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Going "all In" In Thailand........


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Andrew.... Why does a seemingly articulate individual feel the need to use his time and ability to troll? You really do not need to be so rude to other posters.

Yes, maybe it is time to re-charge your batteries (with alcohol if that is what floats your boat).... Try a trickle-charge (another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you). coffee1.gif

another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you

I think you'll find the same can be said of Thailand's expat community (and Thais in general, in fact) with regards to lonely old men who come here for one reason only.

I'm slightly charmed that you wish to communicate with me. But do not EVER waste your time like this again. I'm simply not interested.

Thank you. And goodbye.

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...... the bulk of my money is in the UK and Hong Kong (as well as my beloved jalopy wub.png ).

I knew a guy once who had his (beloved) car shipped here from England. No idea how much it cost, though.


Thanks for that.

I knew a guy once also.

Thank you very much for confirming my earlier comments re: nutters.

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Andrew.... Why does a seemingly articulate individual feel the need to use his time and ability to troll? You really do not need to be so rude to other posters.

Yes, maybe it is time to re-charge your batteries (with alcohol if that is what floats your boat).... Try a trickle-charge (another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you). coffee1.gif

another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you

I think you'll find the same can be said of Thailand's expat community (and Thais in general, in fact) with regards to lonely old men who come here for one reason only.

I'm slightly charmed that you wish to communicate with me. But do not EVER waste your time like this again. I'm simply not interested.

Thank you. And goodbye.

One reason? Pshaw. What old guy comes over here for one reason only? There is booze, and drugs, and 60's music. Drugs, sex and rock and roll man. How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget.biggrin.png

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Andrew.... Why does a seemingly articulate individual feel the need to use his time and ability to troll? You really do not need to be so rude to other posters.

Yes, maybe it is time to re-charge your batteries (with alcohol if that is what floats your boat).... Try a trickle-charge (another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you). coffee1.gif

another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you

I think you'll find the same can be said of Thailand's expat community (and Thais in general, in fact) with regards to lonely old men who come here for one reason only.

I'm slightly charmed that you wish to communicate with me. But do not EVER waste your time like this again. I'm simply not interested.

Thank you. And goodbye.

Hmmmm.... was it a raw nerve I hit, or your toes I stepped on, Andrew?

I see that CMK has already picked up on the number of reasons why people go to Thailand in his own inimitable way, so I won't go there.

Thank you so much for your concern for my time, that was quite touching, but please don't stress. My time is my time to spend as I see fit. If I choose to use it to challenge people on their behaviour, then I will do precisely that.

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Andrew.... Why does a seemingly articulate individual feel the need to use his time and ability to troll? You really do not need to be so rude to other posters.

Yes, maybe it is time to re-charge your batteries (with alcohol if that is what floats your boat).... Try a trickle-charge (another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you). coffee1.gif

another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you

I think you'll find the same can be said of Thailand's expat community (and Thais in general, in fact) with regards to lonely old men who come here for one reason only.

I'm slightly charmed that you wish to communicate with me. But do not EVER waste your time like this again. I'm simply not interested.

Thank you. And goodbye.

Hmmmm.... was it a raw nerve I hit, or your toes I stepped on, Andrew?

I see that CMK has already picked up on the number of reasons why people go to Thailand in his own inimitable way, so I won't go there.

Thank you so much for your concern for my time, that was quite touching, but please don't stress. My time is my time to spend as I see fit. If I choose to use it to challenge people on their behaviour, then I will do precisely that.

Aye...we all just nutters.

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Andrew.... Why does a seemingly articulate individual feel the need to use his time and ability to troll? You really do not need to be so rude to other posters.

Yes, maybe it is time to re-charge your batteries (with alcohol if that is what floats your boat).... Try a trickle-charge (another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you). coffee1.gif

another 10 years should do it. No one will miss you

I think you'll find the same can be said of Thailand's expat community (and Thais in general, in fact) with regards to lonely old men who come here for one reason only.

I'm slightly charmed that you wish to communicate with me. But do not EVER waste your time like this again. I'm simply not interested.

Thank you. And goodbye.

One reason? Pshaw. What old guy comes over here for one reason only? There is booze, and drugs, and 60's music. Drugs, sex and rock and roll man. How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget.biggrin.png

Andrew "likes" this.

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Well well. WHAT a surprise! Here's Andrew the troll at it again.

You simply cannot resist insulting people, can you? You seem to do that quite a lot, and get away with it. How do you manage this? I asked you this in another thread, but your trolling post and my response were both removed before you could answer. (Not that I am questioning moderation). I wish I could remember what the thread's topic was. Maybe it was something about corruption, or having friends in high places.

I still don't quite see how you can insult and troll with impunity........ Hmmmmmm.....

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Well well. WHAT a surprise! Here's Andrew the troll at it again.

You simply cannot resist insulting people, can you? You seem to do that quite a lot, and get away with it. How do you manage this? I asked you this in another thread, but your trolling post and my response were both removed before you could answer. (Not that I am questioning moderation). I wish I could remember what the thread's topic was. Maybe it was something about corruption, or having friends in high places.

I still don't quite see how you can insult and troll with impunity........ Hmmmmmm.....

I dont think Andy insulted anyone....he does seem to be a tad anal though

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Maybe the best tack is to ignore him altogether (spoil his fun) and get back on topic.... (if I can remember it).

As already posted, I won't go "all in", I will only take what I need from day to day, materially and financially (with a safety net in case of emergencies) Some might not agree with that approach, but that is up to them: for me, I could not cut off from my children and grandchildren completely. I will keep my base here...to what degree remains to be seen.

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Tommo and Kerry are correct.

Under Thai law a man who does not marry the mother of his biological child is not recognised as having legal rights as the father until he registers himself as such at a Thai family court. What western visa officials think about the matter is completely irrelevant within Thailand's borders.

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Tommo and Kerry are correct.

Under Thai law a man who does not marry the mother of his biological child is not recognised as having legal rights as the father until he registers himself as such at a Thai family court. What western visa officials think about the matter is completely irrelevant within Thailand's borders.

Finally someone with a brain and ability to use it relatively.

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Tommo and Kerry are correct.

Under Thai law a man who does not marry the mother of his biological child is not recognised as having legal rights as the father until he registers himself as such at a Thai family court. What western visa officials think about the matter is completely irrelevant within Thailand's borders.

Finally someone with a brain and ability to use it relatively.

I agree ... Trembly is OK.

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Tommo and Kerry are correct.

Under Thai law a man who does not marry the mother of his biological child is not recognised as having legal rights as the father until he registers himself as such at a Thai family court. What western visa officials think about the matter is completely irrelevant within Thailand's borders.

Finally someone with a brain and ability to use it relatively.

I agree ... Trembly is OK.

But he is wrong about those 2 being totally correct.

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My "all in" equates to still having property in home country and two thirds of assets offshore. I wouldn't want to put 100% here and not be able to start again somewhere else because you never know.

If you are 1/3 sure of Thailand and 2/3 sure of the place offshore; it begs the question why not live offshore?

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My "all in" equates to still having property in home country and two thirds of assets offshore. I wouldn't want to put 100% here and not be able to start again somewhere else because you never know.

If you are 1/3 sure of Thailand and 2/3 sure of the place offshore; it begs the question why not live offshore?

Because he seems smarter than you

Do you mean people with the majority of their assets inside of Thailand are not as smart as people with the majority of assets outside of Thailand? Value of Thai Stock Exchange last year up? Value of Currency up? Value of Condo's up? I would say the people who moved assets to Thailand specifically and Asia in general during the last 10 years have done very well. I don't know any economists who would disagree.

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My "all in" equates to still having property in home country and two thirds of assets offshore. I wouldn't want to put 100% here and not be able to start again somewhere else because you never know.

If you are 1/3 sure of Thailand and 2/3 sure of the place offshore; it begs the question why not live offshore?

i have investments in approximately two dozen countries. shall i move every two weeks and live in a different country? smile.png

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My "all in" equates to still having property in home country and two thirds of assets offshore. I wouldn't want to put 100% here and not be able to start again somewhere else because you never know.

If you are 1/3 sure of Thailand and 2/3 sure of the place offshore; it begs the question why not live offshore?

Because he seems smarter than you

Do you mean people with the majority of their assets inside of Thailand are not as smart as people with the majority of assets outside of Thailand? Value of Thai Stock Exchange last year up? Value of Currency up? Value of Condo's up? I would say the people who moved assets to Thailand specifically and Asia in general during the last 10 years have done very well. I don't know any economists who would disagree.

and i say that a lot of people who did not invest during the last 10 years in Thailand did very well too.

p.s. i like Thailand and i like to live in Thailand because of the various advantages the country provides. but not in my wildest dreams would i invest a substantial amount in a jurisdiction like Thailand.

pps. i don't consider the roof over my head as an investment and it doesn't matter to me whether its value is 25 million, 50 million or 5 million.

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My "all in" equates to still having property in home country and two thirds of assets offshore. I wouldn't want to put 100% here and not be able to start again somewhere else because you never know.

If you are 1/3 sure of Thailand and 2/3 sure of the place offshore; it begs the question why not live offshore?

Because he seems smarter than you

Do you mean people with the majority of their assets inside of Thailand are not as smart as people with the majority of assets outside of Thailand? Value of Thai Stock Exchange last year up? Value of Currency up? Value of Condo's up? I would say the people who moved assets to Thailand specifically and Asia in general during the last 10 years have done very well. I don't know any economists who would disagree.

How about those farang that invested in overpriced farang masions in the back of beyond, the mugs that paid for land the family already owned, how are they doing?

I dont need to have my money in Thailand to take advantage of its performance, frankly there are better places for my money than the derisory 0.5% offered on savings accounts.

As for values of condos up, lets compare SET performance to property performance over the last 10 years, hows that property doing now?

Strangely enough the timeshare touts are never able to answer these questions when I shun their fantastic offers on shoebox condos in some tourist trap.

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It was a satirical comment. Who in their right mind would listen to anyone who lived in Pattaya especially Germans or gardeners about investments?biggrin.png

As mentioned above ... mind the gap ... rolleyes.gif

But let's not personalise this.

Glad that to see that you have gone all in - in Thailand

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  • 4 weeks later...

the world would be a sad place indeed if everyone remained cowered and cocooned in their security blankets methinks.

What do people do with all these overseas assets..I mean what use are they sitting someplace accruing....is there ever an intention to spend 'em.?.....

Nice to have undoubtedly and good to have a rainy day fund/safety net but there has to be some point at which you decide to reap the benefits of ones wise wealth creation?

Wonder does anyone think that assets would be beneficial when in their dotage and perhaps regretting never having done all that stuff they coulda done or have been doing had they been a little more adventurous or courageous?

this "never invest in anything if youre not prepared to lose" mantra, if adopted by everybody throughout history would have the world inhabited by a bunch of scared rabbits.....

enough philosophizing.........gotta go check for quarters down the back of the couch....f...k those mutual funds!!!smile.png

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