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Laptop Loses Wireless Connection – Laptop, Router Or ?


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Can anybody shed any light on why my laptop sometimes loses the connection over the wireless link? This happens to me with two separate TP Link routers (different locations/isps) with a laptop running Win 7 and with my GF’s more recent laptop also running Win 7 on one of the routers. It however does not happen with a 5 year old laptop running Vista on a third TP Link router.

When it happens (or when I notice it) I open the Network and Sharing centre, click on the connection and then click diagnose and it invariably fixes itself with the comment that it has “Reset the network adapter” or “Problems with wireless adapter or access point - fixed”.

As a further twist if both my GF and I are connected at the same time and it happens she cannot seem to reconnect until I do so?

This is annoying as sometimes can happen 3 or 4 times in a day and other days not at all.

Anybody have any ideas?

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Could it be an IP conflict?

Check your local IP address on all laptops. (Type IPCONFIG in a Command Window).

See if any are the same - they shouldn't be.

Check if any laptop is requesting a specific IP rather than obtaining an IP automatically.

I don't know where this is in Win 7 as I am still on XP. You could try searching for "TCP/IP Properties".

Best of luck.

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Could it be an IP conflict?

Check your local IP address on all laptops. (Type IPCONFIG in a Command Window).

See if any are the same - they shouldn't be.

Check if any laptop is requesting a specific IP rather than obtaining an IP automatically.

I don't know where this is in Win 7 as I am still on XP. You could try searching for "TCP/IP Properties".

Best of luck.


Sorry, to qualify the issue that is annoying is the dropping out. I will not be able to check GF PC until next week but she has same issue when I am not there as well.

No all laptops set to automatically connect - I normally use at least two different connections on a daily basis, one at apt. and one in office.

Next? ;-)

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If your signal is weak, all sorts of weird not wonderful things happen.

Your problem reminds me of when working in an NGO office Kupang a few years ago.

Techos kept stuffing around with the office connection.

Any chance you can go to a friend's house - paying monthly subscription to 3BB or TOT - log on to friend's wifi network, see if the problem is resolved? AA

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If your signal is weak, all sorts of weird not wonderful things happen.

Your problem reminds me of when working in an NGO office Kupang a few years ago.

Techos kept stuffing around with the office connection.

Any chance you can go to a friend's house - paying monthly subscription to 3BB or TOT - log on to friend's wifi network, see if the problem is resolved? AA

This is two different isps in two different countries with a third isp in one of the countries but using Vista with no issue so I think you are off base here.

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If you have an Android phone, download an app called Wifi Overview 360 and see if you have other networks bleeding over the same channels; it will tell you which ones are the best to use. There is probably an iPhone equivalent but I wouldn't know.

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If you have an Android phone, download an app called Wifi Overview 360 and see if you have other networks bleeding over the same channels; it will tell you which ones are the best to use. There is probably an iPhone equivalent but I wouldn't know.

Sorry Chicog I am not really understanding your point? I don't want to use other networks in this instance as one is in the house and one in the office - I can see other networks in both locations, as I can currently on my Vista machine with about 10 others from the apartments around me.

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Changing the channel the router is using often solves many wifi problems and is always the first thing to try.

Thanks BPB for qualifying as I obviously misunderstood Chicog's suggestion - sorry Chicog.

I am going to have to wait until Monday for the office one and next weekend for the house and see if it nakes any difference. The only problem is as mentioned the office one is intermittent. Yesterday it did not happen at all.

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If you have an Android phone, download an app called Wifi Overview 360 and see if you have other networks bleeding over the same channels; it will tell you which ones are the best to use. There is probably an iPhone equivalent but I wouldn't know.

Sorry Chicog I am not really understanding your point? I don't want to use other networks in this instance as one is in the house and one in the office - I can see other networks in both locations, as I can currently on my Vista machine with about 10 others from the apartments around me.

I think what he means is to download this app on to your Android device and scan what channels are been used in that area by other wifi routers. Then you could choose an unoccupied channel for your router.

I use an app called Wifi Scanner & Net Discovery for Androids


Good luck!

Edited by ravip
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