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How Do You Manage Your Working Day?


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I was wondering. I find the heat + humidity mixture something to be taken seriously here, I have started waking at 4.00, one hour for internet stuff and breakfast and maybe other stuff (if I'm lucky). One hour in the workshop then work (garden, brick laying, animals) until about 10.30 - 11.00. Then it's a beer, sleep, light meal, start again about 16.00 until dark so I manage about 7 hours on a good day. On bad days I only work 06.00 - 10.30

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my work day adopted some thai style....do it only if i feel so :)

one thing we put in the schedule a few weeks ago is 3km jogging in the morning, everyday, with my son ( and most times with wife too), before the school. that means normally 6:30am....

the other thing is constant is watering the garden, around 7am and around 5:30pm.

sending and picking up my son from school takes about 40 min x2 ( unless i go with bicycle, then twice that much?)...thus meaningful work could only be done between around 9am till 2:30pm, then from 3:30-17:30pm...by the time garden is watered, it is about to get dark, and i dont care to work in the dark!

i dont mention the feeding the fish and chicken and ducks, that isnt my chore now :)

i try to go with tasks to be done, that can give better motivation to me. fix a net, dig up more ground to veggies to plant, etc.

still, if it is real hot, i dont feel to force myself too strong. it isnt a race afterall :)

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Work is a thing I don;t do, exercise with an out come, different story. Get up when too hot to sleep, 9 or 10. Coffee, internet and 1/2 a pack of cigarettes. Off to the factory to have a look, some food and begin watering my coconut trees by bucket for 3 to 4 hours, hotter the better sweat all the beer out. Play on the net at the factory, maybe adjust some of the rolling machines.

Off home for beer and food, when I've had enough beer off to bed.

Think I work harder than any 3 Thais, could water most by pump or easier ways, but like to sweat and keep fit. If you drink and smoke as much as me and do nothing all day you will be a fat breathless man in no time.

In the other life I would go to the gym and work out, here I just carry buckets of water around 10 rai in my own time. Jim

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I think I'm more of a part timer compared with some of you guys but in another year or so I'll be able to better manage my time and get into some sort of routine, as it is now I'm prepping the land for planting some more bamboo, before I'm away offshore again doing a bit here and there, on average I keep myself busy between 5 and 6 days a week(when I'm home that is) but in reality my day is all over the place just now,, , stop off for a brekkie at a roadside resteraunt maybe twice weekly on the way back from dropping kids at school,, start anytime between 8am and 8.30am and finish at around 3 in afternoon for returning to pick kids from school


Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Work from morning till night these days....lots to do. I like the tractor work. In a while, there will be less to do and I could see afternoon naps being a good thing. Right now we are working to get things done so it's kind of like a job. I will likely hire a Thai to do some mindless work coming up that would take me off the tractor. We are about to start building a hobby farm as well, so there will always be some puttering, and afternoon naps...

Did I mention afternoon naps?? :)

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What's a working day? cheesy.gif Wake up around 6 usually. Turn on the pc, Put the kettle on. If it's dry listen out of the door. If I hear the cups being tapped on the collection buckets, I'm happy. Carry on writing flightplans for the flightsim, with 1 ear on the TV if the wife isn't watching it. When the power goes off, note I said when not if. I have books to read. A visitor from home asked how much I got paid for the plans. He couldn't get it through is thick skull it's my hobby. rolleyes.gif

Bed time is usually around 9

Edited by Mosha
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I use brushcutting as my version of Jim's coconut watering. I am supposed to have a guy helping me but I'd be lucky if I get half a day a week out of him so most of it is done by me. I know there would be more efficient ways of doing it, ie with a slasher after burying the sprinkler hoses but I started doing it after realising how much I was spending on spraying paraquat at 480 baht a bottle plus 300 for the sprayer per day. On something that I fundamentally dislike/disagree with anyway forsooth.

I wake up at 6, start at about 9 after cups of tea, breakfast and restoration of humanity. Go through til about 1, then stop until after 3, if I have to pick up a school kid, 3.30 and stop about 5. But if I have to spread fertiliser I always do that in the morning. Irrigation I start as late as possible to end in daylight. Many locals just irrigate 9-5 but my water saving days from Australia dont allow me to do that. I just cant imagine the sun sucking the water back up and I want to get more bang for my buck so the later the better. No beers during the day, but I woosh of to the shop/market usually with the missus and invariably knock the top off one by 6. Still going now. If I do get roped in to any day time drinking, its all over red rover. Of course the days are very short at the moment I get a slightly different schedule going in summer.

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