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Visa Run Report Double Entry Tourist Visa: Phuket - Savan Vegas Laos

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Living in/Traveling From: Phuket

Visa Applied For: Double Entry Tourist

Length of Visa Run: 3nights/4days

Total Cost: +- THB30000 (flights, accom, service, visa fees, travel expenses).

Decided to give the Savan Vegas Loas visa run a go so I could get a 2x entry to save me the mission of a full on visa run in 3months time.

Booked my flights Thai Airways for the domestic legs and Lao Airways for the Bangkok to Savannakhet and back legs.

Quick taxi ride to Phuket Airport with a "taxi acquaintance" to take the edge off the mafia vibes... Smooth sailing through checkin and a late morning pint at the airport bar to say my goodbyes.

Arrive in Bangkok with a hellishly short layover and am greeted by 2 Thai Airways attendants in black suits. Thought I had been done for something by their formal tones calling my name and no one else's but then they said "here to help take you to check in"? Thought this was cool and off i went to the Lao Airlines counter with a private escort. I learnt a little later that the booking agent had labeled me as "Master instead of Mr" so they thought I was an unattended minor This would explain their giddy intrigue and shocked gawking at my 6ft5 frame...

Again easy sailing through checkin and onto the little turboprop plane just in time and off in the air to Lao! Seated next to an American who got talking about all sorts and offered to move to the empty seats behind us so I could have 2 to myself as he could see I wasn't coping. Stretched out and all relaxed was offered up my first taste of Beer Lao complimentary on the flight. Went down like silk as did the plane shortly after.

Usual immigration procedure at SVKT Lao and pay the THB2000 visa on arrival fee (if I remember correctly). Greeted after baggage is cleared by the Savan Vegas staff for my complimentary airport transfer.

Check in at Savan Vegas, fill out the Visa forms with a touch of speed and hand over hotel payment + visa payment + passport + photos + room deposit and am told to collect my passport early morning "the day after next".

Time at the hotel was alright. Nice rooms about 3-4star. Good cable. Slightly boring and they are filling in the pool which I was looking forward to but hey. Tried the complimentary buffets for all 3 daily meals about once each... Not bad at all considering I was the only Farang in the catering audience and the western offerings were decent and available.

The staff are below par in my opinion. The visa run staff were great as were a select few of front office (very good indeed) but for the most part I was the "very large strange Farang who comes to a casino, doesn't gamble and gets free food but eats at the restaurant instead" they were constantly in an anxious state of what seemed like fear negligent of my pleasant demeanor, smile or the amount of English/Thai/Sign bending I wangled to help them understand...

Even the simplest question as how do I get to town said in Thai, English and sign with a big smile was greeted by awkward smiles and inordinate pauses of silences and looks between one another.

But anyways I got out of the casino and rented a scooter from a local. Cruised around the Savannakhet streets, tried out all the recommended spots from the tourism department in town and infact had quite an amazing time with my explorations over the course of my stay! It really is a beautiful sleepy little place and the architecture and sunsets over the Mekong are breathtaking!

On the morning of my Visa collection I was slightly anxious given my citizenship but all was well! (I insured this by paying a "premium fee" at the request of the visa run staff). I got my passport back with the visa all in line took my complimentary airport transfer and headed to the airport! Grabbed some whisky and smokes at the duty free and back on the turbo prop where I got emergency exit (win:) ).

Smooth sailing and cruised through customs to a 4 hours layover in Bangkok where I always enjoy the domestic departures lounge for Thai Air business! Then off to phuket to fight with the taxi mafia at the airport which yielded a shared cap at a split rate of THB400pp back to Patong side! Not that the cost mattered but a very wealthy Thai gent approached me to share a cabbie to Patong and in his pissed off state with the taxi driver he was fighting with I just laughed and accepted;) chatted about his business in Bangkok and him coming down to visit his "girlfriend" the whole way to my place where I quickly unpacked and headed to the pool for the Andaman sea sunset with about 6months secure stay in MY paradise in pocket;)

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I prefer my way.

Leave house 9am,back in my house,11am,3 more months.

cost 50 baht gasolene,if that.

I wish! Presuming you stay on the border or what? Still don't know how you get a visa from a consulate in 2hrs? And a border run by car/bike (presumed from petrol comment) as opposed to a visa run only allows 15days? Share your secret:)

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I can see Savannakhet visas going the way of Vientiane soon now that the money grubbing visa run services are charging 30k for a 1000 baht visa. Sucks really.

They didn't charge that. That price is inclusive of flights to and from phuket + entry visas + visa service + 3nights accommodation of higher quality than any other "Visa Package" + 3 square meals a day inclusive + visa price blah blah blah... This is basically a self planned out excursion in pursuit of a double entry tv for those interested and can't be compared to a Penang stunt in a minivan.

Its not the cheapest option and I wasn't posting this to make it about money. Simply sharing my experience. THB30k for all that is nothing at the end of the day.

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And nothing is stopping anyone from taking the bus to Mudakhan at the price of peanuts, transit across with locals, walking to the embassy and staying at a backpackers for the eve. Not for me however and iam sure some will agree. Maybe I should have put "only read if you have X budget cap for your Visa Run"??

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I got a visa in Savanakhet this month. I did it a little bit cheaper than the OP. I'm not sure why he didn't go to Malaysia?

I took the Phetprasert bus from upcountry down route #12. Brand new Scania double decker first class bus with seatbelts, blankets, good aircon with toilets and snack/refreshment and hostess service. I booked my ticket and reserved my seat upstairs front row for the panoramic view at www.thairoute.com and paid at 7/11 well in advance and arrived at the Mukhdahan bus station at 06:20. Cost 440 baht.

The first bus from Mukhdahan bus station over the bridge to Savanakhet bus station in the Lao PDR leaves at 07:00. One must stand in a long queue and have passport details recorded. Cost 50 baht.

The Lao PDR visa on arrival guy won't start work until 08:30 so I had to wait. 1500 baht later and I got my 30 day Lao PDR visa in 5 minutes. Then continued on the next bus over the bridge to the Savanakhet bus station.

Cost for shared tuk-tuk (1000cc) from Savanakhet bus station to the the Thai consulate near the riverside was 50 baht. They open at 09:00 although the sign says 08:30. Handed in my application with all relevant documents and fee, mine was 5000 baht, and got a reciept to pick up visa the following day after 13:30.

There are plenty of guest houses, hotels, and farang food restaurants within easy walking distance of the Thai consulate. 10-15 maximum walk. Accomodation ranges from 240 baht - 450 baht per night. Asian style.

AIS/True/Dtac are all usable however need to manually select carrier from the "network select" function in your mobile. No trouble with lack of signal from the riverside.

Next day got my visa, shared a tuk tuk to the Savanhakhet bus station 50 baht, bus to Mukhdahan bus station 50 baht, Lao PDR exit fee 40 baht. Arrived Mukhdahan bus station and took the Phetprasert bus back upcountry through the mountains down route #12 through Petchabun to home. 440 baht.

Visa: 5000 baht.

Transport: 1400 baht.

Hotel: 280 baht.

Food: 500 baht.

Fun: Lots!



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I got a visa in Savanakhet this month. I did it a little bit cheaper than the OP. I'm not sure why he didn't go to Malaysia?

He went to Savannakhet because you cannot get 2 entry tourist visas there.


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