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Cost Of Living In Pattaya.


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would rather shoot myself in the head than sit in a go-go or beer-bar and "talk" to a poor farm girl.

OK: major breakthrough for ya. Sit in the go-go or beer-bar but don't "talk" to a poor farm girl. Just enjoy the booze, music, and scenery.


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would rather shoot myself in the head than sit in a go-go or beer-bar and "talk" to a poor farm girl.

OK: major breakthrough for ya. Sit in the go-go or beer-bar but don't "talk" to a poor farm girl. Just enjoy the booze, music, and scenery.


Major realization...BOORING...would much rather surf the net, watch a movie, or read an eBook on my iPad...thumbsup.gif

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Some men like to watch naked woman and some men don't.

But anyway, yes, no problem to live on that in pattaya, but there's another problem now,

the traffic is now so miserable so i can't recommend anyone to come here,

i'm day-dreaming of the day i can leave

Edited by poanoi
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The cost of the apartment is proportionate to its location. So 8,000 on Second Road might well be 4000 on the Sukhumvit. 32,000 is easily enough to survive, course it depends what your tastes are.

If you are an alcoholic or a heavy drinker as many Pattaya expats are, you may need to carefully plan your spending on alcohol.

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Thanks for all the useful replies. I'm not a big drinker ... In actual fact I don't drink from one week to the next. Obviously I do like a beer now and again, and I find when I haven't had a beer for a few weeks, I really enjoy it.

Sorry that statement sounds like I'm contradicting myself, Oh well I know what I mean rolleyes.gif

Like I have mentioned in an earlier post I feel a lot more confident now, regarding moving and having enough money.

Of course sod's law is she is as nice as pie now. We are going away for the New Year, so hopefully that will be OK. In the back of my mind I know its only a matter of time. I have sort of made my mind up that the next time she blows up with me, will be the last.

I'm really grateful for the positive posts, and glad I posted for the advice.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you all wai.gif

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Thanks for all the posts. The apartment I like the look of is in a good position and quite new. I know you can't tell a lot from photos, but it was recommended to me and seems the sort of thing I'm looking for. Its only a small complex, has a swimming pool, and as I mentioned before has wifi and cable all in with the price. The water costs are a set price of 300 baht a month and the electric is charged at 7 baht a unit. They tell me the average monthly utilities are 1,500. Regarding the scooter, well where I live now is very busy, so know all the pitfalls. But at night I might well use the bus.

It will be hard to start with, but I need to move on and be happy with my life. I'm sure I can find someone who will treat me with a bit more respect than I get now. Living with someone who I tread on eggshells with is wearing me out.

Thanks again for the posts ... I sort of feel more confident now. Just need to get Christmas and New Year out the way ... Then make the move.

Your life & your money.

Move on, you will never be happier than when you walk out that door for the last time.

I moved my lady on if February & have never looked back.

It amazes me that farangs put up with so much crap from some lady that has nothing without you, you deserve some respect providing that you have earnt it.

I live like a king in Pattaya on about twice that amount, you will live like a prince at least...haha

Good luck

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would rather shoot myself in the head than sit in a go-go or beer-bar and "talk" to a poor farm girl.

OK: major breakthrough for ya. Sit in the go-go or beer-bar but don't "talk" to a poor farm girl. Just enjoy the booze, music, and scenery.


Major realization...BOORING...would much rather surf the net, watch a movie, or read an eBook on my iPad...thumbsup.gif

But that's why there's Sarasota, Florida, USA. Internet's a lot faster there and iPads are cheaper. Plus, you can enjoy bingo games.

No point in your being in Pattaya, really.

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would rather shoot myself in the head than sit in a go-go or beer-bar and "talk" to a poor farm girl.

OK: major breakthrough for ya. Sit in the go-go or beer-bar but don't "talk" to a poor farm girl. Just enjoy the booze, music, and scenery.


Major realization...BOORING...would much rather surf the net, watch a movie, or read an eBook on my iPad...thumbsup.gif

But that's why there's Sarasota, Florida, USA. Internet's a lot faster there and iPads are cheaper. Plus, you can enjoy bingo games.

No point in your being in Pattaya, really.

One thing Florida does have, fantastic beaches.

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I usually only spend around 600-800 baht a day. Obviously there are some exceptions but my monthly spending usually comes to around 30k including rent.

I can afford to spend more but just don't need to.

"monthly spending" can mean different things to different people, for example some include medical insurance at 20,000 ++ a year, some don't, and some don't have any. Similar story with car insurance, etc. Daily expenditure is a pretty minor part of many people's budget.

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I dont understand you. You said you have """"""been living in Thailand nearly 3 years now """"" wouldn’t you know by now how much things costs. This question gets asked so many times its stupid. Only you can answer it.

Yes you can live on 32k but your life will be very boring and restrictive. By the time you minus /scooter/ rental./ apartment rental, air-conditioning and utilities you will be left with say 21k or less. Meaning you will only be left with 677baht a day.

So the question is can you live on that amount. ?

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Ray35ty, your right, I have been here nearly 3 years. I do know the cost of living here. However my time here, I have always lived with my wife. I guess I posted the question for some re-assurance. I'm in a crap position really, I have invested a lot in the business here, but the relationship is very strained. I have nothing to go back to the UK too, so what do I do. I have friends and know Pattaya, which is about an hour away from where I live now. I'm not disputing 32,000 is on the lower bracket of monthly income. So I posted to see if others live on this sort of income. I know I wont be able to go out on the piss every night, or be a bit reckless with money. But in a way, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

On the plus side, my pension does increase each year, so should keep me in line with inflation. In just over 7 years I will get the government pension as well. I have the money in the bank to cover the retirement visa, which is also a safety net for a sudden emergency.

I eat Thai food all the time, so know how cheap the food side is here. I'm not a big drinker so wont be spending a lot on beer. My scooter is quite new, so shouldn't cost a lot to run, even in Pattaya. I like to keep fit, so will join a decent gym. I have friends in Pattaya I can socialize with. I'm sure I will meet new friends. I love to sit on the beach, read and belong to a few forums which seems to be an outlet for me. I don't have expensive tastes. As long as I can find a decent apartment, with wifi, cable and a swimming pool, I think I will be OK. I speak some Thai, so can sort of get through a conversation with Thai people. Not saying I'm fluent, but I know a fair bit now. Where I live there are no English speakers, apart from the wife.

So I sit here just trying to get through the next few days, living with someone who can blow up any second. Its Christmas day, but the shop is open and in a minute she will be at me to work and then the abuse will start at some point. Living my life walking on eggshells is not what I want or what I deserve. As beautiful and clever and sometimes caring as she is, she can also be a right aggressive, hot tempered and abusive woman. So as I write this where would I rather be ... Sitting in a nice apartment, maybe getting ready for a trip to the gym, or a lounge around the pool, or a ride on the scooter to the beach ... Or here !!! Not difficult is it. Its not so much about the money, although I appreciate I will have to be careful. Its about my quality of life.

Whoa. That's a sad and unenviable Christmas story, M8. Comparing your current daily life with your, "as I write this..." daydream there's no question: Free yourself before New Year's so you can have a happy one! Good luck to you.

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I don't get it, you have a loving and beautiful wife, a business and still complain ? Did she ever hurt you or is it only a bit of verbal abuse ?

I'm sitting on my own in my crappy room in pattaya and I can tell you being alone gets boring very quickly :(

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I don't get it, you have a loving and beautiful wife, a business and still complain ? Did she ever hurt you or is it only a bit of verbal abuse ?

I'm sitting on my own in my crappy room in pattaya and I can tell you being alone gets boring very quickly sad.png

Well I hope not to end up in a crappy room. The loving part 5% The no speaking 20% The verbal abuse 25% The throwing of things 10% Her never being wrong 20% Normal life 20%. So you want me to live like this ? Or in your eyes I have nothing to complain about ?

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Ray35ty, your right, I have been here nearly 3 years. I do know the cost of living here. However my time here, I have always lived with my wife. I guess I posted the question for some re-assurance. I'm in a crap position really, I have invested a lot in the business here, but the relationship is very strained. I have nothing to go back to the UK too, so what do I do. I have friends and know Pattaya, which is about an hour away from where I live now. I'm not disputing 32,000 is on the lower bracket of monthly income. So I posted to see if others live on this sort of income. I know I wont be able to go out on the piss every night, or be a bit reckless with money. But in a way, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

On the plus side, my pension does increase each year, so should keep me in line with inflation. In just over 7 years I will get the government pension as well. I have the money in the bank to cover the retirement visa, which is also a safety net for a sudden emergency.

I eat Thai food all the time, so know how cheap the food side is here. I'm not a big drinker so wont be spending a lot on beer. My scooter is quite new, so shouldn't cost a lot to run, even in Pattaya. I like to keep fit, so will join a decent gym. I have friends in Pattaya I can socialize with. I'm sure I will meet new friends. I love to sit on the beach, read and belong to a few forums which seems to be an outlet for me. I don't have expensive tastes. As long as I can find a decent apartment, with wifi, cable and a swimming pool, I think I will be OK. I speak some Thai, so can sort of get through a conversation with Thai people. Not saying I'm fluent, but I know a fair bit now. Where I live there are no English speakers, apart from the wife.

So I sit here just trying to get through the next few days, living with someone who can blow up any second. Its Christmas day, but the shop is open and in a minute she will be at me to work and then the abuse will start at some point. Living my life walking on eggshells is not what I want or what I deserve. As beautiful and clever and sometimes caring as she is, she can also be a right aggressive, hot tempered and abusive woman. So as I write this where would I rather be ... Sitting in a nice apartment, maybe getting ready for a trip to the gym, or a lounge around the pool, or a ride on the scooter to the beach ... Or here !!! Not difficult is it. Its not so much about the money, although I appreciate I will have to be careful. Its about my quality of life.

Wow you seem like a really nice guy. Start making an exit plan ASAP I have alot of ways to save money and live a great life in pattaya. You can live here on 32k no problem.

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Your story resonated with me on many levels. I too had a good looking (but falang) wife and it was exactly as you described - felt like walking on egg shells most days, never knowing when she was next going to blow up at me for the most trivial of reasons. Although caring at times (mostly when I was bed-ridden from being worn out and sick) - and I suspect her motives for being caring was to get me well so I could get back to work as quickly as possible to earn more money - she could at other times be a completely in your face aggressive b###ch - even had her come at me with knives and baseball bats when I suggested I was going to walk a couple of times. Yes it can be lonely at times on the other side, but no one needs that crap, and I am sure in Pattaya you can find ways to combat that loneliness, even on your budget ! The problem you have is she knows she has all the power in the relationship, after you have sunk all your money into her business, and that there is no more money (capital) to squeeze out of you, so in her eyes, she can do as she well pleases and there is little repercussion for her.

I look forward to the day I can retire to somewhere like Pattaya. I cant offer you advice on whether 30k bht is doable (it would be a bit on the low side for me - I am aiming for more) but when you have English teachers earning this sort of money and having to go to work five days a week to earn it, life cant be that bad on 30k bht pension with more increases to come.

Is there any way you can get some sort of payout from her for all your investment in the business - know this might be clutching at straws.

Anyway, best of luck.

I love this because its so true. I see no difference in a woman that you meet in a bar on Walking St and a Woman who likes you for what car you drive in NY. The difference is price

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Thai GF is like attaching a 20kg boullet to your leg, gogo bars have draft beer at 60baht so it doesn't cost too much to do a mini gogo crawl smile.png

You can eat thai food at 30-40baht a plate, so if two times a day + small at home breakie you won't spend more than 100 baht for food per day, 30k per month is no problem at all in pattaya if you know your way with money, thumbsup.gif

This is really it, easy to live on 30,000 a month follow above and you will have 500 a day spare!!

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Thanks for all the useful replies. I'm not a big drinker ... In actual fact I don't drink from one week to the next. Obviously I do like a beer now and again, and I find when I haven't had a beer for a few weeks, I really enjoy it.

Sorry that statement sounds like I'm contradicting myself, Oh well I know what I mean rolleyes.gif

Like I have mentioned in an earlier post I feel a lot more confident now, regarding moving and having enough money.

Of course sod's law is she is as nice as pie now. We are going away for the New Year, so hopefully that will be OK. In the back of my mind I know its only a matter of time. I have sort of made my mind up that the next time she blows up with me, will be the last.

I'm really grateful for the positive posts, and glad I posted for the advice.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you all wai.gif

happy crimbo to u too.

Been living in Pattaya for 9 years next month,so i do know the cheaper places and very expensive places.Any time u want a beer or a bit of company/advise,just give me a call mate.My life revolves round my partner of 7 years and stepson age 11 but i do go out a couple of times a week with mates and stil enjoy this.My partner works 6 days a week,so gives me some time for myself to go for plenty of walks on my own or with mates,massage,or just chill out doing the household chores lol.

Had a car for 7 years but much easier to get about on my bike,the gf has her for work.

Just pm if u fancy a beer one day

good luck on your decision,it isnt easy, i gave up 27 years of marriage to be happier,so it can work.

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Your story resonated with me on many levels. I too had a good looking (but falang) wife and it was exactly as you described - felt like walking on egg shells most days, never knowing when she was next going to blow up at me for the most trivial of reasons. Although caring at times (mostly when I was bed-ridden from being worn out and sick) - and I suspect her motives for being caring was to get me well so I could get back to work as quickly as possible to earn more money - she could at other times be a completely in your face aggressive b###ch - even had her come at me with knives and baseball bats when I suggested I was going to walk a couple of times. Yes it can be lonely at times on the other side, but no one needs that crap, and I am sure in Pattaya you can find ways to combat that loneliness, even on your budget ! The problem you have is she knows she has all the power in the relationship, after you have sunk all your money into her business, and that there is no more money (capital) to squeeze out of you, so in her eyes, she can do as she well pleases and there is little repercussion for her.

I look forward to the day I can retire to somewhere like Pattaya. I cant offer you advice on whether 30k bht is doable (it would be a bit on the low side for me - I am aiming for more) but when you have English teachers earning this sort of money and having to go to work five days a week to earn it, life cant be that bad on 30k bht pension with more increases to come.

Is there any way you can get some sort of payout from her for all your investment in the business - know this might be clutching at straws.

Anyway, best of luck.

I love this because its so true. I see no difference in a woman that you meet in a bar on Walking St and a Woman who likes you for what car you drive in NY. The difference is price

Funny you should mention that, I did have a very nice and expensive sports car when I met the ex wife. Her long legs did look in the car, I will admit that whistling.gif And I reckon all my experience with her has given me some good training for life in Patts as a retired expat. Someone tried to warn me that western men have been killed for their money in LOS at the hands of their ex bargirl wives. I just replied that there have only been two times I have been genuinely scared for my own life, and both were at the hands of my ex falang wife.

Essexman, best of luck whatever happens. I know where I would rather be on 30,000 bht per month and its not here in falangland.

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Well thanks to all the members who have taken the time to post. I have decided to give this marriage one last try. It all came to a head yesterday, and I'm hoping that things will now improve. She knows exactly where I stand now. We have a vacation booked for next Monday, so will be able to go away and chill for a while, without the pressure of the business to worry about.

Yesterday morning I decided to use the day to get everything ready, and leave today. I had made contact with a guy who had a nice apartment free. So I was ready to go. But a heart to heart, and putting everything on the table may have done the trick.

She knows I wont put up with any crap now, will this be a long term cure... Who knows. I feel in a good place today, so I will suck it and see. The end of the day for me, if it doesn't work out, I can know in my heart, I did my best and can walk away without that regret.

I do know that I wont hesitate to leave if she kicks off with me again. I have a very good friend in Pattaya who will put me up and help me find nice accommodation if I ever need to. So obviously I have that comfort in the back of my mind.

Also like to thank the members who have sent me PMs and the guys who offered their support and a meet up for a beer and a chat. I'll post now and again to let you know how things are going.

Happy New Year to you all wai.gif

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