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Australian's Girlfriend Dies After Fall From 19Th Floor Apartment: Pattaya

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Alcoholism is a broad term for problems with alcohol, and is generally used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, usually to the detriment of the drinker's health, personal relationships, and social standing.

I wasn't aware of sempers admitted alcoholism, I was just replying to his everyday drinking post.

Note to self pay more attention sad.png

note to self:

Pay less attention

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If we disregard the alcohol and balcony thing. Am I the only one thinking there's something wrong with a 55 year old having a 19 year old kid as a girlfriend?

Yes. coffee1.gif

Thousands of 19 year old kids died for their country. Doing a mans job, yes they were men at 19. I see no difference.

In 1965 Vietnam seemed like just another foreign war,

but it wasn't.

It was different in many ways, as so were those that did the fighting.

In World War II the average age of the combat soldier was 26...

In Vietnam he was 19.

In inininininin Vietnam he was 19.

Nineteen- Paul Hardcastle

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Whoa. Deja vu!

Recipe for disaster:

large age difference

conflicting cultures

communication problems

lots of alcohol

high-rise condo

inadequate balcony railing

popular tourist destination in Thailand

Yes all these things you well noted

But for me i must question the number of farang who voluntarily jump/fall off buildings here. You would think these people who, past a certain age, have got very drunk many time in their own country before...but they did never think to jump off the balcony in Australia.

So why is it? so many do come to Thailand and jump off balcony?

Incredible stories really,if you were a suspicious person you might think there be a balcony pusher serial killer on the loose in Pattayablink.png

I didn't want to make the comment about how long it would take the Thai police to rule it a suicide if it was the Aussie on the ground rather than the Thai because of the backlash from Thai apologists but have at me I've made the comment.

Not legally wrong, but morally?

If we disregard the alcohol and balcony thing. Am I the only one thinking there's something wrong with a 55 year old having a 19 year old girlfriend?

I cannot imagine anything worse, to be honest. But then I'm not 55 yet. But "wrong", not here at least.


Not legally wrong, but morally?

If we disregard the alcohol and balcony thing. Am I the only one thinking there's something wrong with a 55 year old having a 19 year old girlfriend?

I cannot imagine anything worse, to be honest. But then I'm not 55 yet. But "wrong", not here at least.

So whats your opinion about all the young ladies married to aging pop and film stars. ?

Is there an official body count of how many jumpers/falls in Pattaya or Thailand as a whole? This is unusual because it's usually the farang who falls not the Thai GF.

I read the news regularly, and estimate two jumpers per week in Pattaya on average. Wouldn't say Farang jump in greater numbers, maybe by a few. They make sure they succeed though, while Thais frequently jump from low floors, or on a flower bed, and survive with a couple of broken bones. They're always drunken doing this, and having a domestic dispute, you can go back trough the news and check for yourself. Note that far more Farang than Thais live in highrise condominiums due to the 49% quota. That's probably why hanging themselves is in vogue with poorer Thais. We had one of those cases this week as well.


Another poorly written story from those that sell this crap news. How old was the girl? What floor did she fall from? I mean, how hard is it to proofread a story before sending it to press? At least be consistent in your headlines and the first paragraph of the story <deleted>.

Oh yeah, and from the same news agency that claims it's against their own policy to show bodies yet that is exactly what they have done here. Showing the foreign boyfriend on his hands and knees in front of his dead girlfriend.

Very classy indeed guys.

( In keeping with our policy of NOT posting photographs of dead bodies, these photographs have been heavily edited)

What a laugh from those that exploit tragedy for a baht.

Does it really matter whether it was the 15th or the 19th floor? Dead is dead, and a tragedy is a tragedy. What a shame for a loss of life to happen for something so petty.

you are right, but the others are too, we screwed up. sometimes it happens, especially at 5.30 in the morning when we kick off working here. we try our best but as the news is a totally non profit making concern ( for us) but an important part of our radio station and website we do try to get it right. In this case the website WAS updated but we forgot to ask TV to change the heading.

Totally our fault.

In our defence.. well we do try ;)

As to pics of bodies. never. we did pixalate one pic totally covering the body and more in an attempt to share one of the 20 pics we have to portray the story, the rest were evil.

kind regards


103 FM

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Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



I drink it daily, never falled from a balkony or have thoughts about killing myself because of drinking alcohol.

Not drinking enough. sad.png

No reason to listen to him, he's an admitted alcoholic.

My dear old granny would have a tot of whisky before bed every night. I didn't know she was an alchy, oh the shame sad.png

Same with my grandpa.. a tot of whiskey every night before bed.. the sot, I never knew.. laugh.png


What a tragedy, I can only guess how devastated the girl was when she learnt her bf was cheating on her. alcohool sadly makes people act way overboard :(

But for me i must question the number of farang who voluntarily jump/fall off buildings here. You would think these people who, past a certain age, have got very drunk many time in their own country before...but they did never think to jump off the balcony in Australia.

Yes, but a combination of the factors that I mentioned is likely what led to the balcony jump or push. Thai girls have an incredibly different culture from westerners, their age difference was great, they may have had communication issues, and they were drunk at the top of a Jomtien high-rise condo with inadequate railing. It is definitely not only the alcohol, but alcohol is certainly a contributing factor.


tragic and very sad - another life lost for what

Not speculating or pointing a finger but a full background check into the Australian guy would be a reasonable path to take, I'm sure if there was anything dodgy either with his history back home or people that knew him here might raise some questions - lets face it there are some extremely suspect people that manage to find their way to pattaya

sad story so sad :(


Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol and lots of it. Involved every single time.

Along with a 36 year age gap, recipe for disaster sad.png

I'm starting to wonder if this is the place to come to knock someone off. It's just a little too common to be coincidence.

On the other hand, are the railings build by "standards" based on short little Asian people. When you get off the boat

at Saphan Thaksin or anywhere for that matter, the rail is well below the hip. I think a small "bump" and over one would go.

What is the standard height for a safety rail around a balcony? whistling.gif

Pathically sad. Why does someone have to kill themselves or be killed over a relationship like this that is purely transactional in nature?

Do any of the posters actually live in Thailand..??

Guard rail height - US Standard = 36 inches.

Age difference is extremely common in Thai culture, so why not between Thais and Foreigners..??

'Transactional in nature', as in Mariage is transactional, because a man has an income and the wife does not..?? Obviously, this poster (Arkady?) only seeks out women at the soi houses and not real Thai people.

I know of many foreign/Thai relationships and the majority are between foreigners who wanted to live here and local workaday women (shop keepers, Beauticians, Nurses, Teachers, etc.)

My wife and I are an excellent example - introduced by a friend of a friend, who was concerned about both of us - me being retired & single, her recently divorced from her Thai Husband. Even today, she runs a small business and I am still retired.

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Am I the only one thinking there's something wrong with a 55 year old having a 19 year old kid as a girlfriend?

It's amazing how much time some people spend worrying about what other people do in bed.

Am I the only one thinking there's surely something wrong with that?


20 year old woman falls from 15th floor balcony at Jomtien Condominium

PATTAYA:--:A 20 year old Thai woman is reported to have jumped from a 15th floor apartment balcony to her death early on Friday Morning following a bust-up with her Australian Boyfriend.

Police and rescue services were called to View Talay Condo 7 on Jomtien Beach just before 2am on Friday. At the base of the building was the body of Khun Prapaporn aged 20. She was wearing trousers and no top and next to the body was a broom. Also close-by was her boyfriend who was in a state of shock and disbelief at what had just occurred.

Security Guards and residents reported hearing a loud argument on the balcony of the 15th floor apartment

Full story:http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/68757/20-year-woman-falls-15th-floor-balcony-jomtien-condominium/


-- Pattaya One 2012-12-22


"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Interesting developments. Now it's said that there are no reports of alcohol being involved. Did they read the report by Pattaya103? The one consistent fact on both stories is that when she fell she was wearing a pair of jeans and topless. Not sure what the significance to that is. Normally the sight of young breasts has a very calming effect on me and I would find it hard to stay angry with my wife if she was naked or topless. In fact, this is actually a widely practiced technique that counselors recommend to couples when they are having a fight. Remove your clothes and see if being naked doesn't immediately disarm the fight.


Security Guards and residents reported hearing a loud argument on the balcony of the 15th floor apartment minutes before Khun Prapaporn is thought to have jumped to her death. There were no reports of alcohol being consumed by either the victim or her boyfriend and for now Police are not entirely clear about the chain-of-events which culminated in the fall. The investigation continues.

The effects of alchol on people are extremely varied.

On one hand, it can amplify emotions to the point where the person could jump off a balcony.

On the other hand, it can amplify anger to the point where the person could push/throw someone off the same balcony.

Before drinking in earnest, self-research should be conducted as to how you react to the effects, and choose the location for your arguement carefully...................wink.png

Edit: Just read Jayman's post about no reports of alchol being consumed, which pretty much invalidates my thought process in this.

However, it is still good advice to practice to confirm your reaction to the drink.


I suspect there was an argument going on as stated which moved to the balcony, the broom (no she wasn't cleaning) was most likely being used as a weapon so the argument was likely physical - next she's on the ground along with the broom - like I said I'd be very interested what sort of person this guy was from friends and possible previous form from back home maybe an ex-wife that was battered - it's not going to convict him but would certaintly help form and opinion of what went on - or he could be totally inocent - who knows


I suspect there was an argument going on as stated which moved to the balcony, the broom (no she wasn't cleaning) was most likely being used as a weapon so the argument was likely physical - next she's on the ground along with the broom - like I said I'd be very interested what sort of person this guy was from friends and possible previous form from back home maybe an ex-wife that was battered - it's not going to convict him but would certaintly help form and opinion of what went on - or he could be totally inocent - who knows

Yep, can't see any jumper taking a broom along for the ride, and l also think it unlikely a Thai lady would jump showing her bits to all at the other end.

The BiB l hope will ask for a police report on the guy from his home country.


The question is who was using the broom as a weapon and was it defensively or offensively used. I am sure all of you have seen a Chinese stick fighting scene in a movie in your time. Thai Police forensics will get to the bottom of this. whistling.gif


Interesting developments. Now it's said that there are no reports of alcohol being involved. Did they read the report by Pattaya103? The one consistent fact on both stories is that when she fell she was wearing a pair of jeans and topless. Not sure what the significance to that is. Normally the sight of young breasts has a very calming effect on me and I would find it hard to stay angry with my wife if she was naked or topless. In fact, this is actually a widely practiced technique that counselors recommend to couples when they are having a fight. Remove your clothes and see if being naked doesn't immediately disarm the fight.

Well, it’s the week end and, as I am forced to sit here in a truss after damaging my back, now is as good a time as ever to look at this and have a little laugh at what we, all, have to go thru..ENJOY wink.png

The actual report from those with the police at the scene reads ( for those of us wot can read Thai .. not me)

ด้าน พ.ต.ท.ทัยเลิศ ลือปือ เจ้าของคดี เปิดเผยว่า จากการนำตัวแฟนผู้ตาย ไปตรวจสอบห้องพักหมายเลข 476 ชั้นที่ 15 ซึ่งเป็นห้องของต่างชาติ ตรวจสอบพบขวดเหล้าบาคาดี้ 1 ขวดวางไว้กับเก้าอี้ ริมระเบียงออก โดยก่อนหน้านี้ผู้ตาย และแฟนสาว เกิดทะเลาะมีปากเสียงขึ้น ถึงขั้นเอาไม้กวาดพื้น พยายามจะฟาด ไม้ดันหลุดมือ ตกลงไปชั้นล่าง ก่อนฝ่ายหญิงจะไปเอามือทุบหัวต่างชาติ 1 ที ก่อนจะต่างคนต่างสงบ ตนจึงนำมีดทำครัว ไปเก็บในตู้เซฟ ซึ่งเกรงโดนทำร้ายก่อนจะต่างชาติจะเดินลงไปตามรปภ. ซึ่งตอนนั้นฝ่ายหญิง ได้นั่งดื่มเหล้าบาคาดี้ อยู่ริมระเบียง เพื่อย้อมใจ แล้วอาศัยจังหวะไม่มีคน อาจจะทำให้ความคิดสั้น ก่อนกระโดดลงมากระแทกพื้นเสียชีวิตคาที่..

Google, our fab friend, of course does a brilliant job of translating.. ( NOT)

Col. attenuated dark rumors about the excellence of the investigation revealed that the victim's boyfriend. Check out the top 476 at number 15, which is a foreign national. Check the bottle Baca Page 1 bottle placed on a chair. Reading out. Previously, the victim and his girlfriend had a fight and arguments. So I try to strike a wooden broom pressure drop. Falling to the ground floor. Before her hand to knock on foreign one before they were both calm. He took a kitchen knife. To keep safe. The fear of being attacked before they walk down the National Security. Who was then the female. Obama has a drinking Bacardi. Veranda to inspirit the people living rhythm. Might be a suicide. Before jumping off the ground died on the spot ..

( i can just see the feedback if we ran that )

We employ a translator .. so this is what she came up with ..

Col Thailert Luebue said after he took the boyfriend to room no.476 floor number 15 that own the place. They found 1 bottle of Bacadi on the chair on the balcony. Before she commit suicide they had an argument. She use the bloom and tried to hit him but the bloom fell out to the ground floor so she hit her boyfriend on his head one time then everyting seem to look better. The boyfriend took all the knife and keep it in the safe because he afraid that she will use it toward him. He was on the way to call security guard and by that time she sat and had a few drink on the balcony by her own then jumped off the building………..

Perhaps someone here can translate differently, in which case our lady may become dispensable. Reality is that this job, especially in the early hours, is as much a cryptic crossword as anything else

All the best


  • Like 1

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



I vote SUSS, but then in saying that the only edcuation I have is in life, so what would I know, hope gungabble does a through background check here in OZZ..........


This news article has a multitude of possibilities, the mind boggles.

As usual, I doubt whether there will be any updates or follow ups to this case, which means, at this time, there is no way of knowing the full facts that lead to this girl`s death and probably never will know, so no point in speculating.


Translation pretty accurate in my opinion.

I would change "keep" to "put". This is a consistent Thai error. He put all the knives in the safe.

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the point is: they don't impair everybody's judgement and reactions in the same way and extent - as with almost every other thing in life, people are not equal in the face of alcohol or drugs.

I never quantified the amount of impairment.. only stated that they impair judgement. Are you saying that some people have NO impairment at all from drinking/drugs? If so, then why would they consume them?

I am saying that the extent of impairment can vary greatly between individuals, and I can also add that the impairment levels of judgement, reaction, body coordination may also be different themselves. Some have very little impairment of judgement and heavy reaction and coordination impairment, while others have the opposite.

Of course everybody has some kind of impairment from alcohol, but the nature of impairment can be different.

That is why some drunks are happy drunks while others are sad and others angry... and some are suicidal.


What facts there are sound like it could be a jumper. Knives put in safe etc.

This reminds me of the guy (a few years back) that pulled his gal away from the guard rail. He later would not stay in an apartment taller than the second floor.

She could have just tried to scare him (fake jumping) and accidently fell.


Translation pretty accurate in my opinion.

I would change "keep" to "put". This is a consistent Thai error. He put all the knives in the safe.

After reading this i would believe the Aussies story.I have been in this situation and so have others that i have talked to over many years. no more comment needed to say or i would make a broad sweeping negative comment not allowed. Its something very sad and really beyond my comprehensions anyway


Google, our fab friend, of course does a brilliant job of translating.. ( NOT)

Col. attenuated dark rumors about the excellence of the investigation revealed that the victim's boyfriend. Check out the top 476 at number 15, which is a foreign national. Check the bottle Baca Page 1 bottle placed on a chair. Reading out. Previously, the victim and his girlfriend had a fight and arguments. So I try to strike a wooden broom pressure drop. Falling to the ground floor. Before her hand to knock on foreign one before they were both calm. He took a kitchen knife. To keep safe. The fear of being attacked before they walk down the National Security. Who was then the female. Obama has a drinking Bacardi. Veranda to inspirit the people living rhythm. Might be a suicide. Before jumping off the ground died on the spot ..

( i can just see the feedback if we ran that )

We employ a translator .. so this is what she came up with ..

Col Thailert Luebue said after he took the boyfriend to room no.476 floor number 15 that own the place. They found 1 bottle of Bacadi on the chair on the balcony. Before she commit suicide they had an argument. She use the bloom and tried to hit him but the bloom fell out to the ground floor so she hit her boyfriend on his head one time then everyting seem to look better. The boyfriend took all the knife and keep it in the safe because he afraid that she will use it toward him. He was on the way to call security guard and by that time she sat and had a few drink on the balcony by her own then jumped off the building………..

Perhaps someone here can translate differently, in which case our lady may become dispensable. Reality is that this job, especially in the early hours, is as much a cryptic crossword as anything else

All the best


Can't help. Asked my girlfriend to translate the text in Thai, and not yet scrolled to your translator's job. My GF produced gibberish even worse than Google's. Your lady is as good as it gets with a Thai grown up in Thailand. You have watched prime ministers giving interviews in English, that's always quite creepy.

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