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Upsurge In Retirement Visa Extensions


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The only problem I see with this story of more people getting retirement visa's is that this little secret, this great country to retire to, Thailand, is being discovered by everyone, and it will change down the road.

Well if you are an old fart like me and like to watch grass grow come on up to Esaan. I have been here for many years and everything is basically still the same. It is not a bad place. Big C, Lotus, Makro, Home Pro, Global House, local markets and if one treats the people here with respect it will be returned in kind. For me it is heaven on earth. Of course there are some things to do other than sit on the front porch and drink your favorite brew. That would drive me up the wall.
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I have this VISA sh.t luckily only once a year and call it in my case unfair. I'm married with a wonderful Thai woman for close to 10 years. Together we are proud and happy parents off our daughter. Yearly I have to proof myself again. I entered years ago nice amount off Euro's and multiplied this amount quiet a few times thanks to good, property, investments. Our property-evaluated by 2 banks (I paid them both for taxation report just out off curiosity). The properties and land is evaluated at around 9 figures in Thai Baht before the decimal! But Immigration/ Thai authorities doesn't give a sh.t about this. Because we keep investing and always improving our properties. We do have sometimes Cash Flow shortage. If I have this around new Yearly VISA application I'm completely stressed and they drive me nuts with this. This gives then again a huge blow to our normally happy family.

This 400.000 baht regulation is very unfair to people like me. I provide many Thai laborers/families most construction people year after year with an above minimum wages income. I have staff on and around my properties and our land. We feed many families and provide a lot off help to a village in Isaan. i keep investing to secure my wife and kid, for when I pass away (15 years elder then my partner and weak health but fairly good brains) but sometimes Immigration rules are unfair (and always their; "It is Up to You Remark". Thailand should treat us and give us the same opportunities as Thai's get in foreign country's.

Check article 17.1 & 17.2 UN Manifest for Human Rights!

See where wealthy Thai's own easily and legally private property abroad (Thaksin as an example), but many wealthy Thai have the same. Many Thai's working abroad (Europe, US and so on) can buy and OWN.

China is open for foreign investment, even Cuba, Cambodia, Malaysia and so on, but Thailand is still old fashioned and over-protective. A limitation on maximum land-sizes and property could be understandable for security off food supply.

But current Visa & Ownership rights is out off time.

This only beneficiary to the wealthy Thai, many from Chinese origin (Shinawatra family). They "passed the test off time". I keep "wrestling and struggling" knowing that my beloved daughter & if they ever come my Grandchildren will not face the same unfair treatment. They will be Thai. But for me and my wife the system has been really unfair.

I still love Thailand!

In a few weeks it will be my VISA turn again. And it looks this year more easy for me. Currently I'm Bank-book wise in the Safe-zone.


Why are you crying the rules have been set for years now and you are aware of what it takes to stay here long term, if you have everything you say why so hard to have the 400,000 in the bank. You will not get much sympathy here the rules are for everyone including you. Why not get an investment visa just proof of the money coming from outside that you want to invest. Well good luck to you on your next extension

LOS= Land Of Skit, or Land Of Skam

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Read it again mate and then you might be able to comprehend ! duhhh.

What he is saying is, that he cannot have the same rights that any rich Thai can get in his original country. In case you don't know and it appears that you do not ! Firstly he cannot own land in Thailand, and then he has to apply for a retirement visa every 12 months and come up with all that cash. He is pointing out to those like you who obviously do not know this, the unfairness of the Thai regulations even though he has a Thai family. Please try to understand before you make sarcastic replies.

Thank you.

+1 to this comment - it makes me furious. The foreign affairs/ministries/state departments with embassies in Thailand really MUST stand up for their citizens for reciprocal rights vis a vis foreign investment. Thais should be absolutely forbidden from owning >49% in businesses and ANY interest in real property overseas until they stop excluding similar foreign investment and the expatriate community in general in Thailand. Period.

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I have this VISA sh.t luckily only once a year and call it in my case unfair. I'm married with a wonderful Thai woman for close to 10 years. Together we are proud and happy parents off our daughter. Yearly I have to proof myself again. I entered years ago nice amount off Euro's and multiplied this amount quiet a few times thanks to good, property, investments. Our property-evaluated by 2 banks (I paid them both for taxation report just out off curiosity). The properties and land is evaluated at around 9 figures in Thai Baht before the decimal! But Immigration/ Thai authorities doesn't give a sh.t about this. Because we keep investing and always improving our properties. We do have sometimes Cash Flow shortage. If I have this around new Yearly VISA application I'm completely stressed and they drive me nuts with this. This gives then again a huge blow to our normally happy family.

This 400.000 baht regulation is very unfair to people like me. I provide many Thai laborers/families most construction people year after year with an above minimum wages income. I have staff on and around my properties and our land. We feed many families and provide a lot off help to a village in Isaan. i keep investing to secure my wife and kid, for when I pass away (15 years elder then my partner and weak health but fairly good brains) but sometimes Immigration rules are unfair (and always their; "It is Up to You Remark". Thailand should treat us and give us the same opportunities as Thai's get in foreign country's.

Check article 17.1 & 17.2 UN Manifest for Human Rights!

See where wealthy Thai's own easily and legally private property abroad (Thaksin as an example), but many wealthy Thai have the same. Many Thai's working abroad (Europe, US and so on) can buy and OWN.

China is open for foreign investment, even Cuba, Cambodia, Malaysia and so on, but Thailand is still old fashioned and over-protective. A limitation on maximum land-sizes and property could be understandable for security off food supply.

But current Visa & Ownership rights is out off time.

This only beneficiary to the wealthy Thai, many from Chinese origin (Shinawatra family). They "passed the test off time". I keep "wrestling and struggling" knowing that my beloved daughter & if they ever come my Grandchildren will not face the same unfair treatment. They will be Thai. But for me and my wife the system has been really unfair.

I still love Thailand!

In a few weeks it will be my VISA turn again. And it looks this year more easy for me. Currently I'm Bank-book wise in the Safe-zone.


You make a number of valid points but suggesting that it is unreasonable for the Thai government to require you to have 400,000 baht in a bank in order to get a visa is not one of them.
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Read it again mate and then you might be able to comprehend ! duhhh.

What he is saying is, that he cannot have the same rights that any rich Thai can get in his original country. In case you don't know and it appears that you do not ! Firstly he cannot own land in Thailand, and then he has to apply for a retirement visa every 12 months and come up with all that cash. He is pointing out to those like you who obviously do not know this, the unfairness of the Thai regulations even though he has a Thai family. Please try to understand before you make sarcastic replies.

Thank you.

+1 to this comment - it makes me furious. The foreign affairs/ministries/state departments with embassies in Thailand really MUST stand up for their citizens for reciprocal rights vis a vis foreign investment. Thais should be absolutely forbidden from owning >49% in businesses and ANY interest in real property overseas until they stop excluding similar foreign investment and the expatriate community in general in Thailand. Period.

Quite ironic isn't it?

Thailand is considering buying properties in Spain as a government investment.

However, it might help to keep the prices of houses in Spain up a bit.

I doubt they can give them away at the moment.

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Read it again mate and then you might be able to comprehend ! duhhh.

What he is saying is, that he cannot have the same rights that any rich Thai can get in his original country. In case you don't know and it appears that you do not ! Firstly he cannot own land in Thailand, and then he has to apply for a retirement visa every 12 months and come up with all that cash. He is pointing out to those like you who obviously do not know this, the unfairness of the Thai regulations even though he has a Thai family. Please try to understand before you make sarcastic replies.

Thank you.

+1 to this comment - it makes me furious. The foreign affairs/ministries/state departments with embassies in Thailand really MUST stand up for their citizens for reciprocal rights vis a vis foreign investment. Thais should be absolutely forbidden from owning >49% in businesses and ANY interest in real property overseas until they stop excluding similar foreign investment and the expatriate community in general in Thailand. Period.

Don't worry. In the long run protectionist policies don't strengthen a country. Thailand will eventually find itself uncompetitive, unprepared and therefore unable to compete in a global world. No help to those TV contributors who want to own property here but I can't understand why anyone would want to anchor themselves to a country that has the potential to become unstable and offers few rights or protection to the foreigners who live here.
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@WHYBOTHER: as your quote :"as sponsor you agree to provide adequate accommodation and financial assistance as required to meet your partner’s reasonable living needs", is absolutely different, here when u r married to a Thai, u , the husband must provide the 400000 in the bank or the 40000 monthly income, and I don't know in australia how it is but in my three countries( I've three citizenships) my wife is allowed to freelly without so much restrictions as in thailand since the time she set feed there, I only need to proof that in case of emergency I can provide her with help withought being a problem to the government.

In Australia the sponsor is only required to agree to support the partner for the first two years, after which your partner can reside in Australia permanently on a residency visa. Also the partner, if needed, will receive at no cost, introductory lessons for learning English. You are not required to reapply every year and show a minimum amount of cash in the bank, nor report to immigration every 90 days. Partner visa for Australia now costs approx A$3k and is not refundable if the application is rejected.

EDIT: As an aside a visa service company in Pattaya who today presented to the expat club mentioned that recently two applications were rejected by Australian immigration as the proposed partner tested positive for HIV, he did go onto say it's rare this happens.

I think the 3K dollars is for the prospective spouse visa...i.e allows for 9 months in Oz in which time marriage must take place. The actual spouse visa (that is already legally married) is much cheaper...about 500 bucks I think.

Edited by Mudcrab
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Don't worry. In the long run protectionist policies don't strengthen a country. Thailand will eventually find itself uncompetitive, unprepared and therefore unable to compete in a global world. No help to those TV contributors who want to own property here but I can't understand why anyone would want to anchor themselves to a country that has the potential to become unstable and offers few rights or protection to the foreigners who live here.

APEC is [maybe?] coming - tho Thailand still is devising ways to exclude foreign businesses & professionals. But, for now, we all make this our home, so 'some day' is of little use. And equitable foreign trade rules are precisely what need to be put in place to make it competitive - a level playing field.

But without external pressure from foreign government missions, the thais have the best of BOTH worlds - free reign abroad, and total reign over foreign investors & expats in Thailand. It needs to change.

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Well, this is something that I've been thinking about , who the hell cares if the number of people on retirement visas increases or decreases, or if the most of the applicants r britishers or russians, they, they are not the real problem, the elephant in the room is the huge number of foreigners( of all nationalities and colors) that hav thai families( married to thais, or that have thai husdband/wife) and don't even have the right to earn a living in this country unless you hav a bachellor degree, or lots of money in the bank. we r thousand of people in this situtatuion, and it seems that no one in teh goverment care about us or about the well-being of our thai relative who in most of cases depends on us, at least give us the chance of work freely, eliminate the income requirements to our visa or make it equal to the normal income of a thai 15000 bath/ month ( 400,000 yearly = 33,333/month), and pleace lower the income requirements for pr and citizenship as well, we r human beings and our thai families too.

Nonsense. You didn't have a Thai family when you arrived here. You knew the rules when you created a Thai family and now you think you are special because you entered into the situation you don't like voluntarily.

Hardly fair to those of us who did the actual work to come in to Thailand and call it home legally.

You have no idea how sorry I feel for you.

Perhaps you are like the other poster who figures he is so good he shouldn't have to do what the rest of us do.

I don't quite understand what do mean, I don't think that I am special, what I think is that like in most of other countries, if you have a blood relationship with the country that you have come to(husband/wife son/oughter etc) immigration rules should be easier in relation to those that don't have any other connection than work, investment or something like that, I do work hard to stay here, with my family, and you can save your pity for yourself, I don't need it.

The last thing Thailand needs or wants is impoverished Farangs populating the country.
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I have this VISA sh.t luckily only once a year and call it in my case unfair. I'm married with a wonderful Thai woman for close to 10 years. Together we are proud and happy parents off our daughter. Yearly I have to proof myself again. I entered years ago nice amount off Euro's and multiplied this amount quiet a few times thanks to good, property, investments. Our property-evaluated by 2 banks (I paid them both for taxation report just out off curiosity). The properties and land is evaluated at around 9 figures in Thai Baht before the decimal! But Immigration/ Thai authorities doesn't give a sh.t about this. Because we keep investing and always improving our properties. We do have sometimes Cash Flow shortage. If I have this around new Yearly VISA application I'm completely stressed and they drive me nuts with this. This gives then again a huge blow to our normally happy family.

This 400.000 baht regulation is very unfair to people like me. I provide many Thai laborers/families most construction people year after year with an above minimum wages income. I have staff on and around my properties and our land. We feed many families and provide a lot off help to a village in Isaan. i keep investing to secure my wife and kid, for when I pass away (15 years elder then my partner and weak health but fairly good brains) but sometimes Immigration rules are unfair (and always their; "It is Up to You Remark". Thailand should treat us and give us the same opportunities as Thai's get in foreign country's.

Check article 17.1 & 17.2 UN Manifest for Human Rights!

See where wealthy Thai's own easily and legally private property abroad (Thaksin as an example), but many wealthy Thai have the same. Many Thai's working abroad (Europe, US and so on) can buy and OWN.

China is open for foreign investment, even Cuba, Cambodia, Malaysia and so on, but Thailand is still old fashioned and over-protective. A limitation on maximum land-sizes and property could be understandable for security off food supply.

But current Visa & Ownership rights is out off time.

This only beneficiary to the wealthy Thai, many from Chinese origin (Shinawatra family). They "passed the test off time". I keep "wrestling and struggling" knowing that my beloved daughter & if they ever come my Grandchildren will not face the same unfair treatment. They will be Thai. But for me and my wife the system has been really unfair.

I still love Thailand!

In a few weeks it will be my VISA turn again. And it looks this year more easy for me. Currently I'm Bank-book wise in the Safe-zone.


You want some cheese to go with that WHINE
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@WHYBOTHER: as your quote :"as sponsor you agree to provide adequate accommodation and financial assistance as required to meet your partner’s reasonable living needs", is absolutely different, here when u r married to a Thai, u , the husband must provide the 400000 in the bank or the 40000 monthly income, and I don't know in australia how it is but in my three countries( I've three citizenships) my wife is allowed to freelly without so much restrictions as in thailand since the time she set feed there, I only need to proof that in case of emergency I can provide her with help withought being a problem to the government.

In Australia the sponsor is only required to agree to support the partner for the first two years, after which your partner can reside in Australia permanently on a residency visa. Also the partner, if needed, will receive at no cost, introductory lessons for learning English. You are not required to reapply every year and show a minimum amount of cash in the bank, nor report to immigration every 90 days. Partner visa for Australia now costs approx A$3k and is not refundable if the application is rejected.

EDIT: As an aside a visa service company in Pattaya who today presented to the expat club mentioned that recently two applications were rejected by Australian immigration as the proposed partner tested positive for HIV, he did go onto say it's rare this happens.

I think the 3K dollars is for the prospective spouse visa...i.e allows for 9 months in Oz in which time marriage must take place. The actual spouse visa (that is already legally married) is much cheaper...about 500 bucks I think.

Think you will find the process has now changed as well as cost have gone up. Have a look at visa costs at: http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/990i.pdf

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Quite so, difficult is it to be in Thailand - like I said, try being a Thai in the UK

It's very easy being a Thai in the UK ........ the problem is getting there.

It's very easy being a Brit in Thailand .......... the problem is staying here.

Wise words.

As an American I find it quite easy. Once a year I go to my consulate get a verify of income statement from them. Take it and my passport along with a photo of my self to immigration fill in there forms pay the money and am good for another year. Every 90 days I report in. Easy for Americans have they got different requirements for Brits.

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Quite so, difficult is it to be in Thailand - like I said, try being a Thai in the UK

It's very easy being a Thai in the UK ........ the problem is getting there.

It's very easy being a Brit in Thailand .......... the problem is staying here.

Wise words.

As an American I find it quite easy. Once a year I go to my consulate get a verify of income statement from them. Take it and my passport along with a photo of my self to immigration fill in there forms pay the money and am good for another year. Every 90 days I report in. Easy for Americans have they got different requirements for Brits.

No difference, pay the consul to confirm income, pay at imm and make the 90 day reports.

The same.

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I have this VISA sh.t luckily only once a year and call it in my case unfair. I'm married with a wonderful Thai woman for close to 10 years. Together we are proud and happy parents off our daughter. Yearly I have to proof myself again. I entered years ago nice amount off Euro's and multiplied this amount quiet a few times thanks to good, property, investments. Our property-evaluated by 2 banks (I paid them both for taxation report just out off curiosity). The properties and land is evaluated at around 9 figures in Thai Baht before the decimal! But Immigration/ Thai authorities doesn't give a sh.t about this. Because we keep investing and always improving our properties. We do have sometimes Cash Flow shortage. If I have this around new Yearly VISA application I'm completely stressed and they drive me nuts with this. This gives then again a huge blow to our normally happy family.

This 400.000 baht regulation is very unfair to people like me. I provide many Thai laborers/families most construction people year after year with an above minimum wages income. I have staff on and around my properties and our land. We feed many families and provide a lot off help to a village in Isaan. i keep investing to secure my wife and kid, for when I pass away (15 years elder then my partner and weak health but fairly good brains) but sometimes Immigration rules are unfair (and always their; "It is Up to You Remark". Thailand should treat us and give us the same opportunities as Thai's get in foreign country's.

Check article 17.1 & 17.2 UN Manifest for Human Rights!

See where wealthy Thai's own easily and legally private property abroad (Thaksin as an example), but many wealthy Thai have the same. Many Thai's working abroad (Europe, US and so on) can buy and OWN.

China is open for foreign investment, even Cuba, Cambodia, Malaysia and so on, but Thailand is still old fashioned and over-protective. A limitation on maximum land-sizes and property could be understandable for security off food supply.

But current Visa & Ownership rights is out off time.

This only beneficiary to the wealthy Thai, many from Chinese origin (Shinawatra family). They "passed the test off time". I keep "wrestling and struggling" knowing that my beloved daughter & if they ever come my Grandchildren will not face the same unfair treatment. They will be Thai. But for me and my wife the system has been really unfair.

I still love Thailand!

In a few weeks it will be my VISA turn again. And it looks this year more easy for me. Currently I'm Bank-book wise in the Safe-zone.


I could complain ab out many things here in Thailand. But certainly I would never complain about retirement visa requirements which must be some of the easiest and most straightforward in the world. A minimal amount of 14K$/28K$(unmarried) in the bank, a few copies and 1 hour at immigration. WOW! Great!

I wish it was so easy in the USA/Australia/NZ/Switzerland or any of the other countries I would love to try out. PF.

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As an American, if you offer a false statement to a US State Department official you have committed a felony and you have done so in writing with your signature.

Also, you are always subject to corroboration by the Thai Immigration official. Providing a letter from the US or other Embassy is only mentioned as 'Criteria & Consideration for ...' as per Police Order 777/2551. Just because you have that letter IMM is not obligated to give you your extension. BTW:

18 USC § 1001 - Statements or entries generally

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—

(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;

(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or

(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;

shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years ...

And someone would really risk all that just to get an extension of their visa?

Edited by JLCrab
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As an American I find it quite easy. Once a year I go to my consulate get a verify of income statement from them. Take it and my passport along with a photo of my self to immigration fill in there forms pay the money and am good for another year. Every 90 days I report in. Easy for Americans have they got different requirements for Brits.

No difference, pay the consul to confirm income, pay at imm and make the 90 day reports.

The same.

Not the same, as a Brit you have to prove your income, as an American you can lie without checks.

As an American you can own a company, as a Brit you can own 49% of your company.

But essentially the same?

(As a retired person, owning a company sounds like Work - the worst four letter word ending in K, remember F stands for Fun)

Also, if you have a retirement rather than a marriage visa, am I right in believing that you cannot have a WP and when on retirement you cannot go to or back to a marriage visa?

Edited by laislica
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Nonsense. You didn't have a Thai family when you arrived here. You knew the rules when you created a Thai family and now you think you are special because you entered into the situation you don't like voluntarily.

Hardly fair to those of us who did the actual work to come in to Thailand and call it home legally.

You have no idea how sorry I feel for you.

Perhaps you are like the other poster who figures he is so good he shouldn't have to do what the rest of us do.

I don't quite understand what do mean, I don't think that I am special, what I think is that like in most of other countries, if you have a blood relationship with the country that you have come to(husband/wife son/oughter etc) immigration rules should be easier in relation to those that don't have any other connection than work, investment or something like that, I do work hard to stay here, with my family, and you can save your pity for yourself, I don't need it.

My apologies I did not realize you had a Thai wife and family before you came here. I thought you were like the rest of them come here get a good Thai wife have kids and bitch because Thailand is unfair to them by imposing rules on them that they knew before marriage.

Hahaha, I came here from china with my thai wife( we studied together in china), here I got my second degree, started to work, learned the language, had a child, a condo and everything goes ok for me, but that has nothing to do with the fact that the thai immigration rules r unfair, but a heartles and asskisser oldman can't see that so you better put a bullet between ur eyebrows and make a favor to the world wink.png

And your degree was in insult when you have no knowledge. I have a friend like you he goes out of his way to cause trouble. He is always having problems I tell him you know they will get there way why do you waste your time he has no answer he just continues to lose and can't figure out what is wrong. Like you he blames it on the Thais.

Perhaps you feel you are better than the ones who have no problem with the system. You are not. In your own head you may be a legend and perhaps have convinced the family you are but that is as far as it goes.

As I said I apologized for thinking you were like the far and away majority that came here met the wife got married and started complaining about the system.

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It does seem absurd that the government says the maximum it can pay foreign teachers is 30k a month, yet you need a minimum of 40k a month for a marriage visa, because that's the minimum you need to support yourself and your wife.

It's completely reasonable that we should be able to support ourselves, why isn't that the same for a foreign woman married to a Thai man?!

easy forget the marriage visa and get a work visa.

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It does seem absurd that the government says the maximum it can pay foreign teachers is 30k a month, yet you need a minimum of 40k a month for a marriage visa, because that's the minimum you need to support yourself and your wife.

It's completely reasonable that we should be able to support ourselves, why isn't that the same for a foreign woman married to a Thai man?!

Sorry do you teach math? If so you shouldn't be! 400,000 ÷ 12= 33,333 Baht, I believe my wife spends that much a month. Why if you are a teacher do you need to have a marriage visa, rather than a work permit from the school who employes you? I suppose you are just talking theoretically?

Now I have to admit they have defiantly got the requirements back wards here, I am on the guaranteed income of 65,000 baht a month. If I was on the marriage visa I would only need 40,000 baht a month. I have a live in girl friend for 7 years and she cost me the 25,000 baht the visa says I shouldn't need if I was married. It seems to me it should be 40,000 baht for single and 65,000 baht for married.whistling.gif

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I have this VISA sh.t luckily only once a year and call it in my case unfair. I'm married with a wonderful Thai woman for close to 10 years. Together we are proud and happy parents off our daughter. Yearly I have to proof myself again. I entered years ago nice amount off Euro's and multiplied this amount quiet a few times thanks to good, property, investments. Our property-evaluated by 2 banks (I paid them both for taxation report just out off curiosity). The properties and land is evaluated at around 9 figures in Thai Baht before the decimal! But Immigration/ Thai authorities doesn't give a sh.t about this. Because we keep investing and always improving our properties. We do have sometimes Cash Flow shortage. If I have this around new Yearly VISA application I'm completely stressed and they drive me nuts with this. This gives then again a huge blow to our normally happy family.

This 400.000 baht regulation is very unfair to people like me. I provide many Thai laborers/families most construction people year after year with an above minimum wages income. I have staff on and around my properties and our land. We feed many families and provide a lot off help to a village in Isaan. i keep investing to secure my wife and kid, for when I pass away (15 years elder then my partner and weak health but fairly good brains) but sometimes Immigration rules are unfair (and always their; "It is Up to You Remark". Thailand should treat us and give us the same opportunities as Thai's get in foreign country's.

Check article 17.1 & 17.2 UN Manifest for Human Rights!

See where wealthy Thai's own easily and legally private property abroad (Thaksin as an example), but many wealthy Thai have the same. Many Thai's working abroad (Europe, US and so on) can buy and OWN.

China is open for foreign investment, even Cuba, Cambodia, Malaysia and so on, but Thailand is still old fashioned and over-protective. A limitation on maximum land-sizes and property could be understandable for security off food supply.

But current Visa & Ownership rights is out off time.

This only beneficiary to the wealthy Thai, many from Chinese origin (Shinawatra family). They "passed the test off time". I keep "wrestling and struggling" knowing that my beloved daughter & if they ever come my Grandchildren will not face the same unfair treatment. They will be Thai. But for me and my wife the system has been really unfair.

I still love Thailand!

In a few weeks it will be my VISA turn again. And it looks this year more easy for me. Currently I'm Bank-book wise in the Safe-zone.



I understand your disappointment, but believe me, it makes no difference, you are long time here, you spend a lot of money here, you have children who are Thai, and it makes no difference your wife is Thai,

this country want to see money from a foreigner who wants to stay here, they found out how much western male persons love the women of this country, love the sun and the fun,

Thaksin was the first getting rough with the cheap charlies, he introduced many measures to get foreigners with no money out of the country early in his premiership , farrangs with money hat not so much problems,

and believe me, it makes no difference how much money you spend, how many years you living here, you will be all the time "the FARRANG" not respected very much, maybe as a milking cow they will "love" you,

some foreigners who managed to learn and speak reasonable Thai will integrate in the community and will be respected, also without money,

I myself came here 1991, found the women I am still married to, in the first month I was here, she was the maid of a friend of mine, she toke care of his two children, it needed 4 months to get this virgin convinced that I loved here,

our son is now 20, he is Thai and also has the citizenship of my home country in Europe,

this is only to explain another side why some newly arrived foreigners not getting far in this country,

99% of the people who I know here, live together with a Thai lady or are married to one. the girls comes mostly from a bar or had previous paid contact with foreigners,

I know several foreigner over the years, bought land, build houses, and the girl went on to the next guy with money,

again on my side,

after 16 years of one year visa, I lost my status because my wife oversaw the year to renew the business license,

I had to do a 3 month visa run again like in the beginning of 1991 when I came here, but now I had a Thai wife and a Thai son,

this makes no difference to the immigration office, they said at that time, I could also leave the country when I don't like it here,

so my friend,

don't expect to much here,


PS. I have a Thai friend I know for over 19 years, he is in my home country since 18 years, he has a permanent residency since the third year he his there, not have to pay for it like here, he bought a house, he is not restricted like we are here,

he can change job without to inform authority, not like here,

don't put to much weight in this country, I have since 2 years a home again in my home country,

and believe me, it's worth living there, after all that dirt for over 25 years in Asia

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@Hellodolly:Well, I don't know how can I answer to you, I don't have any problem here, in fact this year I'll apply to get my pr or the citizenship, have no desided yet which one to apply for since I can apply for both of them, regarding to the rest I don't know gave you so much information about me, I am not nothing like what you think smile.png, I am not blaiming Thais at all, I just think that the system need to be improved, and with time I believe it will, and maybe even you( an old man with no hope according to Thai laws to get pr or citizenship) could get on day a pr and all the benefits that it give you , I just don't understand how can some one think that this system is ok? when obviously is not, maybe ur just jealous, but in any case hope you have a good life smile.png

Edited by Om85
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Personally, unless there is another crackdown on back to back 30 days exempt, I will never apply anymore for any kind of visa.

Spending a few days every month, free of mind of any administrative task, in a neighbor country is my monthly treat...

South-East Asia is beautiful and constantly on the move...

So, twelve weekends per year might be not even enough for me to (re)discover it

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As an American I find it quite easy. Once a year I go to my consulate get a verify of income statement from them. Take it and my passport along with a photo of my self to immigration fill in there forms pay the money and am good for another year. Every 90 days I report in. Easy for Americans have they got different requirements for Brits.

No difference, pay the consul to confirm income, pay at imm and make the 90 day reports.

The same.

Not the same, as a Brit you have to prove your income, as an American you can lie without checks.

As an American you can own a company, as a Brit you can own 49% of your company.

Ha at last some real information. I knew as an American you could lie but I did not know about the Owning the whole company bit. Not sure but I think Canada and Australia were lax in asking for proof. I know here in Chiang Maui we had a big scare a while back. Rumors were going around about Canada The States and Australia having to have the proof of income papers when they renewed. Turned out to be false maybe a once in a while event. My self I don't care I take them, with me in an envelop and they never ask to see them.

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@Hellodolly:Well, I don't know how can I answer to you, I don't have any problem here, in fact this year I'll apply to get my pr or the citizenship, have no desided yet which one to apply for since I can apply for both of them, regarding to the rest I don't know gave you so much information about me, I am not nothing like what you think smile.png, I am not blaiming Thais at all, I just think that the system need to be improved, and with time I believe it will, and maybe even you( an old man with no hope according to Thai laws to get pr or citizenship) could get on day a pr and all the benefits that it give you , I just don't understand how can some one think that this system is ok? when obviously is not, maybe ur just jealous, but in any case hope you have a good life smile.png

Now you are not making any sense at all jealous of what? I have a good life here in the land of smiles Citizenship is no big deal to me I have an American one and for $200 I could get a Canadian one. I just don't see any reason to collect them. I am very happy here I have a Thai wife (common law) Not sure what the benefits are but I seem to be doing alright with out them as most expats do. You are one of the very few I know of who wants them enough to become a citizen. The reason I know so much about yiou is because you are like my friend nothing is rite.

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Baht 800,000 per year to retire. Quite generous in my view. Posters should visit the requirement to retire in the UK; the US, or Australia and New Zealand.

Suck it up boys, and be glad Thailand doesn't require parity.

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I have this VISA sh.t luckily only once a year and call it in my case unfair. I'm married with a wonderful Thai woman for close to 10 years. Together we are proud and happy parents off our daughter. Yearly I have to proof myself again. I entered years ago nice amount off Euro's and multiplied this amount quiet a few times thanks to good, property, investments. Our property-evaluated by 2 banks (I paid them both for taxation report just out off curiosity). The properties and land is evaluated at around 9 figures in Thai Baht before the decimal! But Immigration/ Thai authorities doesn't give a sh.t about this. Because we keep investing and always improving our properties. We do have sometimes Cash Flow shortage. If I have this around new Yearly VISA application I'm completely stressed and they drive me nuts with this. This gives then again a huge blow to our normally happy family.

This 400.000 baht regulation is very unfair to people like me. I provide many Thai laborers/families most construction people year after year with an above minimum wages income. I have staff on and around my properties and our land. We feed many families and provide a lot off help to a village in Isaan. i keep investing to secure my wife and kid, for when I pass away (15 years elder then my partner and weak health but fairly good brains) but sometimes Immigration rules are unfair (and always their; "It is Up to You Remark". Thailand should treat us and give us the same opportunities as Thai's get in foreign country's.

Check article 17.1 & 17.2 UN Manifest for Human Rights!

See where wealthy Thai's own easily and legally private property abroad (Thaksin as an example), but many wealthy Thai have the same. Many Thai's working abroad (Europe, US and so on) can buy and OWN.

China is open for foreign investment, even Cuba, Cambodia, Malaysia and so on, but Thailand is still old fashioned and over-protective. A limitation on maximum land-sizes and property could be understandable for security off food supply.

But current Visa & Ownership rights is out off time.

This only beneficiary to the wealthy Thai, many from Chinese origin (Shinawatra family). They "passed the test off time". I keep "wrestling and struggling" knowing that my beloved daughter & if they ever come my Grandchildren will not face the same unfair treatment. They will be Thai. But for me and my wife the system has been really unfair.

I still love Thailand!

In a few weeks it will be my VISA turn again. And it looks this year more easy for me. Currently I'm Bank-book wise in the Safe-zone.


So you are bragging about your properties worth over 100 Mill Baht and you cannot plan to have the required money in your bank once a year. Oh, and you do not get a retirement visa every year. First there is no such thing and second what you are applying for is an extension of stay. I find your post pathetic. Seems like the proverb, money won't bring you happiness.

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