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The Last Straw !


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Sorry about your ordeal and frustration.

You can chuck it to a one in sixty six million and just move on.

Some things do make you say a F''' to Thailand. I did 15 months ago, never had any regrets, I visit every 4 months and cant wait to get out.

I ll return when I am 70, three decades from now, hoping that lots of things must have changed.

nothing is going to change

I trust my seer, he says big time changes coming soon.

Yup. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

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OP , did you get the license plate number ? Go to the same local government office and lodge a complaint and DEMAND an apology from the driver.

Make sure you warn them and let them know you are connected with the Governor and high ranking so and so......

Then let us know how this ends so that the last straw won't be the last straw......

What if it was the Governor in the car ?d

Governor don't ride in pick ups ,mate.

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Too much bull shit here. I read some where some one talking about Thailand being a 3rd world country no matter how many shopping malls you build the society will remain the same for a long time to come.

I now how you feel, but at least I can just turn off and not watch all the corruption and stupid-ness (I think the Thais call it Thai-ness). Blisss......

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You made it out lucky, they could have killed you and gotten away with it. Life is literally worth nothing here. Unless you're ready to face that hard reality, you shouldn't be here living in the land of smiles and hotheads with the brains of 10 year old children.

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Anger has subsided and is being replaced by revenge. Just kidding but man oh man i was pissed angry.

I know all the dangers in Thailand guns hot headed idiots etc etc...

Doesn't change the way I feel. Unfortunately for Thailand it is defiantly the last straw. Too much bull shit here. I read some where some one talking about Thailand being a 3rd world country no matter how many shopping malls you build the society will remain the same for a long time to come.


I cant bare it any more.

Thailand is Thailand and you wont change it.... Vote with your feet mate... I am going to Vietnam to work before Chinese New Year and 28 days on 28 off. I have enjoyed what time I worked here but not enough to settle.. I will live in Batam on my time off....

Nobody needs to get wound up over events in Thailand just take it or leave it

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Good choice, I call Batam home too.

Only problem there are the Angkots and ojeks stopping right infront of you when you are trying to cross the road.

Where will you stay Maturebrit?

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Perhaps OP would feel more at home in Phnom Penh. Streets clogged with motorcycles dragging traffic to a slow crawl most of the day. But slightly more likely to be shot if you give the bird or blow your horn at vehicles that pull out in front of you

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Buy a truck....you won't be bottom of the food chain any more.

Bikes belong in their lane...nowhere else.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. I would buy the biggest commercial truck I could find and put a camper on it like we have back home in Canada. I would get some Thai craftsman to weld heavy steel bumpers all around it. Then, I would park it on some narrow soi like all the Thais do at lunch time, or on weekends. That way I would block everyone else and have free accommodation in the city. Tit for tat.

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Traffic lights here are only suggestions. sad.png

Agreed. Red lights are optional and yellow lights mean speed up so you can pass through the intersection while the light is red.

Yellow lights? I thought RED lights were the ones that you speed up for and follow all the other vehicles through the intersection.

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Traffic lights here are only suggestions. sad.png

Agreed. Red lights are optional and yellow lights mean speed up so you can pass through the intersection while the light is red.

I think you haven't been in Thailand long enough otherwise you would have noticed that they have a modified version of the western traffic lights.

Green - Amber - Little bit red - Red

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