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Why Are So Many Farangs So Dirty

Blue Unicorn

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Funny topic I know but I guess it must annoy other westerners too. Since living in Thailand and now returning every year on holiday I notice something every time about so many of my fellow country men.....they are so dirty and ignorant !

Ever been to the swimming pool and watched as the guy sits for three hours sweating like a pig and then jumps straight in the pool without showering :D

Guess they can't read basic signs that clearly say " for the cleanliness and enjoyment of all of the customers...please shower before entering the pool.

Or the guy who gets up and comes straight out to the pool from his bed, stinking and dishellved and uses the pool for his daily shower !!!

or the guy who just jumps in right next to you as you are quietly doing your lengths in the pool and swims right across you, even though there is a big pool for him to swim in.

Or the fat pot bellied yobs roaming down the Bangkok streets with nothing but a pair of shorts on pouring sweat and walking into hotel lobbies and bars :D Then you have the ones that scream up the road to each other, swearing and shouting like cheap thugs.

No class, no respect...completley ignorant. :o

I sometimes wonder what is wrong with the western people. arrogance, stupidty or just a basic inferiority complex that they compensate with a yobby attitude. Infact they are inadequate and have a need to feel bigger than they actually are ??

Makes me ashamed sometimes to be a westerner. I am glad we are not all like it and maybe if we spoke out more, the scum element might actually wake up and realise you get little or no respect for being a slug.

And don't get me on the topless bathers who disregard Buddhist culture and ignore the fact that nudity in public places is considered very disrespectful. :D

I believe you have to have a licence for a dog in most countries...maybe as dogs behave genuinely better than most slobs, we should bring in a law for a licence for them :D

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Well, it's bloody cold in Europe right now and I don't feel like I would enjoy a daily shower here, although I would stink less.

When Mr. tourist arrives in Bangkok he does not realise he needs to clean the sweat off from time to time, that simple.

And I never saw a topless bathing beauty around Chumpon's beaches :o

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Funny topic I know but I guess it must annoy other westerners too. Since living in Thailand and now returning every year on holiday I notice something every time about so many of my fellow country men.....they are so dirty and ignorant !

Ever been to the swimming pool and watched as the guy sits for three hours sweating like a pig and then jumps straight in the pool without showering :D

Guess they can't read basic signs that clearly say " for the cleanliness and enjoyment of all of the customers...please shower before entering the pool.

Or the guy who gets up and comes straight out to the pool from his bed, stinking and dishellved and uses the pool for his daily shower !!!

or the guy who just jumps in right next to you as you are quietly doing your lengths in the pool and swims right across you, even though there is a big pool for him to swim in.

Or the fat pot bellied yobs roaming down the Bangkok streets with nothing but a pair of shorts on pouring sweat and walking into hotel lobbies and bars :D Then you have the ones that scream up the road to each other, swearing and shouting like cheap thugs.

No class, no respect...completley ignorant. :o

I sometimes wonder what is wrong with the western people. arrogance, stupidty or just a basic inferiority complex that they compensate with a yobby attitude. Infact they are inadequate and have a need to feel bigger than they actually are ??

Makes me ashamed sometimes to be a westerner. I am glad we are not all like it and maybe if we spoke out more, the scum element might actually wake up and realise you get little or no respect for being a slug.

And don't get me on the topless bathers who disregard Buddhist culture and ignore the fact that nudity in public places is considered very disrespectful. :D

I believe you have to have a licence for a dog in most countries...maybe as dogs behave genuinely better than most slobs, we should bring in a law for a licence for them :D

To say this is a bit of a generalisation would be an understatement methinks... :D

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Having lived in Thailand for twenty years, owned four houses and been married there, I think I am probably a bit more than a tourist. As for toples bathers...........try the Islands. It ain't our country and a bit more respect might not go a miss.

As for showering........I thought keeping clean was a basic thing we all learnt as kids.........respect for others is obviously not what alot learn and you can tell that from the state of the Uk at the moment...what a dump !

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Having lived in Thailand for twenty years owned four houses and been married there, I think I am probably a bit more than a tourist. As for toples bathers...........try the Islands. It ain't our country

and a bit more respect might not go a miss. As for showering........I thought keeping clean was a basic thing we all learnt as kids.........respect for others is obviously not waht alot learn and you can tell that from the state of the Uk at the moment...what a dump !

Did you get out of the wrong side of bed today?

Take an aspirin. :o

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So let me get this straight. You have nothing better to do than follow these idividuals around and check them out. Do you have a sweatometer or some kind of smellometer that you point at these people. Do they mind that your standing outside their room listening to find out if they showered before heading to the pool.

Seems to me that there might be other avenues of relaxation for you to find. But if smelling fat farang and measuring sweat is your cup of tea then have at it. :o

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So let me get this straight. You have nothing better to do than follow these idividuals around and check them out. Do you have a sweatometer or some kind of smellometer that you point at these people. Do they mind that your standing outside their room listening to find out if they showered before heading to the pool.

Seems to me that there might be other avenues of relaxation for you to find. But if smelling fat farang and measuring sweat is your cup of tea then have at it. :o


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I agree with the OP. A few factors I see at work here:

1) From taking one shower a day back in the home country, to taking 2-3 showers a day is quite a new adjustment to life style. Granted, it's gotta be done in a tropical climate. Otherwise, how can they stand their own smell?

2) Some of the most ill-mannered people I come across are tourists--in ANY country and from ANY country. The attitude is "I'm on vacation, and I don't care a rat's arse about what people think!" (or smell). Years ago, I got sick of being at the same hotel swimming pool with liberated naked Europeans in Israel who were in their own little exhibitionist worlds, oblivious to the shame and indignation they stirred among some of the Palestinian and Arab staff. It was so rude and disgusting, I switched hotels. To make it worse, the "naked types" seldom have anything really worth showing except layers of fat and wrinkles (otherwise, maybe I would have stayed :o )

3) The other group are long-time expats who think they're in a total "other" category of non-accountability to the human race. They're thousands of miles from all they once knew, and think they can run their own show on their own terms. (Before they moved here, they were probably tourists who fit the #2 description).

I agree; these people give other westerners who try to be culturally-sensitive (or at minimum, socially compatible with civilization in general), a bad name.

And as for...

But if smelling fat farang and measuring sweat is your cup of tea then have at it.

...don't be presumptious. The stink and appearance are invasive, not needing to be sought after.

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But if smelling fat farang and measuring sweat is your cup of tea then have at it. :o


To the OP, I think you'll find that these "dirty farang" you're talking about are predominantly tourists... the long termers usually recognise the need (both socially and hiegenically(sp?) for frequent bathing/showers.

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...I think you'll find that these "dirty farang" you're talking about are predominantly tourists... the long termers usually recognise the need (both socially and hiegenically(sp?) for frequent bathing/showers.

You haven't met some of the expat social drop-outs we've got up here in Isan who live back in the sticks on some rice farm, and don't bother showering before coming into town to eat next to your table at KFC. They smell like what you're eating before it was slaughtered--still in the barnyard. :o

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Who cares, I seriously doubt the locals are losing any sleep over it.

In the LOG (Land of Gossip)? Don't kid yourself. That's why they're talking fast (and giggling) in their local dialect within your earshot! :D

Granted they're not losing any sleep, but the stinky naked farang (and the rest of the farang world by association) is sure a butt of their jokes! Take a language course and hang around for awhile. :o

In the same breath I would like to compliment my Thai friends as generally having a very, very high standard of personal hygiene. I've traveled in over 40 countries (spanning a broad spectrum of hygiene), and most Thai society seems to be near the top of the hygenic list. Not easy in a muggy (and sometimes dusty/dirty) environment.

I'm not anti-farang (gosh, I "R" one!), or trying to be more "Thai-than-Thou", but stinky, unkempt farangs outnumber the Thai 10-to-1, in my embarrassed opinion. That goes for BKK as well as upcountry.

Not often will you find a website repulsive and hilarious at the same time, but don't miss this while we're on the subject of Cretin Farangs: Good Will Pirate-Hunting. Be sure to scroll to the bottom picture :D

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Now let me see.................

I've brushed my teeth and gargled with Listerine................

I've rolled on my underarm deoderant........

I've splashed on some after-shave lotion..................

I've powdered my balls...................

I've put on fresh clean socks...............

I've cleaned my fingernails..............

I've taken my indegestion tablets so that I don't break wind or burp................

That should do it.......

I can now confidently walk along Pattaya Beach and know that my own scent will not overpower the smell from the sewer outlets. :o

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Now let me see.................

I've brushed my teeth and gargled with Listerine................

I've rolled on my underarm deoderant........

I've splashed on some after-shave lotion..................

I've powdered my balls...................

I've put on fresh clean socks...............

I've cleaned my fingernails..............

I've taken my indegestion tablets so that I don't break wind or burp................

That should do it.......

I can now confidently walk along Pattaya Beach and know that my own scent will not overpower the smell from the sewer outlets. :D


Thank you. I just printed out your checklist and posted it on my bathroom mirror....(don't forget flossing).

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Who cares, I seriously doubt the locals are losing any sleep over it.

I'm not anti-farang (gosh, I "R" one!), or trying to be more "Thai-than-Thou", but stinky, unkempt farangs outnumber the Thai 10-to-1, in my embarrassed opinion. That goes for BKK as well as upcountry.

Not often will you find a website repulsive and hilarious at the same time, but don't miss this while we're on the subject of Cretin Farangs: Good Will Pirate-Hunting. Be sure to scroll to the bottom picture :o

Not sure if I get your drift here, or if you're being obtuse or don't look at this forum often where this was already up for debate - twice.

I can only see one guy with a local, and they seem to beroughly the same age.

So, who is the cretin farang?

I find it quite offensive that people's photos have been plastered on the internet for whatever reason, insinuating (in your case more than that) that they're old geezers with young pros. These are people from every walk of life.

Ok, mate - dare you to post your own photo - see how a legend like you stacks up against these guys.

may I ask again: So, who is the cretin farang?

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Funny topic I know but I guess it must annoy other westerners too. Since living in Thailand and now returning every year on holiday I notice something every time about so many of my fellow country men.....they are so dirty and ignorant !

Ever been to the swimming pool and watched as the guy sits for three hours sweating like a pig and then jumps straight in the pool without showering :D

Guess they can't read basic signs that clearly say " for the cleanliness and enjoyment of all of the customers...please shower before entering the pool.

Or the guy who gets up and comes straight out to the pool from his bed, stinking and dishellved and uses the pool for his daily shower !!!

or the guy who just jumps in right next to you as you are quietly doing your lengths in the pool and swims right across you, even though there is a big pool for him to swim in.

Or the fat pot bellied yobs roaming down the Bangkok streets with nothing but a pair of shorts on pouring sweat and walking into hotel lobbies and bars :D Then you have the ones that scream up the road to each other, swearing and shouting like cheap thugs.

No class, no respect...completley ignorant. :D

You'd be talking about the English tourists wouldn't you?

They sweat a lot because there not used to the heat.

They don't use pools in England cause it's too bloody cold, so therefor don't know pool rules.

They can't read so forget the signs posted around the pool.

They love roaming around the streets, especially around 2am looking for a keebab.

They always scream up the road and act like cheap thugs. Isn't that what they just do?

Love ya Geezas....really! :o

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Now let me see.................

I've brushed my teeth and gargled with Listerine................

I've rolled on my underarm deoderant........

I've splashed on some after-shave lotion..................

I've powdered my balls...................

I've put on fresh clean socks...............

I've cleaned my fingernails..............

I've taken my indegestion tablets so that I don't break wind or burp................

That should do it.......

I can now confidently walk along Pattaya Beach and know that my own scent will not overpower the smell from the sewer outlets. :D

Well, you will certainly attract a lot of attention walking along Beach Road wearing nothing but socks and Johnsons Baby Powder.

But I don’t think many people will be checking to see if your fingernails are clean!

Perhaps you should review your Checklist!?



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Not sure if I get your drift here, or if you're being obtuse or don't look at this forum often where this was already up for debate - twice.

Tell that to the OP

I find it quite offensive that people's photos have been plastered on the internet for whatever reason, Ok, mate - dare you to post your own photo - see how a legend like you stacks up against these guys.

may I ask again: So, who is the cretin farang?

Did my post strike a sensitive chord? Lighten up old buddy!

I put in a few smiley faces and warned you it was repulsive. So why did you go look? Caveat Emptor. :o

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Or the guy who gets up and comes straight out to the pool from his bed, stinking and dishellved and uses the pool for his daily shower !!!

...Yeah Ugggg....and then he leaves all that white stuff floating about on the top of the water :o

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Now let me see.................

I've brushed my teeth and gargled with Listerine................

I've rolled on my underarm deoderant........

I've splashed on some after-shave lotion..................

I've powdered my balls...................

I've put on fresh clean socks...............

I've cleaned my fingernails..............

I've taken my indegestion tablets so that I don't break wind or burp................

That should do it.......

I can now confidently walk along Pattaya Beach and know that my own scent will not overpower the smell from the sewer outlets. :D

A comprehensive checklist - but is this in addition to, or instead of taking a shower? :o

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Ok, mate - dare you to post your own photo - see how a legend like you stacks up against these guys.

Our avatars will have to do.

Notice yours, the greasy, dirty hand...


the pristine, white figure? (and the teeth even appear to be brushed?)




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Sweating is one thing, stinking is another. I've walked into air conditioned bars many times, only to be met with very heavy body odor from other farangs. If they were supposed to smell like that, God would have given them antlers.

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I've taken my indegestion tablets so that I don't break wind or burp................

In order to properly fit in it is highly advisable to immediately stop taking those indigestion tablets. Farting and discussing farts, and other bodily functions, is a national past-time in this country, especially by people of the female persuasion.

I believe only India beats Thailand in the issue public farting, and that by far...

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I've taken my indegestion tablets so that I don't break wind or burp................

In order to properly fit in it is highly advisable to immediately stop taking those indigestion tablets. Farting and discussing farts, and other bodily functions, is a national past-time in this country, especially by people of the female persuasion.

I believe only India beats Thailand in the issue public farting, and that by far...

China . . . During meals . . . :D

Not sure if I get your drift here, or if you're being obtuse or don't look at this forum often where this was already up for debate - twice.

Tell that to the OP

I find it quite offensive that people's photos have been plastered on the internet for whatever reason, Ok, mate - dare you to post your own photo - see how a legend like you stacks up against these guys.

may I ask again: So, who is the cretin farang?

Did my post strike a sensitive chord? Lighten up old buddy!

I put in a few smiley faces and warned you it was repulsive. So why did you go look? Caveat Emptor. :o

I'm not buying anything, thanks anyway.

It didn't strike a sensitive chord, the site you mention is simply in bad taste - imagine your photo plastered there and ridiculed. Not nice.

I'll lighten up - it's so bloody hot though.

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I can sympathize with OP, however bit of a cruel streak running through his comments.

-pretty much common sense you need take 3-4 showers a day. I suppose our odorous fellow farang are just plain lazy.

Concur 100% Brit... and are maybe just a wee bit ignorant (or possibly uncaring) of the effect it has on others... :o

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At risk of being so firmly on the fence that my ar$e is full of splinters, I can see both sides here. I get embarrassed by the antics of farang (esp. Brits) who get publicly, loudly and offensively spannered, to the inconvenience of others, and I particularly squirm when I see topless bathers/sunbathers, for the obvious reasons.

However, to the many who take the rise out of Brits in shorts and T-shirts etc - please remember, the weather in Britain (we don't have a climate) is such that to wear shorts etc is a real pleasure, to be enjoyed whenever possible. And yes, as we are in rain/snow/wind for 10 months of the year our legs and arms are pasty white and look faintly ridiculous, resulting in overcooking in the sun when possible.

We don't all behave badly, get tattooed and strut up and down the road singing "Engerlund, Engerlund, Engerlund". Some of us conduct ourselves properly. And some of us even wash (sometimes).

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I can sympathize with OP, however bit of a cruel streak running through his comments.

-pretty much common sense you need take 3-4 showers a day. I suppose our odorous fellow farang are just plain lazy.

Your kidding me, right?

3 or 4 times a day? If I tried to do that I would be thrown out. Wasting water and not being on location and working the _whole_ day.

And everyone seems paranoid with natural smell. God forbid anyone would ever suspect you of being human.

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