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Thailand's Population Of Teen Mothers Rising, Pregnancy Age Falling


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Maybe Thai parents and teenagers should be treating sex as a more open subject. Thai parents should be providing more guidance and wisdom.

I hope the line about guidance and wisdom is meant as irony...?!

Edited by Bosse137
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Maybe Thai parents and teenagers should be treating sex as a more open subject. Thai parents should be providing more guidance and wisdom.


And I think, pigs should actually be able to fly!

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Has anyone got a translation for this? "... 53 per cent of pregnant women seeking 30 per cent were students" I just love Thai journalism that slips past the editors... But the whole scenario is completely laughable. Thai men (and most Farang) won't use a condom, and when the 'accident comes along, the Thai's guys walk away. Yet the me_an_oi's and giks are rife, prostitution is denied, and teenagers don't get pregnant as sex does not exist outside marriage. When will the Thai society start admitting Bangkok is the most aptly named city in the world?

Where on earth would you get the idea that the majority of foreign men (or others) won't use a condom?

Thailand birth rate and hiv rate has plunged, which doesn't mean anything is perfect, but a statement like this is bs my lord.

With the amount of shagging going on among the youth, Thailand should be expecting a population boom.

Perhaps the people I communicate with are not angels. Can't say I have found too many Farang here who would want that claim and the thousands of Thai's I deal with annually I would say less than 10%. But then I am not ABAC and I don't get into 1600 questionnaires to evaluate a population. Rates of pregnancy dropping? HIV - maybe just the gay community starting to work that one out. No idea.

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....I have to wonder how the statistics have changed so rapidly....or is this part of the tactic....to confuse people....to confuse the facts...

....around 2 years ago, or less....80-90% of pregnancies were to teenagers....of this....more than 60% were to girls under 15 years of age...

(...this was published in an English language paper.....if not this forum.....)

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Would be nice if girls remembered to take the pill. No good coming out suddenly and saying "pregnant". Have had 2 bad experiences. In 2010 a school friend who was going steady with me for 6 months. She suddenly got pregnant. I was shocked. The girl just 16 y.o. was thrilled and so were her Thai parents. It took Dad's intervention (my last resort and I was made to suffercrying.gif ) to get the girl's family to re-consider. A second time just a few months back a lady working in one of the family businesses began going out with me. She's about 15 years older than me. Almost my Mum :-) LOL. Anyway, during the weekends I stayed at her home I became friends with her 17 y.o. daughter. Before you knew it the daughter got pregnant. They were delighted, the mum included. Again it took my family intervention to get them to understand that it was not okay.

sigh.....Thai women all seem to want babies whenever things are going well.

Never a care for the right time or the future or how the bloke feels.

For me its been two very expensive involvements, and I'm not even 20 as yet.

Wrap it before you tap it! Or pay the price.....your choice....Not to mention the STD's out there that can be advoided if condoms is used.
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An average 370 babies are born daily from Thai teenage mothers and about 10 babies from girls below age 15 years old, the Public Health Ministry reported today.

And how many underground/illegal abortions a day? Oh ya we really don't want to talk about do we.

Should we call it the tip of the iceberg???? Or astronomical?

Good point! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif


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So, the authorities are not going to place the blame for this on aliens, aka farangs, then? We can all sleep soundly in our beds tonight - or that of somebody else, biggrin.png

I suspect that a similar sorry tale could be related about the UK. How about the US?

Oh, just wait a few posts. I know just the person, to fill you in on that. Just wait!

And with all un...necessary links?


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Would be nice if girls remembered to take the pill. No good coming out suddenly and saying "pregnant". Have had 2 bad experiences. In 2010 a school friend who was going steady with me for 6 months. She suddenly got pregnant. I was shocked. The girl just 16 y.o. was thrilled and so were her Thai parents. It took Dad's intervention (my last resort and I was made to suffercrying.gif ) to get the girl's family to re-consider. A second time just a few months back a lady working in one of the family businesses began going out with me. She's about 15 years older than me. Almost my Mum :-) LOL. Anyway, during the weekends I stayed at her home I became friends with her 17 y.o. daughter. Before you knew it the daughter got pregnant. They were delighted, the mum included. Again it took my family intervention to get them to understand that it was not okay.

sigh.....Thai women all seem to want babies whenever things are going well.

Never a care for the right time or the future or how the bloke feels.

For me its been two very expensive involvements, and I'm not even 20 as yet.

I am really quite speechless......

I'm not!

Take some responsibility, SC!

If you're from a country where sex education is a priority, and you have benefitted from the openness in that society, use that knowledge here and stop trying to dump the responsibity for your maverick attitude toward sex on the girls you sleep with. As you mature you'll start to understand that testosterone has its downside.


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I would suggest that the Elephant in the room here is the price of condoms.

All of the big brands are manufactured here but the local prices are ridiculous because condoms are viewed as a Farang only consumable and priced accordingly.

Remove the ridiculous Farang tarriff so that condoms are affordable to Thai kids.

Education is important, but entirely facile if Somchai junior still aint got the satang for a raincoat.

Condoms are available free from local hospitals and the visiting public health van. Young people can access condoms.

Unfortunately, as has been pointed out, sex ed isn't a priority.

Most of the young parents, like most young Thais, may have adult bodies but are far from mature and officialdom, as usual, has a Nelsonian blind eye. No it dosen't happen here and that's official. I wonder if Chalerm will comment on this one ?

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Would be nice if girls remembered to take the pill. No good coming out suddenly and saying "pregnant". Have had 2 bad experiences. In 2010 a school friend who was going steady with me for 6 months. She suddenly got pregnant. I was shocked. The girl just 16 y.o. was thrilled and so were her Thai parents. It took Dad's intervention (my last resort and I was made to suffercrying.gif ) to get the girl's family to re-consider. A second time just a few months back a lady working in one of the family businesses began going out with me. She's about 15 years older than me. Almost my Mum :-) LOL. Anyway, during the weekends I stayed at her home I became friends with her 17 y.o. daughter. Before you knew it the daughter got pregnant. They were delighted, the mum included. Again it took my family intervention to get them to understand that it was not okay.

sigh.....Thai women all seem to want babies whenever things are going well.

Never a care for the right time or the future or how the bloke feels.

For me its been two very expensive involvements, and I'm not even 20 as yet.

I am really quite speechless......


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Would be nice if girls remembered to take the pill. No good coming out suddenly and saying "pregnant". Have had 2 bad experiences. In 2010 a school friend who was going steady with me for 6 months. She suddenly got pregnant. I was shocked. The girl just 16 y.o. was thrilled and so were her Thai parents. It took Dad's intervention (my last resort and I was made to suffercrying.gif ) to get the girl's family to re-consider. A second time just a few months back a lady working in one of the family businesses began going out with me. She's about 15 years older than me. Almost my Mum :-) LOL. Anyway, during the weekends I stayed at her home I became friends with her 17 y.o. daughter. Before you knew it the daughter got pregnant. They were delighted, the mum included. Again it took my family intervention to get them to understand that it was not okay.

sigh.....Thai women all seem to want babies whenever things are going well.

Never a care for the right time or the future or how the bloke feels.

For me its been two very expensive involvements, and I'm not even 20 as yet.

Wow, are you taking the p*ss or what?

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This comment will be in for some stick---BUT I wonder how many of these babies are from fathers of the girls or-other family members, and they are having sex at a younger age BECAUSE ??? not enough teaching from schools====too much teaching from dad---and little protection for the lass from mother through fear. Mai pen rai----free style----DO NOT forget the money got by parents from a young lad in the villiage, who got her in the club, I have known for Mom to encourage her daughter to have it off..... the poor and the greedy need money---sorry state of affairs.

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Lower age will allow more dowries / falnag bfs per reincarnation and an admirable example of Thai productivity.

Some folks reckon the local is slow and idle,yet they will allow others to toil,pay to vist,inseminate their girls,provide their defence eapons,drugs and arts,culture and religion a more adaptable race its hard to admire.Cynicism as an art form as described by deprting UK amabssador years back.

Their reply to a good tme emits air from one end or the other,bring on the sanook now please.

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So, the authorities are not going to place the blame for this on aliens, aka farangs, then? We can all sleep soundly in our beds tonight - or that of somebody else, biggrin.png

I suspect that a similar sorry tale could be related about the UK. How about the US?

Oh, just wait a few posts. I know just the person, to fill you in on that. Just wait!

And with all un...necessary links?


...and comparing it with every nation on god's earth...

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Public Health Minister Cholanan Srikaew told of the increasing trend of teen pregnancies at younger ages, about 15-16 years, and only 55 per cent of teenagers use condoms during their first-time sexual intercourse.

The majority of teens fail to use contraceptive devices or use them incorrectly while many misunderstand that first-time sex does not lead to pregnancy, he said.

And yet raise the subject of sex education with anyone in the Education Ministry, they will fervently deny that sex outside of marriage happens.

It is beyond the time when they need to remove their heads from that dark place and admit that something needs doing.

// Foreign language removed // . Roughly translated; the head is so far up the "dark place" that the vision has been lost. coffee1.gif On a lighter note I tell my crew to drive slowly, so they can live longer and have more fun, but to use a condom when they do. giggle.gif Sometimes you have to come around the corner on them...biggrin.png

Edited by metisdead
: This is an English language forum, post in English.
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Would be nice if girls remembered to take the pill. No good coming out suddenly and saying "pregnant". Have had 2 bad experiences. In 2010 a school friend who was going steady with me for 6 months. She suddenly got pregnant. I was shocked. The girl just 16 y.o. was thrilled and so were her Thai parents. It took Dad's intervention (my last resort and I was made to suffercrying.gif ) to get the girl's family to re-consider. A second time just a few months back a lady working in one of the family businesses began going out with me. She's about 15 years older than me. Almost my Mum :-) LOL. Anyway, during the weekends I stayed at her home I became friends with her 17 y.o. daughter. Before you knew it the daughter got pregnant. They were delighted, the mum included. Again it took my family intervention to get them to understand that it was not okay.

sigh.....Thai women all seem to want babies whenever things are going well.

Never a care for the right time or the future or how the bloke feels.

For me its been two very expensive involvements, and I'm not even 20 as yet.

Be nice if horny young men remembered to use a condom. the first mistake i can understand....but the second? Wake up young fella!

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Would be nice if girls remembered to take the pill. No good coming out suddenly and saying "pregnant". Have had 2 bad experiences. In 2010 a school friend who was going steady with me for 6 months. She suddenly got pregnant. I was shocked. The girl just 16 y.o. was thrilled and so were her Thai parents. It took Dad's intervention (my last resort and I was made to suffercrying.gif ) to get the girl's family to re-consider. A second time just a few months back a lady working in one of the family businesses began going out with me. She's about 15 years older than me. Almost my Mum :-) LOL. Anyway, during the weekends I stayed at her home I became friends with her 17 y.o. daughter. Before you knew it the daughter got pregnant. They were delighted, the mum included. Again it took my family intervention to get them to understand that it was not okay.

sigh.....Thai women all seem to want babies whenever things are going well.

Never a care for the right time or the future or how the bloke feels.

For me its been two very expensive involvements, and I'm not even 20 as yet.

So, have you learned anything yet ?

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