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Day Of Protests In Bangkok


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So they get a bonus for doing their job. Isn't that what a salary is for? Why not give it back to the customers who's money it is anyway? Lower charges or give better interest. Better still give interest to foreigners that deposit money.

No a salary is for doing your job, a bonus is for when you achieve a goal. I do this with my workers offer a bonus if we ship XX amount per month. More or less, it's profit sharing.

Dont know about you but I get interest on my deposits in my savings account. Also dont know what you are complaining about bank fees, they are not bad. Lastly you have "your" money in you bank account, fees is "their" money.

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Was the monk walk the thing that left me waiting in traffic two hours yesterday on Ramindra road?

probably, similar thing caused chaos last year. Said they wouldn't do it again at the time I think.

If they were trying to raise the consciousness of and awareness of Buddhism....well, instead they raised the ire of thousands of poor commuters who worked all day and had to sit in traffic for two hours in what should have been a 10 minute trip.

It's showboat activities like this that reveal how massively big certain Buddhist leaders' egos are....I'm a Buddhist, and daily am confronted by these Buddhist fakers that are just in it for the show.

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Was the monk walk the thing that left me waiting in traffic two hours yesterday on Ramindra road?

Maybe also because they had a big Army turnout at the army base which does cover Ramindra and Yothin road territorys yesterday.

I know because i attented this with my old hiso army buddy whistling.gif

took hours to even get out from one of the exit point

he did say its like this because many cars was queing to get to the U-turn and only have two lanes

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What is it with bonus's here? They should be rewarded for performance and are nearly always discretionary. However here they are expected, now it seems even demanded.

Salary can be demanded if not paid. Contractual leave and time off can and should be expected and demanded if not given.

"Bonus's" are a gratuity and rewarded for performance. Of course they are hoped for and looked forward to but they should also be worked for. If and when received the recipient should be grateful. Majority of companies have no obligation to pay one baht more than whats written on the employees contract and what is stipulated under Thai labor law.

When I hear of people protesting about wanting 4 instead of 3 months I immediately think spoiled ungrateful brats. Employee conduct needs to be reciprocal i.e. work equals reward and this unfounded sense of entitlement ought to be replaced with a good work ethic and gratitude.

If for example you worked for me and spent your typical day arriving late and leaving as early as you could get away with whilst generally doing the absolute minimum required to remain employed - don't expect a bonus because you probably don't deserve and won't get one. If you are given a bonus, be bloody grateful, perhaps even say thank you. If you demonstrate that you are willing to at least try and contribute to the business and improve both it and yourself I'll happily give you a bonus. If you excel I give you an even bigger one.

No different from the UK where huge bonuses are dished out to underperforming bankers and senior civil servants.
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