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Swedish Woman Wanted For Fraud Is Hiding In Thailand


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A short cut to extradition, and has been done in many other cases by a number of countries, is being looked at by public prosecutors in Sweden.

Cancel her passport.

cancelled passport = being in Thailand illegally = deportation


Proficiat; you think like a lawyer: well done ! ! !


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OMG thank the Lord no one is Pointing in that photo.

I'm glad I haven't eaten yet.

Although the swimmers look like the 'Fat Trapping' model the shape is a stark reminder of what is out there.


Correct me if I am wrong; is she not simply the female equivalent of x.% of farang in pattaya/thailand? So she is not Miss Universe either

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Thais must be puzzled. After all what crime has she committed?

I'd suggest you paint yourself dark grey luvvie, and have a Plaster of Paris proboscis made up. Get your husband to feed you the occasional banana and you'll merge in just fine.

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If you can’t do the time, than don`t do the crime. Or do the crime and then be prepared to stay in Thailand for the rest of your life, living a life of ease and plenty on the ill gotten gains.

They say beauty is only skin deep. You would have to do a lot of digging to discover any beauty within this individual. Prison food would be of benefit to this woman, perhaps help lose some of that huge excess fat.


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Swedish authorities have been practising selective justice in recent years, particularly when it comes to extradition requests.

The controverisial Julian Assange case is but one example - regardless of what one thinks about Wikileaks, one has to admit that the Swedish government's extraordinary efforts to extradite Assange for "questioning" in an allaged case of "sexual assault", in which he was accused of having consensual sex with an adult Swedish woman when his condom broke, and accused by another of having sex with her when she was asleep (!) after a week of consensual sex, have been truly bizarre. The orignal prosecutor refused to touch the case, but the government's close ties to the American government resurrected the case, which is still on hold as the Swedes refuse to question Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has been given asylum.Then there is the recent case of one of the founders of Pirate Bay, who was whisked out of Cambodia and sent back to Sweden in a New York minute, even though Sweden has no extradition treaty with Cambodia. There has been a lot of speculation about how that went down, though it remains speculation for now. In this case, I see from the original article in the Swedish tabloid EXPRESSEN that the alleged embezzler is a member of the Swedish conservative party, as is Swedish Prime Minister Fredrick Reinfeldt. Swedish politicians of all parties are firm believers in professional loyalty, particularly towards fellow party members, and the government has already found excuses for not pursuing this case as robustly as, say, the cases against Assange and Pirate Bay. Indeed, the prosecutor told EXPRESSEN that it might "take a year" to negotiate with the Thais - doubtless meaning several tax-payer paid trips to Thailand for further negotiations with the Thai authorities .:)

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