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Use TOT for internet connection for TV and computer and it is gradually getting worse,regularly cutting out and generally slow.

So, today I went to order 3BB on the recommendation of friends and my neighbour.

Went through the "sign up" procedure at which point the young lady said I would have to pay 6 months in advance. Bit much I thought but was going to proceed and asked "is it the same for Thais?". No she said, "only for foreigners".

As the thread title says this type of thing is one of the very few pet hates I have regarding Thailand, the place we have lived for 11 years and regard as home,have a Tabien Baan etc.

So now it's back to TOT to see if they can fix the ongoing problems. Will not be using 3BB.

Rant over.



They didn't do that to me in Bangkok, but I did have to set someone up with the rest of my year when I moved back to Chiang Mai after six months. Our relatively high mobility probably has a lot to do with the offending policy.

I ran into another annoyance when I tried to sign on here. Entrenched corruption. The resident mafia who manage my building pull everything off satellite feeds and divvy up among 200+ residents. Slow isn't the word for what I usually get.

3BB told me under no circumstances were they allowed to wire a new customer.


Take your house book (yellow one, yes?) and tell them you are a resident here and not a tourist or wanna be resident. A Tabian bahn goes a long way....sometimes. Obviously you will have to talk to someone else and not the same person as before. Good luck.


Take your house book (yellow one, yes?) and tell them you are a resident here and not a tourist or wanna be resident. A Tabian bahn goes a long way....sometimes. Obviously you will have to talk to someone else and not the same person as before. Good luck.

I already asked and it was a definite no!


We just had it organised for our new house.

No advance payment needed.

My wife even asked was her Tabien Baan or anything needed, no was the answer. Just a form of ID.


We just had it organised for our new house.

No advance payment needed.

My wife even asked was her Tabien Baan or anything needed, no was the answer. Just a form of ID.

Is your wife Thai?


We just had it organised for our new house.

No advance payment needed.

My wife even asked was her Tabien Baan or anything needed, no was the answer. Just a form of ID.

Is your wife Thai?



I signed up for 3BB two years ago and did NOT have to pay six months in advance here in the Doi Saket area. and I'm renting!

Same here. Two locations now and no advance payment though I did present a work permit. Many 3BB offices around, try another one as one sometimes has to do for a bank account. wink.png


Try and sign up to 3BB online. It says 1 month in advance plus deposit on modem. This is on the english language website.

Do you have any glitches on your credit record that may be the reason for 6 months in advance? Just asking as I have never heard on this type of ripoff on foreigners before.



Signed up to 3BB at the airport plaza, had to pay 6 months in advance, around 4500 baht for 6 months, no big deal, they came and installed it a couple

of days later, haven t had 1 problem with the connection in 3 months, never been down once, maybe that ll change in the rainy season but so far it has been faultless, pages take about a second to download and can watch documentaries on youtube no problem, also im 20km out of town and up until about 18 months ago could nt even get a connection without having to install a big satellite dish out front,

Only thing that pissed me off was after I signed the contract they

wanted another 700 baht because their free installation only covered

X amount of meters but other than that I have been pleasantly surprised

with 3BB s reliability,



So either you are required to pay six months in advance, or you're not. Not surprising; in any beauracracy rules are open to interpretation, but in Thailand you are totally at the mercy of the petty decision maker you are dealing with. Check some of the threads on opening a bank account for similar stories.

I don't know how many places there are that will let you sign up for 3Bb, but if you shop around you may find a more accomodating sales person.


3BB at Big C Hangdong no advance payment required.

My wife just told me they only wanted Id, nothing else.

That is where I went this morning! But then I am not Thai.

Litlos - just "signed up online although they did not ask for cc details, just a note in Thai to say they had received my application and would get back to me.


They did have a "special package" that I signed up for.

"Special promotion for every package. Apply today, get free

(1) Registration fee of 100 THB (2) Installation fee of 3,585 THB (3) Connector box fee 100 THB (4) Internal wiring fee of 320 THB

Promotion details (For new customers)

• Require one-month advance payment

• Pay 100 baht equipment deposit fee (Deposit fee will be refunded when the contract is terminated and router is returned in fine condition.) Receive a loan of one-port router (value 1,600 baht) or the right to purchase four-port wireless router at the price of 999 baht or an option to purchase 4 port wireless router at 999 baht."

Be interesting to see the result. TIT



Earlier this week Hubby visited the 3B and True offices in KSK to inquire about starting internet service. We had been on an AIS 3G contract, but their special "one year" promotion had finally died after three years. (It was a very good value while it lasted)

Anyway, both 3B and True said they required 6 months up-front payment. This, despite being here for years on 12-month retirement extensions. They said if either of us had a work permit, they would not require that 6 month deposit, but otherwise they weren't impressed with our history of 12-month retirement extensions.

Incidentally, we're already customers of True TV, which does bill us monthly and didn't require 6 months payment up-front. So, Hubby and I went to talk to the True people together (I had set up the TV service.) That credit history didn't cause the same True customer service reps who process our TV payment each month to waive their 6 month upfront payment rule for internet. (Incidentally, the monthly True TV service costs more than their internet service!)


How many years have you been here, Nancy?

I have 2 accounts with 3BB, 1 true TV, and 1 True Move H. The only deposit I have made was for the tv when it was UBC "many" years ago. I got my deposit back from UBC "many" years ago.

I have had numerous isp accounts and never made a deposit.

I don't doubt anyone being asked to make deposits or advance payments. I wonder why some branches ask now and some branches of the same business do not.



How many years have you been here, Nancy?

I have 2 accounts with 3BB, 1 true TV, and 1 True Move H. The only deposit I have made was for the tv when it was UBC "many" years ago. I got my deposit back from UBC "many" years ago.

I have had numerous isp accounts and never made a deposit.

I don't doubt anyone being asked to make deposits or advance payments. I wonder why some branches ask now and some branches of the same business do not.


Been here four years, all of it on retirement visas and extensions. Have had a True TV account for just a few months, though, but no problem with them starting it up with only a minimal deposit for their equipment. We have several large accounts at Bangkok Bank.

Frankly, their request didn't bother me much. I'd rather pay several months in advance and not have to worry about missing a monthly payment due date, like we've done a time or two with the electric company (it's a pain to go to their office to pay). I used to pay WETV a year in advance, but they gave you a nice discount when you did that.

I just find it odd that True wants me to pay six months in advance for internet but not for TV service. Same office, same customer service reps. Oh well, I guess if Thailand ever ceases to hold surprises then it's time to pack it up and leave.


How many years have you been here, Nancy?

I have 2 accounts with 3BB, 1 true TV, and 1 True Move H. The only deposit I have made was for the tv when it was UBC "many" years ago. I got my deposit back from UBC "many" years ago.

I have had numerous isp accounts and never made a deposit.

I don't doubt anyone being asked to make deposits or advance payments. I wonder why some branches ask now and some branches of the same business do not.


Been here four years, all of it on retirement visas and extensions. Have had a True TV account for just a few months, though, but no problem with them starting it up with only a minimal deposit for their equipment. We have several large accounts at Bangkok Bank.

Frankly, their request didn't bother me much. I'd rather pay several months in advance and not have to worry about missing a monthly payment due date, like we've done a time or two with the electric company (it's a pain to go to their office to pay). I used to pay WETV a year in advance, but they gave you a nice discount when you did that.

I just find it odd that True wants me to pay six months in advance for internet but not for TV service. Same office, same customer service reps. Oh well, I guess if Thailand ever ceases to hold surprises then it's time to pack it up and leave.

Thank you for the information. I understand about True departments. I have had their service for a while and it made not one bit of difference to them when I opened a TrueMove H account.

Maybe there has been a change in how businesses are treating non-Thai nationals. There certainly seems to be more of them, and I would guess there are also changes in business practices.

Thanks again,



How is this for misrepresentation and false advertising?


I applied online for the package as advertised. Had a call from a 3BB representative confirming I wanted to use their service and I said yes, for the package as advertised on your English webpage on 3BB.co.th!

Then he says it is 6 months deposit for foreigners despite the website having nothing to indicate as such. In fact I asked why it was in English (There is also a Thai version) and not available to foreigners and of course there was no intelligible answer.

Not too many countries where you get away with this type of advertising. TIT


How is this for misrepresentation and false advertising?


I applied online for the package as advertised. Had a call from a 3BB representative confirming I wanted to use their service and I said yes, for the package as advertised on your English webpage on 3BB.co.th!

Then he says it is 6 months deposit for foreigners despite the website having nothing to indicate as such. In fact I asked why it was in English (There is also a Thai version) and not available to foreigners and of course there was no intelligible answer.

Not too many countries where you get away with this type of advertising. TIT


The caller was probably from the same office you enquired at ;)

sent from my ..................#

How is this for misrepresentation and false advertising?


I applied online for the package as advertised. Had a call from a 3BB representative confirming I wanted to use their service and I said yes, for the package as advertised on your English webpage on 3BB.co.th!

Then he says it is 6 months deposit for foreigners despite the website having nothing to indicate as such. In fact I asked why it was in English (There is also a Thai version) and not available to foreigners and of course there was no intelligible answer.

Not too many countries where you get away with this type of advertising. TIT


The caller was probably from the same office you enquired at ;)

sent from my ..................#

Online application!

How is this for misrepresentation and false advertising?


I applied online for the package as advertised. Had a call from a 3BB representative confirming I wanted to use their service and I said yes, for the package as advertised on your English webpage on 3BB.co.th!

Then he says it is 6 months deposit for foreigners despite the website having nothing to indicate as such. In fact I asked why it was in English (There is also a Thai version) and not available to foreigners and of course there was no intelligible answer.

Not too many countries where you get away with this type of advertising. TIT


The caller was probably from the same office you enquired at ;)

sent from my ..................#

Online application!

Yes. I can read thanks :D

My point is that possibly it was forwarded to you local branch as they are the ones that deal with the LOCAL area. But your right... maybe not. Maybe they send some one out from the Bkk head office to install.

sent from my Q6

How is this for misrepresentation and false advertising?


I applied online for the package as advertised. Had a call from a 3BB representative confirming I wanted to use their service and I said yes, for the package as advertised on your English webpage on 3BB.co.th!

Then he says it is 6 months deposit for foreigners despite the website having nothing to indicate as such. In fact I asked why it was in English (There is also a Thai version) and not available to foreigners and of course there was no intelligible answer.

Not too many countries where you get away with this type of advertising. TIT


The caller was probably from the same office you enquired at wink.png

sent from my ..................#

Online application!

Yes. I can read thanks biggrin.png

My point is that possibly it was forwarded to you local branch as they are the ones that deal with the LOCAL area. But your right... maybe not. Maybe they send some one out from the Bkk head office to install.

sent from my Q6



Wow. Thailand. You do seem like an angry and unpleasant person.

But never mind. I'm happy with my 3BB. Didn't have to pay 6mths either.

  • Like 1

Wow. Thailand. You do seem like an angry and unpleasant person.

But never mind. I'm happy with my 3BB. Didn't have to pay 6mths either.

The reference emoticon "stupid me" was to myself for not getting your post! smile.png

But glad to hear you are happy with 3BB


Wow. Thailand. You do seem like an angry and unpleasant person.

But never mind. I'm happy with my 3BB. Didn't have to pay 6mths either.

The reference emoticon "stupid me" was to myself for not getting your post! smile.png

But glad to hear you are happy with 3BB

OK. No problem

I didn't see the "me" because the Android app covers it with the word GIF.


Final update. I was going to bite the bullet and have a Thai friend act on my behalf and get 3BB.

However thanks to the delays with 3BB TOT finally sent a technician who knew what he was doing and I now have faster better connection than I had ever had before,even the internet TV reception is much better. Also on his recommendation the 10 year old wiring to my house will be changed next week by TOT for,in his words" "an even better performance".

Early days,but finally kudos to TOT and I haven't had to go against my limited principles and use a company that has double standards and discriminates against foreigners.

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