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For The Birds !


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I have a pair in the gardens of the condo I manage.. I see them everyday when they come for a cheeky feed off the Spirit House and a bath in the pool over flow. Recently another pair seem to have decided to move in.... Will try and get some photos.

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thank you. but this last shot I posted was by member 'goshawk' now banned (he is my brother in law) so the credit goes to him, not me.... he says hi btw.

May I ask what sin that very helpful ex member committed to deserve that ?

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I have a tree next to my house. Today I noticed something what looked a bit like a dead leaf, yet too small for this tree. So I decided to take a peak through camera.


Apparently I have new neighbours! Any idea what bird this is?


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My first attempt to photograph a bird on the top of my roof with my new lens.

I seems the camera focused more on the tiles of the roof than the actual subject.

Anybody knows what is this fine specimen?


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Common Mynah... Lovely birds with a seriously cheeky attitude. Always looking for a way to cause mischief. Very untidy nesters though and will make a mess if on your building. Huge range of calls, as you would expect with a Mynah. Their cousin the White Vented Mynah is much more handsome with a lovely crest. Still as noisy though!

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I have a tree next to my house. Today I noticed something what looked a bit like a dead leaf, yet too small for this tree. So I decided to take a peak through camera.


Apparently I have new neighbours! Any idea what bird this is?


Looks like a sunbird, but not sure which one.

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I have a tree next to my house. Today I noticed something what looked a bit like a dead leaf, yet too small for this tree. So I decided to take a peak through camera.

Apparently I have new neighbours! Any idea what bird this is?

Looks like a sunbird, but not sure which one.

Thanks. I managed to capture couple of photos of the suspected parents. Those little birds fly very fast and are almost impossible to capture the camera. I ended up asking from Peter who have taken a lot of photos of the birds in Thailand http://www.pbase.com/peterericsson/birds_of_thailand

Orange-bellied Flowerpeckers




I thought this was the mother, but it's different species

female Brown-throated Sunbird


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