that builds custom Harleys with an auto AK, a contractor buddy with some guns, a buddy that sells windows and siding that is broke, but has high end assault weapons, another guy that is smart and an engineer but took so much acid he cannot work. He actually has a full arsenal in a walkin safe and us stock piled for end of the world. Come to think of it, all of my friends that own like lawn cutting serices or do contesting type work have pistols or multiple guns.

"You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps"

Ye haw. My 7 year old handles his bushmaster better than Ted Nuggest after a night of Jack Daniels. Cute, was that supposed to hurt my feelings? You, Internet bully you.

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There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

  • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
  • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
  • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
  • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
  • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

I'm not sure people outside the USA really know what a deer is anymore as they've hunted them to near extinction in many places. I read in the USA there are something like 1,000,000 car accidents each year involving deer, and about 5,000 fatalities to humans. In recent trips to the Eastern USA, the deer are all over the place on roads outside the cities. Down south they get them off the road fast, but when I was up near Newark, NJ last week, dead ones were a common sight on the side of the road.

Yep, that's why we need assault rifles. You cam kill 30 of them there deer with one clip. There are too many deer though, but real men can take them out with bows or blackpowder.

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As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

  • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
  • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
  • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
  • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
  • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

Your mates are telling me that it was for the last line of protection from a repressive government.

So bambi is a tool of opression from your government - I guess not...

Edited by samran
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It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

  • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
  • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
  • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
  • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
  • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

Your mates are telling me that it was for the last line of protection from a repressive government.

So bambi is a tool of opression from your government - I guess not...

According to Koohesti deer are. Deers take out a 1,000,000 cars and bunch of civilians every year. Not to mention tick-bourne diseases that effect and kill people every year that are the deers fault. Just imagine how bad it would be without all of those assault weapons on the streets.

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I think this is all just part of the anti-immigration Plan. Scare anyone thinking about emigrating. Who the hell wants to move to the wild wild West?!

Paranoia at its best. It's easy to say that the US doesn't need to worry much about foreign terrorists. They seem to be doing a good job killing themselves.

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As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

  • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
  • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
  • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
  • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
  • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

They should start arming the deer in my opinion.

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There are some really dumb Yanks out there !

Agreed and most of them have guns!

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

Unfortunately, this is very true. I bet there is a huge IQ gap between the average gun owner and those that see no need to own a gun. I cannot think of any of my doctor, lawyer or CPA buddies that have a pistol or an assault rifle. None, and I am one of those professions and spend a lot of social time with these groups.

I have a buddy that builds custom Harleys with an auto AK, a contractor buddy with some guns, a buddy that sells windows and siding that is broke, but has high end assault weapons, another guy that is smart and an engineer but took so much acid he cannot work. He actually has a full arsenal in a walkin safe and us stock piled for end of the world. Come to think of it, all of my friends that own like lawn cutting serices or do contesting type work have pistols or multiple guns.

You really should not be allowed to post such offensive nonsense without some form of back up data. I know you like the anti gun stuff but.....

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They should start arming the deer in my opinion.

Why would you clog up this thread with an anti hunting post? Do you think hunting is dangerous or in some way immoral? Hunting is a sport. I don't like soccer. So what. Are a lot of folks hurt in soccer riots? Sure. Do you stop soccer?

Ummm. Anti-hunting post?

It was a 'fair-play' post.

Your relation of soccer to soccer riots is like hunting and stray bullets. I remember a guy named Dick Cheney...a state called Texas...a lawyer...and some quail. Apparently they didn't stop 'hunting'. He obviously continued on to another hunting ground called Iraq, but that's another thread.

And no, I am not an anti-hunting person. I enjoy occasional spearfishing, eating what I catch in the ocean while free diving. Send a deer hunter in the wild with a knife then.

Sorry for the off topic, just a rebuttal.

Edited by tomyummer
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They should start arming the deer in my opinion.

Why would you clog up this thread with an anti hunting post? Do you think hunting is dangerous or in some way immoral? Hunting is a sport. I don't like soccer. So what. Are a lot of folks hurt in soccer riots? Sure. Do you stop soccer?

Oh my lord. Comparing hunting to soccer? On the soccer pitch you have two teams competing against each other with the same equipment, same number of players, and same playing field. Where does a deer have an advantage?

And no, I am not an anti-hunting person. I enjoy occasional spearfishing, eating what I catch in the ocean while free diving. Send a deer hunter in the wild with a knife then.

Football hooliganism is a side effect of the game as are hunting accidents a side effect of hunting. Hunting you come home with dinner I don't think soccer gives you that advantage.smile.png It is simply silly to suggest arming a deer. So I won't suggest arming a soccer player. Although.....smile.png

By your logic then , gang warfare is a side effect of people owning guns ? The hooligans you refer to are not actually the players taking part in the activity , but a social element using the pretext of a sporting event or affiliation to indulge in their violent past-time!
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Why would you clog up this thread with an anti hunting post? Do you think hunting is dangerous or in some way immoral? Hunting is a sport. I don't like soccer. So what. Are a lot of folks hurt in soccer riots? Sure. Do you stop soccer?

Oh my lord. Comparing hunting to soccer? On the soccer pitch you have two teams competing against each other with the same equipment, same number of players, and same playing field. Where does a deer have an advantage?

And no, I am not an anti-hunting person. I enjoy occasional spearfishing, eating what I catch in the ocean while free diving. Send a deer hunter in the wild with a knife then.

Football hooliganism is a side effect of the game as are hunting accidents a side effect of hunting. Hunting you come home with dinner I don't think soccer gives you that advantage.smile.png It is simply silly to suggest arming a deer. So I won't suggest arming a soccer player. Although.....smile.png

By your logic then , gang warfare is a side effect of people owning guns ? The hooligans you refer to are not actually the players taking part in the activity , but a social element using the pretext of a sporting event or affiliation to indulge in their violent past-time!

I think most Americans are like most football fans. No one wants to see a game or event or anything turned into an event that hurts people. I certainly don't think most hooligans represent most people who like soccer.

I like bull fighting. Neither hunting or bullfighting is designed to harm people. Sometimes that does happen.

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I like bull fighting. Neither hunting or bullfighting is designed to harm people. Sometimes that does happen.

yeah but how is hunting linked to your constitutional right to stop your government or stop the brits from re-invading you?

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I just don't get it!

Something totally awefull happens and it is (read my lips now) UN-DOUBT- ED- LY connected to failing gun- control and gun- laws.

But sure as the sun will rise in the east, the American gun- nuts are all over the internet!

"We need our guns to protect ourselves and our beloved American families, from such evils as Arab terrorists, black- gangstas, Mexican drug- dealers, perverts, who are out there, just waiting to molest our children and other perverts, who will rape our good American daughters on their way back from Sunday- bible lessons! And don't even get me started about the deer on my lawn...!"

You are just a bunch of racist cowards, full of fear of things that you don't know and understand! Other countries have drugs and perverts and rapists, too! (Not as much deer, though!) But they have laws and people believe in them! And no one basically has a whole army- arsenal in the basement! And guess what? Amok- shootings, like the one in Norway, happen ones in a blue moon- not like in the USAUSAUSA, every other month! MAYBE...just maybe...there is a connection, between "creating irrational fear", "arming a whole nation" and "things that go horribly wrong with GUNS all the time"!? Don't you think, that could be?

But wait: Obama and his gang want to tighten the law on guns and you are already CONVINCED that all of you will end up helpless against an almighty government- apparatus, that has only ONE thing on its mind: taking away your freedom and put ypu into Nazi- labor camps!

First of all: make your minds up, please: is Obama a fascist, for taking your guns or a communist for trying to keep people alive, who can not afford health- care! You can not have both!

and b ) while you are on it, stop throwing around terms like "socialism", "fascism" and "communism", that you don't even BEGIN to understand!

The tragedy that we are seeing unfold right now, has nothing to do with gun- laws or gun- control?

Are you kidding me?

By the way: we (the people in favor more strict laws on guns eg. the people with A BRAIN!) don't want to take away your guns!

Or your right to buy them and have them and jerk off on them every night, after you come from the neighborhood- watch ...or from shooting them pesky deers!

We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!

This elementary- teacher- mom (R.I.P.) will be able to buy and posses guns, as much as she likes!

She was an adult and as much as I ask myself what she was actually doing with all that killer- material...it's non of my business!

But MAYBE, if there would have been a back up- check on her, somebody might have known about her mentally- unstable son and might have said "Lots of weapon....unstable son...not a good idea" and would have checked on where she was storing them!

And if it turned out, that the storage was done in a drawer in the bedroom, somebody might have said, that it isn't safe enough, with her son (or ANY CHILD for that matter) around!

Oh yeah...but I guess a "back up check" that already the same like "being in a concentration camp in Moscow...or Afghanistan or any other German city...", right!?


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I like bull fighting. Neither hunting or bullfighting is designed to harm people. Sometimes that does happen.

People aren't allowed to keep bulls in their houses either.

I would imagine pit bulls kill more people than big bulls and people can keep them in most places I think.

More difficult for an Australian to own a pitbull than it is for an American to own assult weapons it seems


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I like bull fighting. Neither hunting or bullfighting is designed to harm people. Sometimes that does happen.

People aren't allowed to keep bulls in their houses either.

I would imagine pit bulls kill more people than big bulls and people can keep them in most places I think.

More difficult for an Australian to own a pitbull than it is for an American to own assult weapons it seems


I thought everyone knew Australia was a much better country than America. I thought we were discussing Americans penchant for killing things here.

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I just don't get it!

Something totally awefull happens and it is (read my lips now) UN-DOUBT- ED- LY connected to failing gun- control and gun- laws.

But sure as the sun will rise in the east, the American gun- nuts are all over the internet!

"We need our guns to protect ourselves and our beloved American families, from such evils as Arab terrorists, black- gangstas, Mexican drug- dealers, perverts, who are out there, just waiting to molest our children and other perverts, who will rape our good American daughters on their way back from Sunday- bible lessons! And don't even get me started about the deer on my lawn...!"

You are just a bunch of racist cowards, full of fear of things that you don't know and understand! Other countries have drugs and perverts and rapists, too! (Not as much deer, though!) But they have laws and people believe in them! And no one basically has a whole army- arsenal in the basement! And guess what? Amok- shootings, like the one in Norway, happen ones in a blue moon- not like in the USAUSAUSA, every other month! MAYBE...just maybe...there is a connection, between "creating irrational fear", "arming a whole nation" and "things that go horribly wrong with GUNS all the time"!? Don't you think, that could be?

But wait: Obama and his gang want to tighten the law on guns and you are already CONVINCED that all of you will end up helpless against an almighty government- apparatus, that has only ONE thing on its mind: taking away your freedom and put ypu into Nazi- labor camps!

First of all: make your minds up, please: is Obama a fascist, for taking your guns or a communist for trying to keep people alive, who can not afford health- care! You can not have both!

and b ) while you are on it, stop throwing around terms like "socialism", "fascism" and "communism", that you don't even BEGIN to understand!

The tragedy that we are seeing unfold right now, has nothing to do with gun- laws or gun- control?

Are you kidding me?

By the way: we (the people in favor more strict laws on guns eg. the people with A BRAIN!) don't want to take away your guns!

Or your right to buy them and have them and jerk off on them every night, after you come from the neighborhood- watch ...or from shooting them pesky deers!

We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!

This elementary- teacher- mom (R.I.P.) will be able to buy and posses guns, as much as she likes!

She was an adult and as much as I ask myself what she was actually doing with all that killer- material...it's non of my business!

But MAYBE, if there would have been a back up- check on her, somebody might have known about her mentally- unstable son and might have said "Lots of weapon....unstable son...not a good idea" and would have checked on where she was storing them!

And if it turned out, that the storage was done in a drawer in the bedroom, somebody might have said, that it isn't safe enough, with her son (or ANY CHILD for that matter) around!

Oh yeah...but I guess a "back up check" that already the same like "being in a concentration camp in Moscow...or Afghanistan or any other German city...", right!?


Comes down to the prism through which many American's view these events.

For most of the rest of the civilised world - the reaction is - "this was a result of lax access to dangerous weapons and thus we must tighten controls"

For American - they also view this as a tragedy - but in the same way that a cylone or a hurricane is a tragedgy - that is unfortunate but unavoidable.

These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Edited by samran
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I just don't get it!

Something totally awefull happens and it is (read my lips now) UN-DOUBT- ED- LY connected to failing gun- control and gun- laws.

But sure as the sun will rise in the east, the American gun- nuts are all over the internet!

"We need our guns to protect ourselves and our beloved American families, from such evils as Arab terrorists, black- gangstas, Mexican drug- dealers, perverts, who are out there, just waiting to molest our children and other perverts, who will rape our good American daughters on their way back from Sunday- bible lessons! And don't even get me started about the deer on my lawn...!"

You are just a bunch of racist cowards, full of fear of things that you don't know and understand! Other countries have drugs and perverts and rapists, too! (Not as much deer, though!) But they have laws and people believe in them! And no one basically has a whole army- arsenal in the basement! And guess what? Amok- shootings, like the one in Norway, happen ones in a blue moon- not like in the USAUSAUSA, every other month! MAYBE...just maybe...there is a connection, between "creating irrational fear", "arming a whole nation" and "things that go horribly wrong with GUNS all the time"!? Don't you think, that could be?

But wait: Obama and his gang want to tighten the law on guns and you are already CONVINCED that all of you will end up helpless against an almighty government- apparatus, that has only ONE thing on its mind: taking away your freedom and put ypu into Nazi- labor camps!

First of all: make your minds up, please: is Obama a fascist, for taking your guns or a communist for trying to keep people alive, who can not afford health- care! You can not have both!

and b ) while you are on it, stop throwing around terms like "socialism", "fascism" and "communism", that you don't even BEGIN to understand!

The tragedy that we are seeing unfold right now, has nothing to do with gun- laws or gun- control?

Are you kidding me?

By the way: we (the people in favor more strict laws on guns eg. the people with A BRAIN!) don't want to take away your guns!

Or your right to buy them and have them and jerk off on them every night, after you come from the neighborhood- watch ...or from shooting them pesky deers!

We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!

This elementary- teacher- mom (R.I.P.) will be able to buy and posses guns, as much as she likes!

She was an adult and as much as I ask myself what she was actually doing with all that killer- material...it's non of my business!

But MAYBE, if there would have been a back up- check on her, somebody might have known about her mentally- unstable son and might have said "Lots of weapon....unstable son...not a good idea" and would have checked on where she was storing them!

And if it turned out, that the storage was done in a drawer in the bedroom, somebody might have said, that it isn't safe enough, with her son (or ANY CHILD for that matter) around!

Oh yeah...but I guess a "back up check" that already the same like "being in a concentration camp in Moscow...or Afghanistan or any other German city...", right!?


Comes down to the prism through which many American's view these events.

For most of the rest of the civilised world - the reaction is - "this was a result of lax access to dangerous weapons and thus we must tighten controls"

For American - they also view this as a tragedy - but in the same way that a cylone or a hurricane is a tragedgy - that is unfortunate but unavoidable.

These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Same question to you as doc, Do you feel you as an Aussie or whatever you are feel you have the right to tell Americans who should and who should not have guns in America?

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I just don't get it!

Something totally awefull happens and it is (read my lips now) UN-DOUBT- ED- LY connected to failing gun- control and gun- laws.

But sure as the sun will rise in the east, the American gun- nuts are all over the internet!

"We need our guns to protect ourselves and our beloved American families, from such evils as Arab terrorists, black- gangstas, Mexican drug- dealers, perverts, who are out there, just waiting to molest our children and other perverts, who will rape our good American daughters on their way back from Sunday- bible lessons! And don't even get me started about the deer on my lawn...!"

You are just a bunch of racist cowards, full of fear of things that you don't know and understand! Other countries have drugs and perverts and rapists, too! (Not as much deer, though!) But they have laws and people believe in them! And no one basically has a whole army- arsenal in the basement! And guess what? Amok- shootings, like the one in Norway, happen ones in a blue moon- not like in the USAUSAUSA, every other month! MAYBE...just maybe...there is a connection, between "creating irrational fear", "arming a whole nation" and "things that go horribly wrong with GUNS all the time"!? Don't you think, that could be?

But wait: Obama and his gang want to tighten the law on guns and you are already CONVINCED that all of you will end up helpless against an almighty government- apparatus, that has only ONE thing on its mind: taking away your freedom and put ypu into Nazi- labor camps!

First of all: make your minds up, please: is Obama a fascist, for taking your guns or a communist for trying to keep people alive, who can not afford health- care! You can not have both!

and b ) while you are on it, stop throwing around terms like "socialism", "fascism" and "communism", that you don't even BEGIN to understand!

The tragedy that we are seeing unfold right now, has nothing to do with gun- laws or gun- control?

Are you kidding me?

By the way: we (the people in favor more strict laws on guns eg. the people with A BRAIN!) don't want to take away your guns!

Or your right to buy them and have them and jerk off on them every night, after you come from the neighborhood- watch ...or from shooting them pesky deers!

We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!

This elementary- teacher- mom (R.I.P.) will be able to buy and posses guns, as much as she likes!

She was an adult and as much as I ask myself what she was actually doing with all that killer- material...it's non of my business!

But MAYBE, if there would have been a back up- check on her, somebody might have known about her mentally- unstable son and might have said "Lots of weapon....unstable son...not a good idea" and would have checked on where she was storing them!

And if it turned out, that the storage was done in a drawer in the bedroom, somebody might have said, that it isn't safe enough, with her son (or ANY CHILD for that matter) around!

Oh yeah...but I guess a "back up check" that already the same like "being in a concentration camp in Moscow...or Afghanistan or any other German city...", right!?


Doc when you say "WE" "We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!" do you mean you as a German have the right to tell Americans who can and can not have guns in America? At least I think you are a German, am I wrong and you are an American?

Well...since "the Americans" always tell everybody else, what to think or do or believe?


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I just don't get it!

Something totally awefull happens and it is (read my lips now) UN-DOUBT- ED- LY connected to failing gun- control and gun- laws.

But sure as the sun will rise in the east, the American gun- nuts are all over the internet!

"We need our guns to protect ourselves and our beloved American families, from such evils as Arab terrorists, black- gangstas, Mexican drug- dealers, perverts, who are out there, just waiting to molest our children and other perverts, who will rape our good American daughters on their way back from Sunday- bible lessons! And don't even get me started about the deer on my lawn...!"

You are just a bunch of racist cowards, full of fear of things that you don't know and understand! Other countries have drugs and perverts and rapists, too! (Not as much deer, though!) But they have laws and people believe in them! And no one basically has a whole army- arsenal in the basement! And guess what? Amok- shootings, like the one in Norway, happen ones in a blue moon- not like in the USAUSAUSA, every other month! MAYBE...just maybe...there is a connection, between "creating irrational fear", "arming a whole nation" and "things that go horribly wrong with GUNS all the time"!? Don't you think, that could be?

But wait: Obama and his gang want to tighten the law on guns and you are already CONVINCED that all of you will end up helpless against an almighty government- apparatus, that has only ONE thing on its mind: taking away your freedom and put ypu into Nazi- labor camps!

First of all: make your minds up, please: is Obama a fascist, for taking your guns or a communist for trying to keep people alive, who can not afford health- care! You can not have both!

and b ) while you are on it, stop throwing around terms like "socialism", "fascism" and "communism", that you don't even BEGIN to understand!

The tragedy that we are seeing unfold right now, has nothing to do with gun- laws or gun- control?

Are you kidding me?

By the way: we (the people in favor more strict laws on guns eg. the people with A BRAIN!) don't want to take away your guns!

Or your right to buy them and have them and jerk off on them every night, after you come from the neighborhood- watch ...or from shooting them pesky deers!

We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!

This elementary- teacher- mom (R.I.P.) will be able to buy and posses guns, as much as she likes!

She was an adult and as much as I ask myself what she was actually doing with all that killer- material...it's non of my business!

But MAYBE, if there would have been a back up- check on her, somebody might have known about her mentally- unstable son and might have said "Lots of weapon....unstable son...not a good idea" and would have checked on where she was storing them!

And if it turned out, that the storage was done in a drawer in the bedroom, somebody might have said, that it isn't safe enough, with her son (or ANY CHILD for that matter) around!

Oh yeah...but I guess a "back up check" that already the same like "being in a concentration camp in Moscow...or Afghanistan or any other German city...", right!?


Comes down to the prism through which many American's view these events.

For most of the rest of the civilised world - the reaction is - "this was a result of lax access to dangerous weapons and thus we must tighten controls"

For American - they also view this as a tragedy - but in the same way that a cylone or a hurricane is a tragedgy - that is unfortunate but unavoidable.

These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Same question to you as doc, Do you feel you as an Aussie or whatever you are feel you have the right to tell Americans who should and who should not have guns in America?

Sure. Freedom of speech and all that.

Unless that is a right only reserved for the select 300m people who are born within US borders?

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For American - they also view this as a tragedy - but in the same way that a cylone or a hurricane is a tragedgy - that is unfortunate but unavoidable.


Not ALL Americans! You've voiced a stereotype about Americans that is simply not true. In fact, polls have shown the majority of Americans think there is something that can and should be done about gun violence. Of course majority opinion doesn't trump powerful money forces that can force politicos to lose their jobs if they don't tow the line. Edited by Jingthing
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