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American Accused Of Unlawful Encounter With 13 Year Old Girl On Pattaya Beach

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I have a question about all these busts that have currently been in the news, slightly off topic. Has the BIB been told to clamp down on these kinds of activities, from above? Before anyone starts saying that I am condoning illegal activities, such as prostitution and pedophilia, I AM NOT. It just seems there is a lot of activity, at the mo, in the media.

they have been running a "clean up" operation for the past month, cleaning up peoples bank accounts

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I've met Neal before while diving.

He seemed like such a good bloke.

He was a very funny guy. Ex US serviceman.

i live near him,and ,yes he is a nice bloke,hope this is cleared soon,at this moment his company dont know this news yet.

He was quite happy to have sex a 13 yo CHILD.

He is a nice bloke???


he is,if you knew him you would think so too,if he has done wrong,then let him pay the penalty,but if this is not the first time this girl has been used this way,and it is a set p,and she does look older,then quesstions should be asked.

What's all this over the top conservative language about. Your city has thousands of prostitutes running around and mass corruption. Your country obviously doesn't mind these activities so just tell it how it is.

As far as the guy is concerned. Lock him up, he is sick !!

I think you're being a bit hard on the guy! We don't know what the girl was wearing or how old she looked, If she agreed then obviously she isn't new at/on the game? If the police were serious then they should have spoken to the guy on the spot instead of "stitching him up" in the room! Let's try and be adult about this! IMMHO thumbsup.gif


The girl wet willingly with the farang and she lied about age and now HE is guilty of a crime ??? so sad to see Thailand adopted the bad ways of the west, poor guy I hope he will be ok. Sadly I doubt so, another victim of the bib mafia sad.png

The girl/child is 13yo, and you suggest the 38yo so called man is guilt free?

HE said she told him she was 19yo, but regardless of that the man was wanting to have sex with a 13yo child, it is his resposibility to ensure he is not procuring a child, and if you disagree with that, well..........


It is certainly his legal responsibility but real life is more complicated. Especially when people lie about their age or conceivably look older. Not to mention fake IDs and non-Thai IDs which don't seem to be a factor in this case.


IF he the man specifically went looking for a young girl or targeted underage young girls, i would be the first one to post to hang him, BUT he did not

He went down to the beach a well known location for prostitutes at 4 am in the morning.

If anyone is to hang here is the police who watched the girl but did nothing about removing her or even warning possible customers, after all it was 4 am in the morning and no innocent child walks the streets at this time of the morning alone, not to mention negotiates a price for sex


In a case like this, is the accused held on remand or given bail?

If convicted, would he be deported (after serving time in Thailand) and, if so, would he face charges in the US?

What's all this over the top conservative language about. Your city has thousands of prostitutes running around and mass corruption. Your country obviously doesn't mind these activities so just tell it how it is.

As far as the guy is concerned. Lock him up, he is sick !!

Outside of US juristiction, but someone might need to make a name and chase this guy.

Underage girls have been working at beer bars and short time bars for decades.

Two underage girls were caught in San Jose, California, stripping at a club...

Older women use makeup to look younger and younger ones use makeup to look older.

YEP, this is very likely a setup and the victim didn't know he should have more money on hand for the police.

Quite similar to the routine in the 1960's, where hotel rooms would have a joint hidden and shortly after check-in, police would raid, discover the joint and then accept a 'fine' to leave the tourists alone.

It was so common, that the US Military warned guys on leave to carefully inspect their rooms as soon as they checked in.

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IF he the man specifically went looking for a young girl or targeted underage young girls, i would be the first one to post to hang him, BUT he did not

He went down to the beach a well known location for prostitutes at 4 am in the morning.

If anyone is to hang here is the police who watched the girl but did nothing about removing her or even warning possible customers, after all it was 4 am in the morning and no innocent child walks the streets at this time of the morning alone, not to mention negotiates a price for sex

I wouldn't go that far. How can we KNOW what his intentions were? Based on what we DO know from the "press" reports I don't see very strong evidence to prove this man was actually looking for underage sex. But he MIGHT have been. Do societies want to lock up every person who MIGHT be a pedo? I hope not.

IF he the man specifically went looking for a young girl or targeted underage young girls, i would be the first one to post to hang him, BUT he did not

He went down to the beach a well known location for prostitutes at 4 am in the morning.

If anyone is to hang here is the police who watched the girl but did nothing about removing her or even warning possible customers, after all it was 4 am in the morning and no innocent child walks the streets at this time of the morning alone, not to mention negotiates a price for sex

I wouldn't go that far. How can we KNOW what his intentions were? Based on what we DO know from the "press" reports I don't see very strong evidence to prove this man was actually looking for underage sex. But he MIGHT have been.

JIng, if he was, i do not think he would be looking at 4 am and i do not think on the beach at that time

I mean no doubt he was looking for a pretty young little girl, just as millions who come over, but i do not think that young

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IF he the man specifically went looking for a young girl or targeted underage young girls, i would be the first one to post to hang him, BUT he did not

He went down to the beach a well known location for prostitutes at 4 am in the morning.

If anyone is to hang here is the police who watched the girl but did nothing about removing her or even warning possible customers, after all it was 4 am in the morning and no innocent child walks the streets at this time of the morning alone, not to mention negotiates a price for sex

I wouldn't go that far. How can we KNOW what his intentions were? Based on what we DO know from the "press" reports I don't see very strong evidence to prove this man was actually looking for underage sex. But he MIGHT have been.

JIng, if he was, i do not think he would be looking at 4 am and i do not think on the beach at that time

That's a good point. That would have been very stupid. But the story suggests he didn't ask for ID. Assuming the girl at least looked borderline too young, that was a stupid move too. But even if he had, then you get into FAKE ID issue as well. I don't think his intention or lack of intention can really ever be proven. They can prove the girl was underage and he had sexual intentions with her, most likely. So has a big problem.

IF he the man specifically went looking for a young girl or targeted underage young girls, i would be the first one to post to hang him, BUT he did not

He went down to the beach a well known location for prostitutes at 4 am in the morning.

If anyone is to hang here is the police who watched the girl but did nothing about removing her or even warning possible customers, after all it was 4 am in the morning and no innocent child walks the streets at this time of the morning alone, not to mention negotiates a price for sex

I wouldn't go that far. How can we KNOW what his intentions were? Based on what we DO know from the "press" reports I don't see very strong evidence to prove this man was actually looking for underage sex. But he MIGHT have been.

JIng, if he was, i do not think he would be looking at 4 am and i do not think on the beach at that time

That's a good point. That would have been very stupid. But the story suggests he didn't ask for ID. Assuming the girl at least looked borderline too young, that was a stupid move too. But even if he had, then you get into FAKE ID issue as well. I don't think his intention or lack of intention can really ever be proven. They can prove the girl was underage and he had sexual intentions with her, most likely. So has a big problem.

agree 100%, but need to keep in mind, he has been out drinking all night, so i do not think rational thinking was part of the deal, just as his eyesight was most likely out of wack as well, not to mention asking to see girls ID is not really what one does(does not mean should not).

I do not think they will take this matter to court, i think they will demand financial compensation for the victim and let him go

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Will never understand farang. The big crime here is paying for something so freely available on tap in that place called Pattaya - albeit once you've glimpsed an ID. Being fooled by big fruit on small trees can prove fatal.


Monitoring? I think it means they sent her out to catch a farang out ...why not intervene at the beach and explain that they were "monitoring" her and that she was just 13? Better if they cared about her, surely?

Totally agree, How did they know she was 13 by monitoring. The guy was setup.


Nobody in Thailand trusts the Police, even Judges.

If this case makes it to court, the Judge will let him off I predict.


yes its hard to tell how old some these girls but some men target very young looking girls so they are looking for young sex the sad part is what she doing out at 4 am at that age maybe going to 7/11 but he should have know better himself if some 20 year old look 15 the a 14 year old must look about 9 so lets face it he knew what he was doing poor girl has to have sex with a man old enough to be her father lock up the parents as well


yes its hard to tell how old some these girls but some men target very young looking girls so they are looking for young sex the sad part is what she doing out at 4 am at that age maybe going to 7/11 but he should have know better himself if some 20 year old look 15 the a 14 year old must look about 9 so lets face it he knew what he was doing poor girl has to have sex with a man old enough to be her father lock up the parents as well


IF he the man specifically went looking for a young girl or targeted underage young girls, i would be the first one to post to hang him, BUT he did not

He went down to the beach a well known location for prostitutes at 4 am in the morning.

If anyone is to hang here is the police who watched the girl but did nothing about removing her or even warning possible customers, after all it was 4 am in the morning and no innocent child walks the streets at this time of the morning alone, not to mention negotiates a price for sex



How does anyone know that he was "targeting" young looking girls? She may have been the only one that asked "where u go? I want come wit u! A lot of guessing seems to be in these threads. Even the suggestion that she was going to 7/11. For that matter, she could have been going to the temple, just taking a short cut through beach road. How many people here actually ask a girl for her ID? Im guessing, that not many. In the states, when police do a sting opperation, they use women that LOOK, and TALK like younger, they dont use kids! Of course in Thailand, the police dont seem to be concerned about the welfare of the child, but how they can make money.

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yes 4am,,,no doubt he was hammered. Well at least he asked her age, but who would pick up a skanky girl on beach road? And the hotel should have grabbed her ID to check. No wonder i have not been in Pattaya for 5 years.


Six pages of sheer speculation. There's 25 minutes of my life I'll never get back. sad.png

Your fault for taking the bait. Which could be said about the accused. Uh oh.
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I have to agree with many of the posts here. it is very difficult to guess the age of many of the females here in Thailand. They just don't age they way they do in the states. I am always surprised to meet someone that looks 25 and she tells me she is 45. I guess it works both ways. I hope this guy gets life if he knew she was 13, but also hope that he gets released if he honestly believed her when she said 19, and if she looked 19. Hell, with the available sex workers here, make them tattoo their birthdate on their wrist....


So you are the only one here who could possibly be correct, congratulations.

Not at all, I just haven't already pre-judged him and found him guilty unlike most here.


A few years ago a real/proven pedo from Europe who lived in Rayong had to pay 700.000 THB to the family of the child and leave the country immediately...No court, no further accusations around for his future,...only banned from LOS. Unfortunately this was a real sad story without any setup. No further judgement about this case.

With the story of the American it smells indeed as a setup. But this Mr. Rosenthal will have Jewish and US. support after any payments.


Obviojusly this girl has done this many times, and more than likely a teenage prostitute. The authorities know that or they would not have been monitoring her. She probably approached the guy.

he took the child to a room. Whether she approached him or not.You sound as suspect as the other posters on here who have problems recognizing children

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Normally, there are no girls at Pattaya Beach anymore, not at this time in the night, let alone a young one. Another point that speaks for a setup.

Spend many evenings and nights at Pattaya Beach myself in years gone by, and knew a lot of the girls who were under 18. Many of them if not all had fake copies of ID cards that said they were older than 18, or a copy of the sister's ID card, or a friend's. To pass the checks at many hotel registrations. Those girls are all gone. The regular arrests of prostitutes at the beach by Pattaya police took care of that.

The man didn't commit any crime yet. They were found in a 'state of undress'. I doubt the US authorities would try and accuse him of undressing in presence of a prostitute who lied about her age, and I doubt that is a crime in Thailand.


I read this story this way .... a 13 girl is seen loitering on the beach and suspicions arose so she was watched and the caught in the act of prostitution once real proof in the room was found. Prior to that, there was no proof that anyone could act upon. The guy may have known her real age or may not but that is no excuse in the eyes of the law. It might have been handled differently in other countries but that is the way it is handled here. Without real evidence here, no case can be made against the girl or her customer.

If she was just just seen and watched then how did they know she was 13? And if they did know she was 13, why didn't they take action to take her off the beach that she was walking on at 4am without parental supervision.

The way this reads to me, the cops and social workers were her parental supervision on this particular morning.


Obviojusly this girl has done this many times, and more than likely a teenage prostitute. The authorities know that or they would not have been monitoring her. She probably approached the guy.

he took the child to a room. Whether she approached him or not.You sound as suspect as the other posters on here who have problems recognizing children

The guy took a "female" to the room, who had told him she was 19 Yrs old, allegedly.


In a case like this, is the accused held on remand or given bail?

If convicted, would he be deported (after serving time in Thailand) and, if so, would he face charges in the US?

Bail is possible, if convicted it means blacklisting.

There will be no charges in the US if he is sentenced in Thailand. You cannot be convicted twice for the same offence. If he would skip bail and flee the country to the US he could face prosecution in the US.

What happened to crime prevention and the protection of minor's. The girl was soliciting. Maybe the American was stalking. The police permitted both offences in order to facilitate a third offence. Finally the police permitted a minor to proceed into danger with her John who could have cut her throat while the police officers allowed sufficient time to lapse before entering the room in order to discover the third offence. <deleted>' bizarre if you ask me.
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