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That Dog Bite.......fate, Bad Karma,or Just Bad Luck


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By the time you read this, there should be some interesting threads back on the boardcoffee1.gif

In my previous thread about being bitten by a dog, it was hinted not only by some of you guys but also the g/f that other forces may have been to blame. After all do we really get something for nothing here including taking a pee.

The g/f said “its started…you were born in the year of the Tiger so this year will be bad luck for you” sad.png

“great” (but I will make a note when the marriage topic arises again… )smile.png

Superstitions In the West; I know a few that quickly come to mind; walking under ladders/throwing salt/shoes on the table/broken mirrors but we are more scientific and logical in our approach and believe none of it…..do we???.

Did you step out of your house with your left or right foot this morning, were you greeted by a gecko at the door; well for some superstitious fools souls it is an essential way to start the day by aligning all that positive energy to avoid bad luck.

When meeting someone, step out of the house with left foot first if meeting elders, and right foot if meeting younger people. Doing so will lead you to a pleasant encounter (hahahaa)…and a meeting with a mixed group? Well my guess is jump.

Seeing a gecko on the way out is not a good sign, better stop in.(now friday 13th comes to mind) and if you accidentally meet someones pink eye (what are the chances?) then you must stick out your own pink tongue and you will be spared from a disease.

The number 9 is pronounced gow which is a homonym to the word step forward. It is therefore the official lucky number for Thais. Turn it upside down and you have the not so lucky number 6. hok means spill, drop or leak. (and we see it as the number of the devil); a number 2; well we know that number stinks but do they?sick.gif

Putting 900 or 9000bt in your new wallet will bring you good fortune………how long it remains there I am not sure……

.Wednesday is planet mercury day which has the most eccentric orbit of all the planets. So would your marriage fail if you decide to wed on a Wednesday. Also do not have your hair cut on Wednesday or in fact cut anything, toe nails, circumc.w00t.gif . Wan bhud (Wednesday) is believed to be the day of growth and development. If you cut anything on this day you supposedy rid yourself of improvement, and you will notice many hair salons close on Wednesdays.

On a Thursday they say don’t shave as this day is considered teachers days. If you shave on Thursday you will let go of your intellect. Hence you are more likely to see a bearded intellectual ladyboy on Thursdaythumbsup.gif

Because Friday- wan suk means happy day you should not arrange a funeral as this implies that you have sent your happiness to the other side and will then spend the rest of your life in misery.sad.png

Avoid attending a funeral if you are pregnant. You can play guess the babys sex game. Thais think that a perfectly round bum indicates a baby girl, a boy if it looks pointy…not sure its gonna be easy to get a pregnant lady to bend over for you though.

Did you have bees living in your house?.hopefully not if it’s a new one but it is a sign of good luck and a peaceful life there; not sure if the bees have to be evicted first though. Oh and unlike”us”

you shouldnt to call someones baby adorable and cute, the devil will come and kidnap the baby.passifier.gif Instead force yourself to say “what an ugly little thing” this must be bull**** chai mai?

And if you happen to be a hot cougar on a hunt, singing whilst cooking is forbidden. It will jeopardise your business and bring to you a very old male partner (sounds positive?)thumbsup.gif

Now having put you all to sleep I too will go lie down with my feet pointing west because that’s where the sun sets

I didn’t find anything about toilets and dogs though so maybe it was jusy my bad luck, wrong place wrong time.

So now that you know a few of the Thai superstitions, are you going to ignore them or prefer not to tempt fate by following them.

Well that kept me busy for an hour; I apologise if you are asleepsorry.gif

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Yes, if you walk under a ladder the cosmos takes notice and decides to rain on your parade. Likewise black magic, any clown that thinks they are in tight with Satan can unleash the forces of evil upon you. Yeah makes sense that life, the universe and eveything would work like that. In Australia yonks ago the whites were confounded as to why the black witch doctors could inflict spells on other blacks but not the whites, seems it is about belief, don't believe then nothing happens.

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More like you weren't paying attention to your surroundings. It happens to the best of us but if your aware and in the moment then it's fairly easy to avoid bad stuff.

Animals want to attack a target from the blind side. If you have your head on a swivel then once you put eyes on them its usually less attacking going on.

Still the complacent primitive locals aren't managing their environment very well. Look at a lot of these shanty town structures everywhere. I could build much better tree forts and cabins when I was a teenager. There is to plenty scavenge but a lack of vision and motivation to improve their surroundings.

Perhaps because its a buddhist culture they are more inner developed which is commendable. Perhaps that was case with most primitive cultures. More inner directed.

Those folks are not managing their environment well. Would they leave low hanging barbwire or broken glass about? But they don't see a problem with biting feral dogs?

I guess that is the way it is.

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For some odd reason I've always made a point of tempting fate. I don't like to be told I shouldn't do something if there is no logical explanation behind it. I walk under ladders, I do risky things on Friday the 13th, I'll sleep in a cemetary, and I don't worry about ghosts.

Good luck with the dog bite. Infection is about the only thing to worry about in tropical counties like Thailand.

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Well now I know why my barber is closed on Wednesday. Lucky me

.Wednesday is planet mercury day which has the most eccentric orbit of all the planets. So would your marriage fail if you decide to wed on a Wednesday. Also do not have your hair cut on Wednesday or in fact cut anything, toe nails, circumc.w00t.gif . Wan bhud (Wednesday) is believed to be the day of growth and development. If you cut anything on this day you supposedy rid yourself of improvement, and you will notice many hair salons close on Wednesdays.

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Did you know that if you drink and just drive around you will eventually have to stop and take a whiz. Now perhaps the fates said you are going to pay for your irresponsibility and they had two choices.

1 Let you have an accident or

2 let a dog bite you and watch you worry about it.

They chose 2 so they could sit back and enjoy your wondering.

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