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Creepy Farang In My Gf's Condo......


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If This guy shows up to conviently to ride the elevator wwith your girlfriend he is a stalker. Have a friend who had a 5 min. chat with a lady and for the next 2 year she would conviently show up just after he came to the local coffee shop or just conviently be there just before he arrived. Stalkers can be a pain tell the guy if he likes staying in Thailand to leave your girlfriend alone as you have connection at immigration who can make his stay here shorter than expected

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Most Thai girls don't talk to guys they aren't interested in.

If she was talking to him, it was a 'go' sign.

You sure she isn't just telling you what she thinks you want to hear?

Are you sure you aren't the 'creepy old man' hitting on his gf?

Whats funny is all the OP really asked was trying to start another thread about Old dudes and young girls and are the young guys jealous bla bla bla .......... The answer to his question is that most young men would not be jealous of a Old Man who's girlfriend is continually being found in the company of a younger man and claiming it's all his fault. Most young Farang are not jealous of Old men who have to, or chose to. go to 3rd world countries to find a girlfriend ...... The reason is they are not old yet and are quite aware that when they become old if they need to the option is open to them as well. You are kind of missing the obvious , pretty much any girl available to you is avaliable to them it's just a matter of who finds her first , since they are not Old yet they really have nothing to be jealous about. Old people confuse a young person who finds it creepy and pervy with being jealous. Usually it's not that they are jealous it really is because they find it pervy and creepy and would feel sorry if it was their sister. Jealous ? naaaaaa he just thinks your a pervy old dude in a 3rd world country. He would probabbly think the same of me so don't take my comments as a personal attack from me on you.
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Most Thai girls don't talk to guys they aren't interested in.

If she was talking to him, it was a 'go' sign.

While that rationale might work as a rape defense in your home country, it's nonsense here.

Indeed. But don't take our word for it, TP, go say "Hi, how are you doing?" to any random Thai woman and then see it she'll have a polite brief conversation, or will say "take a hike, creep! and walk off". My money is on the former.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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If This guy shows up to conviently to ride the elevator wwith your girlfriend he is a stalker. Have a friend who had a 5 min. chat with a lady and for the next 2 year she would conviently show up just after he came to the local coffee shop or just conviently be there just before he arrived. Stalkers can be a pain tell the guy if he likes staying in Thailand to leave your girlfriend alone as you have connection at immigration who can make his stay here shorter than expected

Are you saying this person should threaten the "guy" ?


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Another aditional obvious curiousity of his "story" is ..... Why would a man think that some dude is hitting on his girlfriend because he is old ? Is their some contigent of young dudes that go around looking for old men's girlfriends just to hit on them because they are jealous ? ....... Is it perhaps that he is just hitting on a girl and it's not all about him ?

I hate to say this but ....... If your girlfriend is getting hit on and your first thought is that it's a jealous conspiricy against "you" , and your really so not sure you have to research the idea on the internet ....... you must sure think a LOT of yourself and not very much of your girlfriend. LOL

I would understand if the girl was some butt ugly skank ....... but that would make the jealous part absurd.

Rendering it IMO another thread about another person with a Superiority Complex and Delutions of Grandure

Call me crazy but my favorite part of this site is pointing out the obvious logical flaws in "stories" that people make ....... The reason people make them is they are more concerned with making another look foolish than they are concerned with making sure they look sensible in the process.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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I am a bit of tangent on this one as the Op may be author of own misfortune.

The Op could try something really novel that old people used to do in the old days........some people call it manners.

Accompany the girl into the complex, into the elevator, up to the door of her room and then say goodnight properly instead of dropping her off at the front and then zooming off on your souped up Honda Click, vanishing into the distance......unless you are the Fonz?

After you in a rush to go somewhere? Is there a good soap on Channel 7?

To me this is basic caring 101 if you are in a relationship. If I saw a girl being dropped off I may think she is not in a relationship, or alternatively the guy has no manners and maybe she would appreciate some so maybe I should give it a go.

If you accompany her up, the guy might have a.) a clue she is in a relationship rather than a short time gal being dropped off, and b.) less opportunity to interact in elevator. After doing this a few times and seeing you and her together rather than her being dropped off things will be clearer to him...perhaps even for gf as well..

Of course if the first time you met her your opening line was "get your bag darling, you've pulled" forget all of the above.

Edited by mamborobert
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I am a bit of tangent on this one as the Op may be author of own misfortune.

The Op could try something really novel that old people used to do in the old days........some people call it manners.

Accompany the girl into the complex, into the elevator, up to the door of her room and then say goodnight properly instead of dropping her off at the front and then zooming off on your souped up Honda Click, vanishing into the distance......unless you are the Fonz?

After you in a rush to go somewhere? Is there a good soap on Channel 7?

Then the guy might have a.) a clue she is in a relationship rather than a short time gal being dropped off, and b.) less opportunity to interact in elevator. After doing this a few times and seeing you and her together rather than her being dropped off things will be clearer to him...perhaps even for gf as well..

Of course if the first time you met her your opening line was "get your bag darling, you've pulled" forget all of the above.

That's possible, we'll never know the totality of the situation. But there also are plenty of farang men in Chiang Mai who won't be detoured from hitting on a Thai woman even when she has a big diamond ring on her finger, so it's not implausible that the guy is in fact stalking another man's woman.


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I am a bit of tangent on this one as the Op may be author of own misfortune.

The Op could try something really novel that old people used to do in the old days........some people call it manners.

Accompany the girl into the complex, into the elevator, up to the door of her room and then say goodnight properly instead of dropping her off at the front and then zooming off on your souped up Honda Click, vanishing into the distance......unless you are the Fonz?

After you in a rush to go somewhere? Is there a good soap on Channel 7?

To me this is basic caring 101 if you are in a relationship. If I saw a girl being dropped off I may think she is not in a relationship, or alternatively the guy has no manners and maybe she would appreciate some so maybe I should give it a go.

If you accompany her up, the guy might have a.) a clue she is in a relationship rather than a short time gal being dropped off, and b.) less opportunity to interact in elevator. After doing this a few times and seeing you and her together rather than her being dropped off things will be clearer to him...perhaps even for gf as well..

Of course if the first time you met her your opening line was "get your bag darling, you've pulled" forget all of the above.

I would certianly agree the OP is a victum of his own misfortune ! ....... I'm sorry but manners and respect hardly come into play when you think your girlfriend is being hit on because your old. That's the opposite of manners and respect thats behavior exibited by self absorbed selfish people with hardly any manners at all ...... unless using them to get something they want.

I realise you are sying he should use some manners not that he has them ..... my point is: according to him .... he is old and a grand sucsess , so he is not likely to be able to change his behavior and attitudes.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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Most young Farang are not jealous of Old men who have to, or chose to. go to 3rd world countries to find a girlfriend ......

These old farang you speak of are here for the food and the culture.

Yep, just unfortunate many young hot Thai women find them so charming and irresistable, hunting them down with a calculated ferocity, pushing all the young farang would be suitors callously to one side smile.png Edited by 473geo
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Tell the guy that theblether will be in CM next week and if he doesn't back off I'll be down to bletherate him.

Fate worse than death that is. coffee1.gif

Maybe that's a new career path for me..........Contract Bletherer.

I'll need to think of a good logo.

wow are very own hit man on tv,im sure the jobs will be lining up for you mate,ie return depoists, gf/bf proplems,resturant owners charging for air/water,list goes on,(got a proplem), who shall i call,call the blether,.
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creepy is a relative term. If a middle aged or older guy is in Thailand for a "young" girlfriend then your going to be on someones "creepy" list.

Sure, but regardless of age or looks, a person can be creepy in their actions or demeanour.

Otherwise we're all creepy; then it becomes meaningless. ;)

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Most Thai girls don't talk to guys they aren't interested in.

If she was talking to him, it was a 'go' sign.

Thing is, you're not joking are you?

Guess it goes part of the way to explaining why people are forever saying you know nothing about women.

As for the OP, ask her to move in with you. If she refuses, you'll know the score

Edited by HardenedSoul
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Many thanks to all the posters who have offered advice, especially Rob8891 and JDGRUEN for the link to the "other thread". Also to TommoPhysicist for providing the comedy element (poor guy seems to have confused me with himself, but never mind).

I will leave the party for now, as I have a few PMs to write.

No doubt there will be a lot of speculation and conjecture: - have fun.

If you are good boys and girls, maybe I'll let you know the outcome.wink.png

Good luck and I do hope you return with an update. This is getting interesting, particularly with regard to the other thread (which miraculously appears to be the creep....eh, the dude in question).

I think the OP does have a good point. I've heard through the grapevine that young farang guys like to target young Thai babes with an older farang. The thinking is that, 1. She must like farangs, and 2., that being the case, she most likely would prefer a younger farang over an older farang, and lastly, she might be a rental (the belief being that the young girl MUST be in it for the money).

Any young farangs out there? Do you subscribe to this MO?

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I was thinking that as Tommo has racked up 4000 posts in less than a year he has spent more time "flogging on" than talking with an actual girl.

Being married to an attractive Thai female (and her sister), I tend to avoid interacting with other attractive females, my wife (and her sister) would either kill me, or kill them, depending on her/their mood.

Never been one for talking much with women anyway, I generally find their conversations a bit boring.

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I was thinking that as Tommo has racked up 4000 posts in less than a year he has spent more time "flogging on" than talking with an actual girl.

Being married to an attractive Thai female (and her sister), I tend to avoid interacting with other attractive females, my wife (and her sister) would either kill me, or kill them, depending on her/their mood.

Never been one for talking much with women anyway, I generally find their conversations a bit boring.

Surely you spoke to your intended during the prenuptial interview?

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Most Thai girls don't talk to guys they aren't interested in.

If she was talking to him, it was a 'go' sign.

I did not know that.

A girl spoke to me this mornin....I must go and jump her now.

Maybe he just got the statement wrong in his post.. Because something like this does apply in Thailand, but it's clearly not just politely answering a question or having a brief conversation.

What really tells it, of course, is if she touches you in *any* way. (Brief hand on your knee, arm, shoulder, back, anywhere.)

When that happens you know the only remaining variables are time, place, and blood alcohol content.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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