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~~ Movies That Make Men Cry~~


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Hello guys,

I was watching movies with my flatmate at home last weekend, I was crying during the movie.

That brought me a question like what are those movies that could make men cry. ( not moan!)

Name me some from your experience. Thank you!

My list ( I am super girly) :o

- Jerry Mcquire

" You had me at hello"

- Forest gump

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Well I usually do not cry, but one time I almost cried when Rambo

got shot down in the helicopter.. That was sad.

But really , at times I get something in my eye watching animal movies

You know , like lassie or some such .

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Without hesitation, "Alien4".

When Sigourney Weaver kills her alien "boy" at the end of the movie. The determined look in her eyes and the imploring look in the eyes of her "son" when he is sucked out of the ship, killed by his own mother,...

Still crying while writing about it,...

How ruthless women can be when you do not meet their expectations,... :o

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I just watched “Torque” at the cinema. I honestly can’t remember watching such a bad movie. It was so awful that I nearly cried.

In the end people were driving their motorbikes so fast that shop windows were breaking. I mean, what the ###### is that about? :o

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I just watched “Torque” at the cinema. I honestly can’t remember watching such a bad movie.

It's a comedy isn't it :D a friend dragged me to watch it and haven't laughed so much in ages - must admit was tempted to get a motorbike taxi home, however wasn't clad in leather :D

I have a male friend (really blokey) who gets teary when he watches Moulin Rouge (also hates the fact I know that :D )

My tear ducts have a mind of their own - always cry at An Affair to Remember, that end scene gets me every time :o. Also can't control the tears when I watch Babe :D

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jaysus...bunch of ignoramuses...what about Kurosawa's Ikiru, Ozu's Tokyo Story, tough guy John Ford had some good moments in Stagecoach (death of John Carradine's gambler), the old miner's farewell to Curtin in Huston's Treasure of the Sierra Madre...tears of rage and terror in most of Bergman's golden period (the priest's loss of faith illustrated in Winter Light).

I might be more lachrymose than most but I sure do watch better films than you guys...sheesh...

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Guest IT Manager
Stepmom fo' sure

I find at age 67 (will be 68 in May, God willing) I cry a lot in emotional movies.

Guess it's ok since I have happily married, do NOT have to impress anyone,and can let my emotions loose.

Ken Bower

Veteran Human Being

Hi Ken..often wondered if I would lose the part of me that my wife appreciates and my kids don't understand, in a few years... seems not. Good.

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Men crying??????? Scratching head here over entertainment thing. Did they take some estro before watching or not????


You are right, Dave.

What a bunch of sissies,...

Let's go out like real men do.

If a fight comes our way, we are ready, we're the MEN.

And nobody worries, we use our fists, we use our feet, we fight like men.

We never use weapons, we never use the knife that we always carry we us.

We do not need it, it is just there for the warm feeling it gives us.

Remember ladies, that's what men are all about "All brawn and no brain",... :o

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Oh we're on tears of laughter now are we?

Hmm, It would have to be Aurthur 2 (on The Rocks) Dudley Moore (God rest his soul) is wonderful.

Some of his best lines include...

MAN IN CAR: 'You have to be the most annoying man I have ever met'.

AURTHUR: (pause) Do I have to?

LINDA: (Wiping away tears) 'The doctor said, he said I couldn't have children'.

AURTHUR: 'That really sucks Linda, you would have made a great mother....

...Oh well, at least we don't have to have sex anymore.'

This doesn't do it justice, you have to see it.

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The bridge of Madison County,

not only a good movie, also great soundtrack ever!

"Soft winds whisper sweet words to my luv,

Soft winds tell him the dream i'm dreaming of

He's gone too long, i'm on the blue sea

Find him, soft winds and bring him right back to me!"

-Dinah Washington sings that.

it's oh so jazzzzzy!


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