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Abhisit Vejjajiva


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Abhisit is 42.

Thais tell me that Thais think he is "too young"... :D "Not enough seniority"

u see ? he is a funny kid.. he wanna be a PM , but he doesnt want to do a competition for next election on 2nd April

he cliam he is a democracy(maybe democrazy) guy, who doesnt want to be a nominee in next election

just a lil boy who just wanna play a game to be a head master in a school (grade 4)

gimme a break :o

PS.. ok, old enough for erection :D

Edited by BambinA
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Abhisit is 42.

Thais tell me that Thais think he is "too young"... :D "Not enough seniority"

u see ? he is a funny kid.. he wanna be a PM , but he doesnt want to do a competition for next election on 2nd April

he cliam he is a democracy(maybe democrazy) guy, who doesnt want to be a nominee in next election

just a lil boy who just wanna play a game to be a head master in a school (grade 4)

gimme a break :o

PS.. ok, old enough for erection :D

He does look a bit baby-faced, but Tony Blair was only 43 when he became the Prime Minister in the UK.

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he is a fag who married wit a dentist

Bambina is a very beautiful woman (now)

Also an incredibly intelligent woman and has a heart of gold.

A bit of contradiction in the "heart of gold" category.

But anyway... some background:

Abhisit Vejjajiva is a Thai politician. Since February 2005, he has been serving as leader of the opposition Democrat Party.

Abhisit was born in 1964 in the U.K. After graduating from Eton College, he enrolled at Oxford University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (first class honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and a Master’s degree in economics. He also received his Bachelor’s degree in law from Ramkamhaeng University, Thailand. After graduation, he taught economics at Thammasat University and Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He started his career in politics in 1992 as a Democrat MP for Bangkok. He was reelected to the same seat in 1995 and 1996. In the elections of 2001 and 2005, he was returned to parliament as a Party List MP for the Democrat Party. Throughout his political career, he has served as Democrat Party spokesman, Government spokesman, Deputy-Secretary to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Chairman of the House Education Affairs Committee and Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva is married to dentist Pimpen Sakuntabhai. They have two children.


As a side benefit for foreigners, he is very literate and his English is very easily understood and coherent... unlike the PhD "Dr." Thaksin.

He sounds like a man I'd vote for... Tell me if I'm wrong but isn't Taksin degree in criminal justice?

NEVER make a cop into a politician... BIG mistake!


You're not wrong... and in light of the drug war slaughter and the Tak Bae massacre, he chose a very appropriate thesis:

Curiously, "Dr." Thaksin's doctoral thesis was on why criminal justice practitioners tend to break the law. The opening page of it reproduces press reports of police beating and otherwise abusing people.

- "Thaksin, by Phongpaichit and Baker"

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Thank you to those that have given a constructive and informative answer. To the others - haven't you got anything better to do?

It may be too early for Abhisit this time but if he remains unscathed in this shot gun election then who knows! I can see Thailand having two or three general elections in the next two years for one reason or another and if TRT unravel then it may be the Democrats turn again!

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You don't like him do you? :o

It's okay you can be honest about your feelings on this issue. :D

i do not 'dont like" him

i just hate him

for Tukky .. im soso with

corruption u can find with any goverment

Chaun Did

Mark(Abhisit) did

Tukky did

all did /do the same .. more or less but corruption is corruption

but who makes LOS improve/ thats a deal for me

hope less for democrate.. no good /gut policies to fight with TRT right now

if u wanna talk about it with me, trying in Thai .. im pidgin in eng!!

ps.. i dont mean u TBB

sorry i just fight with some friends today ... lol

Edited by BambinA
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You don't like him do you? :o

It's okay you can be honest about your feelings on this issue. :D

i do not 'dont like" him

i just hate him

for Tukky .. im soso with

corruption u can find with any goverment

Chaun Did

Mark(Abhisit) did

Tukky did

all did /do the same .. much or less but corruption is corruption

but who makes LOS improve/ thats a deal for me

hope less for democrate.. no good /gut policies to fight with TRT right now

if u wanna talk about it with me, trying in Thai .. im pidgin in eng!!

ps.. i dont mean u TBB

sorry i just fight with some friends today ... lol

I'm cool, no worries. :D

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he is a fag who married wit a dentist

Bambina is a very beautiful woman (now)

Also an incredibly intelligent woman and has a heart of gold.

A bit of contradiction in the "heart of gold" category.

But anyway... some background:

Abhisit Vejjajiva is a Thai politician. Since February 2005, he has been serving as leader of the opposition Democrat Party.

Abhisit was born in 1964 in the U.K. After graduating from Eton College, he enrolled at Oxford University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (first class honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and a Master’s degree in economics. He also received his Bachelor’s degree in law from Ramkamhaeng University, Thailand. After graduation, he taught economics at Thammasat University and Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He started his career in politics in 1992 as a Democrat MP for Bangkok. He was reelected to the same seat in 1995 and 1996. In the elections of 2001 and 2005, he was returned to parliament as a Party List MP for the Democrat Party. Throughout his political career, he has served as Democrat Party spokesman, Government spokesman, Deputy-Secretary to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Chairman of the House Education Affairs Committee and Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva is married to dentist Pimpen Sakuntabhai. They have two children.


As a side benefit for foreigners, he is very literate and his English is very easily understood and coherent... unlike the PhD "Dr." Thaksin.

Regardless of Bambi’s childish and irreverent statement, this guy Abhisit has had a first class education and for sure he is a PM in the making. There is nothing wrong with a younger person taking the helm as did Tony Blair whom, love him or hate him done a great job until the war in Iraq messed him up.

I would add that I have not been a member of the hate Taksin brigade and for sure he did improve Thailand’s standing apart from his human rights issues. :o However, his very recent actions have bought the countries elder fathers to stir and thus he has failed. Simply, he must now go.

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> He wanna be a PM , but he doesnt want to do a competition for next

> election on 2nd April. He claims he is a democracy (maybe democrazy)

> guy, who doesnt want to be a nominee in next election. gimme a break

That's what my wife told me yesterday after watching the news. I think that would be lame beyond words. And disappointing, and spineless, and un-democratic, and childish.

However I checked the newspapers (on the web) today and I read nothing about him threatening not to run. Anyone has any sources or is it just the TV news that didn't get across well yesterday?



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By the way, you're a true asset to this forum, but seriously I don't think you need any homophobe slurs to discuss this topic, no matter what his sexual orientation is. It's offensive to gays when homosexuality is used as bad / cuss word.

Now bend over. :o


Chanchao (getting a ruler)

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From what I can tell, it's not Thaksin's recent activities that were illegal (i.e. children selling company through SET and not having to pay tax). All that is fine legally--at least technically. The illegalities involve having undeclared assets, undeclared transfer of assets, and violations of SEC regulations of neglecting to make tender offers following nondeclared transfer of assets. Some of these activities Thaksin was actually found guilty of in 2000, but the court decision was later overturned following his first landslide political win.

One area I haven't seen widely discussed is how did all that wealth get offshore, and when? I really don't buy the excuse that Ample Rich was necessary for a NASDAQ listing. The rumours in the capital markets at the time was that Thaksin moved his money just prior to the baht's flotation, and was one of several politicians who may have been the "straw that broke the camel's back." You need special Bank of Thailand permission to move sizeable sums offshore, and good reason to do so. If Thaksin benefited from his timing while helping to bankrupt the country (i.e., moved money offshore at Bt25/US$ exchange rate, baht floats, country goes through major financial turmoil, now he brings it back onshore tax free at an exchange rate of Bt40/US$--hmmmm..... of course, Thaksin was able to blame it all the country's economic troubles on the Democrats, and the IMF....

I do wonder why some of said Democrats aren't going after that angle. Maybe they too have skeletons in the closet?

Edited by Oye at Home
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Anyway, dragging people away from Bambi and back to Abhisit again, I since found the article on the proposed boycott.


I think that's WORSE then what Taksin has ever done. And Sanoh is one of the biggest crooks ever. Yuck, what a mess.

Believe me, if anyone thought they had a shot at beating Taksin in a fair election then they wouldn't be boycotting it. It's a disgrace to democracy and the constitution.

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Anyway, dragging people away from Bambi and back to Abhisit again, I since found the article on the proposed boycott.


I think that's WORSE then what Taksin has ever done. And Sanoh is one of the biggest crooks ever. Yuck, what a mess.

Believe me, if anyone thought they had a shot at beating Taksin in a fair election then they wouldn't be boycotting it. It's a disgrace to democracy and the constitution.

From what I understand, Sanoh is boycotting because he doesn't have enough time to jump ship and for sure he will win his area. If the snap election were in 100 days, he would be jumping for joy (AFAIU).

For the other parties, they have been played into a corner without much thanks to guys like Sondhi; now Thaksin has beaten them and they know it; he will win Isaan again in the same way; he already has the north; and BKK plus the south won't be enough to block him. With this, like Bush he can claim a 'mandate' to do things his way.

I think it is quite masterly in some ways; he appears to give in, thus winning himself more respect, while not really giving any chance for anyone to change parties and without any likelihood that he can lose Isaan either.

Guys like Sanoh, Sonthiya et al would jump ship if they could, but this 90 day thing has them locked in AFAIU.

The Democrats and opposition end up looking like Gore here - probably right in principle, but looking like a complaining loser - better to fight honourably I think.

My guess is that some force with enough power to make it happen may push the snap election to be held in 100 days rather than 60; but otherwise it is 4 more years of Square head.

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You don't like him do you? :o

It's okay you can be honest about your feelings on this issue. :D

i do not 'dont like" him

i just hate him

for Tukky .. im soso with

corruption u can find with any goverment

Chaun Did

Mark(Abhisit) did

Tukky did

all did /do the same .. more or less but corruption is corruption

but who makes LOS improve/ thats a deal for me

hope less for democrate.. no good /gut policies to fight with TRT right now

if u wanna talk about it with me, trying in Thai .. im pidgin in eng!!

ps.. i dont mean u TBB

sorry i just fight with some friends today ... lol

As far as I'm concern, It'll never get better unless Majesty Bhumibol get involved in politic. The people love and trust him, so, let him nominate a candidate.

BTW, how can you be "soso" with a PM who is raping every breath out of this country?.

Being away from Thailand so long, may be i'm not intouch as I thought I was :D

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How rude you are! :o

1)Where are there rules which states "Perfect English is a pre-requisite" to be a doctor

2) Do you know her? Why would you think she was lying?

3) how does her being a doctor or not fit into this topic of discussion anyway

FYI, I know several doctors & dentists who's been praticing for years without the ability to speaking english

Edit: While you're spot on, let's not go there in this discussion. Elsewhere, no prob. /Chanchao

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> As far as I'm concern, It'll never get better unless Majesty Bhumibol get

> involved in politic. The people love and trust him, so, let him nominate a

> candidate.

Doesn't happen. Would be pretty inappropriate for any monarch in any constitutional monarchy to get directly involved in political squabbles. He hasn't done so before and won't do so now. About the only thing I can see is making a speech intended to bring people together and provide a face-saving way forward.

(Interesting actually, when HM the King indicates that you're on the wrong track then you don't lose face because by complying you actually gain more face than you've lost from being seen to be wrong.)

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From today's Bangkok Post:

Senators critical of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will seek to invoke Section 7 of the constitution after his resignation and ask His Majesty the King to install an interim government....

Section 7 states that customs and conventions practised under the constitutional monarchy will be applied in situations not covered by the constitution.

The link will work only today, Wednesday, 1 March.


Democrats, including Abhisit, should run on their real strength - rule of law. Taksin has left big shoes to fill - he sticks his nose everywhere and micromanages everything and everyone, which is absolutely unnesessary. Peole expect the next PM to do the same and wonder if Abhisit can be trusted with making snap decisions on every issue under the sun.

If Democrats can get the message across that Thailand needs to set the SYSTEM in place, not a one man show, Abhisit might have a chance.

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> As far as I'm concern, It'll never get better unless Majesty Bhumibol get

> involved in politic. The people love and trust him, so, let him nominate a

> candidate.

Doesn't happen. Would be pretty inappropriate for any monarch in any constitutional monarchy to get directly involved in political squabbles. He hasn't done so before and won't do so now. About the only thing I can see is making a speech intended to bring people together and provide a face-saving way forward.

(Interesting actually, when HM the King indicates that you're on the wrong track then you don't lose face because by complying you actually gain more face than you've lost from being seen to be wrong.)

It just goes to show you how much power, respect and admiration the Thai people have for him.

I'm not sure if "inappropriate" is the right word. Thailand love for HM the king is like no other in this world. If he ever to announce a candidate, I be willing to bet that the person would be elected.

However, I do agree with you that he would never get involved in any political squabbles. Shame though, it could potentially help his people moral and elevate their trust for the gov't. Interesting thought never the less.

Edited by Misplaced
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Some education / leadership on the concept of vote-buying would certainly be very helpful.... It's funny because Thailand's democratic process is actually pretty solid: a proper consitution, free and anonymous voting in peace, very well organized elections, more than enough polling stations that are well staffed.

So absolutely all elections run like clockwork, the only problem is that so many upcountry people think it's the HONOURABLE thing to do to vote for the guy who just gave you a couple hundred baht, then go over to his places for the party, instead of research the issues and programs.

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He reminds me of John Kerry, the candidate who ran against Bush.

He looks the part, but has accomplished nothing and his entire campaign is based on hating the other candidate.

The difference between all 3 are:

George Bush ~ a bull shitter

John Kerry ~ an exaggerator

Abhisit Vejjajiva ~ soon we'll find out, from what I hear, He's honest hmmmm.we'll see

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...From what I understand, Sanoh is boycotting because he doesn't have enough time to jump ship and for sure he will win his area. If the snap election were in 100 days, he would be jumping for joy (AFAIU).


Guys like Sanoh, Sonthiya et al would jump ship if they could, but this 90 day thing has them locked in AFAIU.

It’s in the Constitution, I believe:

1. An MP cannot run for election if he changes party within 90 days before the election.

2. When parliament is dissolved, new elections must be held within 60 days.

What party was in power when this constitution was written in 1997? The Democrats, I believe. And now it helps Thaksin have a hold on his MPs.

Incidentally, who, aside from me, has read Thailand’s Constitution?



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He reminds me of John Kerry, the candidate who ran against Bush.

He looks the part, but has accomplished nothing and his entire campaign is based on hating the other candidate.

Utilizing your own logic -

Abhisit: Accomplished nothing

Gurkle: Accomplished less than Abhisit (feel free to produce your bio if this is inaccurate)


Gurkle is less than nothing

Edited by sriracha john
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he is a fag who married wit a dentist

A 'fag' ?! I hope this is just a silly remark, Bambina. If not, then it is a terrible thing to say.

Bambina, do you know that it is a derogatory term ?!

I have never thought of you to be anti-gay (I hardly ever come across anti-gay Thai females, by the way).....but maybe I have been wrong.

If so......sad !

Jem, always against bigotry (I guess now some of the bigots and anti-PC brigade in here will resort to the 'you are anti-bigot and thus also a bigot' argument which is silly at best).

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> (I guess now some of the bigots and anti-PC brigade in

> here will resort to the 'you are anti-bigot and thus also a bigot' argument

> which is silly at best).

No they won't, as that would be way off topic here, and so was your post. (I informed her it was inappropriate in an earlier post.)

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