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Alleged Swedish Killer Of Kiwi Now On The Run: Bar Fight In Pattaya


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I always thought that "bail" gave the suspect the option of running away and lose the money? same as a payoff "pay your money and go".

I guess , when it comes down to the "nitty gritty" thats the option that bail gives one. It was probably cheaper than 'back handers' all round.

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Sigh... so many typical TV knee jerk bash Thailand responses. Do you forget that Thailand just successfully extradited a Lee Aldhouse from Britain to face charges for the stabbing of an American? Justice shouldn't be written off just yet.http://http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/9717400/First-Briton-ever-extradited-to-Thailand-arrives-to-face-murder-charge.html

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Is he actually on the run? Is anyone actually actively looking for him in Sweden? I think the headline is a bit misleading .. Sounds like he was handed his passport by the police, released and simply booked and caught a flight home... now he's in Sweden unless someone fights for extradition I sincerely doubt anyone is actively seeking him in Sweden as he's not been charged with anything there.

The jurisdiction of the Thai police ends in Thailand, so an active arrest warrant in Thailand when the Thai police know full well he's in Sweden is useless. If this isn't a blatant case of police/ court corruption in Thailand I don't know what is. Since when were murderers granted leave to travel home to spend Xmas with their family?

sounds like your right, he'll get off scott free. what about Interpol? do they have any authority in a situation like this?

Now its probably down to the NZ government, who will have to squeal like a stuck pig for any justice.

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Sigh... so many typical TV knee jerk bash Thailand responses. Do you forget that Thailand just successfully extradited a Lee Aldhouse from Britain to face charges for the stabbing of an American? Justice shouldn't be written off just yet.http://http://www.te...der-charge.html

Wake up mate, this is not "knee jerk reactions" but simply ALL FACTS. And yes they did extradite Aldhouse, and congratulations to the Brit government for doing it rather than hide their violent criminal Aldhouse.

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Sigh... so many typical TV knee jerk bash Thailand responses. Do you forget that Thailand just successfully extradited a Lee Aldhouse from Britain to face charges for the stabbing of an American? Justice shouldn't be written off just yet.http://http://www.te...der-charge.html

The thread is not about the extradition process but the stupidity of releasing then returning the passport of a person on such a serious charge!
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The word is that the Swede or his family paid 1 million US Dollars and was released on the Monday after he killed Rob. A limo picked him up from the prison. Rob's greiving girlfriend was paid off, had a new boyfriend within two days of his funeral and is also in the wind!

Another interesting fact is that the Swede had just come from Koh Samui where another farang was stabbed in very similar circumstances(but not killed). Coincidence?

Money talks and big money shouts. Rob's mum does not have the money to fight this so I guess he will just become another statistic. Shame as he was a good guy.

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It is amazing how the Thais seem to intimidate the major foreign embassies in to fear and inaction. The foreign embassies seem to put up with lots of Thai incompetence, Thainess, bureaucracy and corruption, least of which is the lack of follow up on legal issues relating to foreign deaths and citizens.

New Zealanders should be marching in front of the New Zealand embassy calling for action. All other citizens should be picketing their embassies to insist that Thais follow up on unsolved cases and information disclosure. Foreign press should be invited to the foreign embassies to write stories and press editorially for justice and closure. Enough is enough of this Thai thing.

You want to be the leader of this mass demonstration? Your inactive ranting reminds me of citizens of a certain Asian Country, not a millions miles away!coffee1.gif

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Is he actually on the run? Is anyone actually actively looking for him in Sweden? I think the headline is a bit misleading .. Sounds like he was handed his passport by the police, released and simply booked and caught a flight home... now he's in Sweden unless someone fights for extradition I sincerely doubt anyone is actively seeking him in Sweden as he's not been charged with anything there.

The jurisdiction of the Thai police ends in Thailand, so an active arrest warrant in Thailand when the Thai police know full well he's in Sweden is useless. If this isn't a blatant case of police/ court corruption in Thailand I don't know what is. Since when were murderers granted leave to travel home to spend Xmas with their family?

sounds like your right, he'll get off scott free. what about Interpol? do they have any authority in a situation like this?

Interpol will only put a Red Flag on the offender, if both the Thais and Swedes request international arrest warrants. The Interpol warrant would then allow any country that recognizes Interpol to arrest the offender based on the issuing warrant.

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Lack of details. Did the police return his passport when he was bailed? A matter of 'foreigners need to carry an identification at all time' ? No nice stamps added in passport? Someone forgot to tell the border police / immigration ? Just walked past immigration at the airport?

Questions, questions, no answers

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It's a shame how the law is bent here.

How can confessed murderers and killers will be released on bail.

This murders will never appear for their court hearing, especially

if 10 years or more prisontime waiting for them.

Civilized countries kept such murderers in jail until the court trial.

Btw also the Happy New Year Koh Phangan Killer is out from prison and now on the run.

If he will appear for his trial, I do not believe it.

And i guess also the judges and prosecutors know it.

That is a shame and repugnant.

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One of the main reason major criminals and criminal minded people love to carry on their

criminal activities here in Thailand is that you can get away with murder, literally,

you can murder, rob, deal in drugs all to your heart content, and when you get caught,

you can just simply bail your self out and than do a runner, almost to be never heard

of again.... bravo Thailand...

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The guy killed someone, got arrested, paid a bribe, got released and went home. At least Thailand is very consistent on this practise, so no double standards to complain about here.

I know for a fact this happened ,I was told a while ago he was gone after paying the police by a friend who works in soi 9.

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The word is that the Swede or his family paid 1 million US Dollars and was released on the Monday after he killed Rob. A limo picked him up from the prison. Rob's greiving girlfriend was paid off, had a new boyfriend within two days of his funeral and is also in the wind!

Another interesting fact is that the Swede had just come from Koh Samui where another farang was stabbed in very similar circumstances(but not killed). Coincidence?

Money talks and big money shouts. Rob's mum does not have the money to fight this so I guess he will just become another statistic. Shame as he was a good guy.

It is cases like this where Thailand needs an impartial investigation unit to follow not only the money trail but to identify those involved that allowed this guy to walk out of the country. It would do Thailand no harm to show transparency in such actions.

I for one have absolutely no doubt that what sgunn65 has written above is how it has transpired that the Swede left the country except perhaps for the amount; 1 million US (30,378,160 Baht) seems a lot even for murder in this country.

Time for the country to come into the 21st century.....................rolleyes.gif

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Whether the Kiwis have the same clout as the Dutch had is a good question.

I am sorry for the victim and the victim's family. Kiwis are among the nicest people I've met in this part of the world. Unfortunately, I have to agree, what clout does the New Zealand embassy have? The authorities don't care to work with Brits or Americans. The Dutch, at least, could get backing from the EU, if really necessary, but a small country like New Zealand will just get ignored by the Thai authorities, no matter the foreign trade and tourism.

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Weird, a friend of mine is involved in a court case, libel to be exact so far from murder yet he is not even allowed to go on a visa run and needs docs from the court which allows local immigration to extend his 90 days to another 90 days.

Maybe your friend forgot to pass over a brown envelope... that's why he's not allowed to leave...
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Is he actually on the run? Is anyone actually actively looking for him in Sweden? I think the headline is a bit misleading .. Sounds like he was handed his passport by the police, released and simply booked and caught a flight home... now he's in Sweden unless someone fights for extradition I sincerely doubt anyone is actively seeking him in Sweden as he's not been charged with anything there.

The jurisdiction of the Thai police ends in Thailand, so an active arrest warrant in Thailand when the Thai police know full well he's in Sweden is useless. If this isn't a blatant case of police/ court corruption in Thailand I don't know what is. Since when were murderers granted leave to travel home to spend Xmas with their family?

sounds like your right, he'll get off scott free. what about Interpol? do they have any authority in a situation like this?

Now its probably down to the NZ government, who will have to squeal like a stuck pig for any justice.

as a kiwi I'm just glad the victim is not a member of my family as I cant imagine for a moment our govt doing much at all when it comes to helping an individual. Now if it was a big foreign company, warners bros for eg or another govt wanting something, nothing would be too much

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Typical Patt's bar fight bullshit. I hope the perp

is caught & dealt with expeditiously. However...

I feel truly sorry for the victim's dog.

don't worry about the dog. the owner[or manager] of the triangle bar in pattaya has adopted the dog and it is in good hands

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It's a shame how the law is bent here.

How can confessed murderers and killers will be released on bail.

This murders will never appear for their court hearing, especially

if 10 years or more prisontime waiting for them.

Civilized countries kept such murderers in jail until the court trial.

Btw also the Happy New Year Koh Phangan Killer is out from prison and now on the run.

If he will appear for his trial, I do not believe it.

And i guess also the judges and prosecutors know it.

That is a shame and repugnant.

You could understand some people charged with murder being granted bail in some circumstances however deliberately stabbing someone 3 times you wouldn't normally be granted bail. The really wierd part is that they gave him back his passport and granted him permission to return to Sweden for family reasons. Did they really expect him to come back with a death sentence hanging over his head or life in a cesspit thai gaol? I bet he didn't question thier motives or wave good bye as he quickly scampered onto the plane. Probably kissed the Swedish soil and is still laughing his bloody head off.

Oh yes of course your honour, I will be straight back. I just pop over and say g'day mum give her kiss and be on the 1st flight back, hell I'll even bring my own noose as a show of gratitude.

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