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How Well Do You Know The Thai National Anthem? Compared To Your Native Anthem?

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Ok the question is how well do you know the Thai national anthem? And do you know it as well, better, or worst than the national anthem of your home country?

Like without anybody accompanying you, could you sing the Thai national anthem word for word note for note? Or could you get by mumbling most of the words if you were in a crowd? Or if a crowd was singing the national anthem would you have to stand there and remain quiet.

And how would your familiarity of the Thai national compare with the familiarity to your native national anthem?

I think that I would be able to passably sing the Thai national anthem in a crowd, probably not if I was solo. I think I may probably do better with the Thai national anthem than the United States star spangled banner. The Thai national anthem is actually a lot shorter, is more melodic, and is played more often in Thailand than the anthem of the u.s. I mean if you are in Thailand you hear he Thai national anthem at least twice a day and when it's playing you are expected to listen to it. In the states you never really hear the national anthem except at a sporting event. And then the star spangled banner is so long. I just looked at the words recently and I do not know most of them. Basically it's "oh say can you see by the dawn's early light..." Blah blah blah blah blah blah......."and the land of the free and the home of the brave".

And as a comparison, I have reviewed the national anthems of the uk, Canada, and Germany for comparison. I have found them all equally lengthy, and not very catchy tunes. At least with the Thai national anthem...all it's not very lengthy in comparison.

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National anthems, symbols of nationalistic, militaristic nonsense. The Thai anthem is appreciated for it's brevity and not for content. My favorite is the Kazakstan (parody) anthem on the Borat film, followed by the internationalist tinged French anthem.

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I can recognize the Thai national anthem biggrin.png

Growing up, I sang the Canadian anthem regularly, but they've changed the words to it and if I try singing it I get so tangled up that I forget the melody as well wub.png

I do a good job of standing attentively when either of them is played, though clap2.gif


About 1 year into XXX attempt to learn Thai, I attended a Rotary Club meeting in Udon. At the beginning of the meeting, the members (all Thai except for me) sang the anthem. I told myself I'd learn it.......and did. It took a while, but in the end, I could recite it, sing it, and type it.

I haven't typed it in a long while, but I can still sing it......I'd guess 99% correctly.

After I learned the Thai anthem, I thought to myself.......can I sing the US anthem? I couldn't remember it all......so that's part of my meditation while I'm waiting for a catfish to bite in my backyard pond......a quick do over of the both anthems. Usually in the middle of one or the other, a catfish bites and I forget all about the anthems.


I recognize it but can not sing it...nor do I want to learn.

I know the National Anthem of my homecountry and I don't like it much either.

In general, I don't see much good coming from patriotism, because it mostly gets interpreted in a manner that gives me a headache.

Nationalistic pride is just ridiculous.


Off topic slightly but lately my wifes been playing this to our daughter. Its so stuck in my head....press play if you dare!

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"Or if a crowd was singing the national anthem would you have to stand there and remain quiet."

Looking at the translation wouldn't it be better for a falang to remain quiet?

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Which anthem do you refer to, Thailand has 2, one for the King and one for the country.

I'm from OZ and sang God save the Queen at school and know the words, simple song. Advance Australia fair is another story, don't really know the whole song. Jim


Which anthem do you refer to, Thailand has 2, one for the King and one for the country.

There is only one formal Thai National Anthem currently which is what the OP asked about, the one played at 8:00 and 18:00 daily. This was introduced in 1932 with two modifications since. Prior to this (1932) the Royal Anthem was used.

Thai National Anthem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jingoistic claptrap.

My stepdaughter left LOS when she was 3 but reads & speaks Thai fluently. And that took a fair bit of determination from both wife and daughter. She noticed a sign in a Thai shop window near her college (London) wanting part time assistants and went in to ask about it. The owner, who is rather fond of his yellow shirts, asked if she could sing the Thai national anthem, when she replied that she didn't think she could he informed her that then she wasn't really Thai. She shook her head in disbelief and laughed and left. That was a year ago.

Since then visa restrictions on Thai students & others means the pool of available talent has shrunk dramatically and now she only has to walk past the shop for him to dart out and plead with her, seems her inability to sing the national anthem is no longer so important smile.png

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Which anthem do you refer to, Thailand has 2, one for the King and one for the country.

There is only one formal Thai National Anthem currently which is what the OP asked about, the one played at 8:00 and 18:00 daily. This was introduced in 1932 with two modifications since. Prior to this (1932) the Royal National Anthem was used.

Thanks, I have no idea of the words or proper pronouciation, but I feel so brain washed by it I thin I know it very well now, and I could stand up proudly and sign it at full volume and trick all the Thais that I know it well.


I could probably sing as much as what my students do lol. As they sing the anthem every morning but only the first line (sung by the teacher starting them off using a microphone) is really audible, the rest sounds like 2800 voices mumbling. So I can only hum or mumble the rest lol

NZ's national anthem I know pretty well, I even know most of the Maori verse lol, but sometimes get lines mixed up and end up singing a repeating loop lol


I can sing it all the way through,it was my party trick for a long time.

Well done you.

Personally I do not go in for any imposed values or wishes, but I do love music, especially music with a message, when that message tells you to just follow your own path, not one that some intransigent entity has allegedly designed for you (for their benefit)

My anthem is this..............

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I can sing both - The Thai one, and my own....but it ain¨t pretty. I can sing the royal "anthem" as well, but then again, hold your ears....


I don't understand why a non-Thai citizen would wish to sing the Thai national anthem. w00t.gif

After I have seen the translation...I don't know either!

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I don't understand why a non-Thai citizen would wish to sing the Thai national anthem. w00t.gif

I don't understand how anyone living here would not wish to learn it, apart from those with absolutely no interest in the Thai language or culture.

I can sing both the songs, however do not. If I apply for citizenship then I have to sing them both in a room full of people.


I don't understand why a non-Thai citizen would wish to sing the Thai national anthem. w00t.gif

I don't understand how anyone living here would not wish to learn it, apart from those with absolutely no interest in the Thai language or culture.

I can sing both the songs, however do not. If I apply for citizenship then I have to sing them both in a room full of people.

You are my hero! coffee1.gif


I don't understand why a non-Thai citizen would wish to sing the Thai national anthem. w00t.gif

I don't understand how anyone living here would not wish to learn it, apart from those with absolutely no interest in the Thai language or culture.

I can sing both the songs, however do not. If I apply for citizenship then I have to sing them both in a room full of people.

You are my hero! coffee1.gif

Why, it's not exactly difficult?


I don't understand why a non-Thai citizen would wish to sing the Thai national anthem. w00t.gif

To prove their Thaier than Thai ?

Probably the same reason Thai people want to sing English or Korean or Japanese songs. For the fun of it. Just because you can't your reply is make fun at those that can???

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I recognize it but can not sing it...nor do I want to learn.

I know the National Anthem of my homecountry and I don't like it much either.

In general, I don't see much good coming from patriotism, because it mostly gets interpreted in a manner that gives me a headache.

Nationalistic pride is just ridiculous.

What is ridiculous about National pride? What country do you come from?


Australia"s national anthem

oh its a lonesome away from your kindred and all

by the campfire at night we will hear the dingos call

but there's nothing more lonesome morbid and drear

than to stand in a bar in a pub with no beer

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