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Opposition Dumps Thaksin's Election Plans

Felix Lynn

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Sorry I cannot agree with most of you.

I think boycotting the election is a great idea. they are NOT stupid... they know if he gets re-elected that all h@ll will break loose because he will not have been democratically elected if there was no opposition

One thing you cannot call Thaksin is stupid, corrupt , but not stupid.. thats why he has called a snap election.. C'mon you have all read the papers, what goes around comes around...and he knows he is on his political ARSE! He is on his way OUT one way or another.

Why would he not be elected democratically? as I recall votings a duty in Thailand. If your going to show up at the polls might as well vote. The sunni minority tried a boycott in the first Iraqi election, changed their tune the next election.

Big cities are generally democratic, as well as union. trade association etc but rural areas where the majority of people live are more conservative, they are people who have to work for life on its most basic level.

The majority of posters on this board come from socialist europe, they feel more comfortable with a nanny goverment, like the cradle to grave comfort of big brother watching over them, wiping their asses and giving them comfort. Hence the proliferation of prodemo posts, and anti Taksin messages found on this board. well I'm never voting in a Thai election and very ###### few of you will. I constantly read negativity against the PM but very few comments about whats occurred thats been good. I go with my Thai wife on this one, she points out all the good Taksins done vs what occurred before he took office. She has no reason to be happy with the man, didn't like him before he took office, and as she worked for a company that he owned and lost her job when he closed it, she certainly didn't vote for the man. But she recognizes what many things that've improved. 30 baht health visits, wipe out of world bank debt in such a short period of time, it surprised all, building projects all around the country etc..

I think alot people dislike the intrusion into their enjoyments, bars closing earlier, crackdown on drugs, an increase in what it takes to stay in Thailand monetarily etc None of which will affect me, I'm happily married, drink rarely , bars aren't my cup of tea anymore, and if I want live music I'll buy an electronic piano as I can't play my guitars anymore.

But I guess my point is most here wish to import their values from home and place them in Thailand. Same as Muslims wish to do in Europe(world) and many are starting to resent that. I say let the Thais decide, many on board have a tendency toward elitism, as if their smarter, better than the Thais. I'm not smarter or better than anyone, I recognize that fact, my values aren't necessarily thai values, although many coincide, but I'll not try to force them on anyone

There was an ex-minister of industry talking about this at tonight's rally. He claims he was not surprised when the IMF loans were quickly paid off after Thaksin's arrival as PM in order to keep the IMF's nose out of Thailand's books, enabling a free for all with even more corruption in those building projects you mentioned and more. Makes sense?

7:20 pm: Thaksin gives interview to reporters after a meeting with small parties that the Thai Rak Thai will go on "carrying out our duty". He says although the Chat Thai, Democrat and Mahachon would boycott the election, there are 10 other small parties, which will participate in the election.

I think he has them check-mate with that one... if they boycott they'll lose all their seats

:o Wise words indeed :D

The poker game has just begun. There's a whole lot more bluffing coming from both parties. Even though your opponent has stacked the deck doesn't mean he'll end up with all of the chips. :D

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Haven't had time to read all on this thread as it looks like personal opinions as opposed to factual ones. But just have to say I entirely agree with ThaiPauly - one of the smarter bears on TV.

Guys spend more time checking updates http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/02/27...es_20001652.php

We'd sincerely love to.... :o

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Penzman check this one


11:37 pm: Sondhi goes up on the stage. Sondhi says the PAD has set the ending day for Thaksin.

Sondhis announces the people will move to Democracy Monument. People cheer.

Sondhi asks the people to promise not to damage any government property, including the Government Lottery Office.

He says the demonstrators will move to the monument to announce that the people will give Thaksin five days to resign.

Sondhi says ASTV will not be broadcast live to provinces on March 5 because he wants all provincial people to descend on Bangkok to oust Thaksin.

"March 5 will be the day to check bill against Thaksin," Sondhi says. People cheer.

People applaud to promise to march peacefully to Democracy Monument. The demonstrators give another big applause to promise they will come to rally on March 5 to oust Thaksin.

"Don't miss a chance to be part of the history to rebuild the country which has been damaged by Thaksin," Sondhi says.

11:51 pm: Suwit, an announcer, tells the crowds about details how the march will be organised.

11:52 pm: The people start to make formation for the march.

11:54 pm: The PAD makes a statement on stage while the demonstrators are making formation for the march.

The announcer says the PAD cannot allow Thaksin to go making damages to the country so it sets a deadline for Thaksin to leave office.

[Read the report on the third day of the raly, click here]

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minorities are not necessarily wrong. This is why democracy can only be seen as the'least worst solution' rather than the mystical and rightious solution the Americans see it as.

Thaksin is popular because of populist policies, policies that satisfy the short term. However that is not the issue.

The biggest issue with Thaksin is the systematic and deliberate erosion of an effective opposition - be it a democratic one or one through other institutions such as the media. When the prime minister has an unhealthy control of the media then the potential for abuse of powers is enormous and possibly inevitable. Thaksin needs to be reigned in now before it's too late!

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The march begins at midnight.

[Click here to read the report of the rally on the second day]

12:06 am: Channel 9 reports the march.

The march continues peacefully. The march is led by a vehicle on which announcer Suwit Watnoo is. The Dharma Army forms the second line of the march. Protesters make the third line after the Dharma Army.

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Sondhis announces the people will move to Democracy Monument. People cheer.

Sondhi asks the people to promise not to damage any government property, including the Government Lottery Office.

...Seem to remember in 1992 the National Lottery building came away from the conflict surrounding the Royal Hotel completely unscathed...(Chami v Suchin)...come the revolution comrades ...wotever side you are on and wotever you do......Dont touch the lottery buil...... :o

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You're right on one score, if he goes down he'll fight to the last. Smart b####### he knows how to play the people. But Suchinda wasn't the 'scared' type was he????

12:17 am: ASTV reports that the march will take about half an hour to reach the Democracy Monument.

12:21 am: The head of the march reaches the Democracy Monument.

12:25 am: The PAD set up mobile amplifier system at the Democracy Monument. An announcer says the rally will continue at the monument throughout the night and will not return to Sanam Luang for the night.

The announcer tells demonstrators who arrive at the monument to sit down in good order.

Demonstrators who are still marching wave flags.

12:32 am: Sondhi who walks among the demonstrators reach the monument.

12:35 am: Channel 9 announces urgent breaking news that the demonstrators reach Democracy Monument.

12:38 am: ASTV reports that the rear part of the parade is still at Sanam Luang.

Organisers of the rally distribute a candle to each demonstrator.

12:42 am: The demonstrators shout "Thaksin get out" in rhythm nearly all the time.

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They are quite right to boycott the thing. They have asked TRT to participate in consitutional reforms, they have refused. The current situation overwhelmingly favours TRT. An election in 30, days with the 90 day rule in place, virtually complete control of the media and with enough resources to ensure that the rural voters, make the "right choice." The problem here is Toxic, and his refusal to resign, here we have guy who is unsuitable as a PM, he would be better of as a Kindergarden teacher. At least there you can tell the kids that you know best and there is no need for them to think. Then again, if I had children I probably wouldn't want him to teach my them. No the guy, has to go! At the moment he is doing a Mugabe, thank God for the King!

as I see it...

the problem is not with thaksin.

there may a problem with the laws, but then, the opposition should work in the confines of the law to change it if a problem does exist. (but NOT during an election.)

actually, I see the problem as one being with the minority opposition. they want to form a dictatorship where they can dictate to the majority of the people what should be done.

in some countries, that is called treason.

if the minority opposition really cares about the country, they should apologize and get back in there, and work with the majority party to solve the country's problems whatever they might be.

the minority party(s) should start helping the poor people out in the countryside to improve their reputation out there. ...that way, they will be able to do better in future elections.

when you get right down to it... isn't the politicians suppose to be the servant to the people?

last, but not least. the minority party complains that thaksin hasn't done anything. so, my question to them is - WHAT DID THEY DO??? (other than complain.)

some tips for the minority parties...

1) why doesn't someone get in the limelight and start some mediation with the teachers in the hopes of resolving their opposition to changes in the status quo.

2) another hot topic.. maybe someone can start discussions in the media to resolve the thais' paranoia with foreign investments.

3) how about someone in the minority party setting up a small solar farm with their own money and present their findings to the newspapers. this will definitely get them media exposure. hey! chuwit, why don't you set up that park on sukumvit 10 as a solar farm? power some bank next door, or some nearby buildings. start polishing your image, man. get some of those stirling solar platforms. (www.stirlingenergy.com) then, you could even say you got the idea from bush.

4) why doesn't some politician lead the way to help pattaya resolve their water shortage problem?

5) bring in western technology to improve the output of farms here.

..you better do it quick, or thaksin will beat you to it.

my 2 cents..

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Actually I think its a smart move. It will allow the MP's that want out of TRT to bail and still be in the election. All they have to do is jump ship now and delay the election for 30 days. You may start hearing about MP's jumping ship soon.


The TRT party candidates are prohibited by the 90 day rule of jumping ship to another party and still run in the election....

but yet, that hasn't stopped several of them from already resigning from the party, even though it means knowingly giving up their seat and a chance to run in the election..... which speaks volumes if you ask me.

For info on who has quit TRT Party:

TRT Party Resignation

TRT Party Resignations, Part II.... more are leaving

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why no one asks for , why Sonthi wanna fight?

just he owe money in bank and asked Tukky for decrease it.. but tukky does not agree with .. that was the start point

Topic: Abhisit Vejjajiva

BambinA 2006-02-25 04:38:56 Post #2

he is a fag who married wit a dentist

so... notwithstanding what his spouse's occupation happens to be, is Sonthi yet another "fag" in your book? :o

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My 2 cents to Ha Ha ..... Get a grip !!!!!!

I just want this country to prosper. that is why I even bother to do my "2 cents".

the only guy I see trying is thaksin. you see him in all the news all the time trying this or that.

those other guys...

...well, all they do is complain.

if those "other" guys DID something, I would rally for them too.

I remember reading about that one young guy who pushed through the BTS extension, that was cool. those are the kind of things I like to see politicians engaged in. but he needs to be more pro-active and do more things.

frankly, that's why I like thaksin. he is trying. ..even if he is not successful, he tries.

in my book, that's better than someone who just sits in his chair twiddling his thumbs. wouldn't you agree?

frankly, those politicians should do more than just go to meetings and state dinners. they should go out there, and talk to the people - focus on projects to overcome problems whereever they might be.

no, state dinners and meetings just don't do it for me.

as for crybabies, they need to go home to mama. they can't even take care of themselves, and they want to represent the people? give me a break.

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so... notwithstanding what his spouse's occupation happens to be, is Sonthi yet another "fag" in your book? :o

they are not fags right now

its worse

fag knows about catfight ..

they just cant do that

just like a dog in the coner of soi who cant do anything just barks

(sorry for you guys dog..i love u all , just now i dont know how i can compare those guys with whom)

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why no one asks for , why Sonthi wanna fight?

just he owe money in bank and asked Tukky for decrease it.. but tukky does not agree with .. that was the start point

Please explain a little further, Bambi, since I don't understand the details here...



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a story from somebody (not from me)

ทำยังไงกันดี น้องมาร์ค งอแง จะเป็นหัวหน้าห้อง ให้ได้

เรื่องมีอยู่ว่า ที่ห้องเรียน อนุบาล 3/4 ระหว่างที่ ดช แม้ว ซึ่งเป็น หัวหน้าห้องที่ได้รับการโหวดเลือกจากทุกคน กำลัง ทำการบ้านอยู่นั้น

ดช มาร์ค พร้อมด้วย พรรคพวก ดช กะทิ ดช จำลอง ดช ไส ได้ไปพาเด็กนักเรียนห้องพิเศษ(ห้องเด็กป่วยเป็นดาวน์ซินโดรม) มาจำนวนหนึ่ง มาบีบบังคับให้เด็กชายแม้ว ลาออกจากการเป็นหัวหน้าห้อง อ้างทำเพื่อเพื่อนๆและโรงเรียน ไม่งั้นจะ ก่อความวุ่นวาย ครูห้ามปรามอย่างไรก็ไม่ฟัง

ดช แม้วจึงยื่นข้อเสนออย่างลูกผู้ชาย ยอมลาออก แล้วให้เพื่อนๆ ช่วยกันโหวดลงคะแนน อีกครั้งว่าจะเอาใคร จะได้ยุติธรรมที่สุด

แต่เด็กชายมาร์คและพวก ก็งอแงขึ้นมา ไม่ยอมรับข้อเสนอนี้ เพราะรู้ว่า ถึงตัวเองลงเลือก ก็จะมีเพียงเด็กห้องพิเศษเท่านั้นที่เลือกตน คะแนนคงจะสู้เด็กชายแม้วไม่ได้

จึงพยายาม ใช้กำลังและวิธีสกปรก ใส่ร้ายว่า ดช แม้ว แจกลูกอม ติดสินบนเพื่อนๆ บีบให้ ดช แม้ว ออกจาก โรงเรียน

พร้อมลงไปชักดิ้นชัก งอ แงๆๆ มาร์ค จะเอาๆๆๆ มาร์คเป็นตัวของตัวเอง มาร์คผิดตรงไหน แงๆๆ

เป็นที่อนาจใจ แก่ผู้ที่พบเห็นเป็นอย่างมาก

มาติดตาม ดูกันต่อในเล่มหน้า ว่าเด็กชายมาร์คจะเป็นอย่างไร

what shoud we do? a kid named Mark wanna be a head master for the kindergarten grade?

start from a boy name d Tukky (Meaw) who is a head master in class , doing his homework (he got voted from friends in class)

a kid named Marky ,apisit with his friends , Sonthi ,Jumlong and Sai invite retard friends to force Tukky to quit to be a head master.. Mark claims..just for other friends even though it will get a big prob....teachers try to make a deal but Mark and their retard friends dont get it

the boy name Tukky said.. ok .. he 'd quit it , make a new election and see who does friends want ..?

Mark start to cries till shit.. and does not get that deal ..coz he knows..if he is a nominee, just retard friends will give him a score/vote ..and his score cant win the Tukky boy

Mark tries to say .. Tukky gaves canndy for friends and Marky forces tukky to leave from school !

now Marky is shaking on floor and ask people what dose he do wrong?

follow up u guys . see what will be happended next

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a story from somebody (not from me)

ทำยังไงกันดี น้องมาร์ค งอแง จะเป็นหัวหน้าห้อง ให้ได้

เรื่องมีอยู่ว่า ที่ห้องเรียน อนุบาล 3/4 ระหว่างที่ ดช แม้ว ซึ่งเป็น หัวหน้าห้องที่ได้รับการโหวดเลือกจากทุกคน กำลัง ทำการบ้านอยู่นั้น

ดช มาร์ค พร้อมด้วย พรรคพวก ดช กะทิ ดช จำลอง ดช ไส ได้ไปพาเด็กนักเรียนห้องพิเศษ(ห้องเด็กป่วยเป็นดาวน์ซินโดรม) มาจำนวนหนึ่ง มาบีบบังคับให้เด็กชายแม้ว ลาออกจากการเป็นหัวหน้าห้อง อ้างทำเพื่อเพื่อนๆและโรงเรียน ไม่งั้นจะ ก่อความวุ่นวาย ครูห้ามปรามอย่างไรก็ไม่ฟัง

ดช แม้วจึงยื่นข้อเสนออย่างลูกผู้ชาย ยอมลาออก แล้วให้เพื่อนๆ ช่วยกันโหวดลงคะแนน อีกครั้งว่าจะเอาใคร จะได้ยุติธรรมที่สุด

แต่เด็กชายมาร์คและพวก ก็งอแงขึ้นมา ไม่ยอมรับข้อเสนอนี้ เพราะรู้ว่า ถึงตัวเองลงเลือก ก็จะมีเพียงเด็กห้องพิเศษเท่านั้นที่เลือกตน คะแนนคงจะสู้เด็กชายแม้วไม่ได้

จึงพยายาม ใช้กำลังและวิธีสกปรก ใส่ร้ายว่า ดช แม้ว แจกลูกอม ติดสินบนเพื่อนๆ บีบให้ ดช แม้ว ออกจาก โรงเรียน

พร้อมลงไปชักดิ้นชัก งอ แงๆๆ มาร์ค จะเอาๆๆๆ มาร์คเป็นตัวของตัวเอง มาร์คผิดตรงไหน แงๆๆ

เป็นที่อนาจใจ แก่ผู้ที่พบเห็นเป็นอย่างมาก

มาติดตาม ดูกันต่อในเล่มหน้า ว่าเด็กชายมาร์คจะเป็นอย่างไร

what shoud we do? a kid named Mark wanna be a head master for the kindergarten grade?

start from a boy name d Tukky (Meaw) who is a head master in class , doing his homework (he got voted from friends in class)

a kid named Marky ,apisit with his friends , Sonthi ,Jumlong and Sai invite retard friends to force Tukky to quit to be a head master.. Mark claims..just for other friends even though it will get a big prob....teachers try to make a deal but Mark and their retard friends dont get it

the boy name Tukky said.. ok .. he 'd quit it , make a new election and see who does friends want ..?

Mark start to cries till shit.. and does not get that deal ..coz he knows..if he is a nominee, just retard friends will give him a score/vote ..and his score cant win the Tukky boy

Mark tries to say .. Tukky gaves canndy for friends and Marky forces tukky to leave from school !

now Marky is shaking on floor and ask people what dose he do wrong?

follow up u guys . see what will be happended next

Can I guess the ending?

Tukky is so upset with Marky and apisit with his friends, Sonthi, Jumlong and Sai and their retard friends, that Tukky goes home and returns with his father's police machine gun and shoots them all dead in the school yard, except the retard kids. He then places 2 YaBa pills in each of their back pockets. As for the retard kids, "since they aren't real Thais," he takes them into the school's maintenance shed, ties their hands behind their backs, lies them down on the floor and then stacks them like cord wood into piles one on top of the other inside the shed until they die from suffocation. He then tells the teacher, they died because they didn't eat the school lunch and were too weak because of that.

Is that about how it goes?

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Please explain a little further, Bambi, since I don't understand the details here...



tomorrow na ja.. bambi is bimbo right now .. blank head

BTW , i dont get any penny from Tukky or TRT

i am not his mistress BTW

i dont cheer him , just think no one else comes close to his party right now

Edited by BambinA
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the only guy I see trying is thaksin. you see him in all the news all the time trying this or that.

Er, that may be because he either owns it or controls it.

The main problem is that he promises so much and yet delievers so little. In fact, it usually turns out to be either some under-handed scam for him to make a buck or a misdirection after he got caught doing something under-handed. Red-light zones for example - sounds like a good idea, but hey, look into it and suddenly the zones line up with land his wife bought for a song from the Government, without the usual auction, that it compulsorary bought a while before for a fortune.

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