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Uk Visas .. How Can The Process Be Improved

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Right Scouse, i have started another thread along the same , unfinished , lines of the previous well read one that you chose to shut down without warning.

Maybe i was getting a little too near the mark for the pro-ECO moderators on this forum . Asking a few too many difficult questions was I ?? Getting a bit too much support from others for your likeing.?? Starting to show the system up for the unfair biased system it is was I ??

How long will you give this one before you shut it down ??

Instead , why don't you do something constructive and reply using your considerable experience in this field. You are uniquely placed to add real insight into this thread because you were an immigration officer which puts you in a position of maybe understanding the treatment we have to suffer at the hands of the Embassy. Not the same as an ECO i know , or were you that as well at some point ? You were often reading the previous thread that you shut down yet never chose to offer your opinion or attempt to answer my 9 or so points . Why not ??

Even GU22 was unusually quiet , making only 1 post of any point after his initial one . And then ignoring all the bits he was loosing the arguement on .

This is a very serious issue , why don't you want it discussed??

If i make a plea to all posters to keep it on track and not wander off like the last one did at the end (although it was only open for 24 hours ) will you undertake to at least give everyone time to post before closing it down ?? Is that fair ??

So to start it off , can i ask GU22 or any others to address each of the 9 points i made giving their take on it ? Because its such a long post it makes sense tro keep referring to the 9 points so that everyone knows what we are talking about .

SILOMFAN (who is asking too many difficult questions and getting the authorities worried )

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Calm down silom lad! I understand that you are frustrated but the closure of that thread was inevitable.

Maybe i was getting a little too near the mark for the pro-ECO moderators on this forum . Asking a few too many difficult questions was I ?? Getting a bit too much support from others for your likeing.?? Starting to show the system up for the unfair biased system it is was I ??

You don't really think that do you? I think you are a bit paranoid if you do.

Your posts are really enthusiastic but mostly they are just ramblings and you don't put your point across well enough. Instead your ramble on and you end up sounding a bit ridiculas. I don't mean any of this to be personal in any way, but I'm just telling you how I see it.

I agree that there does need to be improvement, but you can't force what you believe down other peoples throats. I think the thread became more of a personal battle between you and GU22 than a intellegent debate.

Edited by Rj 81
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Loads of threads on this forum wander off topic , sometimes so far off you can't see how it happened. Yet they run and run , why was this one selected to be closed so quickly . ?? Its a fair question ....whats the answer ??

Anyway Rj81 , why don't you start the ball rolling by taking each point and putting your view. Don't be selective like GU22 but do it point by point . I would love to see you try to justify some of the points i made. If it seems that i am putting my views across too forcibly i will try hard to control my feelings of injustice , but i will find that easier to do if people who bother to reply actually address the points not just say "change the record " or "you are being paranoid " etc. I made 9 points all but 1 of which were serious ones (the point about why people want to be an ECO was just my curiousity.. i do wonder what satisfaction they get from the job , just curious)

Hopefully when you and others have done so i will have the chance to reply before the thread is closed !!

Please understand that there is no advantage to me to stand almost alone against the system . Its not easy to do , i do it because i believe i am right . Far easier for me to be like the spineless majority , and leave it to someone else to fight the battle. But thats not me .If you agree say so, if you don't say so again . Posts like that from "the gent " which are invariably insulting serve no purpose. Lets stop making it personal and talk about the issues. If you can't be polite , don't post please .


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Even GU22 was unusually quiet , making only 1 post of any point after his initial one
I am sorry if I have not been active enough for you, but as my wife was rushed into hospital on Thursday night with a serious kidney infection I have had other priorities over the last couple of days.

This may also account for my reaction to having come across Thai3 once more. Doesn't excuse it, though. I would like to apologise to other members for my allowing my personal animosity toward this person spilling over into what should have been a serious discussion.

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Silomfan, I am not getting into a debate with you. Essentially I agree that the system needs to be improved. Thats me, for now. :o

Although I did not read much of or post on the original (I DO have a life to lead! - unless I could print the thread out and add it to the SV application??!!), could I just say before this thread get's closed, that I think it is no bad thing that SF gets his "own" thread - obviously the fella has a point of view and if folk want to engage then perhaps it helps keeping the "debate" in one place.........even if it does go off topic. Maybe even reopen the original thread (I haven't read the end).

You never know SF might get some changes made - it's a funny old world. :D

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I'd be very surprised if this thread lasts any longer than the previous given the benchmark has been set so low by the opening post. Insulting and self indulgent gibberish would perhaps be a charitable description.

Usual crap from "the gent ".Of course he is never censored by the scouser because he is pro- British Embassy. Does he ever make a constructive post ?? Too much to ask him to actually address the points i made i suppose ??

GU22 i'm sorry to hear about your wife and it would explain your lack of posts and the lack of depth in the ones you have posted . Hope she is better soon . :o

In order to avoid this thread also being unceremoniously closed down without warning , can i ask all posters ("the gent " take note) to keep to the thread and make constructive posts .

"The gent" you probably don't know the meaning of constructive so might i suggest you consult a dictionary before posting any more ? Just trying to be helpful ...


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This may also account for my reaction to having come across Thai3 once more. Doesn't excuse it, though. I would like to apologise to other members for my allowing my personal animosity toward this person spilling over into what should have been a serious discussion.

Apology accepted and best wishes to your wife for a speedy recovery.

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[quote nameInstead , why don't you do something constructive and reply using your considerable experience in this field. You are uniquely placed to add real insight into this thread because you were an immigration officer which puts you in a position of maybe understanding the treatment we have to suffer at the hands of the Embassy. SILOMFAN (who is asking too many difficult questions and getting the authorities worried )

Not all ex imigration officers are pro the hand that fed them. I will be seeing mr best friend and his ex immigration officer wife this weekend so will ask her opinion on the system. She only worked as an officer in the UK but did so for 10 years and packed it in due to the workload and stress. I have discussed this with her before and she expressed the opinion that the system is grossly unfair but contrasts it with the asylum situation where the treatment is, or at least was, when she worked there somewhat different. Her estimate of asylum seekers who were phoney when she worked for immigration was 90-95 %. At one time she was working 7 days a week processing claims and worked at that camp in cambridge. While it seems alarmigly high she certainly has a knowledge of the unfair system from both sides having been an illegal immigrant herself. She had been a govt ministers secretary in Kampala and her brother works for the Ugnadan Consular service, yet the home office accepted her family were being 'persecuted for political reasons'. Even she accepts this was a joke and is a good example of the insanity of the immigration system. She was here as an illegal for 4 years beofe they caught her and let her stay. At the other end I heard of a guy in PI applying for a SV this week, they accepted they were legally married but did not accept his wife, what the hel_l does that mean? another insane decision.

These clowns seem free to f-uck about with peoples lives who are legally married and who have a right to be with each other yet at the same time have to treat lying asylum seekers with kid gloves. Anyway if she has anything interesting to add I'll let you know.

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Well an interesting post from thai3 .. will wait to see if he follows up with anything next week. Don't forget tho that the subject under discussion here is specificly the Britsh Embasy Bangkok and how they handle visa applications and their treatment and attitude towards those that ultimately pay them ...us !! Its about if the system is unfair and if so what improvements can be made to make it better. Comments welcome

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Well an interesting post from thai3 .. will wait to see if he follows up with anything next week. Don't forget tho that the subject under discussion here is specificly the Britsh Embasy Bangkok and how they handle visa applications and their treatment and attitude towards those that ultimately pay them ...us !! Its about if the system is unfair and if so what improvements can be made to make it better. Comments welcome

I'd also like to hear from those who know what the service was like 20-30 years ago compared with today. I suspect it was very much easier back then to get visas, and that the attitiude of the staff is not as nice and that the decisions are more eccentric. If it has become less user friendly then why and surely an argument for an improvement to a worsening service.

The service at the Embassy reminds me of that Nationwide ad where a customer goes in for a loan only to be given different answers to her friend who went the week before because she does not look the same, that's the 'policy' she is told. I wonder if embassy staff ever look at this site????

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Even GU22 was unusually quiet , making only 1 post of any point after his initial one
I am sorry if I have not been active enough for you, but as my wife was rushed into hospital on Thursday night with a serious kidney infection I have had other priorities over the last couple of days.

This may also account for my reaction to having come across Thai3 once more. Doesn't excuse it, though. I would like to apologise to other members for my allowing my personal animosity toward this person spilling over into what should have been a serious discussion.

Hiya GU22

sorry to hear about your wife. I hope she gets well soon.

Lop :o

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Look, I know you won't believe this, but I closed the previous thread neither because of a perceived infallibility of your argument, nor through a sense of being unable to address your points. It was closed, purely and simply, becuase it was turning into a slagging-fest. Your self-absorbtion, and this is an observation not an insult, is really something to behold.

To be honest, I have not entered into the discussion, not because I am in awe of your mental faculties, but because it bores me and, frankly, I don't really give a toss whether the system changes or not. I have read your views and remain unconvinced, but it is pointless me addressing your points because, as you are so wrapped up in your own self-righteous belief, it is a redundant exercise.

I shall, however, answer your query on what makes people become ECOs. Most are Foreign Office personnel who may be required to fulfil a multitude of tasks: they can be, for example, an accounting officer in one post and an ECO in the next. They are not, therefore, career ECOs; the corollary being that you can't deduce that it takes a certain type of person to be one. There are also some who are seconded from the Home Office/Immigration Service, and I fell into this category. However, to the best of my knowledge, no such secondees are currently in Bangkok.

By all means continue discussing this to your heart's content but keep it civil and don't spit the dummy if someone disagrees with you.



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I am sorry if I have not been active enough for you, but as my wife was rushed into hospital on Thursday night with a serious kidney infection I have had other priorities over the last couple of days.

I am so sorry to hear about your wife. Hope that she will get well soon.

she expressed the opinion that the system is grossly unfair

Don't forget that the various Immigration Acts and their corresponding rules were primary designed to keep certain people out. So, by their very nature, they inherently would be unfair to those trying to get in.

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Look, I know you won't believe this, but I closed the previous thread neither because of a perceived infallibility of your argument, nor through a sense of being unable to address your points. It was closed, purely and simply, becuase it was turning into a slagging-fest. Your self-absorption, and this is an observation not an insult, is really something to behold.

To be honest, I have not entered into the discussion, not because I am in awe of your mental faculties, but because it bores me and, frankly, I don't really give a toss whether the system changes or not. I have read your views and remain unconvinced, but it is pointless me addressing your points because, as you are so wrapped up in your own self-righteous belief, it is a redundant exercise.

I shall, however, answer your query on what makes people become ECOs. Most are Foreign Office personnel who may be required to fulfil a multitude of tasks: they can be, for example, an accounting officer in one post and an ECO in the next. They are not, therefore, career ECOs; the corollary being that you can't deduce that it takes a certain type of person to be one. There are also some who are seconded from the Home Office/Immigration Service, and I fell into this category. However, to the best of my knowledge, no such secondees are currently in Bangkok.

By all means continue discussing this to your heart's content but keep it civil and don't spit the dummy if someone disagrees with you.



Interesting to see that the subject of if the system is fair or not bores you and you "don't give a toss" if its changed or not . Doesn't reflect well on you does it?? However i understand your reluctance to reply to my points , because you would have trouble wouldn't you ? I see no-one has rushed to try and address them because they are good points that are tough to reply to . I expect the only person who MAY try is GU22 when he's back to full strength again.

Take one point , 19 weeks they had to send the appeal papers to the UK. Thats 133 days and they took 132. 5 days to do it . Thats pure spite in trying to drag out the appeal as long as they can . Or can anyone suggest another motive ?? Is that acceptable behaviour?

Come on scouser, even tho you can't give a toss about injustice , why not give a reply to this one point Go on..it'll take just a minute or two of your time . Or maybe you would prefer to be like the British Embassy when confronted with something they got wrong ... just silence.

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Look, I know you won't believe this, but I closed the previous thread neither because of a perceived infallibility of your argument, nor through a sense of being unable to address your points. It was closed, purely and simply, becuase it was turning into a slagging-fest. Your self-absorption, and this is an observation not an insult, is really something to behold.

To be honest, I have not entered into the discussion, not because I am in awe of your mental faculties, but because it bores me and, frankly, I don't really give a toss whether the system changes or not. I have read your views and remain unconvinced, but it is pointless me addressing your points because, as you are so wrapped up in your own self-righteous belief, it is a redundant exercise.

I shall, however, answer your query on what makes people become ECOs. Most are Foreign Office personnel who may be required to fulfil a multitude of tasks: they can be, for example, an accounting officer in one post and an ECO in the next. They are not, therefore, career ECOs; the corollary being that you can't deduce that it takes a certain type of person to be one. There are also some who are seconded from the Home Office/Immigration Service, and I fell into this category. However, to the best of my knowledge, no such secondees are currently in Bangkok.

By all means continue discussing this to your heart's content but keep it civil and don't spit the dummy if someone disagrees with you.



Interesting to see that the subject of if the system is fair or not bores you and you "don't give a toss" if its changed or not . Doesn't reflect well on you does it?? However i understand your reluctance to reply to my points , because you would have trouble wouldn't you ? I see no-one has rushed to try and address them because they are good points that are tough to reply to . I expect the only person who MAY try is GU22 when he's back to full strength again.

Take one point , 19 weeks they had to send the appeal papers to the UK. Thats 133 days and they took 132. 5 days to do it . Thats pure spite in trying to drag out the appeal as long as they can . Or can anyone suggest another motive ?? Is that acceptable behaviour?

Come on scouser, even tho you can't give a toss about injustice , why not give a reply to this one point Go on..it'll take just a minute or two of your time . Or maybe you would prefer to be like the British Embassy when confronted with something they got wrong ... just silence.

I really dont understand why you feel the need to continuously have a pop at the only person on here that actually knows the inner workings of the U.K visa system.

I had many problems with getting my wife a visa to the U.K and I also agree that the visa system is unfair, but i dont hold Scouser responsible for that, he wasnt the one who refused my wife entry to the U.K so i feel no malice towards him. He is a wealth of knowledge on this board and in particular to the visa section, and he really doesnt need to listen to grief from posters who dont want to listen to anything other than their own voices, or in this case their own written words.

Get over it and move on, we have all had dissapoinments in the past, but that doesnt warrant unnecessary outbursts aimed at the only person in the visa section that actually knows what they are talking about.

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I really dont understand why you feel the need to continuously have a pop at the only person on here that actually knows the inner workings of the U.K visa system.

where is the guy having a 'pop' ? he merely wants to discuss the failings of the embassy. Nobody, expert ot not are above a bit of critism.

Maybe it's a pity the embassy staff don't still acept payments under the counter as I know for a fact they did in the early 90's, then at least we would know what was what. :o That corrupt route may be closed these days but there are others. I have a friend in kettering who got her mum over here on permanent resident status about six years ago. This lady stayed at my house in 1995 when she was on a VV but overstayed by months. Subsequent applications for a VV were, probably rightly turned down. So what did they do? employed the services of a 'bent' indian lawyer who promised he could get her over her permanetly for 5000 quid. I laughed and told her she was wasting her money. About six months later however the mum comes over and has been her ever since. The grounds were to look after her 'sick' daughter, who of course is as fit as a butchers dog. I imagine that some of the cash was to oil the cogs ib immigration. I used to argue with thais when they told me the immigration system, and especially the bkk Embassy was corrupt, but not now.

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Thank you for your kind words regarding my wife.

I am not going to address your "9 points" as I have already done so. You have not said anything to make me change anything that I posted before. I have to say that Scouse summed it up perfectly. I'm afraid that debating with you any further is pointless.

If you wish to think that means you have "won," that is up to you.

To every one else who wished my wife well. thanks.

Thai3, I was apologising to all the other members, not to you.

I admit that you are knowledgeable about some Thai music and some things you post on that subject are very interesting. Unfortunately, though, even on that subject you feel the need to belittle all those who have different tastes to your own.

As to other posts. like those you have made here, for some reason you feel the need to enter some sort of Walter Mitty world. Why you have to post these fantasies, I don't know. It is merely annoying for those of us that know you of old and have waded through the contradictory rubbish you have posted elsewhere, but it is a tragedy for people like Silomfan who make the mistake of thinking that there is any truth to them.

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GU22 , glad to see you are back to your old self. Dissappointed that you won't address the 9 points as you certainly haven't answered them . You selectively answered those that were easiest to do so. The tough ones you ignored. Others (not me ) pointed out that maybe you were losing the arguement here e.g. like the 19 weeks bit, but you have again decided (wisely i think) not to try and address the points but to blather on about answering them already , which you haven't.

As you say , seems like the conclusion i can draw is that i have won the arguement and that i was RIGHT. Usual meaningless post from "the gent" i see.

Thanks again to thai3 for his comments , nice to know everyone isn't brainwashed. And to take up the point asking why i am having a go at scouser , i was more having a go at the way he closed the thread than anything else. He does impart a great deal of good (if often optimistic) advice to posters. All the more reason why i can't understand why he won't address my points. Could be he can't i suppose .. after all how DO you stick up for the Embassy waiting 132.5 days to ensure the authorities in the UK have an appeal bundle they have to have within 133 days ?? You can't can you .

Anyway, i have the visas i wanted so why should i care ? I will leave the job of sticking up for the many genuine cases refused each month to someone else as it seems everyone is so bored with my posts. Odd though isn't it how the 2 most read threads recently have been the one scouser decided to close and this one . Can't be that boring can it ??

GU22 , you are always quoting statistics, so i thought i would ask you just in case you missed it in my 9 points post, do you know the percentage of refusals overturned on "review" by the ECM . ? I wonder if it even makes 1% ? Still like you and scouser are always telling people , SUCH a reassurance to know that this valuable safeguard is in place isn't it ...

SILOMFAN ... signing off ... for now !!

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Thai3, I was apologising to all the other members, not to you.

Why ever not it was me you were attacking without reason or provocation, you were just boring everyone else with your mysterious obsession Seems you cannot stay on topic at all. On to thai music now are we on a thread about visas and attacking me again, I fear there is no hope for you. If you wish to carry on your, uninteresting to everone else attacks, why not have a bit of consideration to others and do it via PM or email?

GU22 , glad to see you are back to your old self. Dissappointed that you won't address the 9 points as you certainly haven't answered them .

Of course he has not answered you because he lost the argument and now is reduced to just posting rambling attacks on people to divert attention from your points. Sad that an obviously intelligent chap chooses to make a fool of himself like this as it discredits his otherwise sound advice.

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Thai3 - 20/30 years ago, the world was a more innocent place, seems to have passed you by!!!

Silomfan - your comments are repetitive, tedious and sadly, lacking in subtstance or relevance. No point bitching here. It makes not one megabite of diifference, apart from to the ECO's listening in, who must be having a laugh! But then again, maybe they'e got better things to do?

If in the UK. learn how useless your local Concillor or MP is, whinge to the CAB or the local law centre, write to the papers, learn the indifference to your plight at 1st hand by just about every soul you speak to, if all else fails, try Stonewall, they have some clout.

But please, spare the rest of us from your diatribes, we all have our crosses to bear.

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Thai3 - 20/30 years ago, the world was a more innocent place, seems to have passed you by!!!

Silomfan - your comments are repetitive, tedious and sadly, lacking in subtstance or relevance. No point bitching here. It makes not one megabite of diifference, apart from to the ECO's listening in, who must be having a laugh! But then again, maybe they'e got better things to do?

If in the UK. learn how useless your local Concillor or MP is, whinge to the CAB or the local law centre, write to the papers, learn the indifference to your plight at 1st hand by just about every soul you speak to, if all else fails, try Stonewall, they have some clout.

But please, spare the rest of us from your diatribes, we all have our crosses to bear.

What do you mean by 'innocent' do you have any experience of the British ambassy in Bkk at that time, if not how can you comment. It may have been different but I don't think it was any more innocent.

Actually writing to your MP can be very effective as I found out this week with a health conected matter, she sorted it out in three weeks. I am going to her office on monday to see what they advise re insane rejection 'reasons'.

Sticking to the subject the Mrs works with a lawyer who works for the largest hotel chain in Bkk. He told her he often calls the embassy when staff have problems with visas and gets it sorted out over the phone. So I think that shows complaining can work. Of course all this internet yaking is just a time killer and does not solve anything.

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after all how DO you stick up for the Embassy waiting 132.5 days to ensure the authorities in the UK have an appeal bundle they have to have within 133 days ??
So you have absolute proof that the bundle arrived at precisely 12 noon on the 133rd day????

I have no idea how long it takes for the embassy to prepare an appeal bundle, nor how long it takes for that bundle to travel from Bangkok to the UK, so your question is impossible to answer. Irrelevant, as well, as the papers did arrive within the time allowed.

do you know the percentage of refusals overturned on "review" by the ECM . ?
No. In the annual figures published these are counted as visas approved. This is because the visa has been approved.
As you say , seems like the conclusion i can draw is that i have won the arguement and that i was RIGHT.
If that's what you want to think. Personally, I am simply tired of repeating the same points over and over again just for you to ignore them because they don't fit in with what you want to think.

I challenged you several days ago to produce evidence that your assertions are correct. You have failed to do so. All that you have offered are more opinions. Responding yet again to those same opinions is pointless.

Thai3, I don't understand your PM, maybe if you sent it in English?

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well I had quite a chat with M today who worked in immigration (the ugandan ex illegal immigrant) She will go on about lying asylum seekers though and berates a system that rejects many genuine cases as they are often not pepared and don't know how to give the right answers. The frauds on the other hand have been well versed in what to say and have the speel worked out. I feel it's rather like that with these visa applications in Bkk. Eg the mrs was asked what month she met me in and hesitated for a bit as she was not sure if they meant when she met me or when we started going out together-marked down for hesitation. Another one with a story all worked out would more likely have given the well prepared answer straight out, don't these interviewers have any sense? The discretionary angle works in favour of the fraudulant applications it seems to me.

M says that appeals have a very high chance of success but some 'experts' on here say the opposite. She looked at our rejection letter and said it was not bad at all and that it's best to appeal but apply again in the mean time. Apparently it's much tougher to get a visa if you are over the age of about 27 although I expect the experts here will say rubbish. Older ones are viewed as more likely to stay, but I have no idea if this is right but it's what she said. She confirmed my feeling that the interviewers vary quite a bit. She did tell me quite a bit about the way things are organised in Embassies but that's all I'm saying on it for now.

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M says that appeals have a very high chance of success but some 'experts' on here say the opposite.
Which 'experts' would that be. The only person who as come anywhere close to stating that appeals do not stand a chance of success is Silomfan. Is he the 'expert' you refer to?
berates a system that rejects many genuine cases as they are often not pepared and don't know how to give the right answers. The frauds on the other hand have been well versed in what to say and have the speel worked out.
I have always said that the reason why genuine applicants are refused is lack of preparation. If documents are missing or if what is said at the interview contradicts the documents then naturally the ECO is going to have doubts. It seems that you have changed your previous stance and are now agreeing with me.

Fraudsters are, of course, going to know exactly how to prepare and what to say at interview. This is what makes the job of an ECO so difficult, separating the genuine from the well rehearsed fraud. The only way, though, to ensure that fraudsters don't get visas is to not issue a visa to anybody!

She looked at our rejection letter and said it was not bad at all
Not bad at all? So, she agrees with the ECO?

Or is this another work of fiction?

BTW, still no response to a couple of previous questions, so I'll ask them again here.

(thai3 @ 2006-02-26 17:26:01)

Visalady was not a troll but my wife,

Visalady has posted 3 times. One post originates in Houston, one in New York, and one from the UK. Perhaps she already has her visa! Whichever, she's certainly not in Thailand.


Any explanation?

You also posted

the Mrs works with a lawyer who works for the largest hotel chain in Bkk. He told her he often calls the embassy when staff have problems with visas and gets it sorted out over the phone.
Why has she not used his services, or those of the other "connections" you have boasted about? Why would hotel staff in BKK need visas anyway?
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GU22 , i was going to stay out of this debate for a while but as you are using my name in reply to thai3 i must ask you where i have ever said that appeals stand no chance?? Many appeals succeed every year so why would i say that ?

I am trying to stay quiet for a while but i would ask you to refrain from misquoting me

You can hardly blame thai3 for failing to answer ALL your questions , after all i have asked you repeadedly to answer ALL my points but you keep refusing to do it .

If you want me to stay out of this debate then please respect the fact that my name should not be used unneccessarily.

Hope the wife is better now btw


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GU22 , i was going to stay out of this debate for a while but as you are using my name in reply to thai3 i must ask you where i have ever said that appeals stand no chance??
I did not say that you did. I said that you were the only poster who had come anywhere close, meaning that you give the impression that your general opinion of the whole visa process is so low that you think the entire process, from initial application through to appeal is biased against the applicant. Apparently I was wrong, and whilst you think the initial application process is unfair, you are happy that the appeals process is fair. Is that correct?
Many appeals succeed every year so why would i say that ?
Based on this statement, I ask you why you seem to think that visa applicants in Bangkok stand little or no chance, as over 94% of all applicants last year were successful?
You can hardly blame thai3 for failing to answer ALL your questions , after all i have asked you repeadedly to answer ALL my points but you keep refusing to do it .
No, I do not. What I refuse to do is go over the same answers I have already given you many times before. Ignoring my answers does not mean I have not provided them.

If there are any questions you feel I have not answered, feel free to post them again and I will provide links to my previous answers, or if I have somehow previously missed the question and so not answered it I will do so.

Hope the wife is better now btw
Slowly on the mend. She is still on an intravenous drip, but is starting to take food and water, albeit in small amounts. Thank you for your concern, which I know is genuine. Although we vehemently disagree on the subject of ECOs and the immigration rules, I am sure that there are many subjects upon which we would agree.
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