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Advice Needed Urgently To Kill Ants!


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Any one has experience ?

My baby (2 month old) always sleeps long hours at night. But last night, she burst into loud crying every hour. Only in this morning, I realised why: there are several ants in her bed!!!! She scratched her face badly and some ants were crawling on her body sad.png

The bed sheet/mat were just washed yesterday. And our apt is on 43th floor, very clean and tidy. Normally, ants only exist in our kitchen area, but now, they go to the bedroom!!!

Is there any natural way to kill ants? Or, I have to use pest spray (hope it will not harm baby) ?

In the past, I did not want to kill the ants because they don't bother me much.. But now, seems I have to start killing!!!

Thanks a lot in advance

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Buy this, even 7/11 carries it. It's a chalk stick and mark everywhere where you see ants walking .

And also mark the legs of the bed. The ants don't like it and won't be back

here another version if the staff in the 7/11 doesn't know this

Edited by MJCM
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Try to get hold of Ant repellent granules.You can get it in many different shops and I found it the most effective as the little buggers take the granules back to their hide and then the colony gets wiped out.

Should work wonders thumbsup.gif !!

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Forget the do-it-yourself ideas, unless you want tor risk your baby continuing to suffer ant attacks. Call a professional to fix the problem safely, effectively and properly. I inherited two ants nests behind the fitted kitchen units when I moved in to this house. Carl and Ning at Creepy Crawly Pest Control on Soi Siam Country Club fixed the problem for me in no time. I recommend their services very highly. They are trained to Australian pest control standards, and mainly use imported Australian chemicals, not the dodgy local stuff here.

Call Carl ASAP on 084-000-6605, and soon your baby will be sleeping peacefully in an ant-free home.

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Try to get hold of Ant repellent granules.You can get it in many different shops and I found it the most effective as the little buggers take the granules back to their hide and then the colony gets wiped out.

Should work wonders thumbsup.gif !!

That is also what I use. Placed strategically where they are normally hanging out and pretty much stopped them.

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the chalk is good if you know where they are coming in - you can simply chalk a line round a door window or crack in the wall and they won't cross it, perhaps on the outside would be better, and be careful how you handle sugar - they love it

Question, do the granuals work on roaches, I have the odd small one running around my sink and kitchen tops sometimes and can't find how they are getting in, I plug all the drains etc but still find a few of the little feckers every day, bought some stuff in BC'extra but is was as useful as a fart in a spacesuit - round disc type thing that opens round the middle

Edited by smedly
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Many good ideas here, good luck, but tothe first guy recommending chalk, plse remember that the ants do not have any memory so they will be back as soon as the chalk-line is weaker. i use it all tyhe time here and it is great for short-time solution.... So chalk the legs of your tables, chairs and beds and you will be fine, but you have to do it each and every evening... but that must be a nice pleasure I guess.

I have now for myself found a new excellent poison against these shitty ants..... Try to find "fun light" or just "light-products", the ants cant just survive after eating this sugar called Aspartam that light-sodas containing. This "false" sugar just locks their braincells and they just stops breathing...... Good night Mr ant..


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I wonder if the false sugar also locks our brains!

Yes it does, drink light in enough big amount, and it will kill you in the end. But it takes A LOT, and we humans cant probably drink enough light sodas so it will kills us I guess.


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Yes I would call the professional. I also live 4 floors up and it is a constant war with them. What has worked best for me is spaying around all entry points about once a month. Then when you see them you have to follow them to see what holes or cracks they are coming through and spray those too. The water under the legs is not a good idea as mosquito's will lay their eggs in it. I too had them at one time biting me my bed and tried spraying around the base of the bed but the above worked much better.

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While you are waiting for the ants to be massacred. Get four large cans or pots. Half fill them with water and place the four legs of the bed into the cans in the center. This will stop the ants climbing up onto the bed.


oops, already mentioned above.

Edited by I Like Thai
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Yes I would call the professional. I also live 4 floors up and it is a constant war with them. What has worked best for me is spaying around all entry points about once a month. Then when you see them you have to follow them to see what holes or cracks they are coming through and spray those too. The water under the legs is not a good idea as mosquito's will lay their eggs in it. I too had them at one time biting me my bed and tried spraying around the base of the bed but the above worked much better.

Put salt in it.

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Thanks all for your useful information!!

An ant massacre will soon go on at my home w00t.gif

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year in 2013 !!!

Get Chaindryte (spelling) from any hardware store, it is mixed with water & sprayed around the extremeties of your house.

I do mine every 6 months & not an ant or bub insight.

From memory about 450baht for 1 application, well worth the effort for peace of mind from the mods.

I get mine from Soi Siam Country Club, opposite Outback Bar for those who know the area.

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another effective poison is borax or boracic acid powder..make a mix with old cooking oil and sugar an leave in container like a jar with lid on and holes punched.....

some talcs used to contain borax?

One thing you might consider is that the tiny little buggers get airborne from any fan or breeze..often end up in our bed this way..try using a mosquito net or one of those framed tents.

Dirty fans attract ants.... .gecko poop and dead bugs. Also window jambs,cupboards,laundry hampers,mozzie screens etc

We have wood backed cushions on window benches and a couple of times have found nests under....strange..think the gecko poop and dead bugs ......

If you put containers under the legs of baby's bed then use glass, not tin, as it rusts real quick...maybe add bleach to the water, gets real ugly in a short time so needs to be changed frequently.

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A relatively non-toxic method to completely rid yourself of ants is to use good old fashioned borax. Mix up two batches: (1) Batch 1, mix about a half tablespoon of borax with a couple tablespoons of bacon grease; (2) Batch 2, mix about a half tablespoon of borax with a tablespoon fo honey and a tablespoon of water. Place the mixtures on small saucers or pieces of aluminum foil and spread it around your dwelling. In about two or three weeks, every ant will be gone.

The ants in my house had become overwhelming, getting into all food stuffs, into bedding, clogging electrical outlets and destroying electronics. I finally had enough. It has been well over a year since I employed this method and I have had a ZERO ant problem. After about four months, a few ants reappeared. I just put out another dose of borax and bacon grease where I saw them and they were soon gone.

The biggest problem was that I could not find borax anywhere, and I looked high and low in pharmacies, general merchandise and farm supply stores. Here is my solution that will work for any farang anywhere in Thailand. My wife is a high school teacher. I just Googled borax and pulled up the Wikipedia page, which showed the chemical formulation, etc. I printed it out and asked my wife to take it to the chemistry teacher at her school and asked him where to get it. In top Thai form, she immediately told me he wouldn't know. I insisted, so she took it to him and he did know, as I knew he would. He directed her to a tiny chemical supply place in town (Phitsanulok) called "The Science Center." I showed the guy in the store my printout and he produced the borax immediately. It came in a one pound (454 gr.) jar.

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A relatively non-toxic method to completely rid yourself of ants is to use good old fashioned borax. Mix up two batches: (1) Batch 1, mix about a half tablespoon of borax with a couple tablespoons of bacon grease; (2) Batch 2, mix about a half tablespoon of borax with a tablespoon fo honey and a tablespoon of water. Place the mixtures on small saucers or pieces of aluminum foil and spread it around your dwelling. In about two or three weeks, every ant will be gone.

The ants in my house had become overwhelming, getting into all food stuffs, into bedding, clogging electrical outlets and destroying electronics. I finally had enough. It has been well over a year since I employed this method and I have had a ZERO ant problem. After about four months, a few ants reappeared. I just put out another dose of borax and bacon grease where I saw them and they were soon gone.

The biggest problem was that I could not find borax anywhere, and I looked high and low in pharmacies, general merchandise and farm supply stores. Here is my solution that will work for any farang anywhere in Thailand. My wife is a high school teacher. I just Googled borax and pulled up the Wikipedia page, which showed the chemical formulation, etc. I printed it out and asked my wife to take it to the chemistry teacher at her school and asked him where to get it. In top Thai form, she immediately told me he wouldn't know. I insisted, so she took it to him and he did know, as I knew he would. He directed her to a tiny chemical supply place in town (Phitsanulok) called "The Science Center." I showed the guy in the store my printout and he produced the borax immediately. It came in a one pound (454 gr.) jar.

Yes but where to get borax in pattaya?

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Thanks all for your useful information!!

An ant massacre will soon go on at my home w00t.gif

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year in 2013 !!!

Get Chaindryte (spelling) from any hardware store, it is mixed with water & sprayed around the extremeties of your house.

I do mine every 6 months & not an ant or bub insight.

From memory about 450baht for 1 application, well worth the effort for peace of mind from the mods.

I get mine from Soi Siam Country Club, opposite Outback Bar for those who know the area.

I may be wrong--I'm away and can't can't check--but I think this also comes in a spray can with a long, narrow sprayer tube that's great for spraying up into cracks and holes. Best stuff I've used, quite effective. Challenge is hitting all the cracks & holes--spray one and they find another,

I've often looked for a shop selling borax around Pattaya. Hope somebody has found one.

Edited by JSixpack
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It is strange with these fantastic methods some of you suggest. You do mean still that the ants are having a memory and remember i.e. Borax - " Oh shit no guys, we cannot go in there.. let´s move on to the next falang" . Is this what you suggest?

Otherwise you need to do this stuff with borax and the other products on a regular basis your whole life out. I do not have a problem with different means of killing the ant, but dont say to other people that you do it just once or twice and than all is fine, because that is a lie.

Ants are here, will always be here, and they will probably inherit the earth... One good thing what concerns the bed and the rest of the household is to be very clean and never let remains of our meals stay there for hours on our tables, THAT drags ant´s to our homes.

We can minimize the problem by stoping eating in bed. An ant can smell a piece ever so small from over 1 meter away and drags to it like a magnet. 1 meter for a ant is over 900 meter for us humans.... Can we smell food 900 meter away....


Edited by glegolo
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A relatively non-toxic method to completely rid yourself of ants is to use good old fashioned borax. Mix up two batches: (1) Batch 1, mix about a half tablespoon of borax with a couple tablespoons of bacon grease; (2) Batch 2, mix about a half tablespoon of borax with a tablespoon fo honey and a tablespoon of water. Place the mixtures on small saucers or pieces of aluminum foil and spread it around your dwelling. In about two or three weeks, every ant will be gone.

The ants in my house had become overwhelming, getting into all food stuffs, into bedding, clogging electrical outlets and destroying electronics. I finally had enough. It has been well over a year since I employed this method and I have had a ZERO ant problem. After about four months, a few ants reappeared. I just put out another dose of borax and bacon grease where I saw them and they were soon gone.

The biggest problem was that I could not find borax anywhere, and I looked high and low in pharmacies, general merchandise and farm supply stores. Here is my solution that will work for any farang anywhere in Thailand. My wife is a high school teacher. I just Googled borax and pulled up the Wikipedia page, which showed the chemical formulation, etc. I printed it out and asked my wife to take it to the chemistry teacher at her school and asked him where to get it. In top Thai form, she immediately told me he wouldn't know. I insisted, so she took it to him and he did know, as I knew he would. He directed her to a tiny chemical supply place in town (Phitsanulok) called "The Science Center." I showed the guy in the store my printout and he produced the borax immediately. It came in a one pound (454 gr.) jar.

Yes but where to get borax in pattaya?

I think these folks are in Phuket, but ship via EMS to anywhere in Thailand:


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A relatively non-toxic method to completely rid yourself of ants is to use good old fashioned borax. Mix up two batches: (1) Batch 1, mix about a half tablespoon of borax with a couple tablespoons of bacon grease; (2) Batch 2, mix about a half tablespoon of borax with a tablespoon fo honey and a tablespoon of water. Place the mixtures on small saucers or pieces of aluminum foil and spread it around your dwelling. In about two or three weeks, every ant will be gone.

The ants in my house had become overwhelming, getting into all food stuffs, into bedding, clogging electrical outlets and destroying electronics. I finally had enough. It has been well over a year since I employed this method and I have had a ZERO ant problem. After about four months, a few ants reappeared. I just put out another dose of borax and bacon grease where I saw them and they were soon gone.

The biggest problem was that I could not find borax anywhere, and I looked high and low in pharmacies, general merchandise and farm supply stores. Here is my solution that will work for any farang anywhere in Thailand. My wife is a high school teacher. I just Googled borax and pulled up the Wikipedia page, which showed the chemical formulation, etc. I printed it out and asked my wife to take it to the chemistry teacher at her school and asked him where to get it. In top Thai form, she immediately told me he wouldn't know. I insisted, so she took it to him and he did know, as I knew he would. He directed her to a tiny chemical supply place in town (Phitsanulok) called "The Science Center." I showed the guy in the store my printout and he produced the borax immediately. It came in a one pound (454 gr.) jar.

Yes but where to get borax in pattaya?

I think these folks are in Phuket, but ship via EMS to anywhere in Thailand:


Thanks although you linked the pharmaceutical grade stuff which doesn't come cheap.


This is the much cheaper variety that will work just fine.

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We've bought the small green box from Foodland today. Many recommend it because it can also kill the ants back in the nest (hope it can kill the ant queen also !!!!)

And bought chalk, rubber band and plastic boxes for the cot legs .

Above are for the short term. If these not work well, then have to call professional companies to destroy those little devils.

Below things can also prevent ants (I've got it from internet):

Garlic, lemon, rubber, baked egg shell (I think it contains borax), borax

In my country, borax can be found in any TCM shop. It is an ingredient for traditional chinese medicine and very cheap. Maybe BKK also has TCM shops that sell borax?

Indeed, compared to all other poison, borax should be the safest weapon against those devils.

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