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Thai Foreign Minister: Border Dispute May Not End In Thailand's Favour


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Thai Foreign Minister: Border dispute may not end in Thailand's favour

By English News


BANGKOK, Jan 4 – Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said today he was not confident Thailand will win the dispute concerning border area surrounding Phra Viharn (Preah Vihear) temple filed by Cambodia in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Netherlands.

Meanwhile, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), also known as the Yellow Shirt movement, said in its statement issued today that it would submit a letter to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at Government House on Tuesday, calling on the government to reject the International Court of Justice's jurisdiction on Preah Vihear case.

Mr Surapong, who is concurrently foreign minister, said he stood firm that the government will contest the case until all possibilities are exhausted by using the original Thai legal team, led

by Virachai Plasai, Thai ambassador to The Hague.

He acknowledged that the stage seems set for reemergence of the temple as a domestic political issue.

“There are people who try to convince the Thai society to believe that the government is colluding with Cambodia which is untrue. I have never negotiated for a compromise,” said Mr Surapong.

He blamed the previous government under then premier Abhisit Vejjajiva for “breaking the relationship with the neighbouring country.”

He said the foreign and defence ministries have jointly set up a public relations team to explain the facts [on the Thai-Cambodian border dispute] and create understanding among the Thai people concerning the case to avoid confusion.

“The team’s explanation includes consequences from the ICJ’s probable negative verdict against Thailand. If Thailand doesn’t accept the verdict, the government will ask the public's opinion on how to move on, carefully bearing in mind the pros and cons. Thailand may face [difficult relations with] the United Nations if it doesn’t accept the verdict,” the deputy prime minister warned.

He predicted two scenarios in the ICJ’s verdict: Thailand loses the case, or the two countries move back to the original status quo in 1962.

The conflict between Thailand and Cambodia erupted shortly after UNESCO approved Cambodia's bid to have Phra Viharn temple named a World Heritage Site on July 7, 2008. Thailand claims ownership of 4.6 square kilometres of scrubland next to the temple. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2013-01-04

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The Yellow-shirts will be a thorn in the governments butt over this issue. The further loss of Thailand sovereign land will be another loss of face that will be explioted by the yellows. The set up of a public relations team to explain or spin the facts explaining that although, "the government will contest the case until all possibilities are exhausted", they already know the cause is loss. Therefore, the true agenda of this team is to, "create understanding among the Thai people" in other words, apportion blame.

Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul has indicated who they believe is responsable when, "He blamed the previous government under then premier Abhisit Vejjajiva for “breaking the relationship with the neighbouring country.”

However, its hard to counter the accusation that “ that the government is colluding with Cambodia", when Thaksin is so close to Hung Sen and even was a Cambodian government advisor at the time of the last border dispute flair up.

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well well well, if this is true then the democrats will have a field day....smear campaign again...

PT have already said the dems are to blame. Getting their smear in first, giving their red fan base an argument to save face or rewriting history? Whatever the reason, it all boils down to "it's not my fault". Pathetic.

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Well the Thais simply cannot ignore the judgement by the ICJ or the PTP and Red aim to have Abhisit and Suthep tried by the ICJ will end in them being told to ram it.

There will be 'trouble at mill' up there, and 500 baht for a vote next time won't cut it. I guess hence the PTP plan of getting the farmers so much in debt they will then kowtow to a government offer to eradicate their debts if they are re-elected.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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The temple belongs to Cambodia. Give the other party what it wants (we're talking about 4.6sq km of land!!) and then be done with it. The last thing Thailand and the region needs is more conflict now that Cambodia is finally trouble free and peaceful (with the exception of this conflict). Sure, let the Thais give their side of the story but under no circumstances should force ever be allowed to be used again. What happened in 2011 was just stupid and completely unnecessary - what about the temple itself? I'm sure it's in tatters now.

Thailand has enough trouble on its hands dealing with it's three southernmost provinces and the fallout from continued conflicts in neighboring Myanmar (although they are said to be dying down, but I can't verify this as things change all the time there). Thailand should refocus it's attention on infrastructure building: build some proper expressways from Bangkok down to the borders with Malaysia, Laos and Myanmar (Mae Sai) passing by major population centres plus build the dam_n high speed rail link to Laos, linking up with the one they're currently building from Kunming down to Vientiane. Get that in place and then wow the investors with world class infrastructure. Doesn't matter that the country becomes 4.6sq km smaller. Who cares. Move on. Thailand was able to do it during colonial times, why not now?

Stability and peace. Sometimes you have to back down from your high horse and I think this is one area where Thailand should just let the international courts decide who gets what and let it be. Perhaps a tough reality, but a necessary one.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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"I have never negotiated for a compromise," said Mr Surapong.

Then perhaps, given Thailand's weak position and the "ICJ's probable negative verdict against Thailand", the Foreign Minister ought at least to start trying to negotiate a compromise solution, especially given PTP's inbuilt friendly-advantage with Cambodia, as its leader is Hun Sen's 'eternal friend' ? wink.png

Not that a happy solution is likely, but as FM, shouldn't he at least try ?

I recall another poster claiming recently, and myself doubting, that one of PM-Yingluck's & her governments' great achievements had been finding a permanent solution to this dispute. Even so, I'm slightly surprised to see their achievement fall apart, quite this quickly. rolleyes.gif

You beat me to it

"“There are people who try to convince the Thai society to believe that the government is colluding with Cambodia which is untrue. I have never negotiated for a compromise,” said Mr Surapong"

I was going to say it is time he starts. There is no reason the two governments can not work on the temple and property around it together.

The only ones that are affected by it don't care they just want to earn a living with out worrying about when the next round of gun fire will start. If I remember correctly the land is useless. As well as be very small.

Edited by hellodolly
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"If I remember correctly the land is useless. As well as be very small."

Small yes, I believe that's around 8 or 9 football pitches.... but plenty of room for a nice casino complex.

That would be the first casino complex which doesn't sell alcohol on it's premises as it would be standing next to a revered temple. The gambling is no problem of course wink.png

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If this second hand Thaksin tool had concentrated his efforts on thus issue rather than pandering on all fours to get Thaksin a passport or trying to roger the army leadership to find Abhisit guilty for boss Thaksin or abusing his position as defence minister to attack Abhisit on his master Thaksin's ticket then Thailand might be better placed at the Hague.

However PTP is all for one man.....

WHAT THE??? it has NOTHING to do with thaksin,,, read the artical agian, it is the yellow shirts have sent a letter to the PM advising thailand to reject the international court decision if it goes agianst thailand... next you'll be thaksin is respocable for global warming, killing jfk cause he was on the grassy knoll, and kidnapping the tooth fairy.

if you don't like the the PM here then your welcom to leave.

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If this second hand Thaksin tool had concentrated his efforts on thus issue rather than pandering on all fours to get Thaksin a passport or trying to roger the army leadership to find Abhisit guilty for boss Thaksin or abusing his position as defence minister to attack Abhisit on his master Thaksin's ticket then Thailand might be better placed at the Hague.

However PTP is all for one man.....

WHAT THE??? it has NOTHING to do with thaksin,,, read the artical agian, it is the yellow shirts have sent a letter to the PM advising thailand to reject the international court decision if it goes agianst thailand... next you'll be thaksin is respocable for global warming, killing jfk cause he was on the grassy knoll, and kidnapping the tooth fairy.

if you don't like the the PM here then your welcom to leave.

Am sure the French were in cahoots with thaksins grand dad about this.

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If this second hand Thaksin tool had concentrated his efforts on thus issue rather than pandering on all fours to get Thaksin a passport or trying to roger the army leadership to find Abhisit guilty for boss Thaksin or abusing his position as defence minister to attack Abhisit on his master Thaksin's ticket then Thailand might be better placed at the Hague.

However PTP is all for one man.....

WHAT THE??? it has NOTHING to do with thaksin,,, read the artical agian, it is the yellow shirts have sent a letter to the PM advising thailand to reject the international court decision if it goes agianst thailand... next you'll be thaksin is respocable for global warming, killing jfk cause he was on the grassy knoll, and kidnapping the tooth fairy.

if you don't like the the PM here then your welcom to leave.

Am sure the French were in cahoots with thaksins grand dad about this.

Does that mean we can take the French to the ICC for 'crimes against the Thai Nation' ? Should I inform Robert A. of this new business opportunity?biggrin.png

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If this second hand Thaksin tool had concentrated his efforts on thus issue rather than pandering on all fours to get Thaksin a passport or trying to roger the army leadership to find Abhisit guilty for boss Thaksin or abusing his position as defence minister to attack Abhisit on his master Thaksin's ticket then Thailand might be better placed at the Hague.

However PTP is all for one man.....

WHAT THE??? it has NOTHING to do with thaksin,,, read the artical agian, it is the yellow shirts have sent a letter to the PM advising thailand to reject the international court decision if it goes agianst thailand... next you'll be thaksin is respocable for global warming, killing jfk cause he was on the grassy knoll, and kidnapping the tooth fairy.

if you don't like the the PM here then your welcom to leave.

Am sure the French were in cahoots with thaksins grand dad about this.

Does that mean we can take the French to the ICC for 'crimes against the Thai Nation' ? Should I inform Robert A. of this new business opportunity?biggrin.png

PAD up the Champs Elysee

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WHAT THE??? it has NOTHING to do with thaksin,,, read the artical agian, it is the yellow shirts have sent a letter to the PM advising thailand to reject the international court decision if it goes agianst thailand... next you'll be thaksin is respocable for global warming, killing jfk cause he was on the grassy knoll, and kidnapping the tooth fairy.

if you don't like the the PM here then your welcom to leave.

Am sure the French were in cahoots with thaksins grand dad about this.

Does that mean we can take the French to the ICC for 'crimes against the Thai Nation' ? Should I inform Robert A. of this new business opportunity?biggrin.png

PAD up the Champs Elysee

My sense of humour and knowledge of history gets the better of me again, I'm afraid. My excuses wai.gif

Just a moment ago someone posted in the "PAD threatens" topic 'Wonder if the yellow shirts are prepared to don their jackboots are March off to war and spare the soldiers'. I have visions of the Nazis marching under the Arc de Triomphe again rolleyes.gif

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