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Chalerm To Recruit Police As Teachers In Deep South: Thailand


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Chalerm to recruit police as teachers in Deep South

BANGKOK, 24 January 2013 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung has proposed a plan to recruit border patrol police officers as teachers in the Deep South in the wake of another deadly gun attack on educators.

A 51-year-old teacher was shot dead in the premises of a school in Narathiwat province on Wednesday, bringing the death toll of teachers in the restive region to 158.

Police Captain Chalerm is holding talks with related agencies to discuss plans to recruit police officers to teach in the three southern border provinces. He reasoned that security personnel who can carry arms on school grounds would be able to defend themselves better against insurgent threats.

He further suggested that a heavier police presence in the border areas is needed. Over 6,000 more policemen are being recruited from nearby provinces and are set to be deployed to insurgent-hit districts.


-- NNT 2013-01-24 footer_n.gif

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I thought you had to have certain qualifications to teach?

Possibly Chalerm's son could be sent south to teach after all he has been pronounced qualified to teach police.

Excellent idea. Duang has proven his marksmanship and is a Police instructor to boot.

Chalerm should offer him up post haste.

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Chalerm might be coming out of one his seemly many stuper stages again. Give the man his bottle and tuck him in bed for the duration.

He has to be one of the best comercials for the use of humans as cannon fodder, we could ever hope to see.

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What he has to do with schools?

.... gambeling, drogs an kidnapping 22 years old swiss girls!?

Is he now sending his son, who (may) killed, to the south?

I am happy, not live in this .... country again.

Edited by Somrak
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Unbelievable. One minute they're trying to improve the qualifications of teachers and next they don't need them. Why not employ policemen to go to schools so where they can concentrate on stopping the killing and let the teachers concentrate on teaching. Of course this would cost money to employ 2 people.

Just out of interest do teachers cost more than police?

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It seems to me that most of the southern insurgents are pretty good at ambush and surprise attacks.

Does chalerm think that police acting as teachers will always be alert enough to notice and defeat the insurgents?

So how do they concentrate on teaching?

You make so many claims mr. chalerm about how you will fix everything, so show some results, fix the problem, and stop

trying to put illogical band-aids on the problem.

By the way how did the appointment with mahatmir go?

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I thought you had to have certain qualifications to teach?

Possibly Chalerm's son could be sent south to teach after all he has been pronounced qualified to teach police.

He also has knowledge of small firearms, I believe.

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More guns in schools... what could go wrong?

Thai police too...there the biggest villains around although the south could be where they move all the ones to inactive duty pending prosecution ..

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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