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Is It Worth It


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Is being lean and healthy worth all the sacrifices and time we put in it.

I believe that exercising a lot and taking the right foods are worth it. It does limit some of the fun things in life but what i do like about it is the energy i have. I have so much energy and power, so much better as being tired all the time.

Recently i had a heart attack in the family, the second first my dad who survived and changed his life (but in my opinion still needs to loos his gut) I cant convince him about it as he would never take my advice and finds me extreme (that i am). But he does bike 100km or more a week if the weather is good and when we were swimming against the current last year could keep up with me without problems. He is as strong as an ox. Now his brother had a heart attack and he did not survive im sad about it. His brother was not fat, he was slim.

I still feel that if we exercise and eat right we can prevent a lot of problems and stay active in our lives much longer. I think eating healthy plus good exercise can really improve the quality of life.

From when i was too heave to now my energy levels have soared, my stamina in certain area's(yes imagine all you like) has soared too. My looks have drastically improved. Its easier to look good in clothes,at the height of my weight i hated pictures of me without a t shirt even though i was muscular but i had the beginnings of a gut. I found my face to round on pictures and such. Yes i was self conscious.

Now feeling better as ever in life i get more work done feel less stressed and feel happier.

I always did do weight training since i was in Thailand, could not shed the fat, only when i started to cook myself did i start to loose weight. When i cut out alcohol completely it also went better (mind you it was never easy like for some people). Then when i got some pointers about my carb use and tested in the lab again my thyroid (was low) and seeing i had the beginning of insulin resistance (still in the safe zone but far from optimal i again made changes. Again after a while results. (did have long plateau periods). Now i am just lean and want super lean.

But the things i did different this time were more cardio and the tests and really monitoring and changing my food. Counting the calories. I went into extremes as it was that hard for me to get results where others would get them already.

But for me my restrictive diet and all the training is worth it.

-better self image

-much more energy also for work

- feeling happy and healthy

- stamina for all things

- i think i will be able to do more for longer


- cant have all the nice ice cream i like

- need to limit myself when others take what they want food wise

- need to keep it up for life (many dont and you jo back)

-need to exercise (though it helps to relieve stress and freshens me up) (i think exercise is upside too)

I think everyone needs to make their own assessment if it is worth it, i dont believe in diets without exercise any-more JT has made me look into research and there it clearly showed most diets fail but add exercise and your chances increase enormously But even if it was not for diet just the fact that your bones stay stronger you can walk more have more energy and your hearth stays better are also great things to have. I don't look down on people who make other choices and think beer and girly bars fat food is more enjoyable its up to them.

I also don't envy those who seem to be able to eat what they can and still stay slim, i just accept my lot and how i look now is a great lot. But i accept i will always have to be in control. Everyone who wants to keep it off will have too.

Rant over.. working again.

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I also don't envy those who seem to be able to eat what they can and still stay slim, i just accept my lot and how i look now is a great lot. But i accept i will always have to be in control. Everyone who wants to keep it off will have too.

i don't think those being a few pounds overweight and enjoy good food envy your lifestyle tongue.png perhaps you feel "great" and perhaps you look now "a great lot", but i pity you because of what you are missing whistling.gif

note to myself: "for dinner have an extra big portion of today's crusty pork roast which a huge load of delicious fattening gravy over crisp fried potatoes... all on behalf and in loving memory of poor suffering Robblok!" laugh.png

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I also don't envy those who seem to be able to eat what they can and still stay slim, i just accept my lot and how i look now is a great lot. But i accept i will always have to be in control. Everyone who wants to keep it off will have too.

i don't think those being a few pounds overweight and enjoy good food envy your lifestyle tongue.png perhaps you feel "great" and perhaps you look now "a great lot", but i pity you because of what you are missing whistling.gif

note to myself: "for dinner have an extra big portion of today's crusty pork roast which a huge load of delicious fattening gravy over crisp fried potatoes... all on behalf and in loving memory of poor suffering Robblok!" laugh.png

I love you too Klingon, not sure im suffering that much. But as i said before i think everyone has to make those choices. As for looking good, not really the goal in my life but staying in shape is. Having enough stamina to do the things like diving snorkeling and such.

But im pretty sure you control yourself a bit too as you as i remember were at deaths door before

I do envy your post count though.. i dont try hard enough.

Edited by robblok
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Is it worth it? I would certainly think so. As you say, one feels so energetic after exercising, especially a good mix of aerobics and resistance training combined with a healthy diet and no alcohol. It gives you more confidence, happiness and a positive outlook.

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Well I do think you can go too far one way.

I still like to have a few beers every once a week. I do mean a few thou. My max is three or four small bottles.

I certainly like to eat cakes occasionally and chips etc but it still makes up only a small portion of my diet.

Most people still call me fanatical and I do take a lot vitamins as well but for me it is all about feeling good and if you are fit and healthy you should be able to handle the occasional rich meal and drinks.

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I do go to sizzler once in a while or Oishy buffet with its salmon and an ice-cream once a month wont kill me either. But alcohol is a big no for me as it just influences everything a lot. I will eat other foods too if im out of home, then i just make healthy choices.

But i try to be strict as much as possible, as letting go to much will lead to letting go more and more.

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But i also guess that not everyone has to put in the same effort to get the results they want. I know i have to put in lots of effort because of a slower thyroid, its just how it is. If i could get the same results with less i would do it too.

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Of course its worth it !

Bottom line how you feel is what matters, seems to me you have heart disease in the family. So taking care of yourself should balance out the increased risk your at by being genetically exposed.

Alternatively you could let it all go to ratshit, and worry yourself at every chest ache and pain that comes and lose your energy levels.

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Of course its worth it !

Bottom line how you feel is what matters, seems to me you have heart disease in the family. So taking care of yourself should balance out the increased risk your at by being genetically exposed.

Alternatively you could let it all go to ratshit, and worry yourself at every chest ache and pain that comes and lose your energy levels.

That's what most everyone THINKS. Doesn't necessarily always make it the truth.
"Heart failure may prove to be one of the few health conditions where extra weight may prove to be protective," Research leader Dr Tamara Horwich said.

Yes, thin people get heart attacks too.

I'm not saying don't lose weight. I'm saying try to avoid stereotyping and simplifying. Human health is very complex.

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Of course its worth it !

Bottom line how you feel is what matters, seems to me you have heart disease in the family. So taking care of yourself should balance out the increased risk your at by being genetically exposed.

Alternatively you could let it all go to ratshit, and worry yourself at every chest ache and pain that comes and lose your energy levels.

I have been tested after my dad's heart attack it was caused by hereditary high cholesterol. I did not have it neither did my brother. But i believe that keeping in shape keeps you healthy and active for a longer period.

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Of course its worth it !

Bottom line how you feel is what matters, seems to me you have heart disease in the family. So taking care of yourself should balance out the increased risk your at by being genetically exposed.

Alternatively you could let it all go to ratshit, and worry yourself at every chest ache and pain that comes and lose your energy levels.

That's what most everyone THINKS. Doesn't necessarily always make it the truth.
"Heart failure may prove to be one of the few health conditions where extra weight may prove to be protective," Research leader Dr Tamara Horwich said.

Yes, thin people get heart attacks too.

I'm not saying don't lose weight. I'm saying try to avoid stereotyping and simplifying. Human health is very complex.

JT believe it or not there are skinny fat persons too, no muscles only fat and they look slim and have a good BMI (worthless tool) they are not healthy. Like you said its more complex.

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Robblok, i do think the diet business is a load of trollop. Everything in moderation makes more sense than any diet i did ever read about.

Seems to me simply, most of us westerner eat very big portions, to much in each meal for what we need.

Also when you do train you will get used to eating in certain way because of the need of more energy and you are burning carbs..but what when you stop the training? most people will still eat same amount.

Its good for you now, but you cannot keep up the training thing going forever. I also trained in younger times but this does become a strain on the joints after some time and i think a high risk arthritus and such when older...

for me, knee, and lower back problem, even the wrists can get damage from long term of heavy workouts.

I am not weak now, by any means but i think i did overdo some thing and suffer now, just one thing for example, to much shoulder workout (mainly i blaim shoulder press) in my workout days has not been good for me now....and Yes i did make sure i had good technique when i was working out

Funny, on another issue, i did see on a tv show, that one reason people over eat is from lack of sex...this lack of sex being compensated by eating lots of fatty food!!!

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Thing is you knew what you were doing wrong.. not eating less after stopping and you still did it. I control things good so i think i can keep it up. Besides there are plenty of guys who still lift in their 50-60ies just change your training ways. I don't believe in stopping, i believe in changing.

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I also don't envy those who seem to be able to eat what they can and still stay slim, i just accept my lot and how i look now is a great lot. But i accept i will always have to be in control. Everyone who wants to keep it off will have too.

i don't think those being a few pounds overweight and enjoy good food envy your lifestyle tongue.png perhaps you feel "great" and perhaps you look now "a great lot", but i pity you because of what you are missing whistling.gif

note to myself: "for dinner have an extra big portion of today's crusty pork roast which a huge load of delicious fattening gravy over crisp fried potatoes... all on behalf and in loving memory of poor suffering Robblok!" laugh.png

...and don't forget the flaxseed oil with that.smile.png

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Yes, thin people get heart attacks too.

I'm not saying don't lose weight. I'm saying try to avoid stereotyping and simplifying. Human health is very complex.

Beginning of last year I was about 17% fat - that was healthy. Now I'm under 10% - this is vanity - I don't deny it. You certainly don't need to be this low to be healthy.

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Of course its worth it !

Bottom line how you feel is what matters, seems to me you have heart disease in the family. So taking care of yourself should balance out the increased risk your at by being genetically exposed.

Alternatively you could let it all go to ratshit, and worry yourself at every chest ache and pain that comes and lose your energy levels.

I have been tested after my dad's heart attack it was caused by hereditary high cholesterol. I did not have it neither did my brother. But i believe that keeping in shape keeps you healthy and active for a longer period.

I don't believe it's caused by high cholesterol, that's merely a symptom of bigger troubles. It's a bit like blaming flies for causing garbage. Just because the cholesterol is there it doesn't mean it's the cause - this is a huge myth.

My dad passed away from his second heart attack at age 49.

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Robblok, i do think the diet business is a load of trollop. Everything in moderation makes more sense than any diet i did ever read about.

Seems to me simply, most of us westerner eat very big portions, to much in each meal for what we need.

Also when you do train you will get used to eating in certain way because of the need of more energy and you are burning carbs..but what when you stop the training? most people will still eat same amount.

Its good for you now, but you cannot keep up the training thing going forever. I also trained in younger times but this does become a strain on the joints after some time and i think a high risk arthritus and such when older...

for me, knee, and lower back problem, even the wrists can get damage from long term of heavy workouts.

I am not weak now, by any means but i think i did overdo some thing and suffer now, just one thing for example, to much shoulder workout (mainly i blaim shoulder press) in my workout days has not been good for me now....and Yes i did make sure i had good technique when i was working out

Funny, on another issue, i did see on a tv show, that one reason people over eat is from lack of sex...this lack of sex being compensated by eating lots of fatty food!!!

You suffered from training badly and not understanding how the body functions and recovers. It's not a machine, you have to treat it gently. Most people overtrain their shoulder joints, but it's the bench press that causes the problems most of the time and this carries over to pressing movements. I find shoulder pressing movements much better for my shoulders than benching, at age 53. I always give shoulder movements priority over chest movements.

I've taken extended time off training. I don't gain weight... and anyway, I'll never stop. I'll always find something I can do in the gym no matter what my age. Back when I was 23 I had 4 broken bones (ulna, radius, femur and tibia) .... I crutched around a gym (I had to use gutter crutches because of my broken left arm) and did whatever my 2 good limbs allowed me to do. I used to go for long walks on these crutches too to try to gain some cardio fitness. I used to do ab crunches on the hospital bed with a leg in traction, a suspended arm and IV in the other.

I now squat with arthritis in my knees (resulting from motorcycle accidents). It's not fun, but I do it. I won't be following your lead and quitting because of some little injuries. I've had plenty of shoulder injuries over the years, but finally I know how to train them properly and they feel great.

Perhaps you need to stop making excuses and get back into it.

Edited by tropo
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Of course its worth it !

Bottom line how you feel is what matters, seems to me you have heart disease in the family. So taking care of yourself should balance out the increased risk your at by being genetically exposed.

Alternatively you could let it all go to ratshit, and worry yourself at every chest ache and pain that comes and lose your energy levels.

I have been tested after my dad's heart attack it was caused by hereditary high cholesterol. I did not have it neither did my brother. But i believe that keeping in shape keeps you healthy and active for a longer period.

I don't believe it's caused by high cholesterol, that's merely a symptom of bigger troubles. It's a bit like blaming flies for causing garbage. Just because the cholesterol is there it doesn't mean it's the cause - this is a huge myth.

My dad passed away from his second heart attack at age 49.

Ok, i haven't looked into this, my cholesterol is good as my last tests showed. I am not to worried about myself actually, i worry about my dad. I have talked to my nephew and its hard loosing your dad like that. Its true we all loose our dad sooner or later. I just wish mine would reduce his belly and weight so i could enjoy him for a long time to come. I admit he bikes a lot and his eating habits while not super healthy are not excessive. He has the stamina of a bull and other than this his health has always been good. But i just worry for him and wish he would listen to me.

Myself, this training is for health and of course vanity i care how i look after never being lean i like the look. But the results of the exercise, the fact that i have stamina and energy. This must also be because of what i eat, that is something that is worth it. The fun i had freediving last year because of improved stamina and muscle, that was priceless and i will be freediving again this year at least two times. This time i will do some breathing tables the months before so i can pass the 2 minute mark. I always loved snorkeling and such its great.

Yes so for me it sis all worth it, not to mention that this working out is a great hobby and keeps me out of bars. Not that bars are that bad but still we seen the way of many an expat. Working out and fishing give me a good time. Not to mention i am almost always in a good mood. Plus im sure that if i did not workout id be busy with my computer even more as now. It balances is out.

Edited by robblok
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Is it worth it? I would certainly think so. As you say, one feels so energetic after exercising, especially a good mix of aerobics and resistance training combined with a healthy diet and no alcohol. It gives you more confidence, happiness and a positive outlook.

there must be something wrong with me sad.png because a glass of portwine and a cuban cigar after a delicious meal gives me much more happiness and a more positive outlook than any exercising laugh.png

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I also don't envy those who seem to be able to eat what they can and still stay slim, i just accept my lot and how i look now is a great lot. But i accept i will always have to be in control. Everyone who wants to keep it off will have too.

i don't think those being a few pounds overweight and enjoy good food envy your lifestyle tongue.png perhaps you feel "great" and perhaps you look now "a great lot", but i pity you because of what you are missing whistling.gif

note to myself: "for dinner have an extra big portion of today's crusty pork roast which a huge load of delicious fattening gravy over crisp fried potatoes... all on behalf and in loving memory of poor suffering Robblok!" laugh.png

...and don't forget the flaxseed oil with that.smile.png

we have electricity in our house and do not use oil lamps biggrin.png

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Is it worth it? I would certainly think so. As you say, one feels so energetic after exercising, especially a good mix of aerobics and resistance training combined with a healthy diet and no alcohol. It gives you more confidence, happiness and a positive outlook.

there must be something wrong with me sad.png because a glass of portwine and a cuban cigar after a delicious meal gives me much more happiness and a more positive outlook than any exercising laugh.png

No, you're quite normal. I exercise often, but I can't say I enjoy it. I enjoy my days off much more.

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I do go to sizzler once in a while or Oishy buffet with its salmon and an ice-cream once a month wont kill me either. But alcohol is a big no for me as it just influences everything a lot. I will eat other foods too if im out of home, then i just make healthy choices.

But i try to be strict as much as possible, as letting go to much will lead to letting go more and more.

What did alcohol affect and what is the difference now that you've stopped drinking ?

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Weight loss and muscle building were influenced by alcohol. Difference is that my weight loss was much easier and training just went better. I did drink 1 night a week sometimes 2 but on that night i might pulish 1/3 or 1/2 bottle of vodka. Its loaded with calories of course plus its just not good for testosterone.

So not drinking clearly gave me an edge training and now leaner as ever, my diet did not change that much but just dropping the alcohol did a lot.

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how about everything in moderation,a little bit of what you fancy,small meal portions,gentle,regular exercise like swimming and walking,doing all the things you in enjoy.

to me the topic poster's regime sounds stressful(continually thinking about things to keep him well)and stress is a worse killer than many perceived unhealthy habits.

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how about everything in moderation,a little bit of what you fancy,small meal portions,gentle,regular exercise like swimming and walking,doing all the things you in enjoy.

to me the topic poster's regime sounds stressful(continually thinking about things to keep him well)and stress is a worse killer than many perceived unhealthy habits.

The OP has transformed himself through these stressful methods. He doesn't want to be ordinary. Each to their own.

If everyone had your idea there wouldn't be any sports to watch on TV. All competitive sports require dedication, hard work and sacrifices.

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how about everything in moderation,a little bit of what you fancy,small meal portions,gentle,regular exercise like swimming and walking,doing all the things you in enjoy.

to me the topic poster's regime sounds stressful(continually thinking about things to keep him well)and stress is a worse killer than many perceived unhealthy habits.

Actually no stress at all here on that point so that is not really a concern its a hobby i like.

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