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New Organised Harassment Scam By Police


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Since I am in Pattaya I have seen these Tourist only checkpoints getting more and more absurd. They would try everything to get a bath from you.

As you can see they stop all the tourists, but Thai can do what they want.

500 bath per tourist, can make a lot easy money.

Now that Pattaya have more of them (they doubled the number of road police they say), there are more checkpoints, more controls, and more harassment.

I could go to Central and come back and be checked 3 times. Not only it is annoying, it targets only tourists and farangs, but it makes people loose time.

Meanwhile, if you call the police because you are in danger, or need helps, the majors numbers (including the 1155 for the tourist police) are not working and no one answer.

I think these tourist targeted brigades are similar to the Jet Ski scams. In France I can drive a scooter without a permit. It is legal because I drive a car and a scooter is less then 125 cm2... In Europe it must be the same. But in Thailand, they do not care and will fine you 500 baht even if you show your European driving license.

If you are an expat you can pass the Thai permit (a pain in the ass) but if you are a simple short term tourist and rent a motorbike, you are trapped.


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International licence should be fine provided it is current and valid for motorbikes.

Police here are "self-funding" and the whole system is arranged so money is raked in and funnelled upwards. This is not a Western developed nation.

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I agree if you driving a motorbike and comply with laws imposed by the Country of Thailand you are quickly check and on your way. Like said in another thread about driving in Thailand. If look decent, keep you and and the bike

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At the checkpoints motor bikes and oldish pick-ups are stopped. The police and volunteers are looking for fire-arms and drugs, and I believe mainly target Thai's. I have passed thru numerous checkpoints in the last month, and have always been gestured thru without having to stop, the reason being I am driving a newish car. Although I must admit, 1 grubby looking captain did ask me for a bath cheesy.gif

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The OP is way off the mark, have all your documents in place, wear a helmet and don't drive drunk no problems.

As for only stopping Foriegners or Tourists only - complete rubbish, how many of the 80 people stopped and arrested the other day on soi Nern Plab Wan were foreigners/tourists??

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I have been stopped dozens of time on a bike all over the country, full licenced so no issue.

Don't start me on the highway police, they are just theives in uniform.

On a return trip to Udon Thani, a distance of 1200 klms, I was stopped 13 times.

This isn't policing, this is harrassment of every road user & nothing to do with farang drivers.

I have worked out how to beat them, don't acknowledge anything they say & just grunt at them as if you don't understand Thai or English.

It is then all too hard & they wave you on.


Funny that, I've heard many stories like this but on my trips from pattaya to Khon Khen, an equally long highway drive, I've never been stopped (nor hardly ever seen a checkpoint). Maybe certain highways are more notorious than others. One sure cure would be to upgrade to a Merc or BMW :)

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On Khao Talo they stop Thai and foreigners. No discrimination against us. I showed my new m/c licence and was waved on my way. In fact I do believe they search more Thai m/c than they do with us foreigners.

Once you are legal I see no problems at all tbh.

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No problems on Khao Talo, usually waved on whether on bike (big) or car. I regularly drive between Phetchabun and Pattaya and never have a problem. Was nicked speeding some 5 years ago on a Bangkok flyover, paid 1k on the spot. My bad, no issues with that.

Get an IDP if you cannot get a Thai licence...best get an IDP and go get a Thai licence if you have the right visa, it makes life so easy here. Gets you into places at local rates too.

I do understand that others have regular bad experiences, but I wonder why I do not?

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The Op states that they will try anything to get a BATH from you ,well no police officer has ever asked me to give him a Bath. and i hope one never does .

Also in 7 years in Pattaya i have never ever been asked for a bribe ,only once have i been stopped when i made an illegal turn and i paid the fine next day at the police station ,also its not only tourists stopped ,its mainly Thais, personally i wouldnt let tourists ride m/bikes here ,most are worse than the Thai riders ,who at least know the rules.

Actually, th in Thai is pronounced as T.


The "TH" is pronounced as an "explosive T" at the BEGINNINGiof a syllable only! That's because Thai has also a "T" - sound that is in - between a T and a D in English. A "TH" at the end of a syllable does not exist in standard Thai - English transcription. So, A "Bath" is the one involving water, not currency.

Am I right or what!thumbsup.gif

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The Op states that they will try anything to get a BATH from you ,well no police officer has ever asked me to give him a Bath. and i hope one never does .

Also in 7 years in Pattaya i have never ever been asked for a bribe ,only once have i been stopped when i made an illegal turn and i paid the fine next day at the police station ,also its not only tourists stopped ,its mainly Thais, personally i wouldnt let tourists ride m/bikes here ,most are worse than the Thai riders ,who at least know the rules.

Or at least tourists should be allowed to rent only small bikes, not the 750 or more.

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You may not agree with the driver licence laws (for tourists and/or long-timers). You may find other road rules a pain in the axse. However, these are Thailand's laws and need to be followed by people who wish to visit or live here. Otherwise don't come !! Find some place you like the laws. Police with their thirst for tea-money are a corrupt breed and need to be called out; but the experience of 99.9% of people on bikes appears to be: if yr paperwork is fine, helmet on the head and vehicle roadworthy you are waved on - tourist or long-stayers !! Merci beaucoup.

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i see the comments here many times and i just laugh at the stupit people , even the comment "i showed my european driving license" thailand is not in the eu , wake up .

i have lived in thailand for 15 years , have thai license , full insurance ,government tax and never had any problem .

most of the idiots i see getting stopped have no helmet , no license and no sense . the big problem here is when you have a serious accident and have no license you will end up in jail

for a period of time and have to pay a lot of money as the insurance company will not pay out and the acident will be your fault as you have no license and should not have been driving

at all.

when will some people here ever learn , if you stay legal you will have no problems or a least very few .

stop trying to blame everything on someone else and act responsibily.

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The past week, I walk across 2nd Rd around 5pm at the Dolphin Circle police check and there are 10-15 people stopped standing waiting for??? Most of tourists that have rented the motorbikes. It seems that the Thais who rent these bikes out need to make sure the tourists have the proper papers and such.

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The past week, I walk across 2nd Rd around 5pm at the Dolphin Circle police check and there are 10-15 people stopped standing waiting for??? Most of tourists that have rented the motorbikes. It seems that the Thais who rent these bikes out need to make sure the tourists have the proper papers and such.

very good point most of the foreigners here rent the motorbike and just show eu license or even just a passport the rental shops should be fined for doing this . it would sure reduce the number of motorcycles around .

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to ride a motorcycle up to 125cc in UK even if you have a driving license you must take and pass a 'compulsory bike test' at your own expense this last for 2 years....so not all of Europe just allows anyone to jump on a bike just because they can drive a car....

I do agree with the above that people shouldn't be able to rent vehicles like motorbikes without showing they are capable and have the right paper work but then again it's down to the person doing the renting as well...

still at 500 baht it's a small fine to pay and if it keeps happening to people then perhaps the fine should be bigger as they haven't learned their lesson in the first place.

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In my 13 years in Thailand I covered more than 500000 miles driving by myself, I never experienced the Thai police being heavy handed with me. I run into check point at 3 in the morning, i roll down windows, and they just ask me to proceed. And all this while being Black and African. Some times I go to lampang and back to bkk the same day, I break the speed limit throughout the trips, I get the first speeding ticket issued and show it off at the next stop they catch me which elicits laughter and just caution to lay off the gas pedal.I have met checkpoint going south dead in the wee hours, and never been asked to park, I can remember how many times I have been asked for my DL.

I can t say for pattaya, but i ve been to it or through more than a hundred times, never been stopped. One day i was going home across the river in bangkok, to beat the lights I doubled the right turn line, the cop stopped me, I would have preferred to pay the fine on the spot, the cop shop in charge of toll way fines is a pain in the arse to get to. cops says he want 200, I say I could have paid 45 to get on the toll way and we would nt be having that converstion. I asked him that he would have to break the 1000 note i had and he would get a 100 out of it. he stared at me for awhile and broke into laughter and waved me on.

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