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Blood Shortage


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My mother needs to have an operation at change Mai Ram and she has Rhesus Negative Type B blood.

The hospital will not perform the operation without having either Rhesus Negative Type B or O blood available, in case a transfusion becomes necessary.

At the moment they have no supply, nor are able to get any from Bangkok.

The operation can certainly wait, though she is in some pain.

If anyone can, please donate on the first floor at Chiang Mai Ram. They have an upper age limit of 60 for donations.

Thanks in advance


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Sad news

There is also a life and death situation here on Phuket at the moment because they need O neg for an heart op.

I see lots of drunken farang idiots here in Phuket crashing their motorbikes.

I've yet to see a single one of them at the blood bank.

Edited by Phronesis
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B- is a rare one, as the OP and his mother will know very well. About one or two per cent of the population in most countries.

I do hope a few kind souls will answer the call.

My Uncle Joe was B- and in his home town -- this was in Britain -- the hospital had his phone number. He was a blood donor for many years, but not at the usual six-monthly sessions. The hospital would phone him when they needed a fresh pint urgently. That might be at any time of the day or night, but then he and some other local B- donors who could make it would get along to the hospital and help save a life. Rather an intelligent system, I always thought.

-- Jez (A+ and common as dirt)

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The problem is that, as I understand it, Asians don't have neg blood groups. Email Lanna Care Net Iain, they may have some contacts. Other than that, Western consulates need to do more to set up a bank of potential donors. anyone out there with neg blood group needs to advise their consulate of this so that a bank can be built up.

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