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90 Day Reporting

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For three years (2009 -2011) I lived most of the year in Phuket but had my primary residence in Bangkok

I did my 90-day reports in Phuket.

I did my annual retirement extension in Bangkok.

There were no problems or questions at either location at any time.

Mailing the 90-day report from Phuket wouldn't do since the new form would be sent to my Bangkok residence, with nobody home.

Ex-pats should be allowed to have more than one residence and do the 90-day report at the nearest office of current residence.

It seems that Immo agrees in principle based on my experience.

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For three years (2009 -2011) I lived most of the year in Phuket but had my primary residence in Bangkok

That worked for you because you had proof of residence in both locations.

But it would not work for somebody just hopping around the country and making reports at any immigration office they were near. Or on an extension other than retirement.

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Sorry, but you have to go to your local immigration office where you did your extension of stay.

That's not the requirement.

More accurately, you have to go to the office under which the address you are reporting belongs. Some offices may require proof of your recidency there - some may not. After five years of extensions and 90-day reportings in Chiang May, I had no problem doing my first 90 day reporting in Bangkok a couple of months after the last extension in Chiang Mai.

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Just a postscript:

Last year I asked a senior immigration officiat at Immo/CW what the purpose was of the 90-day report.

She said it was to help Thai immigration find you if you "had a problem" which I interpreted to mean if you were wanted by the authoriites.

Thus, in order to help Immiigration do its job, it seems that we ex-pats should report to the nearest Immo office when our 90 days are up.

That way, they can find us more easily if we "have a problem."

'Nuff said.

Edited by lopburi3
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