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Dog Survives Firecracker Explosion In Its Mouth: Nakhon Pathom


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where's the Activist when you want them? have them parade around the houses where the kids live.

what Thailand needs is dog control to prevent things like this as well as the dog trade.

I think you are addressing the activists right here on this forum.

You have activists who have posted their creed. They think these kids should be given an injection of some sort, or they express a desire to inject a firecracker but not in their mouths, and who think these kids are sick, mentally crippled bastards who need a lot of mental help, but instead, they personally think it woud be better just to shoot them sick bastards. One of these fanatic activists wouldn't mind putting some fire crackers up their ass.

They are describing their desires to harm children of the human race, who were born into ignorance and poverty, and have no guidance, all on account of a dog.

Cruel, yes, but that is the collateral damage you pay for poor ignorant children being born into a ferel environment which compells the child organizations to plead their cause. It is as if you all are expecting poor ignorant children to be perfect and not harm things in their environment. They acted as typical little scavengers will act when they have no guidance.

This is the collateral damage which comes from poverty. These children are not perfect, and these things will happen. This was an opportunity to feel bad about the disgraceful state of child welfare or to sympathize for a poor creature but without placing its value above that of a human, rather than morally debased retribution against them.

Ghandi is not God. How nations treat their animals is not the issue in this case, but rather how nations do not treat their animals, and instead allow them to exist in an ungoverned state. Consequently, this is the collateral damage, but in no uncertain terms do you condemn children to the heinous deeds mentioned above.

It seems odd that it is acceptable to place the life of a mother over the life of an unborn baby, and abort the baby (as I also agree with), yet we humans contradict this ideology when we say it is acceptable to put the life of a dog over the life of a child and murder or abuse the child (as I emphatically disagree with).

What is your source that these were children of poverty?

They may not be children of poverty, but they are definitely children without teaching, to which cup-O-coffee is still quite correct.

What does teaching, learning or poverty for that matter have anything to do WHATSOEVER with compassion ?? Cruelty is an inner intrinsic part of humans and we all have a grain of it to some extent... unfortunately some have it a lot more and some have it over the top and has nothing to do with Proverty, teaching, education or whatever else... I have known a lot of very extremely poor people in India and there was not 1 mean bone in their bodies ...and I also knew poor people who were cruel to animals in an atrocious way ... and to go further ... I can say the same about the very , very rich and educated people I knew there ... In fact the rich and educated ones were the meanest ... and the most cruel to animals and to each other for that matter...

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I think you are addressing the activists right here on this forum.

You have activists who have posted their creed. They think these kids should be given an injection of some sort, or they express a desire to inject a firecracker but not in their mouths, and who think these kids are sick, mentally crippled bastards who need a lot of mental help, but instead, they personally think it woud be better just to shoot them sick bastards. One of these fanatic activists wouldn't mind putting some fire crackers up their ass.

They are describing their desires to harm children of the human race, who were born into ignorance and poverty, and have no guidance, all on account of a dog.

Cruel, yes, but that is the collateral damage you pay for poor ignorant children being born into a ferel environment which compells the child organizations to plead their cause. It is as if you all are expecting poor ignorant children to be perfect and not harm things in their environment. They acted as typical little scavengers will act when they have no guidance.

This is the collateral damage which comes from poverty. These children are not perfect, and these things will happen. This was an opportunity to feel bad about the disgraceful state of child welfare or to sympathize for a poor creature but without placing its value above that of a human, rather than morally debased retribution against them.

Ghandi is not God. How nations treat their animals is not the issue in this case, but rather how nations do not treat their animals, and instead allow them to exist in an ungoverned state. Consequently, this is the collateral damage, but in no uncertain terms do you condemn children to the heinous deeds mentioned above.

It seems odd that it is acceptable to place the life of a mother over the life of an unborn baby, and abort the baby (as I also agree with), yet we humans contradict this ideology when we say it is acceptable to put the life of a dog over the life of a child and murder or abuse the child (as I emphatically disagree with).

What is your source that these were children of poverty?

They may not be children of poverty, but they are definitely children without teaching, to which cup-O-coffee is still quite correct.

What does teaching, learning or poverty for that matter have anything to do WHATSOEVER with compassion ?? Cruelty is an inner intrinsic part of humans and we all have a grain of it to some extent... unfortunately some have it a lot more and some have it over the top and has nothing to do with Proverty, teaching, education or whatever else... I have known a lot of very extremely poor people in India and there was not 1 mean bone in their bodies ...and I also knew poor people who were cruel to animals in an atrocious way ... and to go further ... I can say the same about the very , very rich and educated people I knew there ... In fact the rich and educated ones were the meanest ... and the most cruel to animals and to each other for that matter...

Teaching of empathy, not academia. Sorry I should have stated that in my earlier post

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'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated'

Mahatma Ghandi.

No - you judge a nation bu the way in which it's people are treated.]

Dirty flea ridden, mangey half starved soi dogs should be put out of there & our misery. They do nothing but spread filth.

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In a few years time those same kids will have their heads shaved and off for a few days in the wat. What kind of bhuddists are these people?

The Thai cultural attitude towards animals is a whole lot different than Western countries, although, we have our problems also.

Hopefully, "if" they go to have their heads shaved and put on yellow robes, they will get instruction in what "Panadapada" means.

The first precept... Panadapada.. means; not harming or killing any living creature.. animals included..

Causing an animal to be put down because of an injury you did to it, is the same thing as killing it..

Yes you are correct and they never harm them or kill them ... the animals they have in their temples that is ... However they just don't give a hoot or care about them one iota and let them die in their miserable states with total blindness or compassion or help or whatever ... just totally useless they are !! and they are EDUCATED IN THE FIELD OF LOVE ALL NATURE ... Pfff!! ... My friend saved 1 of 2 rabbits from a temple who were locked up in a cage without water or food... One of them was dead but still lying there for obviously many many days considering the state of decomposition of the body and the other one which my friend saved had half her face missing from rot ... ! In her furry of disgust she questionned the head monk who just stood there speechless with a dumb smile along with the other Junior Monks with the same stupis smiling look ... Please ...! ... Anyway I can't say more or I will get barred once again ...

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In a few years time those same kids will have their heads shaved and off for a few days in the wat. What kind of bhuddists are these people?

The Thai cultural attitude towards animals is a whole lot different than Western countries, although, we have our problems also.

Hopefully, "if" they go to have their heads shaved and put on yellow robes, they will get instruction in what "Panadapada" means.

The first precept... Panadapada.. means; not harming or killing any living creature.. animals included..

Causing an animal to be put down because of an injury you did to it, is the same thing as killing it..

There should be far more vegetarians here then if they really believed in what they were taught when they were wearing yellow.

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'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated'

Mahatma Ghandi.

No - you judge a nation bu the way in which it's people are treated.]

Dirty flea ridden, mangey half starved soi dogs should be put out of there & our misery. They do nothing but spread filth.

according to whom? you? and your right to determine is given to you by whom?

Seems there are more humans who spread more filth than anyone or anything else on this planet and it does not include what comes out of their mouth at time

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'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated'

Mahatma Ghandi.

No - you judge a nation bu the way in which it's people are treated.]

Dirty flea ridden, mangey half starved soi dogs should be put out of there & our misery. They do nothing but spread filth.

I do hope this was YOUR Attempt at humor because if not I frankly would prefer to eliminate the kind you are ...100% !

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In a few years time those same kids will have their heads shaved and off for a few days in the wat. What kind of bhuddists are these people?

The Thai cultural attitude towards animals is a whole lot different than Western countries, although, we have our problems also.

Hopefully, "if" they go to have their heads shaved and put on yellow robes, they will get instruction in what "Panadapada" means.

The first precept... Panadapada.. means; not harming or killing any living creature.. animals included..

Causing an animal to be put down because of an injury you did to it, is the same thing as killing it..

Yes you are correct and they never harm them or kill them ... the animals they have in their temples that is ... However they just don't give a hoot or care about them one iota and let them die in their miserable states with total blindness or compassion or help or whatever ... just totally useless they are !! and they are EDUCATED IN THE FIELD OF LOVE ALL NATURE ... Pfff!! ... My friend saved 1 of 2 rabbits from a temple who were locked up in a cage without water or food... One of them was dead but still lying there for obviously many many days considering the state of decomposition of the body and the other one which my friend saved had half her face missing from rot ... ! In her furry of disgust she questionned the head monk who just stood there speechless with a dumb smile along with the other Junior Monks with the same stupis smiling look ... Please ...! ... Anyway I can't say more or I will get barred once again ...

Indeed, cruelty through lack of action because of religious (non)beliefs, I would rather run over a ruined kitten on the road rather than let it suffer another minute. I hope when/if the time comes the same will be done to me.

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'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated'

Mahatma Ghandi.

No - you judge a nation bu the way in which it's people are treated.]

Dirty flea ridden, mangey half starved soi dogs should be put out of there & our misery. They do nothing but spread filth.

I do hope this was YOUR Attempt at humor because if not I frankly would prefer to eliminate the kind you are ...100% !

Educate don't eliminate; one spreads, one dies

Edited by Buckaroo
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What is your source that these were children of poverty?

What does teaching, learning or poverty for that matter have anything to do WHATSOEVER with compassion ?? Cruelty is an inner intrinsic part of humans and we all have a grain of it to some extent... unfortunately some have it a lot more and some have it over the top and has nothing to do with Proverty, teaching, education or whatever else... I have known a lot of very extremely poor people in India and there was not 1 mean bone in their bodies ...and I also knew poor people who were cruel to animals in an atrocious way ... and to go further ... I can say the same about the very , very rich and educated people I knew there ... In fact the rich and educated ones were the meanest ... and the most cruel to animals and to each other for that matter...

I do not have a source other than most Thais are not wealthy; hence I could be wrong on this, and I apologize. I do not, however, feel that this error affects the potency of my statement. On the other hand, I wonder why it is imperative for you to know if these children were born into wealthy or poor families.

You subsequent meanderings on your interpretation (emphasis on your interpretation) of compassion and cruelty have me confused about where you think ignorant children are supposed to get their indoctrination to be socially well-adjusted for environment they live in.

Added to that is your comment where you imply that teaching and learning do not play a part in making a human being aware of compassion and engaging it in a well-structured manner which fits in with a particlular social understanding of the term.

On a related note about mental cruelty in marriage (on the basis that "a thought, at any speed or regularity, invariably triggers an action"), the Supreme Court of the United States of America states:

“98. On proper analysis and scrutiny of the judgments of this Court and other courts, we have come to the definite conclusion that there cannot be any comprehensive definition of the concept of “mental cruelty” within which all kinds of cases of mental cruelty can be covered. No court in our considered view should even attempt to give a comprehensive definition of mental cruelty.

99. Human mind is extremely complex and human behaviour is equally complicated. Similarly human ingenuity has no bound, therefore, to assimilate the entire human behaviour in one definition is almost impossible. What is cruelty in one case may not amount to cruelty in other case. The concept of cruelty differs from person to person depending upon his upbringing, level of sensitivity, educational, family and cultural background, financial position, social status, customs, traditions, religious beliefs, human values and their value system.

100. Apart from this, the concept of mental cruelty cannot remain static; it is bound to change with the passage of time, impact of modern culture through print and electronic media and value system, etc. etc. What may be mental cruelty now may not remain a mental cruelty after a passage of time or vice versa. There can never be any straitjacket formula or fixed parameters for determining mental cruelty in matrimonial matters. The prudent and appropriate way to adjudicate the case would be to evaluate it on its peculiar facts and circumstances while taking aforementioned factors in consideration.

I think that pretty well sums up my view that these human children should not be condemned without trial for their actions. We do not know for certain that they were fully aware of the consequences that their actions would place upon that animal on the basis of ignorance, mental or physical abuse, abandonment or any of these in combination.

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'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated'

Mahatma Ghandi.

No - you judge a nation bu the way in which it's people are treated.]

Dirty flea ridden, mangey half starved soi dogs should be put out of there & our misery. They do nothing but spread filth.

A bit of common sense at last.

Wonder how many of the dog lovers have contrinuted to the boat people, the blind beggers in the market, orphan children?

If they showed as much compassion to them and others in need as they do towards dogs the country, world, would be a better place.

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'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated'

Mahatma Ghandi.

No - you judge a nation bu the way in which it's people are treated.]

Dirty flea ridden, mangey half starved soi dogs should be put out of there & our misery. They do nothing but spread filth.

A bit of common sense at last.

Wonder how many of the dog lovers have contrinuted to the boat people, the blind beggers in the market, orphan children?

If they showed as much compassion to them and others in need as they do towards dogs the country, world, would be a better place.

have you? have you contributed anything? to the blind? orphane? disabled or anyone for that matter?

Your post really reminds me of a trip i took to father rays foundation, 9 people in the van, all very righteous with comments similar to yours.

After a few hours there, we made some donations and were back on the bus. They thanked us for the donation and stated 3000 baht was received. 2 000 was what i gave, makes you wonder out of 8 what the split was.

Edited by lemoncake
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where's the Activist when you want them? have them parade around the houses where the kids live.

what Thailand needs is dog control to prevent things like this as well as the dog trade.

I think you are addressing the activists right here on this forum.

You have activists who have posted their creed. They think these kids should be given an injection of some sort, or they express a desire to inject a firecracker but not in their mouths, and who think these kids are sick, mentally crippled bastards who need a lot of mental help, but instead, they personally think it woud be better just to shoot them sick bastards. One of these fanatic activists wouldn't mind putting some fire crackers up their ass.

They are describing their desires to harm children of the human race, who were born into ignorance and poverty, and have no guidance, all on account of a dog.

Cruel, yes, but that is the collateral damage you pay for poor ignorant children being born into a ferel environment which compells the child organizations to plead their cause. It is as if you all are expecting poor ignorant children to be perfect and not harm things in their environment. They acted as typical little scavengers will act when they have no guidance.

This is the collateral damage which comes from poverty. These children are not perfect, and these things will happen. This was an opportunity to feel bad about the disgraceful state of child welfare or to sympathize for a poor creature but without placing its value above that of a human, rather than morally debased retribution against them.

Ghandi is not God. How nations treat their animals is not the issue in this case, but rather how nations do not treat their animals, and instead allow them to exist in an ungoverned state. Consequently, this is the collateral damage, but in no uncertain terms do you condemn children to the heinous deeds mentioned above.

It seems odd that it is acceptable to place the life of a mother over the life of an unborn baby, and abort the baby (as I also agree with), yet we humans contradict this ideology when we say it is acceptable to put the life of a dog over the life of a child and murder or abuse the child (as I emphatically disagree with).

What is your source that these were children of poverty?

They may not be children of poverty, but they are definitely children without teaching, to which cup-O-coffee is still quite correct.

Where is your evidence that they are children without teaching? Many criminals who perpetrate violent crimes are both educated and were raised in loving homes.

But cultural norms can overrule both of these experiences.

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Such savagery! Once again, an indication that there are some mental cripples who have no understanding of the relationship between their actions and the consequences of those actions.

Sad, very sad, for the dog and the vermin perps.

Up here in Esaan it is a past time for children to catch cock roches, lizzards and other small varments then tie a string around their neck and drag them around the village. Also a past time is kicking small dogs just to hear them yelp. So it it not just only the mental cripples but I think it is in their DNA to do this.
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Wonder how many of the dog lovers have contrinuted to the boat people, the blind beggers in the market, orphan children?

If they showed as much compassion to them and others in need as they do towards dogs the country, world, would be a better place.

-Lemoncake- responded good already.

You serious?


I do not believe that, I, as an Expat in TH can make any difference to the the way Thailand's government handles boat people and I do not know,

how I in Isaan, can contribute to make a difference which really counts, other than words.


I still give to -beggars- blind or not and not only in a market!


Orphan children? What can I do to help them, where? Take some, to my 5 I have already?

I think, contributing, something positive to anything, is better than doing nothing at all.

So, the people who helped that dog with the exploded jaw did something good instead of looking for a big stone to kill him with.

Remembering the Talmud

  • Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.

- Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5; Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 37a

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Up here in Esaan it is a past time for children to catch cock roches, lizzards and other small varments then tie a string around their neck and drag them around the village. Also a past time is kicking small dogs just to hear them yelp. So it it not just only the mental cripples but I think it is in their DNA to do this.

I live in Isaan to and when I see any cruelty I try to intervene and to educate.

The aunt of one of my sons broke off all legs (which are stingy and strong) of a big -Rhinoceros Beetle- that kind the Aseans use for their fighting games,

put a thread around his head and give it to my 4-5 year old as a present to play with.

I do not know if it helped, to change their mind, but at least, the family had to hear my disgust and Rejection of this act!

As I see it, animal cruelty in that family stopped.wink.png

My opinion is, the children copy usual what they see and get shown at home. I was brought up,by a mother with great love for animals, special dogs.

My youngest, now 5, who spends a lot if time near me, in the small Isaan village, is a dog and animal lover,

as he see how I take care and does-feels now the same. thumbsup.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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I think you are addressing the activists right here on this forum.

You have activists who have posted their creed. They think these kids should be given an injection of some sort, or they express a desire to inject a firecracker but not in their mouths, and who think these kids are sick, mentally crippled bastards who need a lot of mental help, but instead, they personally think it woud be better just to shoot them sick bastards. One of these fanatic activists wouldn't mind putting some fire crackers up their ass.

They are describing their desires to harm children of the human race, who were born into ignorance and poverty, and have no guidance, all on account of a dog.

Cruel, yes, but that is the collateral damage you pay for poor ignorant children being born into a ferel environment which compells the child organizations to plead their cause. It is as if you all are expecting poor ignorant children to be perfect and not harm things in their environment. They acted as typical little scavengers will act when they have no guidance.

This is the collateral damage which comes from poverty. These children are not perfect, and these things will happen. This was an opportunity to feel bad about the disgraceful state of child welfare or to sympathize for a poor creature but without placing its value above that of a human, rather than morally debased retribution against them.

Ghandi is not God. How nations treat their animals is not the issue in this case, but rather how nations do not treat their animals, and instead allow them to exist in an ungoverned state. Consequently, this is the collateral damage, but in no uncertain terms do you condemn children to the heinous deeds mentioned above.

It seems odd that it is acceptable to place the life of a mother over the life of an unborn baby, and abort the baby (as I also agree with), yet we humans contradict this ideology when we say it is acceptable to put the life of a dog over the life of a child and murder or abuse the child (as I emphatically disagree with).

What is your source that these were children of poverty?

They may not be children of poverty, but they are definitely children without teaching, to which cup-O-coffee is still quite correct.

Where is your evidence that they are children without teaching? Many criminals who perpetrate violent crimes are both educated and were raised in loving homes.

But cultural norms can overrule both of these experiences.

Where is your evidence? Where is your source? It's a post on T.V. unless any of us were there and know the people that done this, all we can do is comment. I can only speak for myself in that my comments and comments I agree with are born of what I have experienced. My experience in this case is that when empathy is taught, people think more about the consequences of their actions.

Edited by Buckaroo
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I, too are sickened by the treatment this dog has received. it is cruelty in it's worst form.

I do not really know how to inquire about my next problem. My wife and I live in a nice little area, only 8 newish houses. Only 5 regularly occupied, the rest are investor properties. We are troubled by barking dogs. one of the 8 houses opposite our's has 5 dogs. Every time a person or another dog passes their property ,which has a large gate ,the dogs rush to the gate and all bark simultaneously. They cause the other two dogs to join in. The last few nights there is a band of soi dogs, maybe six or eight come around just after we have gone to bed. I am not sure if one of the 5 dogs is on use but all the soi dogs go barking madly and the others join in and then a fight is started between the soi dogs. Meanwhile one of the 5 dogs gets exited and beats up one of the other five digs. To cap this one of the houses opposite us ,the Thai lady has got a new boyfriend and he has brought along his three fighting cocks who wake me up at or before dawn. He keeps them in three type of baskets which upside down which are situated between their wall and the road, 25 metres from our house. We have approached the lady who has the 5 dogs with no avail. How do we combat this situation without moving house. I am not a cruel person towards animals but my patience is wearing thin as it has been going on three years now.

All suggestions will be will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Live with it or poisoned meat thrown over the wall at 3am.

You are suggesting that someone employ criminal behavior to solve this problem and, aside from the legal issue, poison tossed into someone's garden can easily find its way to an unintended target, including small children.

agreed, my toddler is constantly patrolling the yard in hope of finding discarded raw meat.

Edited by candypants
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I cannot conceive, of doing to an animal what was done to that poor dog.

Had i would have been present i suspect i might have killed one of the perpetrators, and i am entirely non-violent.

Such a disregard for life does not bode well once these children reach adulthood

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In response to

"Up here in Esaan it is a past time for children to catch cock roches, lizzards and other small varments then tie a string around their neck and drag them around the village. Also a past time is kicking small dogs just to hear them yelp. So it it not just only the mental cripples but I think it is in their DNA to do this."

And why ?? and WHO has taught them to do this ....?? Their parents maybe ...?? and this stems from where and why .. ?? Oye the sick minds of humans is what is destroying this planet ... I'd like to do the same to people who do such things being .. tie a rope around their neck and drag them through the villages, then cities and throw them into a river / ocean with a very heavy rock attached to the rope so they never come back ,, and oh please do not come back with the You are tackling this with the same cruelty they are and are as bad as them ..... they make me so angry I want them to feel what they do to others so yup ... that's what I want ..for them to EXPERIENCE THE JOYS OF THEIR OWN PASSTIMES !!

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In response to

"Up here in Esaan it is a past time for children to catch cock roches, lizzards and other small varments then tie a string around their neck and drag them around the village. Also a past time is kicking small dogs just to hear them yelp. So it it not just only the mental cripples but I think it is in their DNA to do this."

And why ?? and WHO has taught them to do this ....?? Their parents maybe ...?? and this stems from where and why .. ?? Oye the sick minds of humans is what is destroying this planet ... I'd like to do the same to people who do such things being .. tie a rope around their neck and drag them through the villages, then cities and throw them into a river / ocean with a very heavy rock attached to the rope so they never come back ,, and oh please do not come back with the You are tackling this with the same cruelty they are and are as bad as them ..... they make me so angry I want them to feel what they do to others so yup ... that's what I want ..for them to EXPERIENCE THE JOYS OF THEIR OWN PASSTIMES !!

And this is why one teaches empathy

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You are tackling this with the same cruelty they are and are as bad as them ..... they make me so angry I want them to feel what they do to others so yup ... that's what I want ..for them to EXPERIENCE THE JOYS OF THEIR OWN PASSTIMES !!

And this is why one teaches empathy

My late mother used to say. You try as much as you want.

"Some, can only be stirred by a blow!"

Time and experience showed me, she is right!whistling.gif

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I, too are sickened by the treatment this dog has received. it is cruelty in it's worst form.

I do not really know how to inquire about my next problem. My wife and I live in a nice little area, only 8 newish houses. Only 5 regularly occupied, the rest are investor properties. We are troubled by barking dogs. one of the 8 houses opposite our's has 5 dogs. Every time a person or another dog passes their property ,which has a large gate ,the dogs rush to the gate and all bark simultaneously. They cause the other two dogs to join in. The last few nights there is a band of soi dogs, maybe six or eight come around just after we have gone to bed. I am not sure if one of the 5 dogs is on use but all the soi dogs go barking madly and the others join in and then a fight is started between the soi dogs. Meanwhile one of the 5 dogs gets exited and beats up one of the other five digs. To cap this one of the houses opposite us ,the Thai lady has got a new boyfriend and he has brought along his three fighting cocks who wake me up at or before dawn. He keeps them in three type of baskets which upside down which are situated between their wall and the road, 25 metres from our house. We have approached the lady who has the 5 dogs with no avail. How do we combat this situation without moving house. I am not a cruel person towards animals but my patience is wearing thin as it has been going on three years now.

All suggestions will be will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

For canines: I like to use high frequency sound.. download freeware.. hook up the speakers and find the frequency it annoys dogs at.

Don't shatter your wife's wine goblets.

Chickens?... One cannot control a chicken.

I am pretty sure some rice soaked in sa toh might make them not care enough to crow..

Birds don't tolerate alcohol well due to their Mormon upbringing.. No more than equivalent of 1/4 tsp vodka.

Double espresso for the bird on fight day and he'll be a lean, mean, peckin' machine.

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