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Busted Penis Prompts Phuket Fighter To Come Forward


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Busted penis prompts Phuket fighter to come forward

Phuket Gazette


MMA fighter Ray Elbe is on his way to a full recovery after suffering what he calls "one of the most unimaginable injuries you could ever suffer". Photo: Aga L Photography

PHUKET: -- Speaking exclusively with the Phuket Gazette, MMA fighter Ray Elbe has come forward about the penis injury he suffered in his Kuala Lumpur condo earlier this month.

Ray, who founded and for years ran the MMA program at Phuket’s renowned Tiger Muay Thai training camp in Chalong, urged all men who suffer a similar injury to immediately seek treatment.

“I came forward about this injury because I want people to understand the significance of the emergency. The more I researched this on Google the more I found that many men do not seek treatment immediately.

“Some guys get to the point that there is no repair because they’re embarrassed. They don’t want to go to the emergency room right away,” he said.

“I want to thank my girlfriend for how she handled the situation. We handled it the best we could, considering the outcome,” Ray added.

Ray is recovering well, albeit still with a catheter.

“The doctor expects a full recovery. The side that was torn was the side opposite that which supplies the blood. The next significant date is December 19 [tomorrow], when I go back for a checkup. Hopefully, they will remove the catheter,” he said.

Recounting the incident that caused the injury, Ray explained that he was having intercourse with his girlfriend on top. “It came out at the top and as it came down, it ended up breaking – fracturing – my penis.

“I tore the urinary tract, tore some membrane. You can imagine the shock and the horror that was going on – jumping up from an intimate moment, blood shooting out of my groin. I immediately tried to run to the shower and felt myself losing consciousness.

“I tried to walk back to the bed, at which point I collapsed – knocking myself out, giving myself 10 stitches and fracturing a couple of teeth. I came to on the ground and saw myself in a pool of blood. I immediately crawled along the floor to the bed and elevated my feet and placed a towel over my groin.

“My girlfriend was frantic. Here we are in a foreign country where most people don’t speak English. We had to call the security attendant, who called the Malaysian equivalent of 911. While we were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, there we were with all the security guards standing around us.

“As a process, it’s been terrible spending my 30th birthday like this. For those who’ve been making jokes – it’s funny. I know it’s funny, I’ve been making jokes, too.

“But [for] those who have sent compassionate emails and words of concern, I just wanted you to know that it’s really appreciated,” he said.

“Keeping it safe during sex isn’t just wearing a condom,” he added.

Over the years several top UFC fighters, including Jon Fitch, Jake Shields and Phil Baroni, have trained at Tiger Muay Thai in Phuket.

The training camp’s connection with UFC also includes Ray appearing on the UFC’s reality TV series 'The Ultimate Fighter'.

When his recovery permits, Ray will join Ole Laursen at Legacy Gym in Boracay, the Philippines.

“Anyone who trained with me in Phuket is welcome to reunite,” he said.

To keep up to date with Ray’s latest news, visit MagicalRay.com

Source: http://www.phuketgaz...ward-19738.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2012-12-18

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"Busted Penis Prompts Phuket Fighter To Come Forward"

Ah! "...to come forward" Geddit? biggrin.png

There was a young man from Kent

Whose dick was so long it was bent.

To stay out of trouble,

He stuck it in double

And instead of coming, he went.

Boom! Boom!

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And Why pray tell, such an item is news worthy?? for what purpose? so we don't brake

our dicks??

Why isn't it newsworthy? A similar thing has happened to me and I have wondered if any permanent damage could have been done as by heck it hurt at the time. Luckily it did not break like in the OP.

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How can you 'fracture' something when it does not have any bones to break in the first place. A new one on me.

Is it possible to fracture your penis?


from Erik P. Castle, M.D.

Yes. A penis fracture can occur when there is trauma to the erect penis.

During an erection, the penis is engorged with blood. If the penis is bent suddenly or forcefully while it's engorged, the trauma may rupture the lining of one of the two cylinders in the penis (corpus cavernosum) responsible for erections — resulting in a penis fracture. The trauma is usually related to aggressive or acrobatic sexual intercourse or, in some cases, aggressive masturbation.

A penis fracture is a painful injury that's often accompanied by an audible cracking sound, followed immediately by dark bruising of the penis due to blood escaping the cylinder. In some cases the tube that drains urine from the body (urethra) may be damaged as well, and blood may be visible at the urinary opening of the penis.

A penis fracture requires urgent medical attention. A penis fracture can usually be diagnosed with a physical exam, and prompt surgical repair is typically recommended. Left untreated, a penis fracture may result in deformity of the penis or the inability to have or maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction).

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I thought making love was a tender, gentle experience, not whacking it in and out at great speed like in the pr0n videos.

This can only happen if she is on top (if you read the article he mentioned this was the case at the time of injury) with the weight of her coming down on you. I really don't like having her on top since I heard of this phenomenon some years ago. Scary stuff.

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