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Night Shots, Outdoor In Thailand

Kan Win

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Taksin Boat Trails by mrhitchens, on Flickr

I agree with Shaggy ... awesome MrH!

How did you manage to make a 225s exposure? Were you using ND filters? How did you decide on the length of exposure?

The process the really simple mate, only thing needed is body, lens and tripod.

These are the steps I used to create the image, its a two part process thats all

Base Image

1. Shoot the base image as normal, as I remember f22,25s,ISO100

Boat Trails

1. For the boat trails it was just a case of choosing a point in the distance where I was happy for them to end.

Using bulb mode I opened the shutter as the boats came into frame and closed when it reached the end point. I took 6 exposures to get enough trails.


1. Imported all the images into Photoshop as layers

2. Selected all the boat trail images and changed the blend mode to lighten, which merged all the boat trails into one image.

3. Merged the base image with the boat trails image by Creating a layer mask to blend both images.

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simple for you maybe ...smile.pngsmile.png ..mm

Its just a case of picturing the shot, before you start shooting and then working out the simplest way to get the achieve the end image, well thats the way I always look at any shot anyway^^

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You could always improvise in many ways, tripods are great but can be a PITA to carry around.

Think I cant upload more that 2 vids per post so its a link

There is a video with a piece of string with 2 loops for round your feet threaded through a hoop that screws into your tripod thread, can t find it though its on there great tip.

Edited by rhythmworx
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I was just practising 1/4- 1/8 shots in low light handheld this morning, rythem. I always love angry photographers opinions and tips and this way of putting tension on the camera using rubber bands seems like a great way to accomplish th 1/4 shots without a tripod. My own solution from this morning wos as well and is more simple then the angry photographer's.

I mount my mini tripod on the cam and lock it horizontally to the cam instead of straight. Then I create tension by pusing the feet of the tripod on my chest or belly button. That's it. I'll show some exaples later.

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Are you saying this exposure was 1.3 seconds, DAL? If that's correct, you could have reduced the length of the exposure to 1/8th of a second by changing your aperture to f/2.8 and still have had everything from 3.0m to infinity in focus.

Or, are you simply demonstrating your patented mini-tripod against chest long-exposure technique? biggrin.png

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I guess we all have our personal preference regarding light/dark/contrast etc., but looking at my image in Lightroom, none of the blacks are completely saturated. Have you calibrated your monitor, DAL? Could it be your monitor is set too dark?

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I guess we all have our personal preference regarding light/dark/contrast etc., but looking at my image in Lightroom, none of the blacks are completely saturated. Have you calibrated your monitor, DAL? Could it be your monitor is set too dark?

Yes. I was afraid of that. I just calibrated it last week. Thanks, tangaroathumbsup.gif . I hate calibrating. sad.png

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