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Isaan Internet Deals To Faze You


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Now the race is on between internet providers to capture new subscribers with tempting offers and promotions in the wake of 3G, there comes confusion too out here in the wilds of Isaan. In the space of three years I've had to pay out chunks of money three times in order to have any internet connection. The first was with T T & T when they provided Maxnet, which then changed to 3BB. A few months after the change, T T & T parted company with 3BB, and 3BB no longer had a service to my village. Over to CAT CDMA, who now are into 3G, meaning I'd need to buy another modem in order to upgrade. Now TOT are aiming to increase their market share by offering attractive rates for high-speed broadband. A week ago I phoned TOT call-centre and gave details for an application. In about 4 days, they said, someone will come to look at your location. Today, another call to TOT revealed nobody could find the details given and suggested I go to the office in my nearest town. There I was told TOT will only consider a new installation in the village if they get 20 applicants! Then they found a subscriber close to my house had defaulted in payments for 4 or 5 months, and said if I go and ask them if they would like to cancel, I can have their line rerouted to my house speedily - at a cost of course. Maybe smoke signals and crystal sets were the best option on reflection.

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Same here James. Two phone boxes with the nearest line 9 kms away!

For my connection I need to hang my phone of the edge of the balcony to get a strong enough GPRS signal and pay almost 900 baht a month for the privilege of super slow internet from AIS 1 2 call. Can;t wait for 3G but seriously when will that ever happen out here?

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I am lucky I guess because of the close proximity of my place to a main road into town. Since I started the thread the person mentioned wants to cancel TOT, so hopefully tomorrow I can set the wheels in motion to get connected to broadband. I agree the aircard system isn't the best and very expensive.

Edited by Jezz
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Same here James. Two phone boxes with the nearest line 9 kms away!

For my connection I need to hang my phone of the edge of the balcony to get a strong enough GPRS signal and pay almost 900 baht a month for the privilege of super slow internet from AIS 1 2 call. Can;t wait for 3G but seriously when will that ever happen out here?

Bought a new aircard last month, even though have to hang it from the roof on a USB cable, can now get a DTAC signal. only 450 Baht a month. Works most of the time, except weekends, school kids come home and steal my signal.

One thing to remember is most schools, including primary schools now have WIFI, so can always pop down the road with the lap top if needed. Jim

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I have just started to look into internet connections for my Chayapoum village home.

A friend in a similar situation has CAT satelite connection which is I think quite expensive but he says very good.

He can download movies etc no problem but live streaming is not so good. Skype is fine though. The modem they gave him has an arial on it so although plugged into his computer he also has wireless arounf the huse.

We have a weak/ non existent AIS phone signal (no DTAC) so am looking into buying a signal repeater set up from the UK. Have looked everywhere for them here without any luck.

To get a decent one of those is about 10k baht I think. It doesn't matter now but in a couple of years I hope to stay there all the time so need comunications. At the moment it is quite nice to have an internet break occasionally :)

Of home tomorrow so Happy New Year all :)

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One thing to remember is most schools, including primary schools now have WIFI, so can always pop down the road with the lap top if needed. Jim

Okay, so I'm being thick, but if nearby schools have WIFI, how come you have to pop down the road to grab it? If a signal is available near you, why can't you get your own, because you already have at least some connection?
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One thing to remember is most schools, including primary schools now have WIFI, so can always pop down the road with the lap top if needed. Jim

Okay, so I'm being thick, but if nearby schools have WIFI, how come you have to pop down the road to grab it? If a signal is available near you, why can't you get your own, because you already have at least some connection?

Think schools, Government etc use micro wave towers or radio type links. Bit pricy to build your own tower and don't think they would be too happy with you stealing their signal. WIFI is only good for a short distance, so you have to go to the school grounds to get a signal.

Was told I could get a directional dish to point at the school and get their WIFI, but 30,000 Baht and no guarantees. Jim

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Think schools, Government etc use micro wave towers or radio type links. Bit pricy to build your own tower and don't think they would be too happy with you stealing their signal. WIFI is only good for a short distance, so you have to go to the school grounds to get a signal.

Was told I could get a directional dish to point at the school and get their WIFI, but 30,000 Baht and no guarantees. Jim

Oh, I see. Thanks! You learn something everyday. I had no idea schools had their own internet supply. What I still don't understand is that CAT are supposedly the leaders in the field, yet they seem not to have towers in many remote locations for the benefit of members of the public.
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won't be down loadingfyou tube for a few years yet. Jim

Once again, Jim, you conjure up great images with your descriptions about life in your part of the world. I can picture you looking blankly at your computer screen, mumbling, “Ha! Youtube! Who needs it anyway? I'm far too busy with the rubber, the kids, the ... well, I don't care. So there! Stuff the internet.”
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won't be down loadingfyou tube for a few years yet. Jim

Once again, Jim, you conjure up great images with your descriptions about life in your part of the world. I can picture you looking blankly at your computer screen, mumbling, “Ha! Youtube! Who needs it anyway? I'm far too busy with the rubber, the kids, the ... well, I don't care. So there! Stuff the internet.”

Have to be thankful for what you have, took 10 minutes to get this page up. Not too many years ago no net at all and before that, no computer, no electricity. Still many villages out further into the jungle away from our dead end road [ put in by the army] with no power.

Where else would you want to live, well an island in the Med with a big villa and a big yacht would be nice, but a bit out of my price range.Jim

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Here is a current coverage map of True 3G. I've been pleasantly surprised with their coverage while driving around Ubon but of course it gets very spotty near the border where a couple of you are at. smile.pnghttp://www.truemove-...k_coverage.aspx

Well locking at that map I have a 3 G tower only 30 km away, but I maybe in Lao. Jim
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James you were able download that map? Luxury! :)

nah I was able to view it, eventually! Thanks for the link ubonrthai. It shoes my nearest town has it but does not stretch to the village. Any idea how long until 12 Call offer 3g?

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Its quite common that people tap into the WiFi signal of schools, offices, firebrigade etc.

The problem is: not very fast usually (when I did this it was max. 2 MBit/s, going down close to zero after schools out in the afternoon).

So you can not really rely on.

For the thread starter: grab the chance to reroute the line of your nonpaying neighbour.

Best option you have at the moment.

I am on a ToT fixed ADSL line for about half a year (sold as 7 MBit/s for 590/month + tax).

Actually I reach 5.5 MBit/s until late afternoon.

But even then it does not go down ridicolously.

So I am quite satisfied with that.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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For the thread starter: grab the chance to reroute the line of your nonpaying neighbour.

Best option you have at the moment.

I'm hoping too. TOT will be posting a cancelation paper to the person in question. Once signed and returned I've been told it may take about a month to do the transfer. Fingers crossed.
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I've asked the following question in an old existing thread in the internet & computer forum, but think it's more relevant in Isaan.

Are there any current CAT CDMA users who received a letter from CAT this month (December) informing about changes on 31st Dec whereby all CDMA subscribers will be automatically 'upgraded' to one of the new 3G services on 1st Jan 2013 unless they opt to cancel? I've asked both the call centre and the local office what actually happens if I do nothing. The answers were varied to say the least, ranging from #1. For a while you'll still be able to get CDMA. #2. Your signal will stop. #3. You'll be charged more money for CDMA until you change or we pull the plug. (Poss 1 baht per minute) #4.Sorry, I'm not sure.

Obviously new SIM cards are involved, and the need to buy a new modem. However, as I'm hoping to get a TOT cable in a few weeks, I don't really want to buy a new modem or take out a new contract right now. But nobody at CAT gives the same answer on what will really happen if I choose to do nothing. Can they really charge more for a service about to expire if you can still use it? Some say they'll charge 1baht per minute if you don't cancel or change. But how could they do that from information on the unlimited time plan?

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Any idea how long until 12 Call offer 3g?

I was told by the end of 2012 when I asked in Bangkok and Ubon this year but that's not going to happen. True also said it would have near complete coverage of Thailand this year which also hasn't happened.

I would switch to AIS immediately if they get nationwide coverage. This article gives hope.


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And here is my story:

In February I went with CAT for Wireless-Internet-Connection. They erected a 25 Meter high antenna with all the trimmings and everything was fine. (At 738 Bht per month). Until 4 weeks ago!

Since then: Constant internet blackouts and generally no more Internet connection between 9 PM an midnight. Graet!

Answer from CAT: We have now so mani WI-FI users that this can happen !!!

I was left with the impression, that the whole thing is eighter my fault or a god-given mishap, and the only remedy would be to hook-up by way of a fiber-optic-connection (for a price, of course, again).

Unfortunately, for some reason TOT does not service this aerea as far as Internet is concerned. I wonder why not.

So my comment: If living in a region with only one provider and no other alternative, "they got you over a barrel". Especially, if you have already invested into antenna, router etc.


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An update: After repeatedly trying to 'phone CAT call centre English-speaking dept today, after two hours I actually got an English speaker. After a 30 min conversation the question about a charge of 1baht per minute on your about-to-be-defunct CDMA modem was still not answered clearly. Other TV members in the internet & computer forum state that, yes, if anyone uses their old CDMA modem after 31st December, they will be billed @ 1baht per minute. So it's change to 3G now, losing out on the old unlimited time that came with CDMA, officially cancel or simply stop using the modem or pay 1baht per minute if you choose to. Hmm!

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Until four months ago I only used AIS GRPS in my village. TOT informed me that their are no more lines available but they suggested I should use Fiber Optic which would cost me 3500 Baht per month. In addition they wanted me to pay for 700 meters cable which would have cost me another 30,000 Baht.

I looked for alternatives and ended up with Truemove-H. I hired a company to install a 12 meter Antenna, an AT&T aircard with a port for an external antenna, a TP Link 3G Wireless router and a Postpaid subscription for 1799 Baht per month (10gb).

I have connected an iMac, iPad, an Android TV box and a MacBook and have most of the time 5-7mbit throughout the month.

My internet problems have been finally resolved after 18 months surfing on GPRS

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Until four months ago I only used AIS GRPS in my village. TOT informed me that their are no more lines available but they suggested I should use Fiber Optic which would cost me 3500 Baht per month. In addition they wanted me to pay for 700 meters cable which would have cost me another 30,000 Baht.

I looked for alternatives and ended up with Truemove-H. I hired a company to install a 12 meter Antenna, an AT&T aircard with a port for an external antenna, a TP Link 3G Wireless router and a Postpaid subscription for 1799 Baht per month (10gb).

I have connected an iMac, iPad, an Android TV box and a MacBook and have most of the time 5-7mbit throughout the month.

My internet problems have been finally resolved after 18 months surfing on GPRS

You are paying alot of money there. I get 5gb of Truemove H for 489 q month.

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Until four months ago I only used AIS GRPS in my village. TOT informed me that their are no more lines available but they suggested I should use Fiber Optic which would cost me 3500 Baht per month. In addition they wanted me to pay for 700 meters cable which would have cost me another 30,000 Baht.

I looked for alternatives and ended up with Truemove-H. I hired a company to install a 12 meter Antenna, an AT&T aircard with a port for an external antenna, a TP Link 3G Wireless router and a Postpaid subscription for 1799 Baht per month (10gb).

I have connected an iMac, iPad, an Android TV box and a MacBook and have most of the time 5-7mbit throughout the month.

My internet problems have been finally resolved after 18 months surfing on GPRS

You are paying alot of money there. I get 5gb of Truemove H for 489 q month.

Did you signed up for some kind of special offer with True?

10 GB is here 1799 Baht. I signed up for both Prepaid and Postpaid and got the same subscription rate/price. I am sure that I pay 899 Baht for 5GB but I could be wrong by a couple of Baht.

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Didnt read all , but can relate to some

Yep in a village appr. 3hrs from BKK Chok Chai area

Using Dtac sim ccard on phone 400 bht p/mth , Signal varies but as mentioned when kids get on line to pay games clogs system

Not all that bad for my usage

But now that i bought a new computer i think it got a bit better

TOT has cable 1.5 km away but wil not extend = saying people steal the cable (i dont think thats true as the vilage is vidaulent )

Maybe their cables are full since they dont seem to be that big (from experience )

So friend suggested i go see TOT since i knew she was running an internet shop, But TOT could only provide dish which seem to me was expensive especialy if you wanted any reasonable speed for the amount o GB

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James you were able download that map? Luxury! smile.png

nah I was able to view it, eventually! Thanks for the link ubonrthai. It shoes my nearest town has it but does not stretch to the village. Any idea how long until 12 Call offer 3g?

There is hope yet, though not for me. They are stringing fiber along the 2248, that's high speed net and and TV, Don't think they will come out my way for a few years yet, but civilization is coming. First power then mobile phones, next police and taxes. Jim
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First power then mobile phones, next police and taxes. Jim

Did you mean taxis or taxes? I hope the former. Happy New Year. I'm gonna be offline for an undefined period while I wait to hear from TOT about the cable. I ain't coughin' up no more dosh right now to change for a short time. Edited by Jezz
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First power then mobile phones, next police and taxes. Jim

Did you mean taxis or taxes? I hope the former. Happy New Year. I'm gonna be offline for an undefined period while I wait to hear from TOT about the cable. I ain't coughin' up no more dosh right now to change for a short time.

Not a taxi cab within 140 km from here, they only got to Ubon last year. Jim
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Not a taxi cab within 140 km from here, they only got to Ubon last year. Jim

Then keep your head down if the police arrive waving tax forms! But I digress - this thread is about internet. Edited by Jezz
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Until four months ago I only used AIS GRPS in my village. TOT informed me that their are no more lines available but they suggested I should use Fiber Optic which would cost me 3500 Baht per month. In addition they wanted me to pay for 700 meters cable which would have cost me another 30,000 Baht.

I looked for alternatives and ended up with Truemove-H. I hired a company to install a 12 meter Antenna, an AT&T aircard with a port for an external antenna, a TP Link 3G Wireless router and a Postpaid subscription for 1799 Baht per month (10gb).

I have connected an iMac, iPad, an Android TV box and a MacBook and have most of the time 5-7mbit throughout the month.

My internet problems have been finally resolved after 18 months surfing on GPRS

You are paying alot of money there. I get 5gb of Truemove H for 489 q month.

Did you signed up for some kind of special offer with True?

10 GB is here 1799 Baht. I signed up for both Prepaid and Postpaid and got the same subscription rate/price. I am sure that I pay 899 Baht for 5GB but I could be wrong by a couple of Baht.

No special offer. The first month was 899baht. Subsequent months have been 489 + vat. Mind you I haven't had a bill for over 3 months now, but still have the service.

I don't have an aerial. I just have a sim card and a router. I managed to get hold of a Wifi router with a sim socket in the back.

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