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Actually in back blocks in isolated areas as you put it op, they dont all speak Thai already. Issan, Chiang Mai and South Thai is not pure Thai language. In fact put a pure Bangkokian in our village and although its only 6 hours from BKK, they will have difficulty communicating.

I've read some cobblers in my time.

If anyone here (who has posted about "Issan/Lao" or any other "dialects" already) can differentiate between these and Central Thai (without the help of "the wife"), I'll paint myself blue and run across Sanam Luang bollocko.....

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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I am surprised no one has asked the OP why he "believes" it.

Looks like he has just thrown one out there (as david48 said) to see what reaction he will get.....coffee1.gif

Simple, really. The OP's probably been in Thailand a gazillion years and still doesn't speak a lick of Thai. So he needs to justify his illiteracy in the local language. Not sure why he chose 30. Why not 50? 100? 37 1/2? Ah, his guess is as good as any.

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I am surprised no one has asked the OP why he "believes" it.

Looks like he has just thrown one out there (as david48 said) to see what reaction he will get.....coffee1.gif

Simple, really. The OP's probably been in Thailand a gazillion years and still doesn't speak a lick of Thai. So he needs to justify his illiteracy in the local language. Not sure why he chose 30. Why not 50? 100? 37 1/2? Ah, his guess is as good as any.

Congratulations to you for having the foresight to choose the worlds next language, one that is used the world over.

I bet your chest puffs out just a bit when you speak Thai right ?

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I am surprised no one has asked the OP why he "believes" it.

Looks like he has just thrown one out there (as david48 said) to see what reaction he will get.....coffee1.gif

Simple, really. The OP's probably been in Thailand a gazillion years and still doesn't speak a lick of Thai. So he needs to justify his illiteracy in the local language. Not sure why he chose 30. Why not 50? 100? 37 1/2? Ah, his guess is as good as any.

Congratulations to you for having the foresight to choose the worlds next language, one that is used the world over.

I bet your chest puffs out just a bit when you speak Thai right ?

So if you're wrong (which is about a 100% certainty), will you be coming back on TV and admitting your mistake? The Thai language will never disappear from Thailand, anymore than Korean, Japanese, even Tagalog. Perhaps you're "wishing" that it does, but who cares? I'm guessing you won't be around in 30 years to see that not much has changed. I'll still be, albeit a much older dude.

The "world's next language?" Why even bother to guess? The most used languages in the world today are Mandarin and English. In a few decades, it could be Hindi and Spanish. Who knows what the world demographics will be? For now, it makes much more sense to speak the local language where you reside. Simple enough?

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Actually in back blocks in isolated areas as you put it op, they dont all speak Thai already. Issan, Chiang Mai and South Thai is not pure Thai language. In fact put a pure Bangkokian in our village and although its only 6 hours from BKK, they will have difficulty communicating.

I've read some cobblers in my time.

If anyone here (who has posted about "Issan/Lao" or any other "dialects" already) can differentiate between these and Central Thai (without the help of "the wife"), I'll paint myself blue and run across Sanam Luang bollocko.....

I most certainly can. The language spoken here is Khmen although they do of course speak Thai.When someone is speaking to my wife they usually start off in Thai and then switch to Khmen It's bloody frustrating (even rude) perhaps it's not done deliberately but I don't speak a word of Khmen and have no intention of learning. What's the point of learning a language that's only spoken in a small part of the country (apologies to the Welsh).

I can also tell that the Thai spoken here has a definite Issan accent. It's not like the middle Thai spoken on T.V.. I'll bet there are as many regional dialects here as there are in the U.K.

Better get your paint brush out and take your clothes off.

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