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Thais Urged Not To Panic Over Upcoming Solar Storms


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There is also something called a coronal mass ejection that is actual plasma, once spewed, it could theoretically hit the earth. Want to be on the day side for that. Nice and quick, night side will suffer quite a bit.

Good time for science fiction. What if there would be a huge solar storm which would destabilize the earths magnetic field. After this the solar wind could blow out at least the upper atmosphere layers. We would all be able to see some great Auroras and we would get a great tanned skins.

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a good time to buy a surge protecter thingy ?

Reading posts here I think it's much more an 'urge' protector to be a good thing rolleyes.gif

BTW search on thailand and 'surge protection' gives an awfull lot of info and (commercial) solutions.

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There is also something called a coronal mass ejection that is actual plasma, once spewed, it could theoretically hit the earth. Want to be on the day side for that. Nice and quick, night side will suffer quite a bit.

Good time for science fiction. What if there would be a huge solar storm which would destabilize the earths magnetic field. After this the solar wind could blow out at least the upper atmosphere layers. We would all be able to see some great Auroras and we would get a great tanned skins.

Terribly sorry, old chap. Been there, done that.

Over the last few years the SyFy channel has broadcasted a few TV movies where the American government fails, but luckily there are some bright, somewhat independent people who kick a_ss and provide the solutions. Even FEMA helps save the day, imagine wink.png

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Darn! Then the solar storm could amplify the cores magnetic field. This would start slowly magnetize every iron object in the world. First all the computers magnetic cards would stop working, then computer and at some point nobody could carry any objects witch are affected by all the magnets everywhere.

The funny part would be throw up copper plates, which would fall down very slowly. Even the water would be effected and in some parts rivers would flow upwards.

There must be some tingtong idea which has not been done yet :)

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Darn! Then the solar storm could amplify the cores magnetic field. This would start slowly magnetize every iron object in the world. First all the computers magnetic cards would stop working, then computer and at some point nobody could carry any objects witch are affected by all the magnets everywhere.

The funny part would be throw up copper plates, which would fall down very slowly. Even the water would be effected and in some parts rivers would flow upwards.

There must be some tingtong idea which has not been done yet smile.png

Close and similar "Impact" from 2008. A piece of a Brown Dwarf stricks the Moon, upsets the Earth-Moon equilibrium moving the two objects in ever closer orbits and scenes with cars, trains, ocean liners floating.


I think you have a better chance in finding the next prime number wink.png

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I remember that solar storms caused disruption in the my short wave radio receiver during the 1970ies

"Tourist" informs that solar storms are part of a cycle with a peak every 11 years...I thought it was every 12 years

I wonder if the regular black outs for a few seconds I notice on CNN during early morning hours are caused by those same solar storms

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Solar flares, oh boy!

What about asteroid 2012 DA 14? No need to warn about? Around 02.24 on February 16th it's fly by only 27,700 kilometers above Thailand. Surely it's mystic power and forces will influence all below :-)


Big difference. If that chunk of space debris hits us, we're all doomed. Either we die at impact or from the tsunami or will slowly starve to death as the earth's access to sunlight is cut off due to the resultant dust cloud. People would be too smacked about to panic. On the other hand, the solar storm disruption has the potential to cause panic as people would not be aware of the cause of the power and communication system disruptions. The advance warning of the solar activity gives time for businesses and government departments to implement contingency plans and to prepare.

In my case, I am adopting an end of the world protocol and will seek out suitable people for an end of times sexy event. I anyone wants to "get it on", PM me. wub.png

I should have added a smiley, my fault wai.gif

Mind you, I wasn't talking about this piece of rock slamming into your backgarden, or even creating a 'tunguska' event. I just wonder about the effects of (barely) watching this rock whirling past (barely since it'll move bloody fast). Long ago people would see it as a clear sign of the end-of-the-world, possible barbaric invasions (no, not tourists rolleyes.gif ). etc., etc. The 'long ago' sometimes seems 'not so' long ago, after having masterly avoided a Mayan doomsday event wink.png

PS wasn't it an enterprising (Dutch) man who was arrested in Pattaya for organising a party like you seem to have in mind tongue.png

Maybe it passes the same day as the temple verdict and sondhi leads a cellestial pillgrimage.

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I think you have a better chance in finding the next prime number wink.png

I must say I enjoy good aspersion even if it directed at me :)

Next ideas would be out of the scope of these events so I'll wait for the next North Korean nuclear test.

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I think you have a better chance in finding the next prime number wink.png

I must say I enjoy good aspersion even if it directed at me smile.png

Next ideas would be out of the scope of these events so I'll wait for the next North Korean nuclear test.

Now you maybe onto something biggrin.png

PS you'll excuse me for not writing out all 17425170 digits I assume rolleyes.gif

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So it will manifest itself as disruption to the mobile phone network, electricity supply and the internet?

And this is supposed to cause panic in Thailand? Just try using truemove for a few weeks....... Seems like these guys are trying reaaaaaaaly hard to get a budget of some sort.

A storm of the 1859 magnitude could black out the planet. A transformer takes 6 months to build, 2/3s of the population rely on electricity for drinking water. Humans can go about 14 days with out water, Savvy?

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I think you have a better chance in finding the next prime number wink.png

I must say I enjoy good aspersion even if it directed at me smile.png

Next ideas would be out of the scope of these events so I'll wait for the next North Korean nuclear test.

Now you maybe onto something biggrin.png

PS you'll excuse me for not writing out all 17425170 digits I assume rolleyes.gif

Nobody expects to write Bangkok's full name to the postcards, so that should be ok. Anyway it's here to be downloaded. I bet a small mistake on the digit would make some mathematicians absolutely mad :)


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So I should wait til after the solar flares to buy a new mobile phone?

When you phone is turned off at the time of impact you have a chance of the device surviving.

Large enough solar flares will cause EMP Here is a basic and understandable explanation(for merolleyes.gif). EMP for dummieslaugh.png


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Is it only me suffering from `We all are doomed` fatigue? I hear this flapdoodle time and time again, yet I still seem to be here.

Can I be the first to try and connect Thaksin Shinawatra with solar activity before the usual suspects begin their tirades...

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You think 99% of the Thai population have any understanding of what a solar storm or flair is?

I expect sales of suncream to increase.....

Oh no ... a complot by certain manufactorers who no doubt will immediately both create a shortage and increase price of suncreams, whitening creams and other magical potions which are essential to (some) Thai. In a way I'm still surprised that in one of the 'first year policies' the government only mentioned car and house but not these creams rolleyes.gif

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You think 99% of the Thai population have any understanding of what a solar storm or flair is?

I expect sales of suncream to increase.....

The real question is: "Do they really care about this?"

No, the real question is, :If it's that big, there is bugger all we can do about it."

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You think 99% of the Thai population have any understanding of what a solar storm or flair is?

I expect sales of suncream to increase.....

The real question is: "Do they really care about this?"

No, the real question is, :If it's that big, there is bugger all we can do about it."

It is not a question but a statementtongue.png .

Stillclap2.gif +1biggrin.png Mr. Mosha

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While talking about EMP's and solar flares / storm.

EMP I can understand in basic level. It's typically caused by neutron bomb exploded in high altitude. This will cause a huge neutron flow which will interact with metals which will cause the atoms to excite and therefore emit electrons, which will cause extra surge, which can heat up the delicate electronic parts and therefore destroy the electronic devices. Please correct if I'm wrong as it has been a long time since I checked the facts.

If the sun's flare would come directly to the earth, what would come from there? All the electro magnetic radiation would reach the Earth in 8.5 minutes. For the particles it will take an average of 3 days.

So what causes the problems to the electric devices and grid. What, how and why?

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While talking about EMP's and solar flares / storm.

EMP I can understand in basic level. It's typically caused by neutron bomb exploded in high altitude. This will cause a huge neutron flow which will interact with metals which will cause the atoms to excite and therefore emit electrons, which will cause extra surge, which can heat up the delicate electronic parts and therefore destroy the electronic devices. Please correct if I'm wrong as it has been a long time since I checked the facts.

If the sun's flare would come directly to the earth, what would come from there? All the electro magnetic radiation would reach the Earth in 8.5 minutes. For the particles it will take an average of 3 days.

So what causes the problems to the electric devices and grid. What, how and why?

What you need to understand is that an EMP is like any other electromagnetic fields in space (air). If you think about regular broadcast FM radio, that is a similar phenomenon (but at a significantly lower power). When FM radio waves hit the antenna on your car or portable radio, they are easily picked up by the antenna because it has a length that is close to one-quarter of a wavelength of the incoming signal (e.g. it resonates near the frequency that it incident upon it). Since the antenna resonates at the same frequency as the incoming signal, energy can easily move from the E-/M-field to the antenna, and into the wires connecting it to the radio's receiver circuit. Since they are well-matched, energy goes into the receiver, which filters the signal, mixes it and amplifies it, such that you hear the baseband information being broadcast (audio/music).

A similar thing happens with an EMP, except that the antenna is your household wiring, and the "receiver" is anything plugged into that wiring (TV, computer, refrigerator, alarm clock, etc). The EMP is a very high-intensity electromagnetic wave. The wires in your house act like the antenna, so when the EM wave is near resonant with some wiring in your house, the wiring acts like a good antenna... converting the electromagnetic field into a high voltage/current on your house wiring. By injecting very large voltages/currents into your household appliances, you will wreak all sorts of havoc. Typically you'll cause capacitors to breakdown (over-voltage), diodes to burn up (over-current), transformers to burn up (melted windings, over-current), and similar too-much-power related phenomena.

Source: http://www.edaboard.com/thread236085.html

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While talking about EMP's and solar flares / storm.

EMP I can understand in basic level. It's typically caused by neutron bomb exploded in high altitude. This will cause a huge neutron flow which will interact with metals which will cause the atoms to excite and therefore emit electrons, which will cause extra surge, which can heat up the delicate electronic parts and therefore destroy the electronic devices. Please correct if I'm wrong as it has been a long time since I checked the facts.

If the sun's flare would come directly to the earth, what would come from there? All the electro magnetic radiation would reach the Earth in 8.5 minutes. For the particles it will take an average of 3 days.

So what causes the problems to the electric devices and grid. What, how and why?

The issue is all the charge particles. Basically anything unshielded will absorb them. Think of the power grid as a real big antennae. All those lines collecting charge. Its also how electronics blow. The circuit gets a higher amp than its wiring / transistors / capacitor can handle.

Most of the time the earth's field deflects all that to the poles creating Auroras for us northern latitude folks.

There are times the field tips and lets it all in, or gets compacted and if several CMEs are inbound ... can be an issue. There was one large scare in Quebec last solar maximum.

So ... its all about the billion-ish tons of ejected plasma, not the UV etc from the flare.



edit: looks like another posted got answer in first lol

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My question is more about what is coming from the Sun which is effecting the wiring and the grid?

We have the SOHO, which is 1/3 (Uups, I made a big mistake here. It's actually located only 0.01 AU from the Earth, which changes lot's of the text..Sorry) of the distance to the Sun compared to the Earth. SOHO can detect the flares and also the particles which are coming towards to the Earth. There are several Aurora watches, which warn about possible solar storms few days before those hit to the Earth.

This would suggest that what effects to our grids is not electromagnetic radiation, which would reach our planet in just few minutes by traveling with the speed of light. It's something else what causes the grids to go down.

Therefore it's more of charged particles, than EMP which have the effects here. What are the charged particles actully?

The charged particles hit everything. When those hit to water it's simply absorbed and transformed to local heat.

When the particles hit to the metal atoms, regardless of the wavelength, metals excite and emit electrons, which take the lowest energy potential way and follow the wires. When there is enough of this, there is a lot of surge/movement on the wires, which is heat and therefore the surge will fry the connections which are the weakest links?

Edit: SOHO is pretty close to the Earth and therefore it can predict the solar activity only by what electromagnetic activity it can detect..not the physical particles.

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