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Pattaya Brits Still Have No Consular Support

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Pattaya Brits still have no Consular Support

By Staff Reporter

PATTAYA: -- The British Embassy, in Bangkok, has still failed to announce the promised appointment of an Honorary Consul to Pattaya.

Mark Kent, the British Ambassador Promised a quick fix solution to the fiasco which saw the British consulate first expand then contract and finally close, all within a year.

At the time when the Embassy announced the closure, the city was promised the appointment of a local Hon.Con. to preserve some small element of the support previously given by the British Government to tourist and expats in the area. The job was clearly defined and many applications received.

With a closing date of over a month ago many locals are amazed at the lack of Embassy support and are questioning the true intention to appoint an Hon Con at all. [more...]

Full story: http://www.pattaya10...mbassy-support/

--Pattaya 103 FM 2013-01-04


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That is simply not true, Pattaya does have consular support but not quite the same as before.

Here are the facts:

1. The Embassy is only 1 1/2 hours away by car. If a consular officer was required to deal with an urgent consular case they could be down in Pattaya within 2 hours, easily.


May I ask what is so special about Pattaya that it requires a full time consular?<snip>

Totally agree. The above is all that needs to be said.

Now let's talk about Phuket...


The previous two posts seem to have been generated by either ignorance of the facts or just arrogance. I believe that had the Consular Office never opened here and there was just the support of an Honary Consul then people wouldn't be complaining. Having had the consular service and then the following farce of will it stay won't it ending with its closure, people are understandably upset. Some of the reasons given for the closure also don't gel with what was actually seen to happen in Jomtien.

On a personal level I really believe that politically Pattaya and the British related incidents occurring here make the Embassy want to control what is said by any representative, hence the tightening of the reigns. Can't have some Honary Consul telling the local press what they really believe about the corruption and suspect suicides as opposed to HM Ambassadors sanitised views.


Boo Hoo !!

Ya gotta be kidding.

Poor Brits

Fancy having to make an effort to get an inquiry attanded to . There is always Consular support just not necessarily next door.

Crying Towels available at Mikes.


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The Embassy doesn't care, they will still get that 2000 baht for the letter whether they have an office in Pattaya or not.

Now if you could get a letter from any EU consulate then that would open up the market a little and they would be back in Pattaya like a shot!

Let's not pretend that the Embassy is here for the benefit of British People! That's a myth.


I suggest the the consulate in Pattaya be reopened a month after a new consulate opens in Khampaeng Phet where there maybe perhaps 100 Brits who may use it. It would only be 65 km away for me instead of 400 km to Bangkok. After all Brits in Pattaya are no less and no more important than Brits elsewhere in Thailand are they?

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The Embassy doesn't care, they will still get that 2000 baht for the letter whether they have an office in Pattaya or not.

Not from me they dont. It will be a cold day in hell Pattaya before I pay anything to the British consulate if I can possibly avoid it. Depositing 800K in the bank here seems like an excellent alternative to paying out 2500B for a signature.

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Consulate just a waste of money in Pattiya, if you need one get off your back sides and drive to Bangkok. Some brits just want to be waited on, and yes I am a Brit.

"many locals are amazed at the lack of Embassy support"

Apparently some people are easily amazed.

How many other embassies offer 24/7 "support" in Pattaya? Nanny-state mentality seems to generate a continuous high-pitched whining.

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Consulate just a waste of money in Pattiya, if you need one get off your back sides and drive to Bangkok. Some brits just want to be waited on, and yes I am a Brit.

"many locals are amazed at the lack of Embassy support"

Apparently some people are easily amazed.

How many other embassies offer 24/7 "support" in Pattaya? Nanny-state mentality seems to generate a continuous high-pitched whining.

Driving to Bkk presumes possession of a car. I live in Isan which could be up to an 8 hour drive
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Consulate just a waste of money in Pattiya, if you need one get off your back sides and drive to Bangkok. Some brits just want to be waited on, and yes I am a Brit.

"many locals are amazed at the lack of Embassy support"

Apparently some people are easily amazed.

How many other embassies offer 24/7 "support" in Pattaya? Nanny-state mentality seems to generate a continuous high-pitched whining.

Driving to Bkk presumes possession of a car. I live in Isan which could be up to an 8 hour drive

Get on the bus like the locals.

However, maybe roving visitation service like the US embassy provides would suffice for many.

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Consulate just a waste of money in Pattiya, if you need one get off your back sides and drive to Bangkok. Some brits just want to be waited on, and yes I am a Brit.

"many locals are amazed at the lack of Embassy support"

Apparently some people are easily amazed.

How many other embassies offer 24/7 "support" in Pattaya? Nanny-state mentality seems to generate a continuous high-pitched whining.

Driving to Bkk presumes possession of a car. I live in Isan which could be up to an 8 hour drive

Get on the bus like the locals.

However, maybe roving visitation service like the US embassy provides would suffice for many.

I do use the bus like the locals it takes 8 hours one way. Hence my suggestion of a mobile consular so we can all benefit.


May I ask what is so special about Pattaya that it requires a full time consular?

What about the rest of the Kingdom?

Maybe instead of the money going to fund one for Pattaya there could be a roaming consular service that visits major cities and towns throughout the year providing service to ALL Brit expats.

(As said Pattaya is 1 1/2 hours from Bkk there are many who live 8 hrs + away)

There is supposed to be a Hon Con in Phuket, he is never available.


That is simply not true, Pattaya does have consular support but not quite the same as before.

Here are the facts:

1. The Embassy is only 1 1/2 hours away by car. If a consular officer was required to deal with an urgent consular case they could be down in Pattaya within 2 hours, easily.

2. The new Honorary Consul will have limited roles anyway, now that the Consulate is closed. If you needed to see the Honorary Consul for any reason, it would probably be by appointment only and chances are they would refer most cases to the Consular Section of the Embassy first anyway.

3. Brits needing consular assistance can call 02 305 8333 24 hours a day and speak with a highly trained consular worker from either Bangkok or the Foreign Office in London who can deal with both major and minor problems. Support for Brits is ALWAYS there if needed.

4. I am speculating that the recent shooting of a Brit in the South has delayed the interviewing process for a new Hon Con.

I know it sounds as if I am defending the Embassy a bit but I think we should put this into perspective, Pattaya's Consular assistance will not be improved drastically after the Hon Con is appointed.


Former Honorary Consul

How could the shooting of the guy 3 days ago during the Embassey holidays have slowed down the interview process? and yes it does sound like you are defending the Embassy. Seeing the Honary Consol in Samui was never a drama, and I dont think wild horses would see the public school boy "suits" racing down to Pattaya in 2 hours. Personally makes no differnce to me and i doubt you but for a lot of the older generation it is a drama getting to BKK and back, and i do not have faith in the same day service for Pattaya residents. Many have said they get by without a consulate in what ever area, but the consulate was here when many made the decision to retire here. You posted a few weeks ago the Consular office paid for its self. Why the change in tack?

How could the shooting of the guy 3 days ago during the Embassey holidays have slowed down the interview process? and yes it does sound like you are defending the Embassy. Seeing the Honary Consol in Samui was never a drama, and I dont think wild horses would see the public school boy "suits" racing down to Pattaya in 2 hours. Personally makes no differnce to me and i doubt you but for a lot of the older generation it is a drama getting to BKK and back, and i do not have faith in the same day service for Pattaya residents. Many have said they get by without a consulate in what ever area, but the consulate was here when many made the decision to retire here. You posted a few weeks ago the Consular office paid for its self. Why the change in tack?

No change, I am still very dissapointed that the Consulate closed but the reality is that it is now closed so Brits who live in Pattaya must now adapt. One of the major sources of income for the consulate was the letters confirming pension/investment income from outside of Thailand which Immigration require for Marriage/Retirement Visas if applicants do not have enough money in their Thai bank accounts.

The entire process can now be done via post. It is a fairly low risk procedure as you do not have to send your original passport in the post.

On the Consular assistance side, the 24 hour access to a trained consular worker is still available as before. If you have a major problem in the middle of the night you can call 02 305 8333 and speak with a consular officer.

The Honorary Consul will be available (once appointed) to attend to urgent consular matters on behalf of the Embassy.

I am sounding like an advert for the Embassy again but I would prefer to take as many positives out of a negative situation than dwell on what could have been (and was) when the Consulate was open. Still upset at the closure though!

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The UK is known for its shoddy Embassy service the world over, why should Thailand be any different?

Do you know any expats who have a good name for their own country's embassy, whatever their nationality or location? Seems all embassies offer a similar standard of service - and it ain't for the benefit of their nationals.

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British Embassy in Bangkok Replies to Worried Pattaya Residents

PATTAYA:--Following a letter sent by Pattaya 103 FM to the British Ambassador, regarding the continued lack of British Consular service in Pattaya, the Embassy replied to us on Friday to discuss our concerns.

Pattaya is seen as one of the primary vacation spots in Asia and it was only a year ago that the Embassy decided to upgrade the Hon COn status to a full time Consulate with salaried staff. That, however, lasted just a few weeks before the staff quit and the Consulate returned to a part time, unreliable status and was subsequently closed down in the 3rd quarter of 2012, when locals were left with no other option than to travel 3-4 hours each way to the Embassy in Bangkok, (travel time depends on your luck with the traffic).

In a previous series of letter, Mark Kent had confirmed that the position was seen as vital and every effort was being made to fill it but that didn’t lead to the position being filled, despite numerous applications sent to them by various members of the Pattaya community.

With the Ambassador away, it fell to Mr. Paul Bute, the Deputy Head of the Mission there, to explain the current delays in supply an acceptable level of support to Expats and tourists in the area.

As is our policy, the reply from the embassy is printed in full below

Full story:http://www.pattaya10...ttaya-consulat/

--Pattaya 103 FM 2013-01-05


"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


That is simply not true, Pattaya does have consular support but not quite the same as before.

Here are the facts: etc etc..

1. The Embassy is only 1 1/2 hours away by car. If a consular officer was required to deal with an urgent consular case they could be down in Pattaya within 2 hours, easily. I challenge you to reach the Embassy in 1.5 hours, its not possible.

2. The new Honorary Consul will have limited roles anyway, now that the Consulate is closed. If you needed to see the Honorary Consul for any reason, it would probably be by appointment only and chances are they would refer most cases to the Consular Section of the Embassy first anyway. As it was when you worked there, except that you were in the office dealing with paperwork too

3. Brits needing consular assistance can call 02 305 8333 24 hours a day and speak with a highly trained consular worker from either Bangkok or the Foreign Office in London who can deal with both major and minor problems. Support for Brits is ALWAYS there if needed. Rubbish. On hand, emergency help has been of huge benifit in the past and should be continued. even the Embassy agree that Pattaya is important enough to deserve an Hon Con. its just a matter of finding the right person.

4. I am speculating that the recent shooting of a Brit in the South has delayed the interviewing process for a new Hon Con. He was away before then on leave, disrupted by the killing. due back this week

I know it sounds as if I am defending the Embassy a bit but I think we should put this into perspective, Pattaya's Consular assistance will not be improved drastically after the Hon Con is appointed.


Former Honorary Consul... exactly.

the embassy, as opposed to previous applicants for the job, have replied and confirmed that the city and region IS important enough to warrant an Hon Con. It seems the problem is that of finding a suitable applicant. despite numerous applications already having been filed.

The embassy reply, posts on our website, clearly states that the region WILL have an hon con. that Hon con WILL have the same powers as the previous ones, including Howard but, as we know, wont be acting as a clerk and handing out documentation, which is disappointing.

Simply put.. and i appreciate that you didnt get in on the act this time... the region HAS been PROMISED an Hon Con, and one that will be on the spot and able to fullfill emergency functions quickly. sending an embassy officer out after a call would delay his arrival in the city by up to 4 hours, depending on traffic and involve someone who is not necessarily known or knows the city.

In previous stories on the same subject, Howard M has had our support in that he did the job prior to the embassy deciding to make it a full time operation and not choosing him for that job when all the applications, including his, were considered.

the choice they made was also not a wise one since the new lot didnt hang around very long and made it even worse than before. But lets not let sour grapes get in the way... currently we have NADA.. which is not acceptable to most here

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



That is simply not true, Pattaya does have consular support but not quite the same as before.

Here are the facts: etc etc..

1. The Embassy is only 1 1/2 hours away by car. If a consular officer was required to deal with an urgent consular case they could be down in Pattaya within 2 hours, easily. I challenge you to reach the Embassy in 1.5 hours, its not possible.

2. The new Honorary Consul will have limited roles anyway, now that the Consulate is closed. If you needed to see the Honorary Consul for any reason, it would probably be by appointment only and chances are they would refer most cases to the Consular Section of the Embassy first anyway. As it was when you worked there, except that you were in the office dealing with paperwork too

3. Brits needing consular assistance can call 02 305 8333 24 hours a day and speak with a highly trained consular worker from either Bangkok or the Foreign Office in London who can deal with both major and minor problems. Support for Brits is ALWAYS there if needed. Rubbish. On hand, emergency help has been of huge benifit in the past and should be continued. even the Embassy agree that Pattaya is important enough to deserve an Hon Con. its just a matter of finding the right person.

4. I am speculating that the recent shooting of a Brit in the South has delayed the interviewing process for a new Hon Con. He was away before then on leave, disrupted by the killing. due back this week

I know it sounds as if I am defending the Embassy a bit but I think we should put this into perspective, Pattaya's Consular assistance will not be improved drastically after the Hon Con is appointed.


Former Honorary Consul... exactly.

the embassy, as opposed to previous applicants for the job, have replied and confirmed that the city and region IS important enough to warrant an Hon Con. It seems the problem is that of finding a suitable applicant. despite numerous applications already having been filed.

The embassy reply, posts on our website, clearly states that the region WILL have an hon con. that Hon con WILL have the same powers as the previous ones, including Howard but, as we know, wont be acting as a clerk and handing out documentation, which is disappointing.

Simply put.. and i appreciate that you didnt get in on the act this time... the region HAS been PROMISED an Hon Con, and one that will be on the spot and able to fullfill emergency functions quickly. sending an embassy officer out after a call would delay his arrival in the city by up to 4 hours, depending on traffic and involve someone who is not necessarily known or knows the city.

In previous stories on the same subject, Howard M has had our support in that he did the job prior to the embassy deciding to make it a full time operation and not choosing him for that job when all the applications, including his, were considered.

the choice they made was also not a wise one since the new lot didnt hang around very long and made it even worse than before. But lets not let sour grapes get in the way... currently we have NADA.. which is not acceptable to most here

I'm puzzled as to why you are showing anger towards me and are questioning everything I said. I used to be in the role and know far more about it than you. I also know FAR MORE about the current situation than you as well. Of course it's important for Pattaya to have some form of representation from the Embassy here, that is not in question. It is a shame the Embassy could not maintain the Consulate but it's gone now. A new Honorary Consul will be appointed and will be there to deal with serious consular cases.

You need to put this into perspective. The percentage of Brits in Pattaya requiring consular assistance for serious issues is low. They will be dealt with by the New Hon Con as previous Hon Cons have done in the past.

Your original "news" article header was misleading for Brits in Pattaya as I have previously mentioned. Take the criticism and learn from it as I do all the time.

By the way, I have traveled to the Embassy in 1 1/2 hours before. Clear roads, 130-140km/h on the Highway. Probably most people travelling at normal speeds may do it in just under 2 hours.....if that really bothers you.



"People tend to need Embassy consular services for two reasons – help in an emergency and provision of notarial and documentary work. In the first case, it is important that they get help as quickly as possible. This will be provided in Pattaya by a combination of our consular staff in Bangkok working together with an Honorary Consul,"

"With the new arrangements in Pattaya we will be able to continue to provide effective consular assistance to those that get into difficulty in the Pattaya region. As I have said, this will be done by the Bangkok team, supported by an Honorary Consul in Pattaya."

A copy of the letter from The Ambassador to Fabulous 103FM is available on our website and also on the Embassy website..


the local man, or woman, when appointed, will be able to be involved in an emergency as soon as there is a notification, bringing in support from BKK as and when needed, which is the way it worked before. The ida that Mr. X in BKK will be sitting waiting in his car for a call is of course, rubbish. he will, in all likelyhood, need an hour to get ready and if the usual traffic is frozen to the roadways there, he can look forward to 3-4 hours driving at a bare minimum. The drive just to the airport from Pattaya city is an hour and a half, on a good day!

As MK. has said, there are two elements to the local need. One which has been totally nixed, the other of which WILL be re-instated .. as there is without doubt, in his and his assistant’s minds that there IS a need.

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



The Embassy doesn't care, they will still get that 2000 baht for the letter whether they have an office in Pattaya or not.

Now if you could get a letter from any EU consulate then that would open up the market a little and they would be back in Pattaya like a shot!

Let's not pretend that the Embassy is here for the benefit of British People! That's a myth.

This is a very uniformed post. Do you know that in 2010/2011 year Consular Services in Thailand provided assistance to 23 UK nationals who were raped or sexually assaulted? The consular staff in BKK have calls routed to them 24/7/365 for UK nationals in distress. This service is often abused by people who have zero understanding of the role and responsibilities of Embassy staff. FYI a bit of detail on the stats for those truly needing consular services other than an information desk for UK nationals, which is not their role.

978 British nationals required consular assistance in Thailand between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2012, including for the following types of incident: 296 deaths; 217 hospitalisations; 204 arrests for a variety of offences.


The Embassy doesn't care, they will still get that 2000 baht for the letter whether they have an office in Pattaya or not.

Now if you could get a letter from any EU consulate then that would open up the market a little and they would be back in Pattaya like a shot!

Let's not pretend that the Embassy is here for the benefit of British People! That's a myth.

This is a very uniformed post. Do you know that in 2010/2011 year Consular Services in Thailand provided assistance to 23 UK nationals who were raped or sexually assaulted? The consular staff in BKK have calls routed to them 24/7/365 for UK nationals in distress. This service is often abused by people who have zero understanding of the role and responsibilities of Embassy staff. FYI a bit of detail on the stats for those truly needing consular services other than an information desk for UK nationals, which is not their role.

978 British nationals required consular assistance in Thailand between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2012, including for the following types of incident: 296 deaths; 217 hospitalisations; 204 arrests for a variety of offences.

thats a very well presented reply. and of course it is those 800 plus hospitalisations, arrests and deaths that benefit from local staff who can liaise quickly between bangkok and the local needs.

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



How many of the 978 British Nationals assisted required 4750 THB emergency passports?

Were all the family's of the 296 deaths FORCED to use the Embassies 'repatriation of remains' service which is DOUBLE the cost of organising the repatriation of remains yourself. If you don't use their service, you can't get the paperwork you need.

And of course we know the embassy can't get you out of Jail or pay hospital fee's, so how many times did the Embassy charge 4000 THB to help facilitate the transfer of funds.. How many Western Union leaflets were handed out?

Oh and not to forget the current rate of 6500 THB an hour charge for other miscellaneous consular services, including travelling time.

Oh, and I am not sure of this.. but I think I read that should you require the embassies assistance with arranging flights etc. for deportation, there is also a fixed price which is also DOUBLE the price of doing it yourself (or getting a friend to help).

The embassy is just an extension of the foreign office and the government, who are keen to be seen to help when there is publicity involved, but sod the rest!


Oh, and I am not sure of this.. but I think I read that should you require the embassies assistance with arranging flights etc. for deportation, there is also a fixed price which is also DOUBLE the price of doing it yourself (or getting a friend to help).

I doubt there is a fixed price.

I had a serious accident in Vietnam just over 6 years ago. Embassy wanted to charge 50k (GBP) to airplift me back to the UK. I done it myself with the aid of my then wife and a friend for 18k (US$). I can understand (I guess) that services need to be paid for but I object in the strongest terms on it being done for a profit.

This goes back to the former Consul saying that the Pattaya service paid for itself, in effect it means it broke even. It would appear that it not costing anything was not good enough, it needs to generate revenue.


Another great example!

So the poster that was quick to point out how many Brits were assisted last year should wake up, smell the coffee and realise that the only concerns that consular staff in the embassy have is whether or not their next posting will be a cushy as Bangkok.

This excludes of course people like Howard who had been accused of "doing too much" for Britons in distress and did what he did for little or no reward and certainly no pension!

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